Shorty Got My Head Gone (8 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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She was about to say something but I stopped her before she can get a word out.
"And one more thing little girl, that’s going to be your last got damn time disrespecting me and I put that on my momma shorty, I don't know what you think this about but I'm a grown ass man and the last one  that going to be putting up with a disrespectful ass teenager. Now you better check that shit because you still going back to my crib and I'm not about to put up with that stank attitude of yours. Do you understand me?" I asked yelling at her. She didn't say anything
"Do you understand me Ashley" I shouted.
She looked up at me. "Yea I understand."
I looked back at her "Good."
I was really upset. The rest of the ride back to my house was silent. I pulled up to the driveway and parked the car. I was about to get out until Ashley grabbed my hand to stop me.
"Look, I'm sorry ok," She said not giving me eye contact.
I looked down at her and shook my head. "Yea whatever," I said then got out the car. She was still just sitting there looking down at her lap. I walked around the car to the door on her side.
I opened the door. "Get yo ass out the car" I demanded.
She didn't say a word. She just unbuckled her seatbelt and and stepped out the car making her way up to the door with me following behind her. We made our way into the house. I quickly ran up the stairs to my bedroom to grab some things and headed right back out the door. I was in a rush because I still needed to go back to the club and handle some business with a very important possible client and I wasn't trying to fuck it up.
next morning
I was on the phone talking with Kiara telling her about the incident that occurred the night before. I had a lot of shit on my mind and just needed someone I could vent to.
"You know what I think," she asked over the phone
"I think you are really tripping hard for no reason, I mean come on now give the guy a break. So what if you feel like he left you hanging.  He left for a reason. You need to just get out your feelings because it seems to me he really cares about yo ass girl."
"Yea I know but..."
"No buts, you just need to forgive that man and that's that, you're making it too deep then what it really is."
I got silent for a second, I was marinating on everything she said just now. She was right. I know I can be really stubborn at times and I was just in my feelings. I was going too hard on Poppi and all he really wanted to do is be here for me. Even though he wasn't there for me then, he had his reasons and I shouldn’t fault him for that. He had to do what he had to do and I really don't blame him anymore.
"You know what, your totally right," I said "I really need to apologize for being such a brat."
"Uh more like a bitch."
I started laughing "shut up, but yea you're right I was acting like a little bitch."
"Yea I know I am."
"But I still don't know if I want to stay here with him or not."
" Bitch let me take yo place then. Yo ass really tripping. Yo ass in Beverly Hills staying in a fucking mansion. Bitch you got it good. I wish I would."
"Keke you crazy," I said laughing at her silly ass.
"What? I'm just saying some real shit tho. You need to take advantage of the situation. Shit yo ass out selling dope I bet if you ask him for some money he will give it to you. You just fucking up Ashley."
"I'm not trying to ask him for no money tho."
"Bitch you crazy, shiiid I would" She shouted through the phone.
"Well you and me is two different people," I said before there was a knock on the door.
"But aye girl I’ll call you back k. "
"Iight you better call back too," she said
"Iight iight I am bye," I said before hanging up the phone.
I ran to the door and opened it. It was Poppi.
"If you hungry I got a chef out there cooking some breakfast. Whatever you want he will make for you" he announced.
"Ok, Thank you I be out there in a minute."
"Alright," He said before he turned around to walk off.
"Poppi wait, can I talk to you real quick," I asked
He turned back around facing me "What's up."
"Look I just want to let you know that I forgive you, and I understand why you did what you did. I was just really in my feeling and wanted to continue holding this grudge towards you. I'm not no more. I really appreciate it and thankful for you be you being here for me now, because if it wasn't for you, I would probably be dead right now. I'm sorry for the way I been acting and hope you find it in your heart to forgive me Poppi, for acting like a little bitch. “I said sincerely
He stood there for a second not say a word then a grin plastered across his face.
"You know I can't stay mad at you for long Shorty, & I'm just glad you forgive and realize I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm just trying to show you love ma. That's it. “He said while placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Now can I get a hug," He asked bring me into his arms
"Yea," I said while wrapping my arms around his stomach, hugging him tightly.
After we hugged, I was about to walk back in the room. He stopped and asked me did I need anything before he headed out and I told him some clean clothes so I can take me a shower. He walked off and came back 5 minutes later handing me some light blue skinny jeans with plain white crop top.
