Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series)
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Camille shook her head, what she was feeling was so new she wasn’t sure if she could put into words. Was she suppose to talk dirty or what? “I…I don’t know what to say, Dillon I can’t.” she closed her eyes, hating her inexperience and the fact that she had no idea how to pleasure this sexual man, what did he want from her?

“Open your eyes look at me.” She did what he asked; opening her eye’s she watched a slow smile form on his sensuous lips. “Listen to me baby you can do this, it’s just me and you. I have dreamed of doing this to you for so long, driving deep inside you. Loving the way you fit me like a tight glove. It makes my dick so damn hard.” Dillon’s words made her even hotter he was so sexy and she wanted him to do that and more to her. “I…I want you to touch me, I love the way you touch me.” she said sounding shy.  Dillon rewarded her by thrusting deep inside her grinding his hips into her pelvis for good measure. “Damn Cam you are killing me I can’t hold out for much longer baby.” She grabbed him by his hair and pulled him close for a kiss that he was sure was going to make him lose his mind. When she broke the kiss, their gazes locked. “I want you to make love to me now! I need to come.” she said with no hesitation what so ever. Dillon smiled. “That’s my girl; your wish is my command.” With that said, he started to move thrusting slowly at first and then he found his pace and then he moved faster, it was as if he was a man possessed. Being inside Camille was like dying and finding heaven, she was tight as a vice as her core gripped his cock. She would milk him dry. He never wanted it to end. He would never get tired of fucking her. He told himself no, he didn’t want to fuck her he wanted to make love to her. That’s what he wanted for her first time sweet and gentle something she would remember for the rest of her life. Women always remembered their first time didn’t they. He was in uncharted territory. He needed to stop thinking so damn hard and enjoy the moment. A moment he had dreamed about on so many occasions over the years. Now here they were and he was right where he wanted to be.

Camille held on savoring every inch of him. He played her body like a fine tuned instrument as her body raced to the climax she so desperately needed. Dillon rocked his hips once, twice and then he was falling into the chasm of extreme pleasure. He knew each time with her was only going to get better, hotter than the last. Camille was right there with him, free falling into the void of ecstasy. As they both shouted their release together.

When he floated back down to earth, he felt Camille shiver and he realized that the hot water was now cold. He put Camille down long enough to turn the water off and grab a towel he dried her off quickly and then himself.

Camille was limp and exhausted, and so was he. He had not planned on the hard and fast sex they had in the shower. However, when she told him what she needed it was as if something snapped inside him. He lifted Camille and carried her into the bedroom, she protested slightly when he laid her down, and she was still naked that fact didn’t seem to matter. Dillon slid between the sheets and pulled her into his arms. She cuddled into him, getting as close as she could to his warm hard body, he heard a sigh leave her lips and then she was sound asleep and Dillon wasn’t far behind her. He closed his eyes enjoying the slight weight of Camille in his arms and he drifted off to sleep.

Dillon awoke to a knock on his bedroom door; he looked over at Camille who was still asleep. He slipped out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweat pants. When he opened the door, Butch was standing there looking very serious. Dillon knew that look. He stepped into the hall and closed the door. Butch waited until he was sure Camille would not hear them before he spoke. “We have a situation, our friend Bobby called to give us the heads up. There was a body found at Camille’s Condo. A female identified as Sadie Bishop she was Camille’s housekeep. Her son reported her missing two days ago, when she didn’t come home. He went through her list of clients until he got to Camille. When she didn’t answer her phone he decided to go by her place. He found his mother’s mutilated body in Camille’s bedroom. I know it was that bastard Xavier he’s been watching the Condo, he caught her as she was leaving the Condo. He spent hours with her Dillon. Bobby is going to upload the information to my computer within the hour. One more thing Chief Morgan found out about our involvement and he is not happy, he’s on his way here to question Camille ETA forty five minutes.”

