Shorty Got My Head Gone (2 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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I turned around and said ''I'm headed out,"

''Headed out where I haven't seen you in about two days missy where the fuck you been,"

I don't know why she asking me that I'm always gone and she really don't care where I was as long as I'm home every other Monday at 5:00 when that social worker get here. She doesn't want to lose that little check she gets for me if they take me away to a foster or group home. She acted totally different in front of Ms. Brown, my social worker, but I acted like everything is all good because I didn't want to go to a foster or group home anyway.

''I been with Teeko and Kee Kee why what's up," I asked kind of irritated.

''Don't why what's up me, I'm the only god damn grown person up here, I'm the only mothafucka that gets to ask questions around this bitch,'' she stated. I could tell she was drunk so I just stared at her with a blank look.


“Bitch don't look at me like I'm crazy,'' she said. ''The light bill is about to be due and I need some money," she said.

''I don't have no money,'' I lied. ''I'm about to go make some right now, though, I'll come back with some tonight,'' I lied again as I ran down the stairs headed for the front door.

''Stop by the store for me and pick me up a miller light and some scratch offs," she yelled. I didn't pay her any attention and just ran out the door.


I was headed to the trap house to meet Rocko. Rocko stayed in the same projects as me. He worked for the most notorious drug lord that ran the whole east L.A. that went by the name Black B. He had everything you wanted or needed when it came to drugs. He ran things around here in Cross Wood projects. I walked in the trap house and saw Rocko counting some money while his goons cooked and bagged up some dope.

''Hey what's up Rocko,'' I said. He looked at me with a blank stare.

''What's up little momma what you need," he asked.

''I just need a zone,'' I said with my hand in my shorts pockets. I really didn't like coming in this trap house so I just get my shit and I bounce ASAP.

Rocko signaled one of his goons to go get that. I was looking at the man cooking up some dope in the kitchen, then to the guy that was cutting and bagging the dope up.

''That's what you want," he asked me.

I gave him a weird look. ''What,"

''That what you want," He pointed at the dope the guys were bagging up. ''You want to start making some real money," he asked.

I looked at him like he was crazy ''Hell no I don't fuck with that shit that shit kills people."


He let out a light chuckle and said ''I'm not killing nobody if they want to die that's on them fuck it,"

I just shocked my head and said ''Naw I'm good on that,''

He gave me a slight smirk. The other guy came back in the room and gave me a big bag of weed. I gave Rocko the money and left.




Chapter 3

As soon as I left the trap I went straight to my home girl Kieara house that stayed in the same projects as me. I don't fuck with too many females because bitches out here are grimy. We met about three years ago at the park across the streets from the projects. I was getting my ass beat by three Mexican females until she jumped in and helped me out. She didn't even know me and ever since then we been cool as fuck.

Kiara is a project girl for real. Hella ratchet but one of the coolest, realest, and caring people I know. Not to mention she's absolutely gorgeous. She has real pretty smooth dark brown skin, complimenting her jet black curly hair with Asian looking eyes. She stood about 5'7 with nice long legs and a banging body like a model. We were just chilling on her front step smoking a blunt while waiting on our other home girl Teeko to come pick us up.

"Bitch what time Teeko ass 'pose to be here," Keke asked while passing me the blunt. 
I pulled out my phone to see the time it was 7:20 pm.

“About twenty minutes ago, she was supposed to be here by 7," I said then took a pull from the blunt. I inhaled the potent Kush deeply into my lungs, and then exhaled slowly. "Shit she ain't call or text me I don't know where her ass at," I said then took another pull from the blunt before passing it back to Kieara.

"She needs to hurry her ass up," Keke said in a serious tone.

"Yea I'm ready to get up out of here too, but why yo’ ass in a rush?" I ask Kieara.

Kieara smacked her lips then rolled her eyes "Marcus ass, I ain't trying to have him pop up on me, I'm tired of his ass. I need a break."

