Stardust (7 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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s curiosity peaked.

What did he find? What did he say upon his return?

She stroked her hand up his shoulder and tangled her painted nails in his thin gray hair.

He found nothing, my lord. He was in a foul mood. He has gone on a hunt to lick his wounds.

Then he has not yet found that which he seeks.

The old man

s eyes held a speculative gleam.

I don

t think so. The guards say a great explosion rocked the Cavern of the Unknown. It made Bartok very angry.

She pressed her voluptuous body against his thin frame.

Sweeping the papers from his bed, Saatan quickly disrobed and ordered her to strip as he readied himself with his hand.

ou will find me the secret
Bartok hides. Whatever is in the sacred mountain must be very important. Otherwise, my nephew would not risk the wrath of the ancient ones by so blatant an act.

Selina slowly pulled the form fitting body garment away from her golden body. She stood quietly as Saatan

s lecherous gaze roamed leisurely over her.

My nephew was a fool for not taking you with him on the hunt.

Parting his thin legs, he silently commanded her to join him on the platform.


s tastes are becoming barbaric. I am no longer enough.

Such is the way of the young,

Saatan grinned knowing.

We shall have
to satisfy those needs.

His breath was heavy with lust.

Before you return to Palermos we will go to The House of the Unloved and secure a female.

Yes, my lord.

With a resigned smile, Selina lowered her head and pulled his swollen manhood into the moist cavern of her mouth. Slowly she pleasured him. Beginning at the base she worked her way to the tip of his rigid shaft and back again. Over and o
ver she took his length
, sucking gently.


s bony hips bucked with each swipe of her tongue, each bite of her teeth. Never had he thought to find a woman who could pleasure him after so many moons. His rough hands masterfully kneaded the firm flesh of her buttocks before slipping two long fingers into the moistness of her womanhood. With practiced ease, he slammed the two digits into her willing body. Hearing her moan of pleasure, he added a third, plunging forcefully inside. He could feel the waves of pleasure beginning to over take him and commanded her to t
ake him deeper down her throat.

His lusty groan filled the chamber as she rubbed the small sacs at the juncture of his thighs and forced him to spill his seed. He continued his ministrations to Selina

s body until he felt her release. There was nothing more satisfying than bringing a woman pleasure against her will. Repugnant in both body and mind, he pulled her against him.

You will pleasure me again this night.

One bony hand captured a firm breast,
squeezing the large mound of flush brutally.

Then tomorrow, after the maps and papers have been copied, you will return to Palermos and begin the quest for Bartok

s secret.

Yes, my lord,

she murmured, pressing her other breast to his cold thin lips.

It will be as you desire.

* * *


s House of the Unloved was much the same
as the one on Palermos and Argon.
The huge structure was divided into cells housing the young orphaned citizens. Saatan and Selina walked down the dimly lit hall, a Compassioner by their side.

Your highness, we are most honored by your presence.

Saatan nodded his head in acknowledgment.

I have come, seeking a ward for my nephew. As you know he is the new leader of Palermos. He wishes to extend his success to the citizens of Yulon by inviting one of the less fortunate to dwell within his great palace.

That is most honorable of him,

the elder gushed.

We would be most delighted to have one of our little ones be his. I will bring one for you.


Selina commanded.

I will choose the one.

The two males followed her as she walked the length of the hallway. At each individual station she stopped and studied the occupant. When she had viewed all the residents she spoke.

I will accept the one in room number one hundred and thirty-nine. She will be most appropriate.

The elder motioned for a servant to release the child. A young woman of seventeen moons approached. Her dark brown hair was dull and matted; her fair skin streaked with dirt. Selina remembered the feeling well.

She will be most welcome in the home of my master.

She bowed to the elder and Saatan, then hurried from the dwelling. Just the smell of the place made memories she had forgotten rise up to haunt her.

Saatan escorted the two females to his quarters.

The first order is a bath and covering for this wrench. Send for my servant, then come to my mat, Selina.

No, master. I will see to the female

s needs.


s voice was strong and clear.

Well, well,

Saatan drawled as his gnarled hand gripped her chin, forcing her eyes to meet his.

Is the she bitch concerned for her new charge?

She jerked her head free, unwilling to tell of the feelings inside.

I want to make certain she is pure. Bartok does not like damaged goods.

Saatan laughed.

Unless he himself has caused the damage. Be it as you will. The female is yours. Just remember what happens to the cat that bites the master

s hand.

