Shorty Got My Head Gone (6 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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"That’s my fiancé," I replied

''She's beautiful,"

''Thank you,'' I said while cracking a smile.

"So where is she," Ashley asked.

''She's in the military stationed out there in Germany right now." I replied. ''She will be coming back to the states in a couple months and stationed here in Cali."

"Ohh ok cool," Ashley said bobbing her head up and down. She scanned the room with her eyes then walked to the couch plopped down. ''So tell me, how in the world you can afford a house like this?" she asked me.
I went on telling her what happen when he was in the army. When I was at war I accidentally got injured by one the U.S army equipment. Instead of filing a huge lawsuit the military just paid and gave him 100 thousands in settlement and an extra 15k so they can discharge me.
When I got out the army I invested my money from the settlement and bought a nightclub in Atlanta Georgia. He made over 20 million in the first year. After the huge success of the club in Atlanta he decided to branch out and opened up another club here in Los Angeles California, his home town that just had its grand opening Last Night.
Ashley’s mouth crept open “that was your club we was at last night? She asked, shocked.
"Yes that's all me, I'm the owner of 323" I said while sitting down on the couch next to her.
''Speaking of last night, how the hell you get in without I.D" I asked with a serious face.
"Oh, I had a fake I.D" looking down at her hands.
I just shook his head and chuckled a little. Ashley cracked a small smile.

"What" Ashley utter with a raised eyebrow.
''So you going to tell me why I found you sleeping on the streets shorty"
I woke up with Marcus sitting on the foot of my bed staring at me with an angry glare in his eyes, scaring the living crap out of me
"Marcus'" I Yelled while holding my chest ''Oh my God why you scared me like that, and how you get in here."
''Your mom let me in what the fuck happened to you last night Kieara" he asked with a serious tone.
I smacked my lip and rolled my eyes "I decided to go out with the girls, I just wanted to have a good time before break ended" I said.
''Nigga did I tell you I didn't want you going out last night, you was supposed to come home to me not going out to no 21 and older club dressing like no thot."
I cut my eyes at him "Thot?? Nigga never, my outfit last night was very classy and tasteful thank you very much" I said while standing up out the bed.
He stood up roughly grabbing me by the neck pinning me on the bed. He had both his hand around my neck choking me.
''I don't want to hear all that, See you testing me Keke, going out to clubs dressing like a hoe, seeking other men’s attention huh" He said in a calm but tense voice still grabbing my neck with his tight grip " I swear on momma grave if I found out you're cheating on me again " he said then squeezed my neck even tighter.
I tapped his hand signaling that couldn't breathe. He then let go.
''Nigga get the fuck off of me" I said while pushing him off me. ‘‘You really tripping right now Marcus you need to leave'' I yelled out.
''Baby I'm sor-"
''Now" I yelled out with tears fall from my eyes.
He grabbed my face then roughly kissed me on the lip. I yanked my face away.
"Leave Marcus" I yelled pointing to the door.
He looked at me with a blank stare with his nostrils flaring up and teeth clenching together. He looked at me for a few more seconds then headed towards the door.
''I be back" he said then walked out the door.
I plopped down on my bed weeping. I was really getting tired of Marcus and his ways. I loved him so much but his possessiveness was pulling me away from him.
Marcus wasn't always like this. He was the sweetest most caring boyfriend I ever had. He still is when he wants to but his possessiveness gets in the way. He changed when he caught me cheating on him. Well technically I didn't cheat.
IT was with a guy named Robert who liked me that went to my school. One day after school I was waiting on Marcus to pick me up. While I was waiting me and Robert was just having small convo when out of nowhere he thought it was Ok to kiss me and at the moment Marcus pulled up.
That kiss broke Marcus heart into a millions pieces. He snapped and ever since then he couldn't trust me like that. I kept trying to tell him
that ole boy kissed me but he didn't believe me. He thought I was cheating on him with Robert. But I wasn’t Robert kissed me and me not knowing that was going to happen.
Ever since that day Marcus became a totally different person that I was slowly starting to hate. And I don't know how much longer I can take him.

