Shorty Got My Head Gone (34 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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"Yea water would be fine, that's it thank you,"


I went to the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water from out the fridge then walked back to my room. I closed the door behind me and walked over to Dwayne handing him the bottle of water. "Thanks," He said screwing the top off the bottle taking a swig.


I sat down on the bed and propped my feet up next to him. He looked down at my feet then back up at me.


"I ain't never notice how ugly your feet were till now," He laughed


"Nigga my feet not ugly," I said trying to kick him


"Man don't touch me with them ugly ass dogs you got,"


By him talking shit I tried to kick him again. He moved so fast trying to get away he end up spill water all over his pants over his crotch area.


I start laughing and pointing at him "That what yo ass get, it looks like you pissed on yourself," I teased.


"Man you see what you made me do," He looked up in shock.


"So what that what you get for calling my feet ugly. God don't like liars; my feet is pretty ass fuck,"


"Well he must don't like you because you a lie,"


I was about to kick him again "Alright, alright I was just playing, you got some pretty feet just do not touch me with them"


"You know what fuck you Dwayne," I laughed picking my book up placing it on my lap.


"I'm just playing for real though, but shit I can't work like this I gotta change pants I be right back," He stood up from the bed.



"Your bout to go all the way home just to changed," I asked giving him a baffled look.


"Naw Man I got a pair of pants in the car I be right back," He said walking the door looking down fixing his pants.









I decided to stop home since I was around the way, to see if Ashley was there before I went to go holla at my boy Dee. I been trying to call her phone to let her know her social worker Ms. Brown just called and she wanted to meet with us earlier tomorrow because she going on vacation all next week and want to get her visit in early.


Her phone kept going to voicemail and I wanted to remind her just in case I forgot. As I pulling up in front of my house I see an unknown dark grey impala in my driveway. I'm pretty sure Shorty got some company, I just hope it's one of her home girls and not no nigga in the house. I trust she ain't that stupid.


I walked up in the house and tried to call her phone again but it kept ringing going straight to voicemail. She ain't answer so I decided to go to her room. While walking down the hall to get to her room I see some little nigga coming out of Ashley room Zipping his pants.


Instantly I was furious. I can't believe she fucking a nigga in my house. I walked up on little homie without him even noticing me. "Who The fuck is you nigga," I barked stepping up on him


He looked up muggin "Nigga what. . . ." before you could even say anything I just knocked his ass out cold. Ashley ran out the room looking around in shock, then looked down at the nigga knocked out.


"Oh my God Poppi what you do" she ran to the guy aid squatting down trying to help him get up. He moaned coming back to conscious. She looked up at me pissed off but I didn't give a fuck, she got me fucked up for even trying to bring a nigga in my house.


She got up and pushed me "What the fuck Poppi, you see what you just did,"


"I don't give a fuck why you got niggas in my house,"


"He's my study partner" She yelled.


"Fuck that," I shouted getting in her face with my nose flaring "Get that nigga out my house now," I snapped.


She just stared at me with a perplexed look on her face. I wanted to slap her ass for trying. I stood there staring at for a second then walked off going to my room. I was to mad and need to get away before I hurt them both. The fact that she was probably fucking that nigga in my house had my blood boiling and I need to control myself.







Poppi snapped. I ain't never seen him this upset, the look in his eyes kinda scared the shit out of me. I didn't really care though because I didn't do nothing wrong and he went off for no reason. I hate the fact he put his hands on my company, that shit ain't cool at all. Even though he might be pissed, I'm pissed just as much.


I went back over to Dwayne trying to help him up grabbing him by the arm. He snatched his arm away getting up by himself. I looked at his face to see he had a dark purple bruise on the left side of his face with a small split in the middle. I felt really bad this happen.


I grabbed his chin tilting it to the side to get a better look "I'm so sorry Dwayne but you going to have to put some ice on this quick,"


He roughly grabbed my wrist pushing my hand from out of his face "Move I'm out," He said pushing past me.


"Dwayne please wait," I called out for him "Dwayne!" I shouted.


He ain't stop or nothing he just kept walking. I quickly ran to the kitchen grabbing an ice pack out the freezer and a clean kitchen cloth from out the cabinet. I ran out the kitchen and to and through the front door trying to catch him before he left. I ran up on him as soon as he got to his car and hopped in the same time in got in.


As soon as I got in I turned to him "Dwayne talk to me," I begged him while he cranked up the ignition.


"Ashley get the fuck out of my car," He shouted at me.


"No I'm not about to let you leave like this and not until you talk to me," I yelled back at him.


He put the car in reverse "I'm bout to drive the fuck off, now get out."


"Nope, and I'm coming with you now drive off."


Getting silent he placed his hand on the steering wheel looking straight head out the window flexing his jaw, then looked back at me "What is there to talk about, I just got knocked the fuck out, what you want to talk about huh," he sneered.


