Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series)
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Dillon broke their contact, never taking his eyes off her, as he began to strip his clothes off. Pulling the tee shirt over his head and throwing it to the floor, then he slid his thumbs in the waistband of his sweatpants and lowered them slowly down his muscular thighs. When they pooled around his ankles he stepped free of them, kicking them to the side. Camille gasped when she saw his body with its hard edges and smooth angles. Her eyes dropped to his erection that was hard and thick, the mushroom head purple and swollen, he was huge she wondered if he would fit. Her mouth watered as she watched a bead of pre cum at the tip of his cock she wanted to drop to her knees and take him deep into her mouth. Savoring the taste of him would be like heaven. She’d read enough in books to know the basics. She wanted to please Dillon and prove that she wasn’t a little girl, but a full grown woman.

Dillon stepped up to her and pulled her into another kiss that took all reasonable thought away. He kissed her softly at first and then he deepened the kiss, his tongue delving deep into the warmth and sweetness of her month, their tongues mating. Camille moaned her pleasure.

Dillon lifted her into his arms and laid her on the bed, he kissed that tender spot between her neck and shoulder, working his way down to her collar bone and then to her breasts. He licked around the nipple, gently blowing on it making it pucker and harden even more. He took the tight bud into his month and suckled; Camille lifted up arching her back to shove her nipple deeper into his hot, wet mouth.

Dillon moaned deep in his throat, she tasted like heaven. Camille ran her fingers through his thick hair, holding him to her breast. Dillon lifted his head, long enough to take her other nipple into his mouth giving it the same attention as the other. The sensations running through Camille’s body where like nothing she had ever experienced before, having Dillon’s mouth on her was better than any fantasy she had ever had. When he was finished, driving her insane he took his time slowly leaving a trail of wet kisses down her body until he was where he really wanted to be, he needed to put his mouth on every inch of her. He spread her legs wide getting a better view. He looked up at Camille; she had her eyes closed that wouldn’t due. He needed to know that she was right there with him and that she was on board with everything they were about to do.

Camille, look at me he said his voice huskier now from his desire for this sexy woman. Camille obeyed his command. When he had her full attention, he took his tongue and licked through her folds then he circled her clit and Camille almost came from the sheer pleasure of it. “You will watch me eat my fill of you; I want you to see how sweet you taste on my tongue.” His erotic words had Camille’s whole body trembling. He used his tongue slowly wanting to prolong every moment. No woman ever felt or tasted like Camille, he could spend forever savoring her honey sweet taste on his tongue.

Camille was sure she was going to die from such intense pleasure and when she said his name, it was as if she had opened a floodgate. Dillon sucked her clit into his wet mouth and Camille saw stars, he kept up the even pressure until Camille’s orgasm hit her like a tidal wave, rolling over her entire body
it took her higher than she had ever been before and its intensity was cataclysmic. Her body trembled from the sheer ferocity of her climax. How was she going to live without the pleasure only Dillon could bring her? Nothing that she ever did to herself would ever compare to what he was doing to her.

She was still riding the wave when; she heard Dillon’s deep voice. “Cam, what about birth control?” He said as he came over body.  Suddenly, Camille was back in the real world. Opening her eyes to stare at Dillon. He was waiting for an
answer; it was obvious they weren’t going any further until she answered his question. His green eyes seem to see right through her.  I... I’m not on any birth control.” Suddenly Dillon was coming to his senses. It was as if someone had thrown ice cold water on him. He was searching his brain; he didn’t have any condoms in the house. He never brought women to this place so there was no need for condoms. He made himself a mental note to pick some up the next chance he got. He rolled to the side of the bed and sat up; running his hands through his hair. “I guess we have a problem, I don’t have any condoms here.” He turned to look at her; he needed to know why she wasn’t on some kind of birth control? Condoms weren’t full proof. They protected a person from sexually transmitted diseases if they were lucky. Was she having unprotected sex? That thought froze his blood in his veins. The fear he was feeling was like nothing he had ever felt before.

Camille sat up pulling the comforter around her body.
Now she was nervous she was going to have to tell him the truth. Before she could say anything. Dillon spring up and started searching for his sweat pants. When he found them he, jerked them up over his massive erection. “Please tell me that you’re not going around having unprotected sex; do you have any idea how dangerous that is?” He was standing with his hands on his hips glaring at her. He was mad as hell. “That’s really not a problem for me.” she said in a quiet voice. “What the hell is that suppose to mean? I know for a fact that your mother made sure you had all the info about birth control when you were twelve. Damn it Cam what the hell are you thinking?” Now Dillon was pacing back and forth next to his bed. Camille would have found his reaction funny if he weren’t so mad. He walked over to the large wardrobe and began rummaging through draws. When he’d found what he was looking for, he walked back over to her and handed her a tee shirt. “Here, put that on. We need to talk and you need to eat.” Camille looked up at him; his green eyes were pale green now he was mad as hell with her. She took the tee shirt from him and pulled it over her head. This is really not that big of a deal, she said after she had the tee shirt on and it was covering her. Dillon whipped around and glared at her. “What the fuck do you mean it’s not a big deal?” Camille got out of bed and stood in front of him. “Because I’m a virgin that’s why.” Dillon blinked several times as he watched her carefully. “What did you say?” Camille took a deep calming breath. “I said I’m a virgin. You know someone who’s never had sexual intercourse.” He was still trying to process what he was hearing. He ran his fingers through his hair. Sitting down on the side of the bed he continued to look at her. “I’m sorry Cam I didn’t know; I just assumed. Camille walked over and sat next to him. “Well, it’s not like I broadcast that kind of information about myself to anyone who will listen, you know.” Dillon needed to talk about something else while he tried to assimilate what he’d just heard. “So, what about Luc Bordereau? You were dating him right?” Camille gave him a bewildered look. “How did you know about Luc? I didn’t tell anyone about him. Oh my god! Did Danny have me followed while I was in Paris? She was getting just as mad as he’d been a few minutes earlier. “No, it wasn’t Danny it was me. I had a friend who is stationed over there and I asked him to keep an eye on you. Then he would report back to me.” Camille just stared at him. She didn’t know whether to throw herself into his arms or to scream in frustration, because he still didn’t see her as an adult. “Why would you do that?” She asked trying to keep the hurt out of her voice. “Because I worry about you Cam. I’ve worried about you since your were just a little girl, I’m not sure why I worry about you so much.”

