Soul-Mates Forever (21 page)

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Authors: Vicki Green

BOOK: Soul-Mates Forever
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My beauty, do you know how much I love you? Do you know how much I care? I’ll love you til the end of time, til my last breath. We need to talk tonight, and no, it’s nothing bad so quit worrying. I didn’t want to leave you this morning but had to work. Will be back as soon as I can. I need you in my arms, in my soul and I need to be inside you again.

All my love,

Your sexy rocker


I lay the paper out on my chest and sigh. My stomach growls so I get up, laying the paper carefully on the nightstand and head downstairs. I need to find another frame to put that note in to hang over our bed. By the time I put the last bite of my egg and bacon on a bagel sandwich in my mouth my phone rings. I roll my eyes when I see who’s calling.

“What do you want?” I growl.

“Darling. Your mother and I are sorry we’ve treated you so badly. We want to make amends. Will you come to us? Will you let us do that? Your mother is heartbroken and can’t eat or sleep anymore. Will you let us make it up to you?” My dad in his stuffy voice announces.
Who the fuck talks like that?

“Dad, um, no. Is that clear enough for you? I’m done. I seriously shouldn’t have to ‘come to you’ or anything else. I’m your daughter! I’m the one you kicked out. I’m the one that all you want from me is to parade around, look pretty all for you and your business needs! I can’t…” My stomach lurches, my hand covers my mouth, and I throw the phone down on the table and run to the bathroom in the hallway. After losing my entire sandwich and then some, I sit on the floor in front of the toilet wiping the sweat from my forehead with the closest hand towel.
Fuck! I hope I’m not getting sick again. Wait! How long has it been since my last period? I have never started even after I took that pregnancy test a couple of weeks ago. Shit! With everything that’s been going on lately I’ve totally lost track!

I push myself up, my hand pressing against the toilet, and hold my stomach when I stand. Still feeling ill I make my way upstairs to our bathroom, open the cabinet door and take out another pregnancy test. Thank God Tuck got more than one at the store.

I’m now sitting on the bed, test in hand with my leg bouncing up and down. I know stress can cause you to be late and man have I had a shit ton of stress lately, but I also know that I was on an antibiotic for over a week, and we’ve been fucking like rabbits in heat, and I’m not stupid. I know that antibiotics can cause the pill not to work. Ugh! I do want kids, especially with Tuck, but do I want them when I’m so young? When we are still trying to get our shit together? I know one thing, between Tuck’s life and mine, they will be the most loved, most cared for kids in the world. I close my eyes, bow my head and open them slowly. My heart drops.

Later on that afternoon I hear the front door open and I can’t wait until my sexy rocker finds me. “Beauty where are you?” I hear his footsteps running around the house. “Beauty?” He yells. I’m sitting there quietly, not moving when I hear him racing up the stairs. Our bedroom door flies open, hitting the wall behind it. The expression on his face is priceless. Mouth open, eyes wide and a smile that literally takes over his face.

“Welcome home, daddy.” I hug the huge brown stuffed bear sitting next to me and lay my head on it, the top of my red silky camisole riding up revealing my flat stomach that won’t be flat soon. He stalks over to me, crawls up the bed and kisses the shit outta me. I giggle as he pushes the bear over until it falls on the floor, his strong arms wrapping around me as he continues his homage to my mouth. “I didn’t think I could be any happier than I already am. I was wrong,” he says against my lips.

We didn’t stay up all night this time because ‘you need rest and you need to be careful’ he tells me. But, we did have the greatest sex ever as we celebrated my news together in the way we do best.

Snuggling into the warm body of my love, I open my eyes to find him staring at me in the morning light. “What? Do I have drool around my mouth?” He laughs and holds me tighter.

“No, beauty. You just look different already. Like you’re glowing, but that shouldn’t happen yet, right? Although, I don’t know how you could look any more beautiful than you already are.” He kisses my head, his fingers coursing through my hair.

I lean up on my elbow and smirk. “Hey, you already have me barefoot and pregnant. No need to keep sucking up.” Rolling my eyes, he pushes me gently over and settles between my legs.

He brushes back my hair and holds my face. “Beauty, no need to for me to suck up. You’re mine, all mine and no one, I mean no one will ever touch or hurt you ever again. Not if I can help it.” He leans down, kisses me passionately, and we have one hell of a good morning.