Dillon cursed under his breath this was FUBAR and getting worst by the minute. “Is Danny still asleep?” Butch nodded. Not for long, I put a fresh pot of coffee on. I also checked in with Zane, Tina is safe and sound he said as he started down the hallway. Dillon just shook his head; he was going to have to get a handle on this. He took a deep breath trying to work up the nerve to go back into his bedroom and tell Camille what happened.         

Camille sat in the living room in front of the fireplace. She was still stunned by the news of her housekeeper’s death. She watched Dillon pace back and forth while he spoke on his cell phone. Daniel was nursing a cup of coffee and Butch was in Dillon’s office. She jumped when she heard the doorbell ring; Daniel got up and answered the door. When he came back, he had two men in tow. One was the chief she’d seen him at some of the functions she had been attending lately. He was a tall man with salt and pepper hair and for a man of almost sixty he was in great shape, his hazel eyes always seemed to know too much. The other man was much shorter and younger, she had seen him around he had been a year ahead of her in high school.  He made her uncomfortable back then. That feeling hadn’t changed; he still made her feel uncomfortable.

Dillon ended his call when he saw the two men enter the living room. Butch was now standing in the doorway with his arms folded over his chest.

“Dillon, I am not going to pretend you don’t already know why I’m here. We will discuss what’s been going on later. Right now, I need to speak with Miss. Elliott alone.” Dillon stepped forward and the short stocky man shadowed his movement. “I’m sorry Chief that’s not going to happen, you’re welcome to speak with Camille but we aren’t going anywhere.” The Chief sized up the situation and realized he needed information so he would have to play nice. He had known all of them for years; He’d worked with them on some high profile cases. He respected them all and he would rather not get into a pissing contest with them. His deputy stepped up to Dillon and got right in his face. This was hard to do, since Dillon had him by eight inches.

“We can do this here or we can take Camille down to the station.” Dillon was about to get up close and personal when Chief Morgan stepped in between the two men. “That’s enough Mason stand down, I’ve know these men since I took over this office and I don’t think you really want to take them on.” Mason didn’t back down right away, he was still sizing Dillon up. He hadn’t missed the fact that Butch and Daniel had taken up positions next to Dillon. He could take Dillon but he had enough sense to know he definitely could not take them all on. Therefore, he stepped back.

“Miss. Elliott I am real sorry to have to bother so late, but we haven’t seen anything like what happened to Mrs.  Bishop around here before. Can you tell me what’s going on? It’s come to my attention that you were involved in the incident at the hospital yesterday. The deputy stepped forward getting much too close to Camille. “Listen Camille you need to answer the chief, I have my doubts that you are just an innocent bystander in all this to begin with.”

Dillon grabbed the deputy by his arm and hauled him away from Camille, while Chief Morgan just shook his head. Dillon was in his face now. “I really don’t give a shit that you’re wearing a badge, if you ever talk to her like that again I will personally gut you like a fish. And further more she is Miss. Elliott to you. The Chief said stand down, so I suggest you stand the fuck down.”  he said through gritted teeth. His control was quickly fading. The deputy had been all puffed up and ready for a fight when he came in, but now that he saw murder in Dillon’s eyes he didn’t seem as cocky as before. He stared at Dillon but he did not utter another word. Dillon nodded in the Chiefs direction. The Chief knew Dillon’s patience was at an end he would have to get this over with soon.

Camille do you know why someone would kill Mrs. Bishop? he asked. Camille was still reeling from all the testosterone in the room. She pulled herself together quickly. “No, I have no idea why someone would want to harm Mrs. Bishop. She was a nice lady.” Suddenly Camille started to cry again. “It’s my fault she’s dead. I should have let her know I wasn’t at my apartment. If I had she would still be alive.” she said between sobs. Daniel sat down next to Camille and wrapped his arm around her shoulders she melted into him and cried even harder.