Marcus is Kieara’s boyfriend and they’ve been together for about a year now. I'm not too fond of Marcus; in fact, I can't stand his ugly ass. He put my girl Kieara through a lot of shit in the past year. He's a very obsessive and abusive boyfriend and I hated the fact that Kieara was still with him. Keke my girl and I love her to death and I hated seeing her get hurt by that pussy ass nigga.

I rolled my eyes "Ugh why you even bother with his ass," I said while hitting the blunt.

"What you mean that's my boo, I love that nigga, plus bitch his dick too bomb,"

I looked at her and started cracking up laughing "Bitch you stupid, I swear you a mess," I said while passing the roach to Kieara. "Huh, you can hit this,"

"Bitch yea, that's a big ass roach, you know I smoke this shit until it's nothing but ashes," Kieara said. We both started cracking up laughing.

While we were sitting there enjoying our high my phone rang. It was Teeko. I answered it.

"Yoo Teeko, where the hell you at bro," I yelled through the phone

Teeko is my other home girl I kick it with that I met a year ago at my job Forever 21. She was passing out flyers to a party she was promoting.


Teeko is a stud and she thought I was cute so she helped me and Kieara sneak in the Club. She tried to get with me when we first met but I shot her down really quick. I told her I was straight and I don't get down like that but she was cool as fuck so we became friends.


"Man I just got off of work, but I’ma slide through I’ll be there in about ten minutes," Teeko said through the phone ''I'm about to stop by the liquor store before I come pick you up,"

"Nigga what you trying to do,'' I asked while cracking a smile.

“I’m trying to get drunk. Shit, I ain't even gone lie. I'm trying to piece up on the bottled smoke, & chill with y’all hoes,"

Teeko is really doing her thing out here. She owns a couple businesses one is an online shoe store and the other is a t-shirt company called Dirty Laundry. Her shit doing so good she can afford to live in this cute little condo in West L.A. plus she got her own car. If I'm not with my boyfriend, I am always at her house.


''Yo you got that for me tho," she asked.

"Hell yea, I just re-up, but check you out me see you trying to turn up,'' I said.

''Hell yea man, this whole weekend we turning the fuck up," Teeko said while yelling through the phone.

I started laughing ''Yea I'm excited I can't wait till tomorrow," I said with the biggest grin. Tomorrow is the grand opening of this new nightclub in downtown L.A. Called 323.


''You need to hurry yo slow ass up," Kieara said yelling.

''Who that? Keke loud ass mouth," Teeko asked

''Yup yup mothafucka, and you need to hurry yo ass up, “Kieara said yelling through the phone.

''And you need to shut yo ugly ass up girl,"

I started to laugh.

''Oh bitch don’t play me, I ain’t never ugly, you need to look at yo bitch now that's who ugly,” Kieara said while waving her hand back and forth.


''On God you stupid Keke" I said while still laughing.

''What that bitch is ugly," Kieara said with a serious face.

"Whatever lil girl don’t be mad you broke and she not," Teeko said through the phone

''OOOOH," I said instigating.

Kieara rolled her eyes and flicked me off.

"Yo my phone about to die I’ll be over there in a few minutes tho."

''Iight" I said then hung up the phone.

''Ugh I can't stand her ass," Kiara said while standing up on the porch. "Her ass always talking shit."

''Girl yo ass always starting with her, y’all ass argues like a fucking married couple."

''Bitch I'm not gay," Kieara snapped.

''Hoe I ain't never said you were gay, y’all ass just always arguing that's it." I said back to her.

Kieara rolled her eyes and stretched her arms up to the sky.


“Girl I forgot to tell you,” she said excitingly.

"What?" I asked.


''Guess who I saw earlier today?" Kieara asked sitting back down on the porch next to my feet.
                            ''Who?" I asked anxiously.

''Girl Poppi fine ass,"

I paused and stared at her with a blank look. I could feel my face heating up and my blood boiling. “What!" I said with a mean mug.

''I saw Poppi earlier today out here in the projects before I went to go see Marcus."
I got upset within seconds. The thought of Poppi made me furious.


''Fuck Poppi" I snapped.