"So you just got women clothing laying around your house like that" I asked while looking at the outfit he gave me.
"Yea a whole closet full of it," he said. I scrunched up my eyebrows giving him a funny look. "Ha-ha don't worry they not mine, they my fiancés," he said with a smirk on his face.
"Oh my bad, I forgot you had a fiancé," I said feeling stupid.
"Naw you good, y'all about the same size so I figured you can fit her clothes."
" Yea we the same size," I said looking at the tag on the back
"Good, but umm you going to need your own shit, though. After you bathe, get dress and eat I'm taking you shopping" He said while handing me his black card. "I’m have a driver waiting out in about 35, 45 minutes so hurry and get ready," he said.
"Wait you not taking me?" I asked.
"Naw I have a couple errands I need to run. The driver’s name is Mike; he will take good care of you. "
"But I don't know Mike."
"Don't worry you going to be good," He said heading towards the door.
"Please Poppi please would you go with us. I'm not going to feel comfortable riding around with a man I don't know. Please!" I begged.
He smacked his lips. "Damn man alright. Just hurry up and get dressed. I got to go handle something real fast."
And with that being said I hurried and took a shower, and got dressed to leave


Chapter 9
As soon as we left the house, I had my driver Mike drop me off at the club. I had an important meeting with Valerie Bihet, editor-in-chief of Vibe magazine. Vibe will soon be having their 10th annual awards show and wanted to meet with me on the possibility of throwing their 10th annual After Party at club, 323.
See this was something huge, and the most important meeting I had since he been back in Cali. Booking her as a client and having this party at my club is a very good look. The club would have a bigger popularity rating, so that means more media and a larger clientele with the top dogs in the game. This was a huge opportunity and not booking her wasn't an option.
Right, when we pulled up to the club I ordered Mike to go take Ashley to get something to eat while I was in the meeting. She didn't get a chance to eat breakfast back at the house because I was in such a rush to get to the meeting on time. I didn't get a chance to meet with Valerie the night before so it was very important that I wasn't a minute late.
I hopped out the car and entered the building. Walking into my office, I saw Valerie and Jason, my manager of the club, seated at my desk. They stood up from their seats and greeted me as I'm walking.
"Hey boss, this is Valerie Bihet the editor-in-chief of Vibe Magazine" he announced introducing her.
She extended her hand out "Nice to meet you I'm Emmanuel Gonzales the owner here of 323" I said shaking her hand.
"Nice to finally meet you Mr. Gonzales," she said while smiling shaking my hand back.
"It's finally nice to meet you to Mrs.Bihet"
"I've heard lots of great things about you, As the owner of  one of the hottest nightclubs in Los Angeles right now, I just didn't expect you to look so young and handsome, you mind telling me your age," she asked glancing over my whole body. I couldn't tell if she was checking me out or not.
I blushed at the compliment. "I'm 23 mam, and yes that's what we're all about, unexpected pleasant surprises," I told her with a grin on my face.
"Oh is that right," she asked smirking.
"Yes that's exactly right, that's why 323 will be the perfect place for you to your event,” I said while turning around walking behind my desk. We all took a seat.
"Well I think that for me to decide Mr. Gonzales, and I'm not going to lie to you guys I'm also looking at a couple other clubs in Hollywood. I'm just trying to weigh my options and go with the best."
"Well I'm sorry to tell you Ms.Bihet but you're wasting your time meeting with them because we are the best" I confidently replied back...
She squinted her eyes at me, trying to read me.
"Alright let me see what you got," she said.
After we finished up with the meeting, I knew for sure it was a win. We had her really wrapped up and interested in our ideas, creative decor, and all the things that were going to make this such an amazing event. She was sold and loved everything we came up with. My manager Jason really came through because he was the one to really help book her as a client.
We wrapped everything up, Valerie said her goodbyes and left the office. I and Jason were excited with how well the meeting went. We cheered for a quick second and he soon left the office. I stayed back to go through some files and schedules of meeting I had scheduled throughout the week. As I'm sitting there, my office phone rang.
"Hey, boss it's some girl down here looking for someone named Poppi, talking about he's the owner of the club," Jason said through the phone.
