Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series)
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Chapter Seven




Camille woke up early, the events from the previous night came back to her and so did the pain. Her housekeep was dead. She’d only known Mrs. Bishop for five months, but she liked her a lot. Now a woman was dead because of her. A son was without his mother because of her. The weight of that realization was almost too much to take. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath; she turned over to find Dillon sound asleep next to her. Despite the pain she was feeling Dillon made her feel safe and protected she knew that nothing would ever happen to her as long as he was involved. She took comfort in that thought as she just stared at him. His thick dark hair fell over his brow and the stubble on his face gave him a rakish look.

She watched the rise and fall of his muscular chest; she studied the dark hairs following the path as it disappeared into the waist band of his briefs. Wanting nothing more than to touch his entire body. She decided on something else. She got out of bed and grabbed her sketchpad and pencils. She positioned herself at the end of the bed so she wouldn’t wake him. Then she began to sketch. Doing what she loved most gave her comfort. She had drawn Dillon before but not like this, not when he was relaxed. He would never have stood still for her to sketch him willingly.

Once she had several sketches she gathered everything up and she decided she was going to go to her studio, she needed to work to gain some control of her life and painting was the first step. She would not give into the urge to hide not now. She would leave Dillon to sleep because there was no way in hell he would let her go. She would be back in a few hours and he could be mad then. She could do
this; she knew how to protect herself. She was more convinced now; that it was Luc who was behind some of what had been happening to her. He didn’t scare her anymore. He was a coward and she wouldn’t let him control her anymore. The thing that gave her pause was the man that Dillon and Daniel had described. Xavier, she didn’t want to run into him anytime soon. She grabbed her clothing and headed for the bathroom in the guest room across the hall.

Dillon turned over and reached out for Camille’s warm body, he had become accustomed to reaching out for her in the early morning hours and satisfying his urge to touch her. Each time he found her he marveled at how much he seem to need her. However, this time as he reached out for her what he found was a cold empty space. He opened his eyes to find that Camille was not in bed with him. He listened for the shower he heard no water running. Dillon sat up in bed and ran his hand through his hair. Where was she? The hairs on the back of his neck where standing on end. He got out of bed and pulled on a pair of sweats, as he did that he noticed a piece of paper on the floor. When he bent down and picked it up. He was surprised it was a very good sketch of him sleeping. He had forgotten how talented Camille was. Suddenly it hit him like a two by four to the head. When she was upset, she painted. She would not have left without telling someone right? She had to know how dangerous that was.

He checked the bedroom across the hall. The only sign that Camille had been there was his tee shirt lying on the floor in the bathroom. Camille had been wearing the tee shirt the night before. Now all his alarms where going off. He turned and went back into the hall and he started to check each room. When there was, no signs of her upstairs he went down stairs. When he got to the kitchen, he found Butch and Trace drinking coffee. “Have you seen Camille this morning?” Butch and Trace exchanged looks before Butch answered his question. No, I thought she was upstairs with you. “Why.” Butch asked leveling Dillon with a serious look.

Now Dillon was nervously running his hand through his hair. “I woke up and she was gone, I checked all the rooms upstairs nothing.”  Trace cleared his throat, which got both men’s attention. “I...I was late getting here this morning.” he said not looking at either man. Dillon leveled him with a look that could make any sane man nervous. “Fuck, she’s gone. Get on the phone and find out where Zane is and tell him I need him to check her studio ASAP.” Before Dillon turned to walk away, Butch stopped him. “I know where he is, he called in about an hour ago. He made sure Tina go off okay and now he is tracking down some information about Xavier. He’s downtown.” Dillon thought about that information for a minute then the wheels where turning. And he didn’t like where his thoughts were taking him. He wouldn’t let his fear paralyze him. Trace stepped forward as he scratched his head. “I’m sorry Dillon I didn’t think to check in with you like you told me to.” Dillon could not be concerned with apologies he just wanted to find Camille. “We don’t have time for that now Trace; we’ll talk about it later. You and Butch get ready to move out as soon as I get dressed.” 