I can feel myself growing angry after Ashley told me how her night ended. I was also kind of heartbroken because a part of me felt like it was my fault. I wasn't there to protect her like I felt I should have been.
So I promised myself from this point on, I was always going to be there for her and protect her like Baby would want me to. I will never leave her hanging again. She needs me at this moment and I'm going to be here for her every step of the way.
"You staying here with me now" I told her while standing up. "And come on show me where that bitch nigga stay."



Chapter 7
''Wait hold up, I don't know about all that'' I said while standing up from the couch.
''Know about what" He asked with a confused look on his face.
''I don't know if I want to stay with you or not, matter of fact I don't and I'm not" I said while brushing past him.
I didn't want to stay here with Poppi for many reasons one was, I ain't trust him.
He turned around to look at me. ''What you mean Ashley, you don't have nowhere else to go"
''Who said I don't got nowhere go" I asked putting my hands on my hips ''I mean I do have friends'' I said talking about Kieara and Teeko.
''And where were these friends when I found yo ass sleeping on the streets"
I scrunched up my face and folded my arms together. He was really about to piss me off. I felt like he was trying to play me out about my friends when I just sat here and told him everything that went down last night.
''Man I told you I was stranded, the buses stopped running and my phone messed up. How the fuck I was supposed to get in contact with them huh" I shouted at him pissing me off.
''First off all little girl, you need to lower your voice while talking to me and second I'm just trying to help you out and keep you sa...." I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.
"Naw nigga what you need to do is get me the hell up out of here and drop me off to my home girl Teeko house" I said while pointing my thumb to what I thought was the front door. “All I need from you right now is a ride" I said with a serious look on my face.
He sucked his teeth and gave a small chuckle. "You so got damn stubborn shorty, always have been.
"So, and" I mumbled, rolling my eyes and neck at the same. He took a few steps closer to me raising his hand out.
"Aaaand I'm just trying to hel..."
''And you need to back up off me ok, I don't need your help, you wasn't there then, I damn sho don't need your ass now" I shouted looking at him up and down while taking a few steps back.
I was mad at the fact he act like he care now. Knowing damn well he really don't, because if he did care he wouldn't never disappeared out of my life after my brother died.
He stood there giving me a stern look ''Fuck it, whatever you say shorty, I’m' back up off of you then" he said while throwing his hands in the air in defeat.
"Good" I said rolling my eyes at him. I turned around and was about to head towards the door until he grabbed my arm turning me back around to face him.
"But I swear if I catch you back on these streets...”
"What" I shouted cutting him off again.
"Nothing, you gone see" he chuckled while letting my arm go.
"Whatever my nigga" I mumbled while turning back around headed towards the door.
Right when I was about to open up the door to head outside I heard him yell out stopping me.
"Wrong door"
I turned around giving him a confused look "what"
''Wrong door, nigga that ain't the front door, that’s another room you're headed in" He said pointing to the door I was about to open.
"I knew that" I lied not wanting to feel stupid.
He smacked his lips "Yea right, I hear ya" He chuckled knowing I just lied. ''hit that corner down the hall is the front door."
I rolled my eyes and headed toward the front door with him following behind me. We hopped in his white on white 2013 Ford Mustang and drove off his private lot, headed toward the freeway. We was on our way to L.A so he can drop me off at Teeko’s house. We was just sitting there in awkward silence.
''I'm serious tho" he said breaking the silence not taking his eyes off the road.
"Serious about what" I asked looking at him raising one eyebrow.
He looked at me for a second then turned back focusing his eyes on the road. ''Before I drop you off anywhere, first you got to show me where that pussy ass nigga stay" He demanded speaking about Tyrone.
I looked at him and an evil grin plastered across my face. Hell yea, now that's one thing I wouldn't mind Poppi helping me with. Fucking Tyrone ass up!!