Keira looked at me with her face scrunched up.


"Damn bitch, what's yo problem with him?" Kieara asked. “You ain't never told me why you hate him so much."

I put my elbows on my knees bending down looking at the ground. I start to think back to the day my brother died.

I was sitting in the waiting room at South Central L.A hospital by myself. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that my brother got killed right in front of my own eyes. I couldn't get the scene out of my head and started to go crazy. I couldn't take it no more. I started punching my head with my fist

''NOOOO'' I started yelling. ''Nooo why, why, why" I started screaming.
People around me started looking at me like I was crazy.

''Why you Baby, God why, why God'' I said while my head was in my lap rocking back and forth ''Why me, why you had to take my brother,'' I started crying hysterically. 

The Lady at the front desk told me I had to keep it down or she was going to ask me to leave. When she told me that, I snapped. I started yelling at her, cursing and throwing shit. The Nurse called security and they escorted me out the hospital, I was pissed as hell. I was sitting on the bench in front of the hospital waiting on my Aunt Wanda while Poppi pulled up and hopped out the car.

Poppi ran over to me ''Shawty what the fuck happened man what happened?" Poppi asked me with a concerned look on his face.

I looked up to him with tears running down my eyes. ''H-h-he gone Poppi, Baby gone," I told him while putting my shaky hands up to my face.

Poppi didn't say a word, he just covered his mouth with his hand then looked at me with an angry but saddened look on his face.

''They shot him right in front of me," I started breathing heavily and more and more tears start rolling down my eyes. ‘‘They killed my brother right in front of me,"
Poppi started to get really upset. ''They killed my bro!" Poppi yelled while standing up.

He clenched his jaw and balled up his fist. Then he punched the brick wall hard but I can tell that didn't faze him. Poppi was just as mad as I was. As I'm sitting there crying Poppi sat down next to me and put his arms around my shoulder. Poppi wanted to cry but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He felt he had to be strong for me. He sat back down on the side of me

''You alright shorty?" He asked while lifting my head to look at him. I shook my head slowly while placing my head on Poppi’s shoulders. ''They killed the only person I love; now that Baby’s gone I don't have nobody else,”

Poppi felt really bad and couldn't imagine what's she's going through. Actually, he can because baby was like a brother to him too. And even though he had other siblings the closest person to him was Baby. He felt he needed to do something about his death.

Poppi grabbed my chin to look at him. ''Listen to me shawty, I'm going to always be here for you, Baby was like a brother to me and you're like my little sister. If you don't have anybody you got me, just know that I got your back.”

I looked and him and cracked a small smile appreciating him being there for me. The only person I could really trust was my brother but at that moment I was happy somebody was there with me and I could say I trusted Poppi at that moment.

"And don't even worry shorty I'm going to find out who did this," Poppi said while wiping the Tears off my face. While we were sitting there l waiting on Aunt Wanda a Lady and Man walked up with badges hanging from their necks.

The two Detectives questioning me about what happened at the scene, I answered a few questions and they left. My aunt Wanda never came so I had Poppi drop me off home. Before I got out the car I turned to Poppi

''Thank you,'' I said before grabbing the doorknob to get out the car.

''No problem,"

I got out the car and slammed the door shut.

''Aye shorty," Poppi yelled out the window.

''What’s up?" I asked.

''I know you going through a tough time right now but I promise Imma get those niggas who killed your brother man and if you need anything, I mean anything just hit me up iight.''

''Iight," I said then waved goodbye. He pulled off and that was the last time I seen him

Poppi just disappeared after that. He didn't even go to my brother’s funeral and I thought that was mad disrespectful. I grew hatred towards that Nigga after that. I felt like he was disloyal towards my brother and me. He lied to my face saying he was going to be there for me and didn’t do shit for me after that. I hated his soul for that.


''Nothing I just don't like his ass, that’s it,'' I said to Keira while standing up to stretch snapping myself out of thought. ''Anyways different story I don't want to talk about that nigga."

We sat on Kieara porch a few more minutes in silence before Teeko pulled up.


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