Shorty Got My Head Gone (31 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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"I think I want one more drink then I'm done," I spoke out loud mostly to myself.


He looked up at me then back down at what he was doing "Ain't you supposed to be driving," he asked


"Yes but I stay just around the corner I'll be fine,"


"No I don't think so,"


I gave him a look then laughed "Boy you is not my daddy I do what the fuck I want,"


"Shut up I'll lock yo ass in this car and take yo ass home right now," he says licking the blunt.


"You don't even know where I stay,"


"Well I'm just trying to look out for your safety, you don't need to be drinking like that,"


I smiled at him because that was his first time saying something nice to me "Aww how sweet, now spark that blunt up."


He gave a light chuckle grinning as he sparked up the b, shaking his head.


I tilted my head to the side staring at him "You know you kinda cute when you smile"


He blew smoke out his mouth "So you saying I'm not cute when I don't smile,"


"No I'm just saying I ain't never notice how adorable your smile is since you never smile, you always looking mean and shit,"


He passed the blunt to me "Well I ain't never notice how beautiful you were without that blonde weave in yo head," He gently grabbed one of my curls with the tip of his fingers "I like this new do on you, it nice," he stated admiring my hair.


I placed a strand of hair behind my ear, shyly looking away blushing hard as fuck. I don't know why I was blushing so much but I couldn't help myself. Not wanting him to see me blush, I got on my phone acting like I was texting.


We sat in the car in silence as we finished smoking the blunt, vibing to the music.












Chapter 25




"Damn bro you were right that mothafucka the feds, they bust off in my warehouse as soon as I moved all my shit. Thanks for the heads up, but Imma kill that fucking snitch nigga," Black roared out of anger while we were standing on top of a rooftop of our old apartment building we grew up in as kids, that's been abandon for the past 10 to 12 years.


Standing under the dusky blue sky, it was 5 am and Black had just gotten out of jail not even 20 minutes ago. two o'clock in the morning the feds had bust in all of his traps raiding his warehouse, his trap houses and all his other local businesses he got on the side. Luckily for me they ain't find shit.


After I dealt with that pussy ass nigga Cboii, I met with Black and told him about Cboii meeting with the feds and to move all his shit and cancel any nearing transactions he had in place. He moved everything right on time before the feds hit and had to let him out once they took him in because they didn't find shit. If it wasn't for me it would've been it for him, he was going down doing big time.


"Calm down nigga just don't make any type of moves now cause they pissed they couldn't find nothing on you, they know you run this shit and once the FEDS get involved they want to bury a nigga so just calm the fuck down and keep ya fucking hands clean, don't make no big transaction no none of that, lay low for about three months you good bro,"




"Three months," Black sneered "I got to go make up for this deal I canceled because of this shit 3 days ago and you talking about some 3 months. I'm already missing out on my money. The fed ain't stopping shit."


I shook my head "Man bro you act like you really going to be missing out if you lay low for three months’ nigga. That won't be hurting shit. You can get out the game right now and be set for life. You being too greedy, that’s where niggas fuck up dog.


"Nigga you know damn well it's not my time to leave this shit. I plan on taking over the whole west coast, it's a long way till then and till I'm out the game."


"Nigga the way you moving yo ass going to get locked up way before you even get that far homie. Look I'm not saying get out this shit, have somebody take over while you go off somewhere and cool down. You too hot right now you got to think smart."


"Man who can I trust after this shit and you talking about taking over. Hell naw once I leave the scene that other nigga going to try and take over and I'm not having that shit, this my empire and I'm the king." he pounded on his chest with his balled fist.


"If you the king you wouldn't have to worry about that shit. . . Just listen to me bro because the only person you can trust is me and God right about now. Just lay low and get off the radar, you too hot. Focus on your other businesses or invest in something else to still make bread. You have options or end yo ass up in prison because boy you slippin," I shook my head thinking of the fact he almost lost everything thing he had going on because he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings.


"I wouldn't have to worry about investing my money if I was still part owner of the club,"


I chuckle shaking my head "Man never, you already know you fucked that up bruh."


Me saving his ass; right when I gave him the heads up I made him except 1.5 million dollars from me to sign over his ownership on my club. He acted like that was a problem and didn't want to do it but he didn't have no fucking choice. He signed it over with no lawyers involved and now there is only one owner of 323, yours truly!


"It's cool, fuck that club I'm not even worried about that, I'm still trying to see what’s up with your uncle tho," he rubbed his hands in a circular motion.


"I got in contact with him and waiting for him to hit me back. But just letting you know again my nigga ain't no guarantees," I said lying to him. I never did get in contact with my uncle and don't think that phone call ever going to be made.


I just know my uncle not going to conduct business with my bruh without me and I'm just not about to do that, I already don't have to deal with his shenanigans at the club any longer and I'm not about to deal and get caught up in this shit. Even though I'm a street nigga at heart and will kill a nigga if I have to, I'm trying to leave that part behind me if I can, and I am. If you getting it like I am ain't no reason for that, because you do that to get where I'm at, living the lifestyle I'm living.