I still couldn't believe that nigga cheated on me, put his hands on me and kicked me out his house. I was getting furious just thinking about everything that had happen and wanted Tyrone to pay for everything he did to me. He was supposed to be the love of my life, the nigga I planned on marrying one day.
How could I be such a fool and fall in love with a guy like him? Well the guy I fell in love with was nothing like that, he was sweet, caring, and loving towards me and was the only person there for me after my brother passed away. But this nigga now is the same bastard I met back when I was in the 9th grade. A pussy nigga and I hated him with all of my soul.
But I guess I wasn't such a fool and I thank God I ain't never gave him all of me. Ha-ha yea I ain't never say we had sex. I'm still a virgin. One thing about it I still had some morals that my brother taught me. Before he passed away he used to make me promise him to wait to have sex until I was married. I knew that wasn't going to happen because I'm extremely sexual so I told myself I was just going to wait till I was eighteen. And Tyrone was going to be that guy I was going to lose my virginity to.
Tyrone never really tripped off me being a virgin. He was actually very understanding and used to tell me he was going to wait till I was ready. I mean yea, he tried to have sex with me a couple times but it seemed like he really didn't care about it. He loved eating pussy and all he cared about was pleasing me. That's all we did sexually, make out, hunch, and him giving me the best head ever. That's why I loved him so much. He never pressured me into having sex with him. But I guess what they say is true, if he ain't getting it at home he's getting it from somewhere else.
"Vernon, a couple blocks from the bus stop you picked me up from" I said with the evil grin still on my face. Tyrone deserved to get whooped on by Poppi and I couldn't wait to see it. But first I needed answers.
We pulled up to Tyrone’s Apartment building. Luckily for him he wasn't there. I know one thing Poppi was going to whoop that ass out. Tyrone, he can fight and all but I see Poppi fight plenty of time with my brother. And Poppi got those knockers.
We hopped in the car and pulled off. We were headed west towards Teeko’s house. I wasn't sure if she was home so I asked Poppi to use his phone so I could call her.
"Yo who dis be" Teeko said answering the phone.
"This Ash"
"Where you at bro I been trying to call you all day, you know the Police came to Kieara house looking for you right" she said. My heart dropped.
"What, what they say" I ask nervously.
"I have no idea man, Keke just called looking for you and told me. We been calling yo ass all day"
"My phone broke"
"How that happen, you good"
"Yea I'm good but long story, I tell you when I see you. Where you at, you home? I need a huge favor" I ask.
"Naw ma I'm in Palmdale right now with the bro, won't be back home till tomorrow tho" she said.
"Damn Teeko" I said putting my hands over my forehead.
"What Ash, what's going on with you" She asked with a worried tone.
"I need a place to stay. I have nowhere else to go Teeko"
"Damn foreal" she said then paused. I didn't say anything " you should have' said something earlier I won't be back home until tomorrow. Your straight till then” she asked
I looked over at Poppi shaking his head.
“Yea I guess I'll be straight. I’ll call you tomorrow" I said before hanging up the phone.
I turned around looking back at Poppi still shaking his head.
What" I asked
"So damn stubborn"
"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes.
"Yea whatever" He said while looking at the time on his clock. " where you want me to drop you off at little girl"
"I guess you can take me back to your crib, I have nowhere to go tonight , she won't be back in town till tomorrow" I said annoyed at the fact that I have to go back to his crib.
He gave a small chuckle " You a trip you know, but whatever you say, I guess you're going to have to hang with me all day because I won't be going back to the crib until later on tonight."
I didn't say anything I really didn't want to hang with him all day but I guess I had no choice.
"You hungry" he asked.
I shook my head yea. I was starving and I'm glad he asked.
"What you want"
"Ingot" I replied
After I took Ashley to get something to eat we headed Downtown in L.A, where my club was located at. I had to take care of a few things at the club before it opened later on tonight. We pulled up to the back of the club thirty minutes later. I was about to get out the car when I saw Ashley not moving.
"You staying in the car" I asked with a confused look on my face.
