Stardust (5 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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Aurora gasped as his long length was displayed. His rigidness jutted forward, surrounded by a
nest of thick golden curls which
perfectly matched the luxuriant mane of his head. She murmured words of protest at his size, thinking of taking him inside her.

Do you doubt my ability?

Slowly she moved her gaze to his face. His brilliant green eyes glittered with passion. The taut look of his features told her of his desire. From the moment she had first laid eyes on this golden warrior she had felt an unexplainable effusion of life force. It was as if she had found the second part of her being. The cold, empty feeling that had haunted her for so long had waxed quiet and in its place a glowing, shimmering warmth grew with each passing moment.

Her hand trembled as she reached out to touch the pulsating shaft. Embarrassed at her actions, she dropped her hand, turning her head and hiding her face in the softness of the pallet.

Darton grinned at her shyness.

Do not be afraid, little one. All males are the same. The thought of your touch excites me.

Aurora knew his statement to be false. All males were not the same. Unable to resist, she had traveled to the city square without her uncle

s permission and witnessed the courting ritual. Many Palermonian males had been on display. And none had possessed the natural formation of Darton. This, along with the knowledge provide by the Craton, frightened her. And excited her.

All males are not the same,

she stated, sitting up boldly as she eyed his body openly. Bawna warriors showed no fear under any circumstances.

You are an unusual specimen.

With a tortured groan Darton tumbled her
back on the pallet
, his weight pressing her against the downy softness.

I have hungered for you since the very beginning,

he whispered in her ear.

Touch me, feel the power you have over me.

He closed her hand over his needy flesh.

I have never experienced the satisfaction,

she confessed in a soft, whispered voice.
Nor had she experienced the together ritual. That she did not want to share in case he moved away, weary of joining with an inexperienced female.

Do not worry. You will this night.

His lips covered hers and he began the sensuous ritual known throughout the galaxy.

Aurora could not control th
e tiny shivers of awareness which
racked her body. Each touch of her lover

s hands upon her sensitive flesh sent flames of fire licking through her. Never had she felt so alive. With his lips, he followed the
sensuous trial of his hands.
When his warm mouth covered one pebble-hard nipple, her gasp of surprise quickly turned to a moan of pure pleasure. When he transferred his loving attention to her other breast, she could only wind her fingers in the silky coolness of his hair and hold him closer. The pleasure being brought to her by the warmth of his touch, the gentle suckling of his lips, and the incredible feel of his bare body against hers was almost more than she could comprehend. Her breasts felt heavy and full and her body felt restless and incomplete. She gripped his broad shoulders as he raised himself above her.

Why have you stopped doing these things that make my woman

s body feel so strangely pleasurable?

It was difficult to form the words and they came out with breathless pleading.

The pleasure will begin again. And it will only get better.


she questioned, unable to believe anything could be better than what had just taken place between them.

How is that so?


s eyes narrowed.

Have you not yet experienced the together ritual?

“No.” She answered knowing she had to admit such fact even though m
any of her friends had told her that the Palermonian male expected the female to have the knowledge to satisfy him.

Please, show me more.

Still holding her gaze with his own, he slowly slipped his hand between her thighs, covering the warm mound of her womanhood. Aurora jerked convulsively as his large hand touched her in the most intimate of caresses. He slipped two fingers into her virgin core and she was beyond coherent thought. She felt herself slicken and warm even more, preparing for him. He smiled knowingly as her eyes widened in astonished disbelief.

You are the most resp
onsive female I have ever known.” Anote of pure awe colored
his husky voice. With a gentle touch, he deftly inserted one more finger into her honeyed warmth, testing her readiness.

Aurora moaned her pleasure at his touch from deep within her throat. Needing to return this pleasurable experience, she stroked her hands down the smooth expanse of his chest and stomach, finally coming to cup his engorged manhood between her hot palms.

With a sure touch, he parted her legs and settled himself between her strong, tanned thighs, but he hesitated before completing the final act.

This will be pa
inful for you. It is always the
way for a female the first time.


Aurora begged, not knowing for what she asked, but knowing this man could give her relief from the terrible ache. She knew if Darton took away the pleasure of his touch, she would surely die. Letting her instincts guide her, she brought up her legs, locking them behind his buttocks. He seemed to need no further urging. He entered her slowly and she felt herself stretch to accommodate his size. She flinched briefly as he breached her innocence and then he was fully sheathed inside.

Are you alright?

Aurora looked into his beautiful e
yes, filled with a passion
she had aroused, and felt herself surge with indescribable power. His rigid shaft, buried betwee
n her thighs, felt so good
she thought she might die from the pleasure.

