Shorty Got My Head Gone (11 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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"Happy birthday," I said giving her a hug
"Thank you" she hugged me back.
We both walked in school together. When we walked in, I seen a lot of people staring at me as if I was a new student or something. I ignored it and we made our way to class.
We walked in our 1st period Mr. Johnson’s English class.
"Hey, Mr. Johnson" I spoked, kind of scared of his reaction.
He looked at me and plastered a big smile across his face. "Hey Ashley nice to see you again," he said.
I smiled back and went to go sit down in the back with Kieara.
"See girl I told you they wasn't going to trip," She said taking out her work from her purse.
I put my hand over my chest "Thank God I was so nervous".
This Mexican boy Name Jesus came to the back and sat down next to Kieara.
"Oh, shit Ashley I didn't even notice you, where the hell you been," He asked with his thick Mexican accent.
"Why you missed me," I asked
"Not at first but now I'm looking at you hell yea I missed you girl," He said licking his lips.
I and Kieara started laughing. We was always laughing at his ass, he be having us dying laughing in class.
"I like your new purse tho girl, Is that real Gucci" Keira asked me, trying to be funny
"Hell yea this real."
"Finally, yo ass rocking some real Gucci, I see Poppi ass really hooked you up," She said laughing
"Bitch don't clown. Just because you rock real, Gucci don't mean you can afford it. Bitches always buying shit they can't afford" I said joking around.
I and Jesus start laughing and she just rolled her eyes flicking both of us off.
"Anyways, I can't wait till tonight. My dinner party going to be nice and afterward, we going to the club and turning the fuck up" Kieara said getting out of her seat playing around dancing like a white girl.
Jesus gave her a weird look "I don’t know a black girl who couldn't dance."
Kieara gave him an evil glare
"But hey I'm Mexican, and I can't digest beans so... there you go," he said making me and Kieara burst out laughing.
The bell rang, and the teacher collected the homework and gave out the assignment for today. He handed me a lot of missed work that I had to make up since I been out for longer than two week. I was sitting there doing my work, about 10 minutes before the bell rang I see one of the school police officer walk in the class and approach my teacher.
My heart started pounding because I already knew what time it was. I quickly grabbed all my things and snuck out the back door of the classroom. I quickly walked down the hallways and was about to make a right at the corner, to go down the stairs out the building.
As soon as I hit the corner, I walked straight into a hard chest, knocking me down to the grown. When I looked up, I seen Principal Mowry and another police office next time him.
“Shit," I whispered.




Chapter 11




"Shit" I whispered to myself.


The officer immediately grabbed me up from the ground and put me in handcuffs. Principal Mowry looked at me shaking his head.


Fuck I knew this shit was going to happen. How the hell can I be so stupid and get caught slipping like this. At fucking school! Shaking my head, I'm dumb as hell, and should’ve listen to my gut.


Now look at me listening to Kieara persuasive ass I thought everything was going to go smoothly. Who the hell am I'm kidding, I can't blame her because I knew this was going to happen. I got a fucking warrant out!


"You in deep trouble young lady" Principal Mowry said to me still shaking his head.


I already knew what was up and I just held my head down waiting on them to read me my charges and take me off to jail.


They just told me they was taking me downtown to the jail house but that was it. I was confused because I didn't know what the hell I was charged with but I knew I was in some big trouble.


They escorted me out the school, to the parking lot and put me inside the police vehicle. I was a little embarrassed because right when they was escorting my out of school the bell rang. Everybody watched me whispering amongst each other as I'm being escorted by two police officers.


I knew I was going to be the topic of discussion for a few days during lunch time. All type of rumors going to be spread and that's one thing I hate, rumors being spread about me.


They took me Downtown to Los Angeles Police Department and placed me in this small room that had a table and two chairs. It looked like an interrogation room so I got really nervous. One of the officers came back in with my purse in his hand and placed it on the table.


He asked me was I thirsty and I shook my head yes. He turned around and left out the room. Since they took the handcuffs off me once I got here, my hands was free so I grabbed my purse and took my phone out.


They only person I could think about calling was Poppi. I remember what he told me yesterday about his lawyer and I know he is the only person that can get me out this mess. I hurried up and dialed his number. The phone rang then he answered.


"Hello," He yelled.


