Soul-Mates Forever (20 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Soul-Mates Forever
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“Hey, beauty. Whatcha got there? Is that other one for me?” I nod and smile as he kisses my cheek. He jumps over the back of the couch, sits down close and takes a bite of his sandwich quickly. “Damn, didn’t realize how hungry I am,” he says with a mouthful.

“Well, we both worked up quite an appetite last night,” I smirk. He smiles as he chews and then swallows. I watch his Adams apple as it slides down and then back up his throat.
Damn, I’m horny again.
He leans over and pulls my bottom lip from between my teeth with his lips and then kisses the hell outta me.

“You are my appetite,” he says against my mouth. My heart is racing, my chest tight, and I think I just melted into a puddle.
He’s so fucking sexy.
He picks up his sandwich again, takes a huge bite, followed by stuffing some chips in his mouth.
Ok, he’s a bit of a pig when he eats but a sexy pig.
I start giggling. “What?” He says as he chews his food. I can’t help but giggle more.

We lazy around, eating, laughing and watching a movie until it’s time to get ready for the bar gig again. I am stoked now that I went through with it last night. Of course, we take our time getting ready in the shower, making passionate love and washing each other, and we are late again. I think the guys in the band will either get used to us being late or pissed off. We have another big and wild crowd and rocked the shit outta the bar once again. By the time we get home, we’re exhausted but not too tired to make love again, on the floor in the living room, on the stairs leading up to our bedroom and then on our bed.
Damn, we’re like freakin’ bunnies in heat but oh, my God, I can’t get enough of him!

A week flew by and we practiced in our studio every night, Hulk sitting at a table there protecting us and getting into the music. No word from Stiles about Darndage so I’m feeling like maybe he’s left town and will leave us alone, but I don’t know if we can be that lucky or if he’s just laying low after the airport scene. I still have a really bad feeling. We’re all sitting around with Hulk, laughing, drinking and cutting up when Tucks phone rings. He winks and walks to the other side of the room, his phone against his ear. I’m laughing at something Spike said when I see Tuck roughly put his phone in his pocket and walk out the door angrily. Quickly, I get up and run after him. He makes it to the garage at our house by the time I catch up.

“Tuck? What is it, what’s wrong? Is it Darndage?” I ask grabbing ahold of his arm. He spins around quickly, his brows knitting together.

“No, baby. Just… I need some time alone, ok? Everything’s… I just need some time.” I nod and stand there confused as I watch him rev up his bike and take off.
What in the hell was that all about?

Almost simultaneously my phone rings. “Hello?” I answer keeping an eye on the tail end of Tuck’s bike as it turns onto the street and then leaving my view.

“Paxton… It’s Stiles. Um, you may not know this but Tuck’s mother was released from prison this morning. She’s been dry for three years now and is wanting to make amends with her son. Thought I’d warn you and Tuck. I tried to call him but his line was busy. Will you let him know?”
Oh! So that’s what’s wrong. Damn! Just when things were getting back on track. He must be really pissed and confused. My poor man!

“Thanks. I think he already knows but I appreciate your call. Anything new on Darndage? We haven’t heard anything for over a week. That’s either a good sign or bad,” I ask him as I walk back to the studio.

He coughs in my ear. “Sorry, bit of a cold. No, unfortunately we’ve lost track of him. I don’t think that’s a good thing. My gut says he’s planning something. Stay close to Hulk and his guys, please. Let me know if you hear anything or see anything suspicious. Take care of Tuck. I’m sure this wasn’t pleasant news about his mother.” I agree and hang up.

I get back into the studio to see the guys all still drinking and having a good time. Hulk looks up and frowns instantly. I start cleaning up and turn around to face them. “Um, guys? Tuck’s mom just got released from prison. He, um… He just left on his bike, pretty upset. Anyone know where he might go? Anyone think he needs some company? I really don’t want him to be alone out there.” My hands are shaking, and I’m wringing them in front of me as I sway, nervous to hear their answer.

All the guys stand immediately. Spike walks over to me and takes my hands in his. “Damn! We’re on it! We know where he’ll head to. You stay close to Hulk and we’ll go after him. This isn’t good. Anything else we need to know?”