He made a cutting gesture across his wrinkled throat as he left the two females alone.

* * *

Aurora awoke slowly, the warmth of Darton

s arms surrounding her. For once she was not overcome by the terror of darkness. Usually when the energy field was disrupted she would pace her uncle

s house with Talena in her arms, the comfort of her pet reminding her she was
not alone in the fast emptiness. Her hands
came down to stroke the smooth silky flesh of his chest. She smiled in mischief. He was much more distracting than a talking turin.

Thoughts of her best friend intruded on her other more lascivious ones and she sighed in regret. She must see to her friend

s needs at once. She had no idea how long they

d been in the dark vortex. It could have been hours, or days. Gingerly she moved from her lover

s side, startled at the tenderness in her most secret of places. The act of togetherness had not been as horrifying as some of her friends of Palermos had led her to believe. She shivered as she remember
ed the sensations which
had poured over her as Darton joined his body with hers. With a regretful glance she rose from the pallet.

Her seka lay on the floor, all fifteen buttons missing.
She put the black silk around her shoulders unwilling to think what the high priest
would say at the blatant destruction of the honored garment. As she moved through the ship, small beams of illumination appeared to light her way, letting her know they had reached the other side of the dark vortex since power was once again restored. With cautious steps she made her way to the holding bay where the animals waited. As she neared, a tiny voice spoke from the darkness.

It is about time you checked on me,

Talena hissed, her blue eyes shooting sparks of fury at her mistress.


Aurora scolded her pet.

You will wake Siara.

Oh, we can

t have that, now can we?
The overgrown fur ball has spoken not one word to me.

The turin

s voice softened.

The power failed many hours ago. I was worried.

Aurora felt a brief stab of guilt. She should have checked on Talena earlier.

You know she cannot speak. She is from Earth.

e moved closer to the cage which
housed the great jaguar. The emerald eyes, so like Darton

s, watched her steadily and she had the strangest impression the large cat could understand every word being spoken.

Well, that maddening man could have at least fed me before he left the bridge. Where is he?

Aurora blushed furiously hoping the dim light
would hide her heightened color.

Siara seems to have worked the replicator on her own,

she pointed out, hoping to distract the curious turin. Talena

s fur bristled exactly as she had hoped. Quickly seeing that both animals were well fed and watered, she took advantage of Talena

s anger and made good her escape. Slipping the seka from her shoulders, she eased beneath the silken cover next to Darton, hoping not to awaken him.

Where have you been?

His voice was a soft whisper in the darkness.

I was concerned about Talena.

Aurora turned toward him, seeking the beauty of his face.

Darton cursed.

Let the mangy thing starve.

Aurora laughed at his expression.

Not all turins are bad,

she said, gently rubbing the frown line between his brows.

Talena is my friend.

Darton pulled her close, fusing their bodies together. Aurora felt the hard evidence of his desire pressed against the soft swell of her belly.

I have better things to do than discuss the merits of a damn turin,

he growled as his hand made its way between her thighs.

Her breath caught in the back of her throat as he thrust two strong fingers deep inside.

I will pleasure you as you have never been pleasured before.


s mouth closed over her nipple, taking the entire circle of rose-colored flesh inside. Ferociously he suckled as his thumb found the hidden bud of her desire. Rotating slowly he rubbed the tender nub as his fingers moved rhythmically in and out.

Aurora cried out as the tension built within. Her head thrashed against the pillows and her hands came up to tangle in his golden hair.


she begged.

I cannot stand the delight.

He increased the pressure and the pace, thrusting rapidly. Within minutes Aurora cried out and was still.

Darton removed his hand and caressed the firm flesh of her thighs. He smiled at the expression of pleasure on her face remembering his own release just hours before. Gently he smoothed the sweat-streaked tendrils from her face, placing a tender kiss on her parted lips.

Rest now, my love.

He moved to the other side of the pallet, knowing he could not have her again. Initiating an untouch
ed female demanded patience and
his body swelled thinking of her tight passage.
Something he could not have.
He watched the rise and fall of her bare breasts as her breathing returned to normal. Seeing the direction of his gaze, she moved to cover herself, but he stopped her. His eyes narrowed when he realized how self-conscious she was of her nakedness. A foolish thought considering all they had shared. And would share. His eyes darkened to the color of a forest glade after a sudden storm.

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