"Poppi, I'm in some deep trouble" I whispered through the phone.


"Wait, what’s going on, what kind of trouble," he asked.


"I think I'm going to need that lawyer sooner than I thought” I assured him.


"Damn shorty, should've known that was going to happen."


"I know, Poppi I'm so scared I don't know what to do." I could feel myself on the verge of crying for the first time since I got arrested.


"Calm down shorty I got you, I'm about to call up my lawyer right now, where you at."


"Police station in Downtown" I answered holding my tears back, feeling a little better knowing he was on his way.


For some reason, I really feel safe around Poppi, probably because I now know he got my back and not going let nothing happen to me.


"Iight' I'm on my way “he assured me.


"Ok," I said about to hang up the phone.


"And Ashley aye don't say nothing until you have you a lawyer iight."


"Iight'" I nodded like he can see me then hung up the phone.


Seconds later the officer came in with a cup of water and placed it on the table while sitting down. I grabbed the cup and took a small swallow of the water then place the cup back down.


"So where have you been Ms. Scott, why you run away?" He asked.


"I'm not saying nothing until I get a lawyer, and when y’all tell me my charges," I said.


He chuckled "No need for a lawyer Ms. Scott because there are no charges pinned against you."


"Huh," I huffed with a confused look on my face.


"Since this your first time running away, there would be charged pinned against you, once your social worker gets here you would be back in children services custody,"


"What no charges...? Why y’all arrested me, and why I had a warrant for my arrest" I asked still kind of confused.


"We arrested because you had a warrant, and you had a warrant because you was a runaway" He assured with a duh look on his face while standing up from his seat.


"Now your Social worker should be here any minute and when she get here, we're going to ask you a few questions." I nodded my head up and down and he walked out the room.


I sat there stunned. All this time I thought I was going to get charged with attempted murder or some shit like that and was going to jail for a very long time. That's what I thought the warrant was for, not no damn runaway.


I was excited and relieved I wasn't going to jail, but I knew I was probably still in trouble since I ran away.


I sat there and said a little prayer thanking God I wasn't going to jail today.


Seconds later my social Worker Miss Brown had come through the door. She had on a tan button up blouse, with a brown pencil skirt complimenting her smooth brown skin. She was about in her late twenties and had a pixie cut looking like Nia long.


The white officer had come in following behind her. She took a seat while he was standing up.


She looked at me with a grin on her face but with worry eyes.


"I'm so glad that you're ok, where have you been we been looking all over for you" She asked.


I told her I was at some friend house and the police officer asked me their name. I told them I wasn't about to snitch on anybody and I wasn't about to tell them exactly where I was at.


They went on asking me questions about why I ran away and the whole nine yard. I lied and said "just because", not trying to tell them what really went down that night, thinking I would most definitely be getting charged with something today.


They finished questioning me and the officer left out the room. While standing up Ms. Brown gave me a hug.


"Well I'm just happy you're alright, we was getting really worried and was about to have a missing person case." She said while letting go the embrace. "And your Aunt has been worried sick about you, so let's get you home and let them know you're safe and sound"


I froze when those words came out of her mouth. My body tensed up as a frightened look came across my face and could feel my stomach cringing.


Now I knew then why I wasn't charge. My aunt didn't press none and now 'this bitch trying to kill 'me!


Chapter 12




"No!!!" I screamed causing Ms. Brown to jump. "HELL NO! I would never go back to that hell hole" Ms. Brown gave me a shock look then frowned up her eyebrows.


"Excuse me young lady, but your aunt has been worried sick about you" she pointed her index finger at me.


"And she even been in the hospital because she felled down the steps busting her head open because she been too worried about you and your safety."


I rolled my eyes and gave a slight chuckle 'Bitch really!'


"Oh so that’s what she told you?" I asked because I couldn't believe that was what the fuck my aunt told them happened to her head. I thought she was going to press charges to get me locked up. Hell I thought that bitch was dead.


"Yea‘s what she told me, and I called her before I came up here and told her we found you and that you was alright, she was so happy to hear that, you can hear it in her voice and can't wait for you to come home" she said with a serious look on her face genuinely believing my aunt.


"You don't want to go home to your aunt" she asked


I became furious because I felt like my aunt is trying to set me up or some shit. Why she didn't tell them the truth about what really happened, why? I know why, because that Bitch trying to kill me. Her and her big sloppy bald headed ass daughter.


