Authors: Kevin Bales,Ron. Soodalter
Tags: #University of California Press
implementation tracking 210; statute
204; factory workers 176–78; FBI per-
framing 209–10
ceptions 234; federal v. state/local pros-
sexually transmitted diseases
ecution 207–8; forced prostitution 12,
steel 137, 144–46
15–16, 40, 78; foreign-born v. domestic
Stewart, Christa 97–98, 100
victims 102–5; global measurement
Stillman, Andrea 206
237; house slaves 18, 21–22, 34–35;
sting operations 79
legal criteria 82–83, 90, 96, 99, 112,
Stolz, Barbara 108–9, 111, 185
130; level of proof 246; locating vic-
street prostitution 87.
See also
tims 231, 254–55; media coverage
208–9; numbers involved 6–7, 104,
stress: slaveholders 29
249–50; organizational forms 16;
Student/Farmworker Alliance 64
prison sentences 32–33; prosecutions
stun guns 129
197, 235, 244, 245, 265; rationaliza-
sugar cane industry 69
tion of 118; sex slavery 78–83, 87,
Sumatra, Indonesia 139
89–90, 92–95, 107; sharing informa-
market corporations
tion 266–67; spokespeople 173; task
supply chains.
product chains
forces 178–81; types 12–13; U.S.-born
Supreme Court: profit from slavery laws
victims 80–84, 102–5, 185; victim
location 231, 254–55; warning signs
survivor-made goods 259
See also
sex trafficking
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Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report
T visas 242; witness co-ordinators 249.
See also
foreign-born victims; U.S.-born
Trafficking Victims Protection Act 2000
victims; victim support
(TVPA) 175–76, 197, 207, 218, 224,
Victims of Trafficking and Violence
240; asset seizures 264; child traffick-
Protection Act 2000 58
ing 92, 97; foreign-born v. domestic
victim support 198, 201, 204–5; children
victims 102–5; trafficking definitions
241; Department of Health and
99, 111–12
Human Services 219; funding 220–24,
training: anti-slavery action 193; anti-
227–28, 229; laws 207, 210; NGOs’ role
trafficking 185; police 42, 241,
233, 234; Office for Victim Assistance
265–66; provision 61, 96, 265–66
230–32; organizations 258, 264–65;
Trans Bay Stell Corp. case 257
police role 240–41; TIP Office 238
transportation: farmworkers 74;
video tapes: sexual exploitation 130–31
of victims 256
Vietnamese slaves 14, 131–32
trauma: signs of 254.
See also
violent control: agricultural slaves 52;
house slaves 4–5, 18, 28; recruiting
traumatic bonding 88
slaves 14; slavery criteria 13, 112
travel service providers 205
visa system: agricultural slavery 72;
trinket sellers 121–22
clothing factory labor 132; deaf
tsunami (December 2004) 144
Mexicans case 125; house slaves 18,
TTT (Teaching Teachers to Teach) 125
22, 33–39; inequalities 262; Togolese
Tulsa, Oklahoma 176
citizens 117–18.
See also
Guest Worker
Turman, Kathryn 230–32
“turning out”: prostitution 84
T visas 72; clothing factory labor 132;
wages: GAO investigations 73; tomato
processing 228; trafficking victims 242
pickers 45–47; Vermillion Ranch
Trafficking Victims Protection
case 74
Act 2000
Wagner, Steve 220–24, 230, 233
Waldron, Wendy 94, 96
umbrella translators 135
warning signs of slavery 41–42
“unaccompanied minors” 100
Washington D.C.: house slaves 37; sex
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
trafficking 92; task force 95–96
undocumented workers 217
water supply 45, 146
United Nations (UN): visa system 33, 38
Watson, John 28
United States: human trafficking 238,
Waxman, Henry A. 213, 214–15
See also individual places
weapons: agricultural slavery 52, 57
universities: anti-slavery action 181–83
weather conditions: tomato pickers 46
United Nations
Weber, Stephanie 182
U.S.-born victims 6, 15–16, 102–5,
Weitzer, Ronald 86
223–24, 231, 233, 241; agricultural
welding factory workers 176–78
slavery 60; forced prostitution 10–11;
welfare programs 103
sex slavery 80–85, 97, 102–5
Werner, Dan 65, 67
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
“white slavery” 10–11, 107–8
(USCCB): victim support 225–30
Wishnie, Michael 67
U.S. Customs Service 235
witness co-ordinators 249
U.S. embassy construction: Baghdad
Wolfe, Leslie 203, 205, 206–7, 210
women: clothing factories 131–32; deaf
Uttar Pradesh: child trafficking 238
Mexicans case 121; Diversity
Immigrant Visa Program 118; forced
Van Brunt, Jason 179, 180
prostitution 10–12, 40; sex slavery
Vermillion Ranch case 74–75
See also
house slaves
victim interviews 179, 231
Woomer-Deters, Kate 72–73
victims: cases made without 93–94; com-
worker exploitation: Oklahoma
pensation 200; cooperation with police
See also
forced labor; labor
188; identifying 254–58; IDs 228;
locating 226–27, 228–29, 231, 233,
working conditions: Guest Worker
247; as perpetrators 85; protection
Program 69; inhumane treatment
200–201; training police to find 265–66;
213–14, 217; labor law violations 213
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work visas.
visa system
Zambian Acapella Boys Choir
World Bank: visa system 33, 38
Zambia: choir groups 125–27, 167–70
World Wars 69
Zambian Acapella Boys Choir (ZABC)
Wright, Cynthia G. 92
126, 167–70
Zarembka, Joy 18–19
“yellow slave trade” 10
Zimbardo, Phillip G. 28
Yum Brands 62, 64
zirconium gems 140
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