Stardust (9 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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Darton, where are we?

She did not like the look of the planet he had chosen. When silence met her query, she glanced at her companion again. Her shriek of alarm sounded throughout the silent bridge. He was slumped forward, a bright red stain spreading swiftly down t
he length of his arm.

Dear Mother of the Holy Grail,

she whispered as she fumbled to release herself. She fell to her knees at the golden warrior

s side, her hands trembling as she felt for the life pulse at his heavily muscled neck. Only after finding the fast beating force did she dare to breathe freely. Swiftly she ran her hands over his perfect body. A slight bruise at his temple and the jagged gash on his arm were the only injuries she could ascertain.

Do not panic, Aurora,

she cautioned herself.

None of the injuries are life endangering.

She quickly tore a piece from the living glove, bandaging Darton

s wound. At once the bleeding stopped. She eased his great body backward until his head rested on the control chair. His face was pale beneath his golden skin. Her fingers gently removed the band from his head. Beneath the leather a large, purplish bruise was already forming. She secured the favored strip around her own raven locks. She must get them out of the ship before the Sybortron landed.

Running through the corridor she returned to the sleeping chamber and donned her seka, quickly replacing the buttons. With great efficiency she stripped the room of all she thought would be helpful to them on their journey, stuffing the supplies in a makeshift pack and hurrying back to
cargo bay. Her first thought was getting them to safety. She tried not to dwell on how she would transport an unconscious Darton from
the ship. All she knew was
she must.

Come my friends,

she urged the agitated animals.

What has happened?

Talena questioned as she took her place inside her mistress


We have landed but we must hurry. The Sybortron approaches.

Swiftly she released the latch on the jaguar

s cage but the large animal refused to come out, pacing the confined space. Aurora could sympathize with Siara

s unease. They were about to enter an unknown world, filled with unknown dangers. At least on Palermos she knew the enemy

s name, Bartok. Again she vowed never to return.

Please, Siara. Come with me.

She pleaded with the emerald green eyes.

Where is Darton?

her turin demanded.

What has that wretched man gotten us into?

Darton is injured,

Aurora replied softly.

We must help him.

Just like
a male

Talena screeched.

Never around when you need them.

Thanks for your conce
rn, hairball, but I am here now.


s voice sounded from the doorway. He leaned weakly against the frame, holding his arm.

Come Siara.

He snapped his fingers and the great cat jumped to his side.


Aurora whispered.

I was coming back for you.

His finger came out to stroke her cheek.

I know, little one, but I am fine.

His voice was low and sensuous making her quiver in response. He moved to take the bundle of supplies from her shoulder. He already carried a pack of his own.


she protested.

I will carry it
. You are injured.

I am fine,

he snarled, reaching for the pack with his injured arm. The living glove slipped, reopening the cut.

See, you are not fine,

she stated firmly and walked ahead, the pack secure in her arms.

He did not protest as she moved forward and another sliver of alarm snaked through her. She knew under normal circumstances he would never allow her to carry such a burden, the arrogant male that he was.

Where shall we go?

We must find a place of shelter. One that is defendable.

His sharp eyes scanned the desolate wasteland before them and Aurora was glad he was at her side. She didn

t know if she would have had the courage to go forth into such a land by herself. Finally he pointed to a large outcropping of rocks in the distance.

There. We should be able to find a place of hiding there.

Without a backward glance the four stepped from the shelter of the starship.

The ground was rocky, the dirt puffing in small, red clouds with each step they took. In the distance, the mountains rose from the rocky soil, their majestic peaks straining upward toward the watery sun.

How long do you think it will take to reach the sanctuary of the mountains?

Aurora lengthened her stride to keep up with Darton

s fast pace.

The distance from here to the mountain is deceiving. It looks to be a short journey, but it will take at least a quarter turn of the sun to reach the bottom.

Darton did not break stride.

Then we must climb up the side until we find a safe place to rest.

Aurora stumbled and he automatically reached to steady her.

I know this is
difficult for you,

he sympathized.

Females are not used to such strenuous activity.

