Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series)
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The next day Dillon was there along with Tina, Daniel, Butch, Zane and Dillon’s father Ronan. Dillon didn’t act as if he remembered the kiss the night before he said his goodbyes as everyone else did. All he would’ve had to do was say anything and she would have stayed. She knew deep down that he would never have stopped her; he always thought of her as a little sister and nothing more.

She’d seen the darkness in Dillon, she heard about his preference for dominating his lovers. The rumors only made her more curious about him, even Tina told her of the stories she’d heard about Dillon. Even now, she would give anything for him to kiss her the way he had that night, even now he still held a piece of her heart and he probably always would. She was drawn to him and everything about him. She had to face facts Dillon would never see her as anything more than his best friend’s little sister, someone to tease and protect but nothing more. That she thought was sad, because she knew deep down that she could make him happy if he would only let her. Camille splashed water on her face and pulled herself together the best she could before she went back out for dinner.

During dinner, they talked about old times, all the trouble Daniel, Dillon, Zane and Butch used to get into. They drank and laughed, and it was the best time she could remember having in a long time.

Paris had been great but she had made a big mistake getting involved with her professor’s son, Luc Bordereau who was charming, handsome, and well known for his womanizing, he’d chased her relentlessly for the first year she was there. At first, she was flattered that someone like Luc would be interested in her but soon he wanted more than she was willing to give and things took a turn for the worst. She shook her head she was home, Paris was in the past, and she wanted to leave it that way.

Camille decided she needed a little fresh air after dinner; she was light headed from the wine. She went outside to stand on the back deck. She closed her eyes and took in the sounds of laughter coming from inside the house. “You’ve changed Cam.” Dillon’s deep voice startled her. She opened her eyes to see Dillon standing in front of her. In that moment she was speechless, she just stared at him. He moved closer, watching her carefully. Camille had to snap out of it; here she was alone with the man she wanted more than anything. She found her voice. “How have I changed?” He looked at her for a long while, as if he were trying to choose his words. “Your all grown up, two years is a long time.” She nodded as she stepped closer to him. “I’m still Cam and your still Dillon and that’s all that really matters right?” It was just the two of them out on the deck and she could hear everyone still talking a laughing inside. So why was he here with her and not inside with everyone else? He always made excuses to not be alone with her.

“Your right, I guess I just missed you.” Camille smiled up at him. Yeah, I know I missed home a lot she said. What she really wanted to say was that she missed him a lot, but she couldn’t find the words. So she let her actions speak for her. She stepped closer to Dillon putting her hand on his hard chest. He looked down at where her hand was. She felt his heart beating beneath her hand; it was strong and steady, just like Dillon. In that moment their bodies where so close.

Camille looked into his green eyes and what she saw was desire. He leaned down and brushed his lips to hers. It was such a gentle gesture, it made her ache, before he could pull away she put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. Much to her surprise he didn’t pull back. She ran her tongue along the line of his lips, he opened his mouth and she delved in, her tongue meeting his. She felt the warmth from his mouth as he gasped. Their tongues twined together as Dillon pulled her closer, her body melted to his as they devoured each other’s mouths. Dillon lifted the hem of her dress. Damn her, she was wearing a thong. He slid the thong aside and slipped on finger into the folds of her core. Camille gasped, and rotated her hips to meet his finger, driving it deeper. Camille wanted to climb inside of him.  Dillon broke the kiss “Damn, Cam you’re so wet, and I bet you taste like the sweetest honey.”  As he his brain came back online, he realized what he’d said and what he was doing.  Dillon slowly removed his hand from between her thighs, they were both breathless. He ran his thumb over her kiss swollen lips as he tried to catch his breath. For that brief moment he’d lost control; letting himself go and doing what he’d wanted to do for so very long.

He stepped back putting distance between them. What the hell was he thinking? He knew the answer to that particular question all too well. He wasn’t thinking; he was letting his cock do the thinking for him and that was always a mistake. When he looked at Camille he could see her confusion. He opened his mouth to speak, but the back door swung open and standing there with a big smile was Tina with a large plate in her hand.

“There you are I’ve been looking for you, I fixed you a plate to go.” Her smile faded a little when she took in the scene. Dillon moved to take the plate out of Tina’s hand. He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “What would I do without you?”  She smiled up at him. I think you would survive she said. When he turned to look at Camille she was gone. His brows were low in a frown. Tina’s smile was gone as she gave him a knowing look. What? He said trying to look innocent. “I think I interrupted something that’s what.” Dillon sighed. “Actually your timing was perfect; I have an early flight in the morning. Can you tell Cam goodnight for me?” Tina gave him a puzzled look. Why don’t you tell her yourself she said as she turned and went back in the house closing the door behind her?

Dillon looked around the dark yard until he spotted Camille sitting on a picnic table at the far end of the yard. He slowly walked out to where she was, sitting the plate Tina had given him on the table beside Camille. She looked up at him searching his face for answers.

Cam I...I don’t know what happened back there he said as he stood up straight and put his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry if I hurt you, I just missed you and I had a very bad way of showing it.” Camille looked up at him. “I thought it was very nice. I missed you to.” Dillon smiled and her whole body began to go haywire. “So are we good?  You know that I would never do anything to upset you on purpose right?” Camille nodded and smiled she wouldn’t analyze what happened, it was obvious that Dillon thought it was a mistake. That hurt a lot more than she expected it to. She had been drinking and so had he; she would just leave it at that. Now if only her body could get on board with it. She could still feel where his finger had been inside her and she wanted it there again. He was attracted to her that filled her with hope.