"Hell no, Fuck that, this bitch a lie and how I know?'' I paused for a quick second staring at Ms. Brown. “Because I busted that bitch head open" I said not really giving a fuck no more, I'm telling it all, and if they pressed charges so fucking what. I rather be in jail, then go back to the projects staying with the devil himself.


Ms. Brown looked shocked. "I hit her with the bat because her and her daughter both was jumping me. They bruised my face, bust my lip and stole from me. They treated me like shit, they harassed, they took from me, and they bullied me. The only reason why they even put up with me is to get that little check she gets for keeping me...." I went on ranting about my life staying with my aunt. I couldn't help but to break down while doing so.


It was completely hell staying there and I be damn if I was to go back there. I never gave Ms. Brown a reason I wasn't happy living there because of the fact I knew I would be placed in a foster or group home somewhere, so I played like everything was all good. But after all the hell they put me through I wasn't about to take that shit anymore, so I spilled all the beans on what really went on in that house.


Ms. Brown was taken a back on everything I just told her. She looked shocked but at the same time had sympathy in her eyes. I knew if Ms. Brown would have known I was being mistreated that way in my Aunts’ care she would've removed me from her.


Ms. Brown held her hand over her heart looking at me with glossy eyes. "Oh my God Ashley why didn’t you tell me all of this before, I had no idea you were going through such adversity staying there. I thought you were happy there."


I wiped the tears that was falling from my face. "No" I shook my head.


"I ain't never say nothing to you about it because I’d rather put up with it then going to a foster or a group home."


"Oh Ashley!" Ms. Brown grabbed and started hugging me "I'm sorry to hear all this been going on with you" I let go of the embrace.


"I guess I put it on myself huh" I smirked not really wanting her to feel sorry for me. I just be damn if I ever go back to that place.


"Yea you should have told me all of this much sooner, I would’ve taken you out of your aunt’s custody and put you in a better situation Ashley"


I shrugged my shoulders. "So what's going to happen now" I asked not really knowing what was about to happen to me.


"Well I know you don't want to hear this but I have to put you in a group home until we find a suitable foster home we can place you in"


I sighed not really shocked because I knew when everything boiled down, this was going to happen. I didn't really want to go to a group home because I knew how some group homes were out here in L.A. I’d rather be placed in a foster home before I go to a group home.


"Do I have to go to a group home" I asked.


"Yes you do, we don't have a foster home we can place you in at the moment so until then you would be staying at Children's home society of California, but I promise I will try my best to find you a nice foster home to place you in as soon as I can ok"


I can feel tears well up but I held them in not letting them escape my eyes. I nodded my head ok.


She stepped closer and put her hand on my shoulders. "It's going to be ok, now let's get out of here so we can go get your things from your aunt’s house and get you situated at the group home."


We walked out of the room. We were in the entryway headed out when I saw Poppi walking inside the building. I almost forgot he was on his way up here.


"Poppi!" I called out trying to get his attention.


Once he turned and saw me, he ran up to me giving me a hug.


"You good shorty, the lawyer will be here in 5 minutes, what going on" he asked, noticing I was about' to leave out the building with Ms. Brown.


"I'm not charged with nothing, I had a warrant out for my arrest for being a runaway." Poppi just shook his head and started laughing.


"Damn a runaway huh, ain't that some shit" I laughed.


"I know right, looks like I won't be needing that lawyer"


"Right! I'm about to call her and tell her what up, no need for her anymore"


Thank God. I thought to myself.


"Come on Ashley we need to hurry up, I have another Child I need to go see in about an hour and they stay way in the valley." Ms Brown says standing by the door.


"Where you headed, and who is she" Poppi asked


"That's my social worker and I'm about to go to my Aunt's house so...."


"What, hell no you ain't going back to that crazy bitch house, you coming home with me before that even happen" Poppi says.


"No I'm going to her house so I can get my belongings and then going to a group home." I rolled my eyes.


He licked his lips, frowning up his eyebrows shaking his head. "Naw you ain't going to your aunt house, you ain't going to no group home, like I said you coming back home with me." He grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him.


"And who are you" Ms. Brown asked pointing her index and Poppi.


