Tananguard 02 - To Love a Lord (25 page)

BOOK: Tananguard 02 - To Love a Lord
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Chapter 20

“Lady Burgundy will see you now,” the
scrawny, pale servant girl said, motioning for Connor.

He stood from the chair he’d been sitting in as he waited for his presence to be accepted. Then he followed the girl through the house to a very large parlor. Lady Catherine Burgundy sat elegantly in a cushioned chair, hands folded in her lap.

She smiled when she saw him. “Connor Tananguard. It has been too long since you last visited me.” She held her hands out for him to take.

Connor strode to her with a smile, taking her hands in his and squeezing them tight
ly. He bent and kissed her cheek. “Lady Burgundy, you look as lovely as ever.”

She laughed. “Oh, you always were a charmer. I almost think Lucas learned it more from you than you from him. Sit and tell me all the details of your affairs as of late. We were not able to speak much at the funeral.” She sighed sadly. “Oh Lucas,” she whispered. “Misguided boy. I blame his father. Archibald gave him too much, but he never gave him what he needed. If he had simply let me raise him as I had asked, this would not have happened. And now,” she sighed as she shook her head. “Now it is too late.” Lady Burgundy had loved Lucas, and Connor being his closest friend for years had gained her kindness as well. She was older, well into her sixties. She was Lord Archibald Hoffman’s older sister. She did not have children, and she had always treated Lucas as if he were her own.

“Again, I’m sorry for your loss. He was like a brother to me,” Connor said.
Misguided, obsessed fool-of-a-brother.

“I know. You suffer as I do. But again, sit. Visit with me for a time.” She motioned the chair next to her.

Connor took the seat, and the two sat idly, chatting about things of the past.

Finally, Connor approached the subject he had truly come here
for. “My Lady, there is something I do wish to discuss with you. The Hoffman Estates. What do you plan to do with them?”

She sighed deeply. “I have not decided yet. What do you know of a young lady named Maggie Whiting?” she asked him.

Connor’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Why do you ask?”

She pulled a letter from her pocket and handed it to him. “Read it.”

He stared at the letter. He knew what it was. Weston had composed it in hopes of saving Lucas from shame. Connor’s father had explained what had been done to preserve the Hoffman name and prevent too many questions regarding Allana as well. It was all supposed to seem as if Lucas had placed himself in a bad situation by hiring mercenaries to kidnap Allana. He had a mistress, Maggie, who was with child. Lucas had seen the error of his ways and tried to abandon his mission to kidnap Allana in hopes of marrying Maggie. It all went afoul, and Lucas was killed.

Connor read the letter, feeling highly impressed by Weston’s work. “Interesting,” Connor said afterward. “Yes, I know her.”

“So she lives?”

“Yes, and she indeed carries Lucas’s child,” Connor told her.

Lady Burgundy sighed. “Do you know where I might find this young lady? I intend to fulfill Lucas’s last wish and take care of the girl, give her and her child a proper home.”

Connor nodded. “I see. And if she has already found one?”

Lady Burgundy laughed. “She was his mistress, Mr. Tananguard, and a maid at that. Where could she go that would be better than I could offer?”

pursed his lips. Then he took a deep breath. “Maggie Whiting had an offer of marriage. She’s with child, and the man is a good match for her, above her station in fact. He is the brother of Laird Robert McGrath of Scotland. She took the offer, and they have returned to the Highlands to live,” Connor explained.

Lady Burgundy balked. “She did what?”

“It was very honorable of Thomas to wed her, my Lady. And what other option did Miss Whiting have?”

“My option. I’ll not have my great nephew raised by barbarians. He will be raised here in London by me if she refuses to come herself,” she glowered.

“And if the child is a girl?” Connor asked casually.

“No, it must be a boy. We must have a boy to pass down the Hoffman name and inherit our lands.” She looked determined and possibly a bit afraid. This was her last hope of preserving all their family had
their family—their last hope of an heir.

“I understand how you feel. However, she is in a position to refuse you, and if she does, I would like to purchase the Hoffman Estates from you,” Connor told her frankly. It was his whole purpose for being here.

She stared at him in astonishment. Then she analyzed him. “You are a godsend, Connor Tananguard. I have been torn about what to do with the property, but you provide me with the answer. I cannot sell it to you, not yet. But I will lease it to you. I will entrust the Estate’s care to you.”