"You acting like I'm the one the that did it, I'm just trying to help you out and see if you good I... ."


"I don't need your fucking help girl, what the fuck is this shit" he snatched the ice pack out my hand " I don't give a fuck about that, so you might as well get the fuck out my car and tell that nigga I'll see him,"




"I don't care how you feel, I'm not going anywhere. Look I'm so sorry that this happened to you I had no idea Poppi was going to flip like that, I don't know what had gotten into him. . ."


"The fuck Poppi? What that's yo nigga," he questioned getting pissed off by the second.




"Who the fuck is he then. . .. he supposed to be yo brother," he questioned once again.


"No. Yesss. . . He's my legal guardian," I halfway lied. Even though he's not my real brother I still consider him as one, he looked over me like Baby would and the one person that I know now without a doubt going to always have my back and be there for me. I mean come now this man done saved my life more than twice in the last three months alone and I really do thank God for Poppi. I love him just like a brother and true enough he is my legal guardian, so it shouldn't matter if he's my real brother or not, it is what it is.


Dwayne stared at me not saying a word. I hoped he didn't catch my no I said when he asked if Poppi was supposed to be my brother, so I continued to talk, "Look I'm truly am sorry Dwayne all of this is my fault I should've asked permission from my brother first if you could come over to study. He had no idea you were here and actually thought we just got through fucking when he seen you coming from out of my room. I never in a million years would've expected him to just knock you out like that. I promise you I wouldn't even invited you if I would've have known that and that's on my mama. I don't know what the fuck gotten into him. I'm just so sorry you gotta believe me,"


He leaned back in his seat leaning his head back against the headrest then turned to look at me "I put this on my granny Ashley and I hope she's burning in hell if I'm lying, If I would've had my gun on me I would've killed yo brother right in front of you, then probably had to kill you too," He pointed his finger to my forehead.


He looked like he was dead ass serious, probably so but I'm going to bypass that little comment, he's just really upset at the moment. I smiled then bit down on my bottom lip "I'm not worried about that," I softly spoke.


He gave a quick chuckle "Oh you not worried huh,"


"Nope," I said popping the P then smiled, "Look on the real though I like you, probably not when we first met but that changed over the time I really gotten to know you and I know you feel the same. I don't want your feelings to change towards me over this, I'm sorry for bringing you into this and I hope you forgive me. I feel like we're friends now and I don't want to lose you as one and don't want you to be mad at me Dwayne," I grabbed a hold to his hand and poked out my bottom lip "You mad at me," I asked with puppy dog eyes.


He chuckled shaking his head "Man you a trip but now I'm not mad at you it just. . . damn the nigga really knocked me out though" He rubbed his hand down his face.


I giggled "Don't worry you still cute though," I caressed the side of his face.


He faced me then licked his lips "You like me huh?"


I shyly smiled looking down, grabbed the ice pack out his hand then gently place it on his bruise cheek while I examine his face "Yea," I simply replied.


He stared deeply into my eyes before reaching over planting a kiss on my lips. Embracing his kiss, I slightly opened my lips taking in his top lip, passionately kissing. We sat there kissing for a couple more seconds before he pulled apart from me staring into my eyes once again "I like you too," he said before going back in for a kiss.


By him being such a great kisser, he sucked me in and I deepened the kiss. While kissing something told me to open my eyes and through my peripherals I see Poppi coming out the house walking towards the car.


I stopped kissing, "Fuck," I whispered.


"Ashley get yo hot ass out that fucking car now," he yelled quickly pasting his way towards the vehicle. I look over to see Dwayne Pulling a gun from the side of his seat.


"Dwayne no," I screamed grabbing his arm trying to get the gun from out his hand. "Please no let's just go," I yelled.


I looked up seeing Poppi getting closer and closer to the car.


"Let’s just go," I yelled at Dwayne once again and with that being said he put the car in reverse slamming his foot on the pedal. He shot out the driveway and took off down the street.


My heart was beating fast while I was trying to catch my breath. Shit was about to get too real. I don't know what the fuck wrong with the both of these niggas. They both bout crazy and about to give me a heart attack.


Dwayne drove around the block a few time before dropping me back home. I had to calm him down once again before I would let him drive on back home. He let me out by the street and I had to walk all the way up the long driveway. I walked in the house and immediately search for Poppi. First I check the living room and the kitchen, no trace, then I went up to his bedroom. I bust through the door mad as hell shouting out his damn "Poppi. . . Poppi,"


He came out the bathroom looking mad as well. I ran up on him, "Poppi what the fuck wrong with you why would you do some shit like that,"


"You fucking that nigga," He asked ignoring my question.



"Is you fucking that nigga in my house," he shouted in my face.

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