Trace nodded and turned on his heels and was gone. Butch just shook his head. “We will find her. Did you check to see if she left a note or something?” Dillon turned and sprinted up the stairs and Butch was right behind him. Dillon entered the guess bedroom scanning for any signs of a note. Then he went to his bedroom and did the same thing and there it was sitting on the nightstand next to the bed. It was Camille’s handwriting. He picked the note up his hand was trembling.

Dillon, I needed to clear my head so I’m going into my studio for a couple of hours, don’t worry I will make sure no one follows me. Please don’t be mad I just cannot sit around any longer.


Dillon balled the paper up and threw it. He turned to look at Butch. “Damn it she went to her studio to work. Get Danny up tell him we need him.” Butch turned and headed back downstairs to get Danny. Mean while Dillon dressed quickly, pulling on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt, he grabbed his boots and was out the door. As they left the house, Dillon was calling Camille’s cell phone. No answer just voice mail. He cursed under his breath.

The drive into town was the longest, Dillon had been unusually quiet and Butch knew that was a bad sign. Dillon was worried about Camille and the danger she might be in. Everyone was sure that if Xavier had been watching her apartment; then he was watching her studio to. However, he knew it was more than that, Dillon only got this way when he was close to losing control. Dillon kept the dark side of his personality under tight control but Camille was pushing all of his dominate buttons. He had watched Dillon become more possessive over the last few days and he knew when Dillon caught up to Camille the fireworks where going to go off. Dillon would not be
able to control the need to dominate Camille to prove that she was his and only his. Dillon had fought for years to control the need he had for Camille. God help them if anything happened to her. Butch would not think about what would happen if Dillon found her unharmed. Butch thought back to a time long ago when he felt that same insanity about a female. He muttered a curse under his breath.

When they arrived at the building that Camille’s studio was in Dillon waited until everyone was in place. Dillon jumped from the van; never turning back, he strode through the front door. Luckily, the security guard had his hands full with a mixed up delivery. He never saw Dillon. He took the service elevator because it was quicker.

Trace was fidgety as he and Butch took their place in the underground garage. “What the hell is wrong with you Trace what’s got you so twitchy?” Butch asked. Trace just looked at his cousin, not wanting to voice his thoughts. “What do you think Dillon is going to do when he finds Camille? I…I mean I really did forget to check in with him or you. And over sleeping was just stupid.” Butch put up his hand to stop Trace. “Listen Dillon will deal with you later and your right you didn’t think and not thinking can cost lives. Just do what I told you when he catches up with her we are killing everyone’s microphones for one hour. Just make sure you don’t fuck that up okay kid.” Trace nodded and that was it. He would ask no questions he would just do the job he had been given. He was curious as to why he had to kill the microphones but he would not be stupid enough to ask. Butch had a few questions of his own, but now wasn’t the time to bring them up. His cousin had been distant lately and he wasn’t always where he was supposed to be. He’d have to get to the bottom of it sooner or later.

Zane and Daniel were across the street in an office building. His scope was on Camille he had reported that he had visual and that she appeared to be safe. Daniel was pacing back and forth cursing under his breath. “You should have gone in to get her when you got here instead of waiting for the others. She’s like a sitting duck out there.” Zane knew Daniel was worried about his sister after the call that she had left the safety of Dillon’s house. This was Dillon’s call and even Daniel knew it. He just didn’t want to stand by while his sister was in danger.