I laughed to myself because he was probably wondering who the hell is Poppi?
"Alright I be right down," I said then hung up the phone.
I finished what I was doing and went downstairs to the club. Ashley was sitting at a table by herself.
"Hey, what you doing," I asked.
She jumped, almost jumping out her seat “Damn boy don't be scaring me like that" she said while patting her chest. "You almost gave me a heart attack."
"Haha my bad my bad, I didn't mean to scare you," I said taking a seat across from her.
"You good just don't do it again, make some noise or something."
"I won't, but you straight tho, did you eat?" I asked.
"Yea I'm straight, I went to Denny's and got some breakfast. I was just sitting here waiting admiring your club, it's really nice" she said looking around.
"Thanks, we put in a lot of work to make it look like this."
"Well y'all did an amazing job. Its look good but the club look so different during the day time."
"Well that what we want it, to transform at night, that why it’s called a night club Shorty," I said joking with her.
"I'm saying it still look nice it just look different Gosh," she said then start chuckling. “But this here is pretty dope tho. I wouldn't expect you to be so successful like this and shit. Owning your own nightclub and living in mansions and shit, three cars man you...."
"Naw got 7" I interrupted correcting her.
"Well damn see nigga you rich as fuck."
I start laughing out loud at the face she made when she said that. She also started laughing. She still had that same laugh where she scrunched up her nose softly laughing that seemed so fake. I always thought it was cute, though.
"I see you still got that fake ass laugh of yours," I said to her
"What! It is not fake, that just how I laugh, I’m so serious."
I start laughing again "That's what be so funny because I know you be serious."
"Shut up Poppi, and you used to be the main one to say something about it, I used to get so mad."
"ha-ha yea I remember that, I said thinking back during those days
"yea but hey who's that guy, he have a weird accent," She asked snapping me out my thought
"What guy."
"The guy who called you down, oh man you should have seen his face when I asked for you, he didn't know who the hell I was talking about."
"Oh you talking about my manager Jason, yea he's from London."
"Oh yea that’s what up, he fine as hell and the accent is sexy on him, mmm," She said biting down on her lip.
I scrunched up my face and raised up an eyebrow 'the fuck' I thought to myself. For some reason, I didn't like her looking at a guy like that.
"You better calm yo hot ass down, not in front of me," I said
"What," she asked then start laughing as if was a joke, but I was dead ass serious. "Poppi, chill it's not that deep,” She said still laughing.
"I'm serious Ashley not in front of me," I said giving her a serious look.
"Damn, alright then'' she stopped laughing but still had a smirk on her face.
"Yea ok, anyways you ready to head out," I asked her while standing up from the table.
"I was waiting' on you. “She said, standing up from her seat.
"Iight' go to the car I be out in a second," I said while walking off. I went to the bar where Jason was at to tell him I was headed out."
"Ayo bruh I'm about to headed out, I’m take off for a few days, I won't be coming to the club tonight or tomorrow night, I know we’ve only been open for about a week now but I know you can handle everything around here and I trust you. This meeting today was impressive and I got to give it to you for pulling everything off. Nice job." I said while dapping him up.
"Thanks, boss I really appreciate it. I told you me working for you, 323i going to be the one nightclub in the country, after this party we going to bigger and better things. We going to start having parties for Vogue, Jay Z and Beyoncé', BET. I'm telling you it don't stop here," He said getting excited about the possible opportunities.
"I knew I hired you for a reason, and so far you’ve proven me right. Let's get this money" I said dapping him up again before walking off.
I knew I could trust Jason and I leaving him in charge while I'm gone wasn't a problem for me. He knows exactly what he’s doing and if he didn't, he wouldn't be here. I find the most qualified workers so it won't be that much work on me. I want to have a franchise of nightclubs around the country. I already have one in Atlanta and in California but I also want one in Las Vegas, Miami, and in New York.
I just sit back and make the money most of the time. No hard labor on my part, I'm the boss. I just make sure everything goes smoothly.
I hopped in the car and slammed the door behind me. I turned to my side to see Ashley texting on a little flip phone. ‘What the well' I thought to myself. I started giggling.
She looked at me and said "what's so funny."
I grabbed the phone out her hand. "So we bringing back flip phones now, is you serious?"