I am very well,

she murmured. Unable to be still a moment longer, she undulated her hips. Hearing his startled gasp, she repeated her sensuous movement.

Little vixen,

he muttered. With a guttural groan, he moved forcefully into her eager, accepting body.

Ripples of amazing sensation swelled with
in her so fast and furious
she was forced to hold onto his muscular arms for fear of flying off into a thousand tiny pieces.

What is happening?

she cried.

Do not fight it, Aurora. Let go.

His voice demanded her total surrender. With a triumphant cry, he lifted her hips and held her for several deep, powerful thrusts. Simultaneous cries of fulfillment rang out in the darkness as both reached the crest together.



Upon the next sunrise Bart
ok stood on the palace balcony. Below,
the citizens
danced and sang, ushering in a new morning as they said goodbye to the night. An impatience to be about his business gnawed at him, but he firmly quelled it with the iron control he

d learned at an early age. He had worked long and hard for the reward he would soon reap. He could not afford to defile his carefully laid plans with silly sentiment.

Leaving the opulent furnishings of his suite, he strode quickly down the hall. He had sent Selina to fetch the old man only moments ago. The sooner they partook of the morning meal, the sooner the goodbyes would be said and his plans set in motion. He smiled smugly. No one knew the
secrets of the blue stone which
lived within the great Mountain of Life; not even his uncle. The tales of old had haunted Bartok since he was but a mere child. And now they rattled through his mind like a lost lullaby, elusive words without rhyme or rhythm.

Several hours later, Bartok leaned solicitously toward his uncle as they walked to the holding bay.

I am very sorry you must leave so soon, Uncle. It has been my honor to have you here.

Saatan waited patiently as the pod was readied that would carry him to his waiting ship in orbit high above the planet. It would take a half moon

s passing to reach it. Quickly covering the speculative gleam in his still perceptive eyes, he turned toward his nephew.

It has been good to be with you, son.

He patted the younger man

s shoulder with seeming affection.

Would you do an old man a favor and allow your beautiful companion to accompany me to my ship?

Bartok glanced at Selina.

Of course, my uncle. She is at your disposal.

With a slight bow, Saatan motioned Selina to precede him into the pod.

I will see
she is returned without harm.

Saatan held the smile until the doors of the pod swished closed before turning to the waiting woman.

You, my dear, have much work ahead. You must find out what Bartok is planning. That nephew of mine has discovered something.

I know nothing, my lord.

Selina bowed.

Do not pretend with me, you lying whore,

he roared.

How else would he allow you to enter my quarters? Are you to make me talk with your nubile body? He would have done better to send an Argonian pit dweller to my bed.

He spat the words to the now cowering female.

Do you weave from pallet to pallet on Palermos, milking the secrets from the male populous? Do you not think I know of your late night visits to the guard house?

At her gasp of surprise, he laughed.

You have no secrets of your own. Have you served every man in Atmos?

The thought of her with others inflamed his desire. The treacherous beauty would favor him again. The trip to Yulon would be long and cold. He parted his robes, coming to stand before her as she knelt.

Service me.

He thrust his lipid rod forward, savoring the feel of her mouth on his skin. Soon he would not have this weakness of the flesh. Soon he would be all powerful.

When he had achieved satisfaction, he rearranged his robing and drew the woman to her feet.

Bartok has sent an expedition to the Mountain of Life. I must know what he is after.

His voice lowered as he caressed the fullness of her breasts.

Do this for me and I will send you a thousand quecs.

His hand tightened painfully, making her cry out.

Cross me and I will feed this luxurious flesh to the males who inhabit the Yulonian Mountains. Find the secret of Palermos my nephew has discovered,

he ordered as the pod docked.

Or live to regret the day you were born.

* * *

After seeing his uncle on board his pod, Bartok
down one of the many winding stone staircases of the palace. Reaching the bottom he stood for several seconds, letting his eyes adjust to the gloom. Several more paces brought him directly in front of the first cell. The air was damp and the smell in the dungeon was putrid. Pulling a scented scarf from his pocket, he held it daintily to his nose.

He looked at the three occupants of the small cubicle as each lay sleeping on their flea infested pallets. There had been a time when those before him had meant more to him than life itself. Now all he wanted to see was their fear. With a vicious flick of his wrist, he sent
lock clanging against the iron bars. Instantly, all three prisoners were wide awake.

Well, well,

Bartok drawled sarcastically.

Look what we have here.

What do you want?

Darvek demanded, moving imperceptibly closer to his weakened king.

Bartok laughed mirthlessly.


t it amusing to see how the other half lives?

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