Dillon could never stand to see Camille cry and now it was tearing his insides apart to see her so upset. “Chief I know you need answers and we are willing to give you what we can. Can’t this wait until Camille is feeling better, I mean look at her.” Chief Morgan reluctantly agreed that this was not the time to question Camille. “Alright you bring her to the station tomorrow afternoon; I will hear what you have now though.” Dillon nodded and led the Chief toward his office. Butch stepped in front of the deputy. “You can stay here, they won’t be long. The deputy was smart enough to know it wasn’t a request; he didn’t like being told what to do by the likes of Butch it just didn’t sit well with him. They were all a bunch of assholes because they had been in the military. It wasn’t his fault that they would not take him, because of his height. He shoved his hands in his pockets never taking his eyes off Butch.

Once Dillon and Chief Morgan where in his office, Dillon gave him the information they had compiled so far, leaving out the fact that they knew who the killer was. Chief Morgan was a good man and a damn good cop but this was personal now. Xavier would not be arrested he was going to die; he knew that would not sit well with the Chief.

“Dillon I know how you boys think and because this person has targeted Camille I know that whoever this person is he or she will never see the inside of a jail cell if any of you catch up with them. I can’t stand by and let you kill this person no matter how much he or she may deserve to die, there are laws you know that. And I will tell you what else I know. The shooting at the hospital has to have something to do with that woman’s death. I also know that Camille was at the hospital with you, it’s never a smart move to let a potential witness leave the scene. One of the people outside the hospital at the time of the shooting said you were with a young woman who fit Camille’s description. I think this goes a lot deeper than what your tell me.” he said looking Dillon directly in the eye. The Chief was nobody’s fool.

Dillon kept his expression neutral. “I hear what you’re saying; I gave you what I have. If I find out more I’ll keep you in mind. That’s the best I can do for now.”  Chief Morgan knew he would have to catch this killer first or all bets where off. “Just remember what I said and I will expect to see you at the station tomorrow.”  the Chief said and he stood up and headed for the door. Dillon opened the office door for the Chief. “We’ll be there. And Chief you might want to make sure your deputy is not there when we get there.”  Chief Morgan smiled. “Mason is a good kid, he is a little bit much at times but he means well. I will make sure he’s out in the field tomorrow.”

Chief Morgan took his deputy and left quickly and Dillon was grateful for that. Dillon found the living room empty; he made his way to the kitchen and found Butch raiding the refrigerator. “Where’s Camille?  Danny took her upstairs he said around a mouthful of food. Dillon turned and headed for his bedroom, he needed to make sure Camille was okay. Then he could focus on everything else. As he was coming up the stairs, he saw Daniel coming out of his bedroom. Daniel turned and saw Dillon coming down the hall. “I tried to get her to sleep in my room but she insisted on your bedroom. I know this is not the time but one of you is going to tell me what’s going on. Damn it Dillon, Camille isn’t one of your groupies. She thinks she’s in love with you. Whatever this is it’s going to end badly.” Dillon would not say a word he left Daniel standing in the hallway staring after him.

Dillon entered his bedroom as quietly as possible, he saw Camille’s small frame under the covers.  Her back was facing him. He walked around the bed. Camille was asleep and her tear stained face had his chest tight with emotion. He didn’t want to wake her so he pulled a chair up next to the bed and he sat down and just stared at her. It was time to admit that he loved her; was it a real shock to him not really. He had realized it a long time ago. That she was the only woman for him. That realization didn’t change the fact that once this was over he would walk away from her. He didn’t know where he would find the strength to do it, because walking away from her was going to be like dying a slow death. Each day he spent with her only made it that much harder to walk away but walk away he would just as soon as she was safe.

There was a special opts assignment that had his name on it, the Commander had called him personally. He told the Commander he had to think about it but now, it was the only way to make a clean break. He heard Camille’s soft whimper. Her body tangled in the sheets. Dillon watched her, his eyes traced a trail from her red painted toes to her firm round breasts. He stood and slowly stripped off his clothes, his cock was hard as a two by four but he would not touch her. No, he would hold her because that was what they both needed. He slid between the sheets and he spooned his body behind hers and wrapped his strong arms around her. Camille whimpered and snuggled her butt into Dillon’s groin. Dillon smiled his little minx had no idea what she did to him. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, Camille’s hair smelled of jasmine. He would never get tired of that scent because it always reminded him of her.

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