She pulled down the sun visor to look at herself in the mirror. I could tell she was feeling some type of way from the bruises on her face.
"You still look beautiful shorty" I said trying to make her feel better about herself. Even tho she really was beautiful to me. She wasn't that nappy headed little girl I remember and when I saw her last night in the club I was surprised that it was her.
She was the only person that caught my attention last night and it was a lot of bad females there. But when I saw her I had to do a double take. She was sexy as hell and I was admiring her beauty but when I got up close to her and realized it was Ashley I was shocked as fuck and I had to punch myself for looking at her in that way.
"Whatever" she said rolling her eyes but slightly grinning. She unbuckled her seat belt and we both go out the car and went inside the club.
We walked up stairs to the back where my office was. When we got to my office I saw my older brother sitting on the leather sofa across from my desk. He was looking at his phone and didn't even realize we walked in.
He looked up at me and stood up to give me dap and a hug" What up little bro, how's business going" he asked.
"Business going great Black you should know that" I replied headed toward my desk.
My brother name is Bobby but everybody calls him Black B. Not only are we brothers, we're also business partners. He owned 50% of the club here in California. Trust I didn't need a business partner to open up a club down here. I only did business with him for one reason, and that was to help him out.
See my brother Black is a big time drug Lord that ran most of the east L.A drug cartel. The main reason we became business partners and opened up 323 together was a cover up for him. Not me but for him. You know turning that dirty money into clean money.
He has a few other small businesses for covering up dough too. He opened up a few laundromats and liquors stores to clean his money but he was banking on way more money and the Feds was on to him. So when he found out I was planning on opening up a club down here He asked can he partner up with me to keep the Feds off his back. I was skeptical at first because I wasn't about that life anymore and didn't want to jeopardize everything I worked for. But that was my brother and I would do anything to help him out.
"So what’s up bruh what you doing here" I asked while sitting behind the desk.
"Damn I can't come into my own club" he asked sitting in a chair across from my desk.
"It ain't even like that big bruh, you know I just handle business in here while you handle business out there in them streets"
''Yea true true, but I need to talk to you about business" he said.
''Yea and what's that" I asked.
He turned around to look back at Ashley sitting on the couch staring at the both of us.
"You ain't going to introduce me to your lady friend" He asked turning back around to look at me.
"Oh my bad man Ashley, Black, Black, Ashley. That’s Baby little sister" I said pointing at Ashley
He turned back around to look at her. He gave her a head nod "What up, Nice to finally meet you Ashley"
Ashley just gave him a head nod not saying anything. He turned back around to look at me.
"So anyways what business you want to talk about" I asked trying to get him to hurry up to get to the point.
He stood up “you know what, I'm just going to holla at you tomorrow" He said dapping me up heading out the door.
'I wonder what he need to talk about' I thought to myself. I wasn't too worried about it though because I had to take care of a lot of business around here since it's our second night opening .I didn't want the same thing that happened last night, tonight so I made sure we had double the security. We lost a lot of money last night because we had to shut the club down early because of the big fight that broke out.
We were at the club a few more hours before I wrapped things up. I took Ashley Back to my crib, took a shower, got dressed and headed right back to the club before Opening. When I pulled up it was packed just as much or even more then the night before.
Next day...
I, Teeko, and Kieara was sitting on the bed in Teeko’s guest room. I’d just finished telling them all the shit that happened to me the night before last.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you Ash, I wish I would have known that shit was going to happen you would have come straight back to my house" she said feeling sorry for me.
"You good Teeko, it's not your fault" I said with tears welling up in my eyes. "I'm just happy y’all here now, y’all all I got at this moment" I said while breaking down.

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