“This is Dillon’s call you know that and you also know what is going to happen when he finds her. We sit tight till he lets us know everything is good. We clear?” Daniel whirled around to glare at Zane. His friend had a way with words he seem to cut right to the quick of things. “I know what’s going to happen but I don’t have to like it and I don’t have to like the fact that Dillon is fucking my sister.” Zane shrugged his shoulders without ever taking his eyes away from the scope. “That’s between you and Dillon. However, let’s not pretend you haven’t noticed the way he acts around her. I give him a lot of credit for not acting on it a whole lot sooner. He’s a good man you know it, and they are crazy about each other. Even though Dillon believes he has to walk away from her; in his mind he believes it’s for her own good. He will have to come to the realization that he needs her. Now you can accept what you know or you can lose your best friend because you are too stupid to see what’s been going on right under your nose for years. Dillon has fought the good fight trying to keep away from Camille to the extent of fucking as many women as he could, in a feeble attempt to forget about her. You can’t tell me you didn’t notice that. I guess if you haven’t noticed that, then you probably haven’t noticed that darkness in him seems to go away when she’s around. She’s his light. Every man has to deal with his demons the best way he can, you should be familiar with that concept.” 

Zane turned his steely gaze toward Daniel. “Tell me something do you have a problem with the whole black and white thing?” Daniel looked as if Zane had slapped him across the face. “Hell no, you know me better than that.” Zane gave him a half smile as he turned back towards his scope. “Then maybe you need to think about what’s really bothering you.”

Daniel stood there stunned by Zane’s words and the real cold hard truth was he was right. Daniel had watched his friend beat up and intimidate every male that ever looked at Camille sideways. If he where honest with himself he had fooled himself into thinking that Dillon’s extra attention was just a form of brotherly love towards his baby sister. When he knew all along that Dillon had been attracted to Camille for years. In addition, he had to be thankful that Dillon had always been man enough to keep his distance. His baby sister was a grown woman who could make her own decisions about her life. Dillon was family and nothing could ever change that not even his relationship with Camille. “You know you really have a way of getting right to the heart of things.” Zane shrugged his shoulders again. “I know it’s a gift. Now shut the hell up so I can concentrate.” he said with no trace of anger in his voice.

Dillon made it to Camille’s studio he could hear loud music He had not run into anyone else. The building was deserted on the weekend. He turned the latch cursing under his breath because it wasn’t locked, he slid the door closed and locked it behind him as he quietly made his way toward the music.

Dillon stopped short when he saw Camille sitting on the floor of her studio working on a large sketch pad. He leaned in and turned the music off. Camille scrambled to her feet; the fear in her eyes almost gave Dillon pause. He’d frightened her and in any other circumstances, he would have regretted it. Not this time, she had deliberately put herself in danger. That wouldn’t due under any circumstances.

I scared you; well that’s just priceless he said sounding none too happy with her. He spoke into the microphone at his ear. “I have the package and it’s secure for now, stand down and wait for further instructions.” He pulled the small microphone from his ear and tossed it on a nearby table. Camille tracked his movement; he stood with his feet braced apart and his hands on his  hips. “I would like to know what the hell you where thinking leaving the house? And if you say you left a note I swear I will put you over my knee and paddle your sexy little ass.”

His words shouldn’t have turned her on but they did, she felt the moisture as it seeped from her core. “Damn it Cam do you know how out of my mind I’ve been with worry, do you even care? I will not allow you to put your life in danger do your hear me not ever.” He moved toward her and before she realized what he was doing Dillon had her in his arms and he slammed his mouth down on hers kissing her hard. When he broke the kiss, they both were breathless. “I want those damn jeans off now.” he said through clenched teeth. As he began to unzip his jeans, the look on his face was that of a predator, but Camille had no fear. She could clearly see that he was holding onto his control by a thin thread and she wanted him to lose control.

She squared her shoulders and looked him in the eye. “No I don’t think I will take them off, if you’re so hot to have them off you take them off. She began to back away as she watched his eyes; they where darker his arousal was clear. Camille knew she was baiting the beast and she couldn’t take the time to care. Dillon was going to walk away from her once she was safe so until that time came she wanted the whole
man; she wanted the side of him that no one saw. The side he only showed to the women he slept with who knew the rules and how the game was played. This was no game to her she was playing for keeps.

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