He could see her bristle at his deliberately condescending tone, but he had to keep her moving until they reached safety. He clenched his hands to prevent himself from touching his head as a strange feeling washed over him.

is the males of our planet which
have forced us to endure such


. If King Jalon had allowed us the same opportunities, all would be equal.

Darton frowned. Aurora

s words revealed a world he did not know. Mayhaps a world he would not like. Before he had left, all citizens enjoyed the same status. He had been taught next to females. In fact, they had been smarter and sharper than most males his age.

King Jalon has forbidden the education of females?


Aurora said.

For twenty cycles of the moon. Where have you been all these years? Earth?

It is of no concern,

Darton answered, hardening his heart against the look of hurt that entered her violet eyes. He could not tell her anything about his past. Not now. Maybe never.

But it is you that concerns me.

He accepted the unspoken
chastisement she gave him by her proud acceptance of his harsh rebuke.

How is your head?

She reached up to touch the purpling bruise.

He bru
shed her hand aside, angry
the circumstances of fate were now forcing him to keep his distance from a female he felt in his very soul was his life mate.

I am well. I do not need the nursings of a female.


Aurora spat the word, her anger overcoming her concern.

I should have let your life fluids spill to the floor. I

ll take back my female nursings.

She reached out removed the living glove.

Darton caught her hand, holding her captive.

Do not waste such energy on anger. You will need it later.

Their eyes met and held.

Aurora tugged her hand free and straightened her seka. He was right. She would need all her energy. As they continued their journey, her mind whirled with numbing
speed. How could she climb the
huge block of granite and not fall to her death? The very thought was en
ough to make her insides shake.

Palermos was a flat planet, except for the Mountain of Life, which every citizen was forbidden to climb. But one look at Darton

s rigid back told her she must do it. She did not think he would be sympathetic to a female

s fears. Turning her mind from such troublesome thoughts, she scanned the terrain around them. The land was very dry and the air quivered with dense heat. Here and there a small shrub struggled for life in the harsh surroundings. Aurora had always prided herself on her good physical condition, yet now she found herself gasping for the next
breath of hot air with each step
she took.

It did not lighten her spirit to know Darton was having equal difficulty. His head wound concerned her deeply. She was relieved when he turned and directed Siara to a small circle of shade provided by an outcropping of rock.

We will rest here for a short time.

Uncapping the water pouch, he handed her a drink before taking a deep swallow of the cool liquid himself.

Aurora passed a slim hand across her sweating brow.

How far behind do you think the Sybortron is?

It is hard to tell. Our ship was faster, but I

m sure he picked up our trail once we left hyper speed. He will have no desire to crash land his ship, so that should gain us some time as well. And hopefully, he will go through the ship before coming after us.

He searched the landscape, his eyes moving slowly over the rough terrain.

The Sybortron is no more than two turns of the sun behind.

Then I guess we had better be moving.

She stood, every muscle in her lithe body protesting.

He chuckled at her slight grimace.

You make light of my weariness?

She could feel her an
ger rise. Yet, the thought
he would do so formed a pool of hurt within her heart.

No, little one,

Darton placed a gentle finger under her chin, forcing her eyes to meet his.

I would never harm you –
physically or emotionally. You are my woman. Anyone who dares harm you will meet my wrath. If I did not want to damage that lovely skin of yours with these cinder rocks, I would take you now on this very ledge.

Pulling her between his legs, he pressed the hard ridge of his desire against her belly.

I would strip you of this seka and plunge myself inside your depths, again and again until you had no doubt of me.

Aurora shivered at his words as well as the look in his eyes. Never would she have thought it possible, but his words, the possessive note in his voice delighted her inner being. It was a curious feeling, this closeness with another.

Come, we must make shelter before the two suns fall into the night.

Sealing the opening, he slung the water pouch over his shoulder and set out. Aurora followed close behind.

We will take it more slowly. The air here seems to be thinner than on Palermos. It will only get worse as we travel higher.


s predictions were proven correct. As they traveled further and further toward the mountain, the ground
gradually sloped upward. They walked far but
still had not started the treacherous r
ocky climb that would
lead them to a cavern of rest. Aurora

s breath felt like fire as she drew in long gulps of air.

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