Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients (20 page)

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Authors: Michael Furie

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft, #possession, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house is unlike any other., #and murder. When the evidence becomes overwhelming, #When author Rich Newman first arrives at the battered doublewide trailer deep in the Mississippi Delta, #it’s clear that this is no ordinary haunting. Called from Memphis to assist a local ghost hunting team, #long-buried memories from Newman’s own past come back to haunt him—memories he’d rather forget. Collecting physical evidence, #researching the violent history of the property, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house has become his most terrifying and mysterious case. What starts out as a malicious assault manifesting as deep rumbling sounds quickly spirals into a story of obsession, #and sorting through the spiritual implications of demons, #Magick Studies

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on your Yule tree where it can radiate its energy through-

out the home.


The Yule feast menu is usually the similar to what peo-

ple eat for Christmas dinner; roast turkey or pork, stuff-

ing, vegetables, cookies and pies and one of my favorites, mashed potatoes.

Yuletide Mashed Potatoes

Potatoes are healing and nurturing foods, both in their

regular use and in their magical abilities. Butter is sym-

bolic of transformation and is a sacred food of the faery as is milk. Combining these foods creates a classic comfort

food perfect for the holiday.

• 6 medium potatoes, cubed

• ¼ cup butter

• ¼ teaspoon black pepper

• 1 ½ teaspoons salt

• ½ cup milk

In a large pot, boil potatoes until very tender, 30 min-

utes. Drain the potatoes and place in a large bowl. With a large fork or hand mixer, mash the potatoes and add the

milk, salt and pepper until smooth and creamy. In mod-

ern times, it is a wise idea to substitute low fat 1% milk

Sabbats and Esbats 215

for whole milk and to use a fat free butter substitute when making mashed potatoes because, though butter is sym-bolic of transformation, the
transformation that we undergo from eating too much of it is usually unwelcome.

Shopping List

Here is the list of items and ingredients used in the Yule section.

❏ Apple (fruit

❏ Glue

❏ Pine cones

and cider)

❏ Black pepper

❏ Lemon juice

❏ Potatoes

❏ Butter (or fat ❏ Milk

❏ Pumpkin pie

free butter



❏ Candles

❏ Nutmeg

❏ Rosemary


❏ Chamomile

❏ Orange juice

❏ Salt

❏ Cinnamon

❏ Ornaments

❏ Sugar

❏ Cloves

❏ Paintbrush

❏ Sunflower oil

❏ Cornstarch

❏ Pins


Though Imbolg is one of the major Sabbats of the year,

due to the fact that it falls in one of the coldest parts

of the year for many, its traditional practices are rather few. This marks the time of “the quickening of the year” a
216 Chapter 12

time to work divinations to foretell the weather and see

if frost is out of the ground. This is an important holiday in the agricultural sense for it is the turning point in the year (halfway between winter and spring) and it is hoped

that early planting may begin at this time or soon after,

weather permitting. It is also an important holiday in the religious sense for in the old days, it was celebrated by

many as the day of Brigid; a powerful fiery Goddess of

inspiration and smithcraft and in the modern craft, it is

seen as a celebration of the recovery of the Goddess from

her work in giving the sun rebirth.

Due to its weather forecasting element, Imbolg has

filtered down into modern society as Groundhog’s day;

the day when people observe a groundhog to determine

if winter is waning or if it will last six more weeks. An-

ciently, it was noted that if serpents came out of their

holes at this time or if frogs could be heard croaking, frost was out of the ground and it was likely that the freeze of winter was over and warmer days were on their way. The

more modern use of a groundhog seems to be divination

by opposites. If the groundhog sees its shadow (mean-

ing the day has to be somewhat sunny for there to be a

shadow), it is said to mean that winter shall remain cold

for another six weeks. If the groundhog does not see its

shadow (since on cloudy days there are rarely shadows), it means that winter is ending early. Rather than observing

snakes or frogs or sneaking up on cute little groundhogs,

I prefer to use other divination methods for predicting

Sabbats and Esbats 217

the weather and what the future may hold in the coming



The attunement tea for Imbolg combines the energy and

warmth of the sun with the cozy closeness of the remain-

ing winter.

