Shorty Got My Head Gone (7 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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Kieara ran to my side and gave me a big hug along with Teeko.
"Damn Ashley why you didn't come to my house, you know I would have let you in that night" Keira said while wiping tears from my face.
"I didn't think you was home, I thought you was at your boyfriend house" I said breaking down again.
"Aww baby it's going to be ok, we here for you now" Kieara said still hugging me.
''Yea and If you need anything, I mean money whatever I got you" Teeko said standing up and rubbing me on my back.
"I can't take your money, you already being nice enough by letting me stay here rent free" I sniffled wiping tears from my eyes.
''Man don't even worry about it you know I got you" she said.
I was happy that I had my friends by my side. I wouldn't know what to do if they weren’t here for me comforting me, because lord knows I needed them at the moment.
"You know what you should have did" Teeko said trying to make me feel better
"You should have' cut that nigga dick off" She said while using her hands as if they were scissors.
We all started laughing. I haven't laughed like that in a few days, and I needed a good laugh.
"But I got something to cheer you up" Kieara said hopping off the bed walking to the dresser, where her purse was at.
She reached in her purse searching for something. When she got it she pulled out two fat ass vanilla dutches and a big bag of weed.
"Aye roll that shit up ASAP! A bitch need to smoke my nerves bad then a little bit, I need to ease my mind man" I said overly excited.
I haven't smoked in a few days and the shit I went through recently, I needed a blunt bad.
"You already know I got you" Teeko said while snatching the blunts and weed out her hand.
"Bitch give me my shit back, what the fuck wrong with you" Kieara said trying to reach for the blunts and weed out of Teeko hand.
"I got this, just let me roll man, you know got damn well you don't know how to roll" Teeko said walking out the room.
She followed behind her and I got up from the bed following behind them into the living room.
"Hell naw fuck that, that's my shit I’m roll up" Kieara yelled out to her.
"Keke just let her roll, your blunts do be about fucked up tho" I said.
“Whatever Bitch" Kiera mumble flicking me off.
We all start cracking up laughing. She was low-key mad. While we was sitting there high as fuck, Kieara was eating a big bag of hot fries with lemon juice and Teeko was eating a big tub of butter pecans ice cream. I was just sitting there thinking about how I'm going to get some money in my pocket.
I would look for a job but I know I have a warrant out for my arrest so that’s out of the picture. Plus I need money ASAP. I couldn't sit around applying for jobs waiting on an interview and I probably don't even get the job. I was thinking about a lick I Can hit.
While I was sitting there just thinking Kieara said something that interrupted my thoughts.
"Man I'm bout high then a motha'fucka, this shit Rocko got now is that fire for real." Kieara blurted out loud.
When she said that an idea popped in my head. 'I need to go holla at Rocko' I thought to myself. Right before Teeko was about to take Kieara back home I hopped in the shower. I had a few clothes over at Teeko house from all the times I spent the night. When I hopped out the shower I put on all black attire. I had on some black J's, black tights, black hoodie and a black beanie so no one would recognize me.
Teeko let me use one of her phone. She always had two phone in case of an emergency. Even though it was a flip phone it didn't really matter I just needed it so I can get in contact with her.
We left Teeko’s house and was headed to the projects. When we got there we dropped Kieara off home first then she dropped me off in front of Rocko building.
"Aye I'm about to holla at this dude real quick. I call you when I'm ready for you to come get me." I said before getting out the car.
"Iight bet" She said then pulled off.
It was about 8 o'clock at night. I walked up to the trap and knocked at the door.
A deep voice answer "who is it"
"Ashley" I answered.
They looked through the peephole then opened the door. When I walked in the trap nothing but loud smell filled the small apartment. When I got inside I saw three men with Rocko doing the normal routine. I stood in front of Rocko.
"What's up what you need" Rocko asked not looking up at me.
"umm-uh" I stuttered.
He looked up at me with a blank stare. “What you want a zone" he asked.
I shook my head no. That would be the usual I would get though, a zone of weed. But I didn't have no money.
''So what’s up" he asked getting a bit irritated.
"I-I want to sell coke" I mumbled
He chuckled a little "Oh yea, now you ready to make some real money" he said. I shook my head yes.
"Iight then lil' momma what you need"
"I don't know" I said honestly
"What you mean, what you got" he asked
''I don't got nothing, I'm broke, somebody stole my shit" I replied
He looked at me and start stroking his goatee with his fingers ''So you telling me you want to work for me"
"Umm I guess" I replied.