“But I’m really not all the hungry, baby. Seriously, my stomach’s been a little queasy,” I tell him again, as he pulls me into the kitchen. He stops us both, abruptly, takes his phone out of his jeans pocket, scrolls through some numbers and hits call. I’m just standing there staring at his sculpted chest, his little V-line that goes down, down…
Shit, I’m horny again!

“Hey, Doc! My girl is pregnant! Yeah! Thanks! She needs to get in there pronto. Yes. Stomach is queasy. Ok. Cool! See ya in about an hour. Thanks, Doc.” He ends the calls, shoves his phone in his pocket and gives me that fuck hawt cocky grin. “Now, we better put at least a little something in that stomach of yours before we go. Doc said to try some dry toast. She also said to drink a bunch of water but don’t go to the bathroom.” He winks, lets go of my hand, grabs the loaf of bread and walks to the toaster like he’s on a mission.
Well, at least I don’t have to worry about being taken care of. I just hope he doesn’t start mother henning me to death. Cue rolling my eyes.

He fed me toast, took me upstairs and washed me off in the shower and didn’t even give me any sex, humph! Then he helped me get dressed and drove me to the doctor. Now, we’re in a patient room. He helps me get undressed and into a gown and is sitting next to me on the table, holding my hand.
Yep, mother henning. Ah well, guess it could be worse.

The door to the room opens and in walks the doctor. “Ah, Paxton and oh, hi Tuck! Well, now Paxton, Tuck tells me your stomach is giving you a little trouble,” she says as she pulls up the roll chair and sits down writing on a chart.

I clear my throat. “Well, um. Yes, ma’am. Just a little though. I got sick once in the morning yesterday.” Tucks head turns to me quickly.

“You didn’t tell me that,” he says matter of fact.

“Well, uh, no I didn’t. Didn’t feel the need to really.” I look back at the doctor. “It wasn’t bad or anything but ever since my stomach’s just a little queasy most of the time. No big deal.” I shrug my shoulders and look down as Tuck’s hand takes mine.

“No big deal? That is a big deal, beauty. Can’t have you not being able to feed yourself or the baby. It’s not healthy.” Looking up at him, I see his brows are down low, the look of concern etched on his gorgeous face and his forehead all creased.
Shit! How can I be sitting here half naked and thinking about how hot and sexy he is and wanting to jump him? Focus, Paxton!

The doctor clears her throat causing us to both turn back to her. “Actually, even though it may not be as severe as Tucker is saying, he’s right. Not being able to get food into your system to help nourish your baby can do harm in the long run. Better to get that corrected now. I will give you a prescription for something that will help ease the queasiness along with prenatal vitamins.” My eyes look at Tuck to see his gloating self and sitting there with a raised eyebrow that I am choosing to ignore.

Another person enters the room rolling a table with a computer looking thing on it. “This will help determine not only the health of the baby but can sometimes tell how far along you are. It’s used a lot for checking a baby’s development. Now, let’s just take a quick peek and look at your results to see if we can determine how far along you are.”

Tuck helps me lay back while I put my feet in the stirrups. I shiver when the doctor starts poking and prodding in the area only Tuck has ever been. “Paxton, dear. Nothing to be worried about. There is no pain with this but there could be a little discomfort, just relax.”
Shit! I guess I did tense up a bit but how in the hell do you relax with a foreign object poking around inside you? Seriously?
“There now, much better. There, see? All done. I’ll let you get situated and will be right back.” She leans over and takes a picture the technician hands her and then she and Tuck help me to a sitting position and she hands me some Kleenex to wipe up. The other person smiles at me while rolling the cart back out followed by the doctor.

Tuck sits back down next to me, takes my hand and kisses the top. “Let’s get you dressed. You did great! I can’t wait to hear what she tells us!” He says excitedly.

After getting dressed, we are sitting there for what seems like hours and then the doctor finally returns. “Oh, so sorry it took so long but I wanted to make sure everything was documented.” She sits back in her roll chair and crosses her legs. “Well now, it appears you are nine weeks along which will give you an estimated due date of February 12th. We’ll be able to confirm the date as you get further along.” Tuck and I look at each other, my mouth drops and his is wide with his beautiful dimpled smile. “Now, I’m sure you both are excited but please stop by the front desk to get your prescriptions and make an appointment for one month from now. But if at any time you have questions or concerns please call me immediately. Call me at home if needed. Here is a picture of your baby.” She pats my leg, hands me the picture and stands with a smile, leaving us alone.