In that moment Camille knew why he worried about her; because he cared for her.  “I need you to tell me about Bordereau and your relationship. What went wrong and if it’s possible that he’s here stalking you.”
Camille wasn’t surprised that Dillon thought it was Luc, it made perfect sense. If she were honest with herself, deep down she thought it could be possible to. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, as the memories began to come flooding back. She hadn’t told anyone what really happened between her and Luc.  

I met Luc a few weeks after arriving in Paris. I knew about his reputations for women, drugs and drink and not necessarily in that order. I was so flattered that he was interested in me; I didn’t realize until it was too late why he was so interested. I was a trophy to
him; after he found out I was a virgin to deflower. He tried romancing me when that didn’t work, things began to get nasty. He started stalking me.  A month before I was to leave he came to my flat and wouldn’t take no for an answer. He... He attacked me and I fought back. If my neighbor hadn’t come to my rescue when he did, I don’t know what would have happened. In the end I had bruised ribs and a black eye. His father had him committed to avoid the scandal it would have caused.”

She wasn’t going to tell Dillon that she only started dating Luc to try and forget about him. It didn’t work. And here she was with a very angry Dillon.

Dillon sat there trying to tap down the rage he was feeling; he didn’t want to upset Camille. He could see how hard it was to tell him what happened. But then there was the question hanging in the air between them. Why hadn’t she called him or Danny; they would have been there in a heartbeat. He reached over and stroked her face with the back of his hand. When she looked up he saw the unshed tears in her eyes and he wanted to kill Luc Bordereau for hurting her. “Cam, why didn’t you call me or Danny and let us know what was going on. We would have been there for you.”  Camille was biting her lower lip now. Dillon pulled back; he waited patiently for her to answer him. When she looked up; the tears were streaming down her cheeks now. “Come here baby.” He pulled her into an embrace, wrapping his muscular arms around her. “I wanted to handle it myself; I had to prove that I’m not that little girl who came crying to you every time someone did something to hurt my feelings.” She felt Dillon take a deep breath. “This isn’t about hurt feelings Cam. This is about some asshole putting his hands on you, trying to take something from you that you weren’t willing to give him. What man does something like that?”

“It’s over now and I’m home safe and sound that’s all that matters to me. As for Luc yes I think he’s capable of stalking me; he’s already done it once.”  Dillon stood up and picked up the tray of food
he’d brought up for her. “Here, you need to eat, it’s getting late.” Camille did what she was told; as she watch the wall come back up between them. He wasn’t going to talk about what had happened earlier between them. Now that he’d touched her she wanted more of what he made her feel. “Listen, Cam you eat and I’m going downstairs to my office. I need to check on a few things.” When he turned to look at her he could see the disappointment in her eyes. She had given him a lot to think about. He turned and headed out the door never looking back.

Dillon paced back and forth in his office trying to wrap his brain around the fact that he’d almost taken Camille’s virginity. Knowing that no other man had ever touched her the way he had made his cock so hard it hurt. He wasn’t the hearts and flowers type of man. Nor was he interested in a long term relationship. Though when he was around Camille she made him feel and want things that he never considered before. He didn’t do virgins for a very good reason. It was complicated dealing with virgins. With his proclivities he didn’t want or need to be responsible for scaring any young woman for life with his sexual excesses. But now he was faced with a real dilemma. Now that he’d a small taste of heaven he wanted and needed more, he was going to go straight to hell for the thoughts he was still having about Camille. She was different he couldn’t just have sex with her and then leave. He knew
it even back then when he was too stupid to know better. He knew that if he ever started something with her he wouldn’t be able to leave. Dillon shook his head trying to clear his thoughts because all he could think of was Camille spread naked on his bed and all the nasty things he wanted to do to her. Fuck he was a fool for ever touching her and now he was going to have to figure out how to put distance between them again after tonight. It wouldn’t be that easy, for either of them.




Chapter Six



Xavier was pacing the floor of his hotel room; he ran his hands through his hair. He had been so close to the bitch, he hadn’t anticipated that someone would be guarding her, and yes, he expected her brother to protect her, once he realized she was in danger; he was counting on it. However, what he found was her brother’s military team was guarding her; he knew from his information they were a close-knit group but what he had not counted on was they still were. It seems they had grown up together. He wondered just how close they were and what their loyalties were, if there was a weak link.

He also didn’t expect that imbecile to take it upon himself to try to take her out, in board daylight no less. He was going to kill him. Nevertheless, he would have to wait because he needed him to keep his plans in motion. His little friend had more of the right connections that he was going to need to put his plans in motion.

He was trying to think did he clean the car well. He believed they would find no evidence of him or his little friend in the car.  After his botched attempted at murder he came running straight to him. As usual he needed to take control of the situation, and make sure they
both didn’t end of in jail and even worst dead. They always came running to him to clean up the mess they made. Yes he was good at covering his tracks, he had to be.

It had been
divine intervention that he ran across his little friend in a bar. All the signs where there that his little friend was just like him and his brother. Depraved beyond belief. Xavier watched him for hours before he finally decided to approach him. His instincts paid off; though his little partner was just a little too overzealous for his own good.

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