Me and Black chopped it up for a few more minute before exiting down and out the building parting ways. I hopped in my car and headed home. When I pulled up the driveway notice Ashley car was parked, which wasn't here when I left and that was just an hour ago.


I wonder where her ass been
, I thought to myself. I didn't know but I sure was about to wake her little ass up and find out.


I parked my car next to hers and got out. I walked inside the house and went upstairs to my room. Deciding before I wake her I was going to take a quick shower. Taking a 15-minute shower I threw on some black and red basketball shorts and a black tee some black socks and some black Jordan slippers.


I walked out my room and went down stairs down the hall to Ashley's room. Her door was slight crack, so I knocked on it before I let myself in. Walking in I see Ashley and her friend Keira both was knocked out under the covers sleeping all peacefully and shit, but they just don't know they’re up for a rude awakening. Even though Ashley almost 18, she's not grown yet and still have to follow the simple rules I set in my house because of the fact I'm her legal guardian and she still apart of the system, if anything happens to her it’s on me. She not about to be out here loose as a goose thinking shit all fun and games and come in any hours of the night. No not here, her curfew set for11 o'clock on week days and two o'clock on weekends, and if she spending the night somewhere give me the heads up, simple. Even though we might not see each other throughout the week, every night when I make it home I make sure she's here safe and sound.


I sat there for a moment figuring out how I wanted to wake them up. They going to be mad at me because they got in after 4.30 and its now 6:15. I turned on the beatbox Bluetooth speaker and connect the Bluetooth to my phone turning the volume up to the capacity. I went to YouTube and looked up some heavy metal rock music. Randomly clicking on any video, I click on the video with the title Top 10 best screams. Playing the video heavy metal music with the guy screaming, blasted through the speakers. Immediately both of them shot up out their sleep with a frightened look on her face looking around trying to see what's going on. They both looked up at me confused covering their ears.


"Cut that shit off, what the hell you doing Poppi," Ashley shouted through the loud music.


I paused the video laughing my ass off. You can tell by the looks on their faces they're shocked but mad as hell at the same time.


"What the hell Poppi, ain't shit funny. What is you doing in my room?" Ashley asked with an Attitude.


"To wake y’all ass up,"


"For what," she snapped.


"What’s up with you walking in my house after four o'clock in the morning, Where the hell y’all been," I scanned, checking the both of them.


"I know he ain't talking to me, I'm grown," Kieara mumbled rolling her eyes.


I smack my lips "I'm talking to yo ass too," I sneered "Where the fuck y’all two been all night till five o’clock in the morning,"


Ashley sat Indian style, slouched over with her elbow placed on her thighs and her head in her hand "Went to a party why does it matter," she rolled her eyes in a drowsy way.


"Don't play hard in front of your little friend now,"


She smacked her lips and rolled her eyes " I just asked a question?"


"You playing dumb tho, you know why it matter, your curfew at two o'clock and you didn't tell me you was going to no party,"


"Do I have to tell you everywhere I'm going, plus it was just around the corner Poppi, Dayum!"


I looked at her like she was crazy "you better correct that tone, and hell yea you my responsibility" I pointed at her "and is my job to make sure you safe at all times, you coming in after two is not flying with me,"


"Alright Poppi, I'm sorry I be sure to tell you next time. Now can we go back to sleep?"


I furrowed my eyebrows crossing my arms over my chest "Now you spending the day with me and I'm about to leave in a minute, so you need to get yo ass up and get dressed,"


She dropped her lip "Do you know what time it is, I hardly got any sleep and me and Keke have plans today."


I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders "I don't give a fuck about none of that, and not any more but she can come along though,"


Kieara plopped back on the bed pulling the covers over her face "Hell nawl!" She said.


"I don't want to go with you,"


I chuckled, "You have no choice now get the fuck up and get ready I'm leave in 30," I demand before walking out closing the door behind me.


Waiting in the living room, I was sitting on the arm of the couch texting on my phone before Ashley walked up with Kieara following behind her with Louis Vuitton bag in her hand. Ashley had on some black Adidas sweat pants with lime stripes and Adidas shoes to match and a black shirt with her in a bun.


Kieara had on some pajamas pants with some slippers and a white tee.


"I'ma bout to take her home before we go," Ashley said pointing at Kieara with the keys in her hand.


"It's cool I can take her, y’all ready." They both nodded their heads. I got up from the arm of the couch and walked passed them, as they were following behind me. I opened up the front door and they proceeded to walk out ahead of me.


"I see you bailing out on us," I told Kieara shaking my head as she walked passed me out the door.


"I'm sorry," She started scratching her scalp with her index finger "But hell yea. I been up a whole 24 hours, a bitch gotta get some rest, I don't got time for this y’all tripping. . . Good luck boo boo," She said tapping Ashley on the shoulders.

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