Connor nodded.

“It is actually fitting that it is you to take up residence there. I cannot give the property over to the girl or the child when he is born. But when he is of age, he will inherit the Hoffman title and the estates. You are like family. I cannot think of a better person to live there and manage the Hoffman affairs,” she said. She smiled at him with pride.

“And if she bares a girl or if the boy does not want it, then what?” Connor asked.

“If she bares a girl, you may purchase it. And the latter? That would be the boy’s decision,” she told him.

“Fair enough. I accept on one condition. You allow me to make necessary changes to the home. I’ve taken the time to tour the estates, and it has been damaged.”

She sighed but nodded in agreement. “I will have the papers drawn up. How long will you be in London?”

“I am not in a hurry to return. My family is with me, so I can stay as long as needed,” he replied. He prayed he was doing the right thing.
His gut told him he was. It felt right to make an offer on the estates, and perhaps buying wasn’t the better option. Leasing gave them opportunities. It did not bind them there as buying would.

“Good. Come back in two days time and we will conclude our business.”


Connor had never known the manor’s name. It had always been the Hoffman Estates or such, but when he signed the papers, he saw it,
Elderhaven. It was an old name for a new beginning, a beginning with his family. It brought hope, and Connor knew he would make the place theirs, make it their home and bring peace to the area once more.


Maggie stared at the letter uncertainly. It had come today, and she was more surprised than anyone to see it.

“A letter for me?” she asked Thomas. “Who would write me a letter?” Better yet, who knew she was in Scotland.
She had been here for several months now as Thomas’s wife. They were wed two days after he’d asked. Then they had left William’s camp two days after that with William and Kara as well as Mrs. Murphy. Kara and Maggie had become very close, and Kara wanted to be the one to deliver Maggie’s baby. Maggie suspected Kara came more for moral support than anything, and she was more than grateful for it. Even more so now. Her baby could come any day.

Thomas seemed reluctant as he said, “Apparently, Lady Catherine Burgundy.

Maggie’s eyes widened and she could feel the blood draining from her face. “She is Lucas’s aunt,” she whispered. “What does she want with me?”

Thomas shook his head. “I do not know, my love. You will have to read it to find out.” He held it out to her again. They were in the main hall. Others were about, but no one was close.

Maggie took it with trembling fingers.
“Can I read it in our chambers?” she asked him.

He looked disappointed, but he answered, “Yes, of course.”

Maggie nodded. She began walking toward the east side of the hall when she noticed Thomas wasn’t following. She turned to him in puzzlement. “Thomas, aren’t you coming?” she asked innocently.

“Do you want me to?” he asked in return.

“Yes, I do. I need you with me.” She was afraid of what was in this letter, and…and she didn’t like being far from Thomas. She was very attached to him. No, not just attached. She was in love with him—madly in love. She hadn’t admitted it to him yet. He said he would make her his when she did. But she was so far with child that she doubted he would want her like this. She wanted him, though, goodness how she did. The thought brought color to her cheeks. She was round as a pumpkin and all she could think of was being with Thomas in a very intimate manner. Muriel said it was the pregnancy, but Maggie wasn’t so certain. She’d been feeling like this for some time, but she continued to tell herself it was too soon. Now she just didn’t care. She was in love with Thomas, and she wanted him more than she ever did Lucas.

He smiled in pleasure as he caught up to her, taking her hand in his. He guided her to the east hallways that would eventually lead them upstairs and to their chambers. Robert lived in a castle—it was as simple as that—which meant it was a long trek to their chamber
s. It was a good walk, though, even with the tightening of her stomach. Kara said light exercise was good for her and the baby. Maggie rubbed at the muscles as she walked, trying to loosen them. The cramping moved to her lower back. It wasn’t uncomfortable or anything new. It was simply irritating.

“Are you al
l right?” Thomas asked her as she made a face.

There’s just not much room for him anymore. He’s grown so big; as have I,” she said as she looked down at her engorged stomach.

Thomas smiled. He swept her close and said, “Perhaps, but you’re still as lovely as ever.” Then he brushed her lips lightly with his. He pulled back as suddenly as he had pulled her close and continued their course to their chambers.