"Naw fuck guessing, is you sho' bout this"
"yea" I said, shaking my head up and down
"Ok I got you" he said then snapped his finger signaling one of his workers to go to the back and get something. He came back out with a zip lock bag of coke in his hand and dropped it on the table in front of Rocko. Rocko picked up the bag and handed it to me.
"That 5 G packs in there, I collect every Wednesdays and Friday, if you get off all that by Wednesday I let you have half of the profit"
"And how much would that be," I asked.
"That's 5,000 dollars’ worth of dope, you do the math" He said.
When I did the math in my head I was surprised of how much money I would be making in only 2 nights. I would be making quadruple as much selling coke, then me selling weed. I was low-key excited because this is just what I need to get back on my feet.
I was just about to walk out the trap before some guy stopped me.
"Aye ain't you Baby little sister" he said.
I turned around to look at him "yea"
"Oh word" Rocko said looking at me up and down " Damn for real, all this time I ain't never knew that was your big brother." he said giving me this weird look. "But I'm sorry to hear about your lost tho little momma, Baby was the homie, he was like fam to Me." he said.
"Thank you but it’s cool, it happened three years ago." I said not really wanting to talk about my brother.
"I know it has to be hard for you, losing somebody that close to you. Did they ever catch those niggas who shot him?" he asked
"Naw they haven't but I got to head out, I’ll be back through Wednesday" I said before headed out the door. I can feel them staring at me when I was walking out.
I was about to call Teeko to come pick me up until I realized how the hell I was going to get off this dope. I didn't really know what to do because I had no clientele for this shit. I decided to head to the park across the streets from the projects since there was a lot of junkies and crackheads that hung out there.
When I got there I had no problem getting off this dope. Once one junkie bought a bag from me, I guess Rocko had that good because all the rest of them start flocking to me. Money was running like clockwork.
When I sold half the bag it was about 11 o'clock, so I decided to call Teeko to come pick me up. Right when I was dialing her number I felt some rough hands grab me up from behind. They had their hands over my mouth and a pocket knife to my throat. I couldn't see who it was.
"Don't you dare scream, or I’m kill you bitch




Chapter 8
"Don't you dare say a word, or I’m going to kill you bitch"
My eyes grew big and my heart started pounding out of my chest. I wanted to scream but I was too scared for me life. The man behind me took his left hand from over my mouth and pulled down my hood and snatch my beanie off my head. He still had the knife in his right hand holding it up to my neck.
He start to stroke my hair with his spare hand while sniffing the crease of my neck. I was terrified and didn't know what this mothafucka was up too. He grabbed a hold on my shoulder and spun me around to face him.
"What a pretty young thang like yourself doing out at this time of night" He asked while rubbing his rusty knuckles on the side of my cheeks.
I turned my head from his touch. "It's only eleven sir, but you know what I was just about to head home" I said while taking a few steps back getting ready to turn around to walk off.
He grabbed my hand "Hey hey hey, not so fast sweetheart, where you think you going" he asked pulling me closer to him.
''Nigga I just told you I'm headed home" I said while trying to loosen out of his grip.
"Naw, you ain't going nowhere! What you got there huh" he said while grabbing the bags of coke out my hoodie pocket.
"Can you give me back my shit' I asked while trying to grab the bag out his hand.
He pushed my hand away. "Fuck no, you know who territory you on selling this shit huh?"
I shook my head no. He shook his head and gave a small chuckle.
"Aha now that's where you fucked up at, see here this my shit, this my playground, this my territory you on” He said while walking around me in circles. “And in order to get this shit back, you have to do one of two things"
"And what's that" I asked quite nervous of what he going to say.
He stopped in front of me and plastered a big grin on his face showing his grills on his teeth. That kind of startled me. I wasn't expecting his teeth to be that fucked up and he had the nerves to where a grill in his mouth.
"Well, well, well, since you want to sell on my territory you have to give me 50 percent of your profit, Whatever you sell I get half, or ..." He paused while looking at me up and down licking his lips. “Let me take your little sexy ass behind that building and you show me what that mouth do tho"
I almost threw up in my mouth off that last statement he said. I looked up at him with a disgusted look on my face. “Oh hell naw nigga I am not down with that, you got the wrong one for real" I said.
He grabbed a hold on to my hoodie yanking me close to him. He put the knife back up to my neck "Naw I got the right one. Now you either pick one or the two. It's your choice"
I was scared as shit. I didn't know what to say or do. My mind was running a hundred miles per a minute, trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to get myself out this situation.
''Ok ok" I mumbled "let's go behind the building" I said, grabbing his hand with the knife and slowing moving it away from my neck, while I softly grabbed his other hand. "Fuck it let's go behind the building, I'm wit' it " I said as I started to walk, directing him back to the projects apartments.