Before I know it I’m in Tuck’s arms and being swung around the room. “Oh!” I yell out, clamping my mouth shut quickly. He sets me down and bends over to look at me.

“Sorry! Sorry! I guess I got a little carried away. Are you ok?” He backs me up until my bottom hits the end of the table, lifts me up and sets me on it. “I can’t believe we’re gonna be parents. Seriously, my new life mission, well besides being the best husband and lover to you, is to be the best daddy in the world. I can’t wait to hold her, love on her and give her everything, within reason of course.” We both look at the picture in my hand and the smile brightens up his entire face, his eyes gleaming.

I lay my hand on his chest and look up into his eyes. “Babe, slow down. I’m just barely pregnant and what’s with the ‘her’? We are having a boy and that’s final! I am not gonna have a princess to have to guard with my life away from all the mad boys out there and… He’s going to look just like his father and you…” I poke him in the chest. “Are gonna have to fend them off little unsuspecting girls and give him the big ole talking to.”

He laughs as his arms wrap around me, my head immediately lays on his strong, broad chest. “Ok, beauty. Whatever you want. Let’s just make sure him or her is healthy then we’ll deal with the rest.”

Chapter Eighteen

“No! And stop calling me! I will NOT!” Paxton slams down her phone on the coffee table as I walk in with a glass of milk for her and a beer for me. She grabs the milk out of my hand and guzzles it, then slams the empty glass down on the coffee table. I watch as she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.
Ok, that was hot!
Shaking my head from my lustful thoughts, I sit down next to her and take her hand.

“Good ole dad?” She looks at me, her eyes filling with tears until she wipes them away quickly.
My tough girl.

“He won’t leave me the fuck alone. Telling me to come home, trying to put on the ‘I’m a caring parent’ façade bullshit.” She stands and starts pacing the room, her arms flailing around as she rants. “Does he really think I’m that much of an idiot? Does he really think because I’m blonde that I’m an airhead?” She stops and puts her hand on her hips. “Really?”

Standing I walk over to her and take her in my arms. “Beauty, I know I’m gonna regret saying this but do you think he might, maybe, even a little bit, mean it?” For that I get an eye roll.
I’ve missed that.
“I know. It’s ridiculous! But what if he does mean it? What if… What if he’s actually telling the truth? Maybe since you’ve been gone he and your mom realize what fuck ups they are and that they’ve really lost you. What if…”

Her eyes move to mine, and I can tell she’s thinking by the look on her face. “I’m not gonna cry.” I shake my head, and she sighs. “But how will I know if that’s really what it is for sure? What if I’m wrong and they haven’t changed?”

“Baby, there’s no way to know unless you give them a chance. We could leave tomorrow, just to see. If they aren’t on the up and up, we’ll just head back. But if they are then…” Her eyes now fill with tears, and I rub her cheek as one slides down. She lays her head on my shoulder, and I rub her back. “We’ll leave tomorrow.”

The flight was bumpy. The most uncomfortable ride ever but as long as my girl is laying up against me, I’m good. Luckily, Pax slept most of the way. Hulk sat behind us. By the time we gather up all her luggage and my one small bag, and we get out front, we see Charles walking towards us. He nods his head and starts taking her luggage to the SUV limo. We get settled inside, with Hulk riding up front with Charles, when my phone rings. I check to see who’s calling and immediately end the call. Pax raises her eyebrows. I nod, and she sighs.

“Ok, Charles. Fess up. What in the fuck is going on?” She says calmly as she pushes the intercom button. “I mean it, tell me.”

I can hear a low chuckle and then the clearing of his throat. “Miss Davenport, I’m not at liberty to say however… Just know it’s on the up and up. That’s all I can say.”

She looks over at me, her nose scrunched up, and I have to stifle my laugh.
She’s too fucking cute.
I take her hand and thread my fingers through hers. “Beauty. It’s gonna be ok. I have a gut feeling. Ya know people can change.” Her brow raises. Her eyes move to the phone in my other hand and then back at me. “Well, not everyone can. But I think maybe your parents could have.” She gives me her snarky smirk.

We drive into the circle driveway, and I grab Pax’s hand that is bouncing up and down on her leg. She looks at me with a frown and fear in her eyes. Once Charles has parked, he gets out, runs around the back of the car and opens our door. Pax squares her shoulders, shakes her head and nods at me. I take her hand and help her out, and then we walk up to the front door. She rings the doorbell, and we wait.

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