Maggie’s heart fluttered violently. She wished he would stop teasing her with these light kisses. She just wanted to be in his arms and to have his lips on hers in a wild fashion. They were going to their chambers. Perhaps she would just tell him how she felt and see what happened next. She felt a smile creep upon her face with the thought, but then she remembered the letter. That was why they were going to their room. Not for Maggie’s fantasies.

Thomas guided her into their chambers
. The room was large. There was a grand bed with the head of it against one wall, a small table with two hard backed chairs by it, and a separate room for washing and dressing with armoires for both Thomas and Maggie. And then there was the cozy area with the cushioned chairs facing the fireplace just beyond the bed. That was where Thomas guided her to.

Maggie took a seat in one of the cushioned chairs and
fingered the letter, staring at the names printed on the outside. Her name and Lady Burgundy’s name were quite clear, but how did the duchess know who she was? She swallowed as she slowly opened the edges then turned the paper over. The handwriting was very lovely, but it was in a script Maggie wasn’t certain she could read. She took a deep breath and did her best, reading what she could and fumbling over the words she couldn’t. She was still so new to reading. Some of the words were too difficult to decipher. She wasn’t certain she understood any of it…no, she didn’t want to understand any of it. She sighed then looked at Thomas who was hovering at arm’s length.

“I…I don’t think I understand it. Will you read it and tell me what it says?” she asked him.

He seemed almost eager as he took the letter from her. He moved to the chair next to hers, sitting down in it. “Would you like me to read it aloud?”

She shook her head. “No, just read it.
” She was too nervous. She thought she knew what the letter said, but it wasn’t possible. “Hurry Thomas,” she urged.

He smiled at her. “I’m getting to it.”

A small pang surged through her stomach as it tightened from her nerves. She rubbed it tenderly as she waited for Thomas to read. By the time he was done, he was frowning. Her stomach tightened even more. It was growing uncomfortable.

“Thomas?” she asked.

He looked at her, and she thought she saw fear in his eyes. If not fear, then definitely worry.

“What does it say?” she asked. She breathed deeply, trying to relax her stomach.

“What did you gather from it?” he asked her.

“I told you. I didn’t understand it. It makes no sense,” she said with a frown.

“Maggie, I don’t believe you,” he told her bluntly. “I think you know exactly what it says, but you’re afraid of what it means.”

She shook her head. “No Thomas. It can’t mean that.”

“Maggie,” he said patiently.

“She wants my baby,” she whispered as tears entered her eyes. “She wants him because he’s Lucas’s heir. She’ll take him from me, Thomas,” she finished with hysteria in her voice as the tears spilled down her cheeks.

He slid from his chair to kneel in front of her on the floor. He took her hands in his. “It does say something like that, but it is also offering you a home,” he said quietly. “It speaks of a letter Lucas sent her that explains who you were to him and whose child you carry. Do you know of this letter?”

“No. I don’t know why he would tell her about me,” she said frantically. “Don’t make me go, Thomas. Don’t let her have my baby.” She was certain there was
a demand in Lady Burgundy’s letter telling Maggie to come to her and allow her to care for her and the child.

Leave that barbarian you have taken up with and allow me to care for you. It was Lucas’s wish, and it is mine as well. I am
near royalty. I have the ability to make you nobility. No one will know you are not and that you were not. You will be my nephew’s widow, not his mistress left with child. You will have a home, and more importantly, the child will have a home. If you choose not to come, I will find a way to bring your son to me. Do not cross me.
There was more, but those were the words she had read and understood. She was certain of it.

Her stomach began to cramp again as Maggie grew frantic.

Thomas pulled her from the chair and into his arms. “No one is taking you anywhere, my love. And no one is getting your child but you. Do you understand?”

She nodded as she clung to him.

“You’re mine now, Maggie. I’ll not let anyone else have you,” he whispered against her ear.

Her heart filled with love. She wanted him to kiss away her fear and brand her as his. It felt right. It seemed right. She pulled away to look at him, to touch his face. His eyes memorized her face, lingering on her lips.

“I love you, Maggie,” he said quietly. He told her so often, and each time it made her yearn to say the words in return. Today she would.

She smiled. “And I—Ah!” she groaned in surprise as her cramped stomach suddenly tightened very uncomfortably—no, painfully—and fluid gushed between her legs.

His eyes widened in alarm. “Maggie, what is it?”

She gripped his shoulders tightly. She was leaking everywhere! How did he not know? She was sitting sideways on his lap. “The baby—fetch Kara. I need Kara!”