The biggest smile came across his face. "Hell yea ma, and if you suck me right I probably make you my little trap girl, and bust it baby on the side, if you know what I mean." He said while licking his lips.
"Oh is that right?" I asked rolling my eyes while guiding him behind this building back in the cut where nobody can see us.
''Hell yea man, you sexy as fuck,  shit after this I probably  take you back to my crib and have you bust it open for a real nigga."
I rolled my eyes once again. I was really getting annoyed with his ugly as. We made our way behind the vacant apartment building back in the cut. It was pretty dark so no one would be able to see us.
He started to unbuckle his pants but he stopped and just stared at me. He grabbed a hold of the side of my neck and start softly massaging it.
"Mmmmm you got some sexy ass lips to." he said before he reach in giving me a big sloppy kiss on the lips.
Goosebumps came across my entire body and I was beyond creeped out. I couldn't help but wipe my lips off with my hand after we part ways from the kiss. I know he couldn't help but notice the disgusting look on my face.
He squeeze the side of my neck tightly and a lick the whole side of my left cheek. Now I was really grossed out. He roughly guided me down onto the ground onto my knees. He looked down on me as he stroked my hair.
''I want you to unbuckle my shit for me with your sexy ass, do what daddy say, you my little bitch" he said placing his back on the wall, comfortably positioning himself.
I slowing start to unbuckle his belt, then his pants. I slowly pulled his jeans all the way down to his ankles. I start to rub on his dick through his boxers. He let out a soft moan.
He was staring down at me so I slowly start pulling down his boxers all the way to his ankles. I grabbed a hold on to his dick and start stroking it softly. I can feel his body tense up, then relax as his head rolled back with his eyes closed.
As soon he wasn't looking at me I forcefully punch him in the balls and dick, causing him fall to the ground screaming like a little bitch.
"AWWWWWWW You fucking bitch" He said screaming out in pain.
I quickly grabbed the dope that fell down on the side of him and took off running toward the park to get to the other side of the projects.
I ran track the first couple years of high school so hopefully I can outrun this dude. I booked it across the park, running through the projects as fast as I could. I was about to reach a main street until I tripped falling onto the ground.  I looked back seeing him a couple feet behind me getting close.
I quickly got up and ran toward the main street. I bust a right and started running down the block. He was a couple feet behind me but I had a little hope I could probably escape from this motha'fucka'. I busted another right on the corner of the red liquor store I went into the upcoming alley behind the liquor store and just my luck I had forgot it was a dead end.
"Fuck" I shouted out loud. I Turned around and saw the angry man breathing heavily.
"Oh bitch you know you fucked up right." He said while pulling a gun from the side of his waist. First a knife now this. His ass was really trying to kill me.
My eyes grew big and all I could get myself to do is scream "Heeeeeelllllllllppppppppp” Not really caring anymore because I knew this probably the end of it.
He quickly ran toward me and slapped me across the face with the gun. I screamed out in pain.
Click Click
"Bitch shut the fuck up before I put a hot one in that dome of yours" he said while pointing the gun in the middle of my forehead.
"Please, Please I'm sorry, Please don't kill me" I begged on my knees.
"Fuck that apologetic shit, you should have thought of that before you did the fuck shit you did." He said with an angry look on his face.
Tears start forming in my eyes and I couldn't help myself. I started to break down crying. I never imagined my life ending like this. He started chuckling while stroking my hair with the gun.
"And it's a shame, you a sexy little bitch, you could have been my main bitch, maybe" He said biting down on his lips.
"But you fucked up you know" he said while pointing the gun down to my chest "and now I got to kill you ma."
I closed my eyes tightly as my life flashed past my eyes. I said a little prayer before I took my last breath as a shot fired
I was sitting across the table from my brother Black B. We was down in the basement of one of his many local liquor stores in the hood. He called me down to talk business but the type of business he was talking I wasn't for it.
"I ain't even trying to hear it bruh, fuck this shit I'm out." I said as I stood up from the table and was about to head out the door.
"Bro sit yo ass down, you ain't ever hear me out, just listen to what I got to say then you free to leave" Black said still sitting in his seat.
"Man hell naw, I'm already knowing what you bout ' to say and you know I'm not with that shit no more, I shouldn't have to tell you twice. Bruh I don't even know why you called me to come all the way down here in the first place. Now you wasting' my time and my money, real talk bruh."
"So it's going to be like that huh?" Black asked with while standing up from his seat.
"Straight up, I don't have time for this shit I'm out" I said while turning and around and walking up the stairs out the basement.