"Man naw, my fuck ass ex-boyfriend broke my iphone4 and now I'm using Teeko little extra phone she had. “She said while grabbing the phone. “But shit it's better than nothing."
"Why you ain't just ask me to buy you a new phone," I asked.
She looked at me then rolled her eyes, "Poppi I really wasn't trying to ask you for shit, but now since it's no more beef between us, and since you asked. Please can you buy me a new iPhone 4, please cause this shit won't work!" she begged hold her hands together.
"Man girl, I swear you a trip," I said while laughing.
"Hey you asked."
"Man you know I got you, I was going to buy you a phone anyways, I knew yours was fucked up," I said, “So where you trying to go shopping at."
"Umm either forever 21 or H&M, it really don't matter tho as long I'm getting some new clothes I’m good," She said as she started back texting on her phone.
I looked at her and shook my head. I was just sitting there thinking of all the shit she been through. If it wasn't for me she probably would've been homeless on the streets somewhere, or worse dead.
That's some fucked up ass shit her family put her through, and I wish I would've known she was going to go through all that, shit would've been way different.
"Soooo," she said looking at me snapping me out of my thought. "I don't really want to ask or anything, but umm I was just wondering, how many outfits can I get."
I looked at her shaking my head. "Shorty you can have anything you want'' I said smirking. “My pockets long, like you said, I'm rich as fuck," I said. “And that Black card you got is unlimited, I'm about to take you on a shopping spree."
She squeaked looking at me excitedly "Seriously" she asked.
"Yea, seriously, I got you shorty you going to be straight."
She didn't say nothing but it was all over her face, she was really excited.
"And fuck forever 21 Imma take you to some of the places I shop at," I Said.
She looked at me with a weird look “Where you shop at? All I seen you in his suits."
"That's because I'm a businessman, and this suit right here is Armani, a 1,100 dollar suit ma, and the suit I had on yesterday was Gucci," I told her. Her eyes slightly got wide.
"So you going to buy me some Gucci? Some real Gucci, I ain't never had real Gucci."
I scrunched up my eyebrows "so you saying you had some fake Gucci."
"Yea," she said like if nothing was wrong with that "I had two Gucci bags and a wallet I bought from the alley in downtown."
"Ashley really, I haven’t known you to ever wear something fake. Your parents and Baby always bought you the name brand shit that was never fake."
"Well after my brother died I couldn't afford no real Gucci and I wanted a Gucci purse bad so I didn't care if it was knock off."
"If you can't afford it don't act like you got it by buying fake shit, that shit for the birds ma for real."
She looked down shrugging her shoulders "well I guess."
I shook my head " Well you don't have to worry about that no ‘Mo, because from now on no more fake shit,  you only rocking with the best. "
I ordered Mike to take us back to Beverly Hills, we're going shopping on Rodeo Drive.
It's was 7:30 pm and we just made it in the house. We been shopping all day and surprisingly I was exhausted. We went everywhere. Poppi took me shopping at all the hottest stores from Gucci, Loui Vuitton, Chanel, and Ralph Lauren. We went everywhere and I'm so thankful for Poppi taking me shopping. I couldn't wait to go back to school and show off my new fits if I ever go back.
He also took me to radio shack and bought me an iPhone 4, and IPad and a laptop. He made sure I had everything I needed and much more. He kind of spoiled me today and I'm not about to front I was loving it.
I took my bags straight to my room and immediately got out something comfy to wear. I got out a pair of shorts that had the word 'PINK' on the back and a plain white spaghetti strap. I got out my new bombshell Victoria secret body wash and went to take a 45 minute shower.
I washed my hair in the shower so now it's in its natural kinky curls.
I finished up with my hygiene and went back to my room. I started hanging my clothes up in the closet putting everything away.
I was sitting on the bed folding up the rest of my clothes to put in the dresser when I got a text from a 678 number. I didn't know who the fuck it was because I never seen a number like that before, where the fuck could this be? I wondered.
When I open up the message, it was from Poppi.
(678) 220 - 0555: Yo this Poppi, store this number.
Me:  ok
(678) 220 - 0555: come out and eat something, the chef is here what you want to eat?
Me: alright I be right out.
I was starving so I just left the rest of the clothes on the bed, I will finish up after I eat. I walked into the Kitchen seeing this older black man with an apron and a chef hat on.

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