Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series)
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Zane watched Dillon carefully he knew this could get out of hand if Daniel insisted that Camille leave with him. Butch came back in from where he had been outside checking things out. “Everything’s clear. When Daniel turned back to his sister, he checked her from head to toe. “How are you feeling? Here sit down.” Camille had to smile at her brother he always babied her whenever she was sick. “I feel fine we just finished eating the guys made dinner. Where is Tina?” I dropped her off at home it was a long flight, I had trouble getting my tickets changed and the weather turned at the last minute or I would have been here a lot sooner he said. “I am so
sorry you cut your trip short.” Daniel leveled her with a stern look that said where he was supposed to be. “Let’s get your stuff together I’m going to take you home with me.” Dillon stepped forward. “Listen Danny I don’t think that’s such a good idea. She’s safe here the only people that know about this place are in this room.”  Butch cleared his throat. Everyone focused on him. “I didn’t have time to tell you I brought Trace in on this; he is on the hill behind the house.” Trace was the youngest person in their security company and he and Butch were cousins. Dillon gave Butch a look that had him shrugging his shoulders. “What? He’s almost as good a shot as Zane and I thought we might need him. You know he can be trusted. From where he is on the hill he can see the house and anyone who approaches. Though I’m not sure why he didn’t call us he saw Daniel coming in.”  Fine Dillon said sounding more than a little irritated.

Daniel stood and reached out for Camille. “Come on Camille lets go, we can get your stuff later.” Camille moved away for Daniel. “I don’t know what’s going on, but what I do know is that I won’t put you or Tina or the baby in any danger. I am staying here until I’m well enough to go home. Daniel turned and leveled Dillon with a look that had everyone in the room tensing. “Will somebody tell me what the fuck is going on here?” Camille moved between Daniel and Dillon.  “Danny stop, glaring at him. I can explain, Dillon thinks until the police have a lead on whoever did this that I should stay here. His safety as well as Tina and their unborn child were more important than his hurt feelings. Before Daniel could protest, Zane spoke up. “She’s right and you know it, if she was a client you would tell her to stay put until we had more information. Start using your head. For right now, this is the safest place for her because it’s off the grid.”

Daniel knew Zane was right but she was not a client she was his sister. He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to relieve the tension. Okay you stay, but I want to know everything that is going on he said as he watched the three men who always had his back. He walked over to Camille and kissed her on the cheek, he looked over her head and met Dillon’s gaze. Something unspoken passed between them an understanding that nothing better happen to Camille or there would be hell to pay. Dillon knew that his friend suspected something was going on between him and Camille. He could think whatever he wanted to as long as he didn’t try to take Camille away, he knew it was ridiculous but he wanted her to stay with him.

After everyone left Dillon locked up and set the security system, it had been a long night. He would check on Camille and then crash in the guestroom across the hall. When he entered his bedroom he heard the shower, he would peek inside to make sure Camille had everything she needed. The room was steamy but he stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted Camille’s naked form through the etched glass of the shower, her back was to him, so she had no idea he was standing there staring at her like some pervert. He couldn’t take his eyes off her; her skin was the color of Caramel and flawless, her butt was firm and her legs were long and lean. The sight of her stirred something deep within him, something he didn’t want to examine. He could feel the possessive instincts rising to the surface. Camille was the only woman that brought those instincts out in him.

Camille felt his presence she turned and their eyes met. In that moment she felt empowered, she wanted this and she would not shy away from it. She lowered her arms to give him a clear view. Dillon wanted to go to her; the effort to stay put was killing him. She was so beautiful she left him speechless. His eyes tracked the movement as she dropped her hands to her sides, her breast lifted up and down with her labored breathing, her nipples where hard little points that made his mouth water for the taste of them. His eyes moved down her body and stopped at the ring of gold in her navel, god she had a piecing. Things like that never did anything for him, but on Camille it was downright sinful.

As he managed to get his brain working again, he turned and left the bathroom without looking back. He went into the guess bedroom and locked the door. He took deep soothing breaths as he leaned against the door; he needed to get a grip. In that, one moment standing there looking at Camille he realized that if he touched her he would never be able to stop. He would protect her but there would never be anything else between them. She knew nothing of his sexual demands and if he had his way; she never would. He would protect her innocence even if that meant protecting her from himself.




Chapter Four



Camille was healing and feeling stronger, it had been two days since the incident in the shower and Dillon had made sure to keep his distance. He made her breakfast, lunch and dinner, but after each meal, he went into his office. They talked but not about what happened. He answered her question with short clipped answers. Camille was tired of the need overwhelming her body; it was obvious that they were attracted to each other, so why was he backing away from her now? She knew he would be a hard lover and that thought should scare the hell out of her, instead it only made her want him more. She wanted to explore that dark side of his sexuality.

Camille found Dillon in his office, working on his laptop after breakfast. Dillon sensed her but he didn’t look up. Camille closed the door behind her and walked up to his desk, she stood there forcing him to look up at her. Dillon took a deep breath. “Is everything okay?” she was more than a little hurt that Dillon was shutting her out, she could feel him pulling away and she was not having it.

“You have been avoiding me why?” he pushed his chair away from his desk and gave her his full attention; he knew she wouldn’t let it go. Knowing Cam, he was surprised she waited as long as she had to confront him. The past two days where akin to living in his own personal hell, staying away from her was killing him. He missed talking, laughing and teasing her. They had always been comfortable with each other. Now there was tension between them. The easy banter was gone; in its place was sexual tension that he could cut with a knife. He stood and moved around his desk to stand in front of her, putting his hands in the pockets of his jeans to resist the impulse to reach out and touch her just once more. Because he knew if he touched her, he would never be able to stop.  