Chapter Two



Six months later

Camille was getting down to business; she’d already been commissioned to paint three murals. There was not much to complain about she loved her work.  She had already traveled to the west coast twice and she was to leave for Chicago in a few weeks. She had only seen Daniel and Tina twice since she moved out they weren’t happy about that at all. She made a mental note to call them, she would get tickets to one of the fancy shows playing in town; maybe a little family time would smooth things over. It seemed her life was falling into place. She even loved decorating the condominium. The only thing that would make her life complete would be to settle down with the man of her dreams, fat chance of that happening with her busy schedule but a girl could hope.

Her phone rang and she remembered that her answering machine was broken. “Hello Camille Elliott, hello is anyone there? There was dead silence on the only end of the line. She hung up, that was the tenth call she had received where the person on the other end was just breathing. Her friend Claire had mentioned it to her about two weeks ago and Camille told her not to worry about it. However, Camille was worried it had to be Luc, she would just ignore the calls and maybe he would get the hint and stop calling.  She couldn’t worry about it anyway she had to go home change and be downtown within the hour. They were unveiling her artwork; the commission was for an office building downtown. She was nervous this was it; this would prove to everyone that she knew what she was doing. It had been a difficult job; what should have taken a year to finish, had taken her six months. She was a last minute replacement, after the artist who’d received the commission dropped out. Camille had assured them she would have the mural done on schedule. After working nights, weekends and holidays. She finished ahead of schedule.

An hour later Camille walked into the main lobby of the Steinway building and saw the piece she had painted, it was a massive piece; it had been her biggest piece of artwork to date.  She walked around checking everything out when she spotted the man who had commissioned the piece, Richard Wellington was a big man with white hair and gray eyes that never missed a thing. When he saw her he motioned for her to come over, he was standing with his hands clasped behind his back looking up at the huge painting over the large fireplace, the whole place was abuzz with people running around making last minute finishing touches. “Mr. Wellington I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight.” He looked down at her and smiled. “I am not here to check up on you Ms. Elliott; I am here for moral support it’s always nice to have someone around who knows what you’re going through, especially since I see that you’re alone.”

Camille could not help but be relieved and he was right she did need someone that could share the moment with her. She had been too nervous about the whole thing so she hadn’t told Danny or Tina. She couldn’t tolerate them witnessing her failure; this was something she had to do all
by herself. Besides, if she had told them, then the whole gang would be there, even Dillon who had been MIA since her welcome home party and the kiss they shared.

  Thank you that is nice of you she said. So, what do you think she asked holding her breath for his answer? She watched him carefully trying to read his expression; he turned and looked at her. “I think I made the right decision hiring you, you’ve done a great job. Our client is very pleased; I would expect nothing less from someone who was taught by Pierre Bordereau. He sang your praises and he was right.” Camille smiled she felt for the first time that all her hard work and sacrifice finally paid off. The rest of the evening went off without a hitch she even met a few people who wanted her to do the artwork in their office buildings, it wasn’t her first love but it got her name out there, so she could work on whatever she wanted to in her spare time.

It had been a long evening when Camille decided to call it a night; she was still flying high as she made her way to the underground parking garage. The only sound was the click, clack of her heels on the pavement as it resonated throughout the parking structure. After finding her car and while fumbling with her keys, something caught her eye. Before she could get her keys in the lock a large arm came into view she ducted and swung her leg out to catch her assailant off guard, he jumped back just in time. Before she could recover he punched her in the face and she went down hard. She saw stars and felt as if she was going to through up from the pain; as she tried to get up her attacker grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up.

He twisted her arm behind her back and pushed her into her car, Camille tried to think. Was this really happening to her she had to do something. She struggled until she felt the sharp edge of a knife at her throat he was going to kill her. She blinked back the tears. She would show no weakness that he could use against her.

The sound of his voice brought Camille around; she felt his hot breath on her neck as he whispered in her ear. “Hold still bitch or I’ll slit your throat; before we can have some real fun.”  When he loosened his hold on her arm she snapped her head back and caught him in the nose he yelled an obscenity, He stumbled back holding his nose. Which gave her the chance she needed she elbowed him in his gut. It was then that she felt the knife as it pierced her side. Pain white-hot pain made her see double. She looked down to see the blood on blouse. Her only thought, her life was about to end. There was a brief moment of disbelief. She went to her knees as the darkness started to take hold of her. Passing out was not an option. Her attacker would surly finish her off. She breathed trying to calm the panic that was creeping up on her. She wasn’t going to win this battle, she tried to get to her feet but she fell flat on her face helpless, as she felt her blood seeping from the wound at her side and this time the darkness took her under.

Beep, beep, beep that noise was getting on her nerves, Camille slowly opened her eyes everything was blurry. Wherever she was, it was not home. Then it all came rushing back to her she tried to move, she had to get away before her attacker came back to finish what he started. A large hand landed on her shoulder. The panic hit her fast and she screamed NO!  Then a face came into view. Her eyes wouldn’t focus she had to get away. There was a deep voice one that she would know anywhere. Cam its Dillon the voice said. She was still shaking but she wasn’t afraid anymore. Dillon she said barely above a whisper. “Yeah baby it’s me and your safe I promise, you need to sleep I’ll be here when you wake up.” She calmed down and her breathing became steady, she could rest Dillon was there and he would never let anything happen to her. 
Her side hurt like hell but everything would be all right now that Dillon was with her. She drifted into a deep sleep letting the blackness pull her down again.

Dillon sat watching her; he had been on a date when he got the call. His only thought was Camille. When he arrived at the hospital and got the sketchy details of what the police thought happened, he called the two people he knew could find out what happened a lot faster than the police. Then he focused all his attention on Camille. The left side of her face was red and swollen; she would have a hell of a shiner in the morning. The knife wound was more serious. She had been in surgery for a few hours. She was lucky the knife missed any major organs.  She’d lost a lot of blood. The doctor said she would make a full recovery.

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