I was so annoyed that this nigga called me all the way down here to discuss some bullshit. His ass should've just came to my office or better yet not called me at all. He already know the deal so I don't understand why bother.
I was on my way out the store until my phone start to ring in my pocket. I stop, grabbed my phone out my pocket and answered it.
"Yo what's up?" I asked answering the phone.
"Hey Boss where you at? Vibe magazine event planner Valerie Bihet here and want to meet with you."
"Give me about 15 minutes. Make sure she stay there goes nowhere, I be right there" and with that said I walked out the front entrance of the store. I parked my car on the side, instead of in the back where I would usually parked.
As I approach my car and was about to open I heard a girl scream out for help close by. It sound like it was coming from the alley behind the store. I quickly pulled my gun from behind my pants and ran to the end of the alley to see what's going on.
When I peeked around the corner, I seen this man pistol whip the shit out of this blond headed girl then point his gun to her head. I couldn't really see how the chick looked at first but I soon realized it was Ashley.
"Oh shit, Ashley" I whispered and with that said I slowly crept behind the guy and let out a hot one right to his head.
The nigga laid out on the ground with blood pouring out his head. I looked over to Ashley opening her eyes looking down patting herself over her chest and body. She looked up at me and got up sprinting in my direction. She put her arms around my body and squeezed giving me the biggest hug.
"Poppi, I'm so happy to see you, thank you, and thank you so much, oh my God thank you, Jesus. You just save my life" she said sobbing still holding on to me
"Ashley you good I got you, now come on we got to hurry up and get up out of here," I said grabbing her running to my car.
We hopped in the car and sped off. I immediately pulled out my phone and called my brother. "Black an incident that happen in the back fix it. I tell you about it later."
"I'm already fixing the fucking problem but bet holla at you later," he said then hung up the phone.
I put the phone down and looked at Ashley.
"Talk to me Ashley, why the fuck I catch you in that alley with a nigga pointing a gun at you. What the fuck is going on."
"That bastard tried to molest me and make me go down on him so I punch him in the balls." she said not looking at me but looking straight ahead out the window.
"Why in the hell he tried to do that, wtf you was doing with that nigga huh?" I asked yelling at her.
"Nothing," she yelled back
"That man was going to kill you, why the fuck you out here in these streets like that, what I tell you about that shit."
"Man I was just trying to make me some money that's it," she said folding her arms up.
"What the fuck you mean trying to make you some money, you hoeing, trying to be a prostitute huh."
"What! Hell, naw nigga you got me fucked up, I would never" She said rolling her neck.
"So what you telling me then Ashley," I asked lowering my voice.
She didn't say anything. I looked at her for a second then looked back at the road. "So you're not going to say shit huh," I asked getting annoyed with her petty ass.
I looked back at her scanning her up and down. I notice a clear bag with white stuff in her hoodie.
"What's this?" I asked while snatching the bag out her pocket.
It was lots of small bags of cocaine in one large zip lock bag. I couldn't believe she had all this coke on her.
"Give me my shit back" she yelled trying to grab the coke out of my hands.
"What the fuck you doing with shit shit Ashley, How the hell you get this" I shouted at her.
"That’s really none of your business now just give me back my shit," she said still trying to grab the coke out my hand
"Hell naw, you ain't getting this shit back, matter of fact...." I rolled down the window and threw the bag of coke out onto the highway. "Get this shit out my car, what the fuck wrong with you."
"What the hell. Why would you do that, that wasn't even mine'" she yelled.
"Whose was it' then, who the fuck gave you that mess" I yelled back
"I'm not telling you shit, you had no right to do that shit, but I'm not about to argue with you just take me back to Teeko house," She said.
"Ummm let me think about it.... fuck no, I'm taking yo ass back to my crib."
"Huh, hell naw no I'm not," she yelled.
"Yes, the hell you is. What the fuck you think this is. I already told you when I catch you back on these streets I'm."
"I don't give a fuck what you say, you is not my brother so stop trying to act like it alright."
I paused for a quick second. For some reason, those words stung a little but you know what I really didn't give a fuck.
"Fuck that, I'm not trying to be your brother nor act like him so kill that shit. I'm just someone who care about yo little ass and going to tell you about yourself when you do stupid shit Shorty. Man yo, dumb ass was about to get killed for selling that shit Stay out. These streets because you don't know what the fuck you doing out here. You not bout that life Shorty. Tell me would your brother approve of the shit you doing huh? Huh? I saved your ass, twice! You should be thanking me all night instead of bitching. I'm trying to help yo stupid ass out."

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