Imbolg Tea

• 2 chamomile tea bags

• ¼ teaspoon sage

• 3 cups water

• 1 tablespoon honey

• ½ teaspoon lemon juice

Heat the water to boiling then remove from heat.

Steep the tea bags and sage for five to ten minutes then

pour a cup of the tea and add the honey and lemon to the

cup. Sip to connect with the energy of the holiday.


Imbolg Powder

• 1 tablespoon sage

• 1 tablespoon chamomile (about two tea

bags worth)

• 1 tablespoon cornstarch

218 Chapter 12

Grind the herbs together and stir in the cornstarch.

Charge with your intent to connect to the energy of Im-

bolg. Bottle the powder for use.

Powder Spells

Brigid’s Spell for Strength

• 1 red candle

• Imbolg Powder

• Pin

Using the pin, carve an upward-pointing triangle into

the candle. Charge the candle with your desire for inner

strength both in health and in overall willpower. Sprinkle a ring of Imbolg Powder around the base of the candle

and light the candle. Say the following chant, “Power of

fire; candle’s flame, restore my strength in Brigid’s name.”

This may be repeated for as long as desired. Allow the

candle to burn for as long as is safe.


Imbolg Oil

• 1 tablespoon chamomile

• 1 tablespoon sage

• 1 teaspoon coriander

• ½ cup almond oil

Sabbats and Esbats 219

Warm the oil and herbs over low heat until you can

smell the herbs in the air. Allow to cool and charge with

the fiery energy of Imbolg. Bottle for use.

Oil Spells

Oil Scrying

• Imbolg Oil

• Small black bowl

Pour the oil into the bowl and gaze into it for omens

and symbols of the future.


Lamb is a traditional food of Imbolg as are dairy foods

and all edible seeds, particularly, sunflower seeds.

Roast Leg of Lamb

• 3 juniper berries, optional, if available

• 2 teaspoons mustard

• ¼ teaspoon black pepper

• 2 teaspoons salt

• 15 pound leg of lamb

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Crush the juniper ber-

ries (if using) and stir them in with the mustard, salt and pepper. Spread the mustard mixture all over both sides of

220 Chapter 12

the lamb. Place the lamb with the fat side up, on a rack

in a roasting pan. Roast for 2 to 2 ½ hours until meat has internal temperature of 160 degrees on a meat thermom-eter.


Seeds are packed with the growth and abundance energy

of Imbolg. Using seeds and grains in a prosperity charm

now maximizes effectiveness as we begin the time of wax-

ing light.

Seeds of Prosperity

• 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds

• 1 tablespoon brown rice

• 1 tablespoon poppy seeds

• 1 green cloth magic bag

Charge the seeds and grains with your desire for

prosperity and place in the magic bag. Seal the bag and

hold it in your hands while chanting, “Seeds and grain

sprout abundance, and bring prosperity to me now” as

many times as you feel necessary to seal the spell. Carry

with as much as possible.

Shopping List

Here is the listing of ingredients used for Imbolg in this section.

Sabbats and Esbats 221

❏ Almond oil

❏ Garlic

❏ Mustard

❏ Black pepper

❏ Green fabric

❏ Poppy seeds

❏ Candle (red)

❏ Honey

❏ Rice (brown)

❏ Chamomile

❏ Juniper berries ❏ Sage


❏ Coriander

❏ Lamb Leg (15 ❏ Salt


❏ Cornstarch

❏ Lemon juice

❏ Sunflower (oil

and seeds)

Spring Equinox

The spring equinox celebrates balance. The sun is per-

fectly over the equator, the day and night are equal and

we arrive at the mid-point between winter and summer.