The tears start to form in my eyes, now I’m really worried. There’s so much I don’t know about his past, so much I need to know. “Stiles said she’s been clean for about three years and wants to make it up to him. The call he got earlier? I’m guessing that was her. He’s pretty upset. I’m worried. I don’t know what to do.” I sniff as Granger comes over and wipes away a fallen tear.

“Hey, pretty lady. Now’s the time to be strong. Don’t worry, we’ve got this.” He turns around. “Guys, let’s rock.”

I watch quietly as they walk out the studio door and pray to God my man is ok.

Chapter Seventeen

“FUCK!” I scream as I throw a rock at a large pile of crap at the dump. I come here to let out steam when I need to. Yeah, it’s disgusting, heaps of shit everywhere. Well, that is what a dump is. I kick the side of a junked car, and I am now hopping around on one foot. Shit, that hurt!

“You’re gonna break your fucking toe in a minute if you keep that shit up, dude.” I turn around, still hopping and see Spike leaning against another junk car, Granger and Turner standing next to him. “Way I see it, you either talk to her or ignore her but odds are she’s gonna keep pestering you until you hear her out. Your choice.”

Finally, I put my weight on my foot and feel the pain move through it. “Fuck! Why can’t she just leave me alone? Hasn’t she messed up my life enough?” I pick up another rock and throw it at a heap of junk. “Dammit! Just when things start going great in my life she has to fucking crap on it!”

Granger walks over to me slow, his hands up in front of him. “Dude. Maybe she really is on the up and up. Maybe she really is clean and wants you back in her life, to make things up to you. Have you thought of that?”

I frown. “I wish, man. I just don’t think she can. I’m just tired of it. Didn’t I go through enough already? Didn’t I already pay my dues in life with her and the ole man?” Leaning back against the junk car, I bow my head and rub my eyes. “I just want a fucking normal life. It would have been nice to have a real mom growing up. I’m just not sure I trust her or am up for it again, ya know?” Looking up at the guys, I see the concern on their faces. I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me, I can’t take that. “I’m just so tired.”

Granger walks the rest of the way to me and slaps my shoulder, leaving his hand there. “Dude, we know. We’ve been there with you all along the way. We’ve seen what you’ve been through. But… What if? What if she’s really clean and stays that way? Do you really want to miss out on having a mom the rest of your life? And… What about kids that you and Pax will have? If she’s on the up and up do you really want your kids not to have any grandparents? Look, you don’t even have Pax’s parents around anymore either.”

“I know… I know… But… I still don’t trust her. I don’t know if I ever will. I know I should do the right thing and try. I just don’t know if I have it in me anymore.” Looking up I see him nod. I need to get my shit together. Standing up straight I head over to Spike and Turner, Granger following behind me. “Ok, enough of this self-pity shit. I have an angel to get back to and one helluva great life now. She contacts me, I might listen… Just maybe. But right now, I need my girl.” We walk back to the entrance of the dump, and I get on my bike. Time to get back to life.

When I walk in the kitchen, I see Paxton cooking, earbuds in and dancing to some beat. I lean against the door frame and just watch. Fuck, she’s so beautiful! She starts singing and my heart races wildly. How can someone look as gorgeous as she does, sing like an angel and have such an amazing heart? I’m so thankful she’s my soul-mate. I walk over as she opens the oven door and removes the most heavenly brownies. She sets the pan on top of the stove while shutting the oven door and bends over to take a whiff. My arms encase her, my mouth instantly finding the soft and silky skin on her neck. “Mmmmm,” I moan as I suck on her skin. “Brownies and the love of my life. Which to have first.” Her head tilts, and I’m able to get more of her in my mouth. “Fuck! I need you, beauty. I need you so bad.”

She turns in my arms, her mouth latching on to mine. As our tongues swirl with each other and I bend slightly, pick her up, carry her upstairs and laid her gently on our bed, settling in between her legs. My cock perks up and I rub against her heat. Her mouth moves away from mine. Her hands push against my chest, and she rolls over me. Her sexy body starts moving down mine, lifting my shirt and she starts kissing my chest.

“Today is about you…
… All day…
… Until I’ve exhausted your heart…
… Soul…
… And body.” I remove my shirt as she continues, her mouth sucking my nipple, nips and bites it until I moan loudly. As she ravishes me, her hand moves down and starts unbuckling my belt. Her mouth releases me and she sits up, moving my legs apart with her knee, and I raise up my butt and help her remove my jeans.