Unknowingly, me and Poppi both said "brother" at the same time.


Ms. Brown looked at Poppi, then looked back at me with a confused look. "I thought your brother was deceased"


"He is, but I have two brothers" I lied.


"Two brothers? I thought your parents only had two kids?" She asked.


"They do but...” I turn to Poppi thinking of a quick lie "...but my father has three kids. He cheated on my mother at the same time she was pregnant with my Baby and had another child with another women." I lied saying anything that I thought was convincing enough.


Poppi gave me a weird look and I slightly shrugged my shoulders so Ms.Brown wouldn't catch on.


"So he's your half-brother" she asked pointing that damn index finger again.


"Yea" Poppi butted in. "and I'm not about to let my little sister go to no group home, that shit just not about to happen"


Ms.Brown kissed her teeth and looked at Poppi up and down "And how old are you" she asked Poppi.


"I'm 23" he replied.


"You think you can take care of a teenage girl?"


"I know I can, better than any group home or foster home ever would" Poppi replied.


"But you're so young" Ms Brown looked at me "I don't know about this Ashley us..."


"Me being young don't mean shit excuse my French, but I'm the owner of a multimillion dollar business, I own more than one house, I got my own money so that little check y’all give I don't need that shit. I can take care of Ashley on my own I don't need no help." Poppi tells her.


Ms.Brown looked at Poppi up and down again then looked back at me. "Ok ok, look this what's going to happen? I'ma still take you to your aunt house and get your things, but you will still have to go to the group home until we check out your brother’s house and make it's a stable environment also do background check on him before we can place you in his custody."


I smacked my lips "But Ms. Brown..." Poppi interrupted me.


"I'm sorry mam but like I said before my sis not going to no group home, and Ashley you're not going to your aunt house to get nothing, leave that shit there.  You got everything you need back at the crib" Poppi looked at me then back at Ms. Brown.


"Look I will do any and everything you want me to do, but Ashley will be staying with me until further notice. I'm not about to let my little sis stay in no group home after all the shit she been through when she can just stay with me and I know she straight"


Ms. Brown stood there for a second not saying anything then looked at Poppi and sighed "Ok ok I'ma let her stay with you since you're her brother and family. I'ma still have to go check out the house and do a background check on you. Let me know if you had any felonies now because you wouldn't be able to keep her if you do."


"No mam no felonies" Poppi smiled.


Ms. Brown nodded her head "Ok good, I guess we can get out of here and I can follow you to your house, I will just call my supervisor and tell her everything that's going on and we can get everything situated.”


I had the biggest smile on my face. I was so happy I wasn't going to a group home but back to Poppi’s house. I thought everything was about to go downhill earlier when I got arrested but the total opposite. Everything is falling in to place and I couldn’t be much happier.


We left out the police station and went straight to Poppi’s house. When we got there I know Ms. Brown was amazed when she stepped foot in the house. Poppi showed her around the house and where my room was. She immediately approved.


After the tour, we sat in the dining room around the table discussing all the rules and procedures and a few extra things. She made a few phone calls and Poppi had to sign a few papers.


Ms. Brown hung up the phone "Ok I just got off the phone with my supervisor and everything is good. He gave us the ok, so Ashley can stay here until further notice" She pulled out another sheet of paper from her folder and placed it on the table.


"Emmanuel all you have to do is sign and date here and we’re finish. Tomorrow just come to my office and we can do the background check there. That takes about a few days and after everything is approved you guys will have to go to the children's court and they will sign over full custody because right now it just temporary, then you will be Ashlee legal guardian."


Poppy nodded his head and signed the paper and handed it back to her. She got all the paperwork and put everything in her suitcase. 


"Well it was nice meeting you Emmanuel, you take good care of her ok?" she extended her hand and Poppi stood up shaking it.


"Nice meeting you too, and don't worry she's in great hands" Poppi smiled and winked his eye at me.


Ms. Brown stood up and we walked her to the front door. Before leaving out Ms. Brown turned around.


"Oh yea also since I don't have enough time because I'm in such a hurry, tomorrow we will be discussing Ashley, school and her grades. I don't know if you know this but Ashley’s not doing too well in school and her grades from last report card were not so good" She looked at me with one eyebrow raised.


I rolled my eyes.

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