Flowers bloom in a burst of color and life. The sweet

songs of birds fill the blossoming trees and the earth herself feels young, renewed and revived. Even those of us

with really strong allergies can still appreciate the beauty of this magical time, at least once the allergy medicine

kicks in. It is such an awe-inspiring sight to see bees, but-terflies and birds all working to complete nature’s cycle; pollinating flowers and cracking open seeds. This time of

year can offer such opportunity for connection to nature

and appreciation for the delicate balance and how each

creature has an important part to play. Again, if you suffer from allergies make sure that you have the appropriate

medication with you as necessary. Gasping and wheezing

222 Chapter 12

tend to be a distraction from communion with nature,

this I know for a fact.

On the spring equinox, it is traditional to celebrate

new life and the growth of nature in its waxing cycle. Traditional practices include coloring eggs as symbols of fertility, decorating with flowers and herbs and eating fresh early fruits and vegetables in the Sabbat feast.


The attunement tea for the spring equinox is a bright mix

of herbs.

Spring Tonic

• 1 tablespoon marjoram/oregano

• 1 tablespoon thyme

• 1 tablespoon peppermint

• 2 cups water

Heat the water to just boiling then remove from heat

and add the herbs. Cover the pot and allow the herbs to

steep for ten to fifteen minutes. Sweeten with honey if



Spring Equinox Oil

• 1 tablespoon marjoram/oregano

• 1 tablespoon tarragon

Sabbats and Esbats 223

• 1 teaspoon thyme

• ½ cup sunflower oil

Put the herbs and oil in a pot and heat on low until

you can smell the herbs in the air. Remove from heat and

allow to cool. Charge the oil with your intent, strain and bottle.

Oil Spells

Spring Cleaning Besom

A besom is a Witch’s ritual broom. It is used for puri-

fication and cleansing magic. You can enchant a regu-

lar broom with magic and use its power to cleanse your

home of negativity.

• 1 broom

• Spring Equinox Oil

Anoint the handle of the broom with a dab of the

magic oil. Wipe of any excess so the handle is not too

slippery and gently sweep each room of the house in a

clockwise motion to clean out the psychic grunge that

builds up over time. When you are finished, wash the

whole broom in cold running water.


Spring Equinox Powder

• 1 tablespoon lemon zest, dried

224 Chapter 12

• 1 tablespoon thyme

• 1 tablespoon cornstarch

Grind together the lemon zest and thyme then stir in

the cornstarch. Charge with your intent and bottle.

Powder Spells

Springtime Energy Boost

• 1 pink candle

• 1 yellow candle

• 1 light blue candle

• Spring Equinox Powder

Set the pink candle on the back, left corner of an altar

table. Set the light blue candle on the back, right corner and set the yellow candle in the front middle of the table to create a triangle pointing at you. Sprinkle a small ring of powder around each candle. Sit before the table and

light the candles; pink, blue, then yellow. Say this chant to focus the spell.

As flowers begin to bloom and grow

The world is blessed with waxing light,

I ask for renewed energy to flow and

Restore my strength, vigor and might.

Sabbats and Esbats 225

Sit before the candles in quiet meditation for awhile

to soak up their energy and then extinguish them in re-

verse order of lighting.


Eggs are a traditional feature of this holiday. Eggs sym-

bolize growth and fertility and the practice of coloring

eggs dates back hundreds of years. You can use decorated

eggs as charms to bring in the energies of the season and

place them among you other ordinary decorations with-

out anyone being aware of their magical purpose.

Eostre Eggs

• 12 hard-boiled eggs

• Food coloring or water-based paint

• Several small cups to hold the coloring

• White vinegar

• Spoon

• Wire rack

If using the food coloring, pour the coloring into the

cups and add a ¼ teaspoon of vinegar to each cup. Lower

an egg into each cup. Allow the eggs to soak up the color

for fifteen minutes then remove to wire rack to dry. Once

the eggs have dried, hold each one and charge it with your desire for it to become a charm of springtime energy.

226 Chapter 12

Seeds of Magic

Planting magically charged seeds in the ground and then

cultivating the plant that develops is an excellent way of utilizing the growth-related energy of this time in manifesting your desires. Plant seeds of an herb or flower that corresponds magically to your goal. You can look at the

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