The look in her eyes makes me even hornier, if that’s possible. “Ahhhhhh, my sexy rocker, commando?” She licks her lips as her eyes stare at my fully erect cock. Her finger brushes the tip and I watch as she closes her eyes when her tongue licks it.
Fuck that’s hot!
“Mmmmm, so good,” she moans when she covers the head, the vibrations causing my cock to get even harder. I don’t have time to react as her mouth engulfs my now aching cock, her tongue doing wild things as her teeth lightly scrape up and down.
Shit! I’m not going to last long!
My head tilts back and my moaning echoes in the room as her hand starts fondling my balls, her mouth’s sucking increases, deepens. She releases me with a ‘pop’, and I watch as she puts a hand down the front of her pants, rubs her hot sex and brings it back out, it’s coated with her juices. Then my hips buck when I feel a small finger penetrating the one place no one has ever touched, her luscious mouth back on me sucking extremely hard and fast.

“FUCK!” I scream. My whole body still’s as her finger moves in deeper. God, I can’t describe the feelings I’m having, the wonderment of it all. I had no idea it would feel this way, this fuck hot awesome.

“Shhhh, sexy. Relax for me, baby. I’m gonna make you feel so good.” She whispers, her mouth sending vibrations all up and down me. My cum starts squirting a little in her mouth, my eyes close and I try to relax.
Fuck, hottest thing ever!
Her finger starts moving around and then I feel another one enter. My bottom lifts but she pushes me back down with her mouth still encased around my fuck hard cock.

“Damn, baby. Oh, God!” My liquid starts shooting into her mouth. I can’t hold it any longer. The feeling of ecstasy is racing through my body, adrenaline soaring to an all-time high. I feel like I’m having an out of body experience but next thing I know my girl is lying next to me and rubbing circles on my chest.

“You back with me, sexy?” She purrs. I look down at her. The smile on her face is huge, and I reach over and wipe a little of myself off the corner of her mouth.

“Fuck that was the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me. What in the hell possessed you to do that? Not complaining, but shit baby, that fucking blew my mind.” She leans up and kisses me deeply. I roll her over, my hand instantly finding one of her plump breasts, my tongue delving into her mouth where I can taste myself on her tongue. “I love you so much,” I mouth over her moist lips. My mouth moves down her neck, collarbone and latches onto her nipple. Her body bows as I suck hard and then tug with my teeth, gently. My hand travels south, over her flat stomach and then dives under her panties until I reach her pussy and plunge a finger into it. “I need you to cum, baby. I love to watch your face when you climax, it turns me the fuck on. I need you to coat my fingers,” I whisper in her ear as I push another finger in, curling them both, looking for the spot that will set her off.

“Ungh!” She moans as her body starts wiggling, her hips moving with the rhythm I’ve set. “Ahhhhhh!” She screams as the third finger inserts and hits her spot, and I watch her eyes roll back in her head. As my fingers get coated, I remove them and move in between her legs, my already hard cock thrusts into her, and I start moving in and out.

Her body is already shaking in her climax, but I keep her soaring as I begin moving faster. “Cum for me, my beauty. Cum hard! Let me take you higher than you’ve ever been before. Fuck, you’re so sexy, so beautiful when you cum.” She screams my name until I think she’ll lose her voice. As I cum, my body starts quivering, my arms having a hard time holding me up. Finally, I collapse half on her and half on the bed. We both lay there panting, our bodies slick with sweat. Feels like forever when she moves over and rests her head on my chest, still breathing heavily.

“That was beyond amazing! Damn! My wild and sexy rocker dude!” She says while trying to catch her breath. My phone cuts off our moment and when I reach over and see it’s the same number my mom called on earlier, I shut it off.
Oh, hell no!
She looks up at me, her brows raised. “Who was that?”

Her eyes close as I kiss her forehead. “No one, beauty. No one at all.”

* * *

My body is sore, but in a great way when I stretch the next morning. Damn, we’re gonna kill each other making love all night like that all the time but what a way to go. Looking at the alarm clock, I am shocked to see it’s almost noon. Wow! I wonder what time it was when we finally fell asleep. I know I saw light barely through the shades when I last closed my eyes. Turning my head, I see Tucks side of the bed is empty. I roll over and hear a strange crumple noise. I pick up a crushed piece of paper from under my side and roll back over onto my back and trying to unfold it carefully.

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