“Cam listen the thing the other night I’m sorry, that should never have happened.” Camille looked at him as if he had slapped her in the face, she could not hide the hurt she felt. He was running away from the attraction between them. “I know you’re attracted to me. I can see it, I feel it. The man I saw staring at me the other night, that’s the man I want.” She was right in his face pointing her finger at him. She was sexy as hell when she was mad; Dillon thought to himself it would be worth making her mad just to see how sexy she was.

“That man you saw is not what you need. You need a man who can love you the way you deserve to be loved, a man who will take you to his bed and worship you  from your head to your toes, a man who will make love to you all night long and then again first thing in the early morning hours. I have a dark side Cam, I am not always gentle, and I like to dominate my lovers. Can you really tell me that’s what you want? Because it’s not what I want for you.”

Dillon’s harsh words should not have turned her on, but they did and she only imagined one man doing those things to her. She knew Dillon once he made his mind up he’d never changed it. He had always been a man of his word; she admired that about him. She would have to use a different tactic. It was obvious the straightforward approach was not going to work. “Okay,
that’s fair enough; can you at least stop avoiding me?” Dillon smiled that sexy smile that made his green eyes sparkle as he reached out and touched her face; she leaned into the caress.” Yeah I can do that he said as he dropped his hand. That was too easy and he knew Cam she didn’t give up that easy if it was something that she really wanted. Dillon looked down at his watch. “You have a two o’clock appointment at the hospital to take your stitches out; Trace will be driving in with us.” Camille smiled up at him, that smile had his whole body tensing as she turned and walked out of his office. He watched the sway of her hips as she walked away and he cursed under his breath. That little minx was going to be the death of him, but what a way to go.


The ride into town still had Camille smiling to herself. Trace had flirted shamelessly with her the whole way and Dillon wanted to hit something. Dillon had given Trace dirty looks every time Trace suggested that he and Camille go out sometimes, she and Trace were the same age it made sense, except the only man she wanted was Dillon. The thought of Dillon being jealous made her smile, she had never seen him so tense and if they didn’t get to the hospital soon Dillon was going to grind his back teeth to dust.

Once at the hospital Camille and Dillon took the elevator while Trace took the stairwell. Butch sent Dillon the floor plan of the hospital the night before. He knew where every exit was and which exit would be the quickest if they needed to get out fast. Camille looked around the waiting room. “Where is Trace?” She pretended not to notice the look Dillon gave her.

He is doing his job he said sounding more annoyed than he wanted to. He had to get his head together, he was jealous and he had to figure out how to wrap his head around that realization. He never got jealous over a woman. Nevertheless, he wanted to put his fist in Trace’s face even though he knew Trace was just being himself. Before he could stop himself, he heard himself asking the question. “Are you going to go out with Trace?” Camille smiled to herself she was enjoying toying with Dillon. “I don’t know he is very cute, what do you think?” Her question had not come as a surprise she had asked his advice before; he always gave the male point of view. He was always honest and straightforward; he never told her what he thought she wanted to hear. Now she wondered if he would tell her the truth. “Trace is only after one thing from any female, sex.” Camille tried hard to keep a straight face. “Well in that case he is definitely my guy.” She watched as all the color drained out of Dillon’s face, she was not sure what reaction she was looking for, but his silence told her everything. He was jealous and that thought gave her hope.

Dillon sat there trying to wrap his head around Camille’s comment; he hated the thought of any man touching her. He hoped they found her attacker quickly or he would lose his mind from the raging hard on he always seemed to have whenever she was around. He was thirteen all over again, except masturbating was not helping him now. He found release but it was hollow and soon after his release, his cock was hard again with just the thought of her. No other woman made him feel the way Camille did. There was a light about her that seemed to call to something deep inside of him.




Chapter Five



After the doctor removed Camille’s stitches; he gave her instructions for caring for her wound and told her she could return to work as long as she didn’t over do it. They checked out and headed for the elevators. Camille noticed that Dillon was quiet as he walked her to the elevators he looked around taking in everything and everyone. He was a predator looking for any sign of danger.

When they made it to the lobby of the hospital, Dillon pulled out his cell and called Trace. Dillon put his hand on Camille’s arm to stop her as he talked to Trace on the phone. When he was finished he put his phone back in his pocket, he took Camille’s arm and led her outside. As they stood waiting on Trace to bring the car around, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Something was wrong he could sense it. Camille had been talking to him and not paying attention. Dillon turned to lead Camille back into the hospital lobby, until he had a visual on Trace. When all of a sudden a dark blue sedan came out of nowhere, speeding and heading straight for them.

Dillon pulled out his weapon and pushed Camille down to the ground, just as she hit the ground Dillon saw the gun. All he could think of was making sure Camille was safe. He dropped to the ground and covered her with his body as shots rang out and everyone began to run for cover.

Camille screamed as bullets whizzed past her head. Dillon was like a heavy blanket; his body covered hers and shielded her from the gunfire. Once he was sure that it was safe; he jumped up and started running for the street. He got off a couple of shots before the car speed around the corner and was gone. He headed back to Camille, she was visibly shaken. Her big brown eyes were wide and her fear was palpable. He reached for her and pulled her into his body. She was shaking as she managed to put her arms around his waist.

He spotted Trace running towards them with his gun drawn. There was medical staff everywhere helping people who had been wounded, the two people who had wounds that where more serious where being taken inside.

Dillon stood watching all the carnage as the rage began to overwhelm him. It was like the war zones he’d worked in overseas, when he was in the military. Instead it was his home town.  The bastard had tried to kill Camille in board daylight in front of a hospital no less. Dillon knew deep down it was the same person who attacked Camille in the parking garage. The only difference this time; the bastard was becoming bold if he was willing to attack her in board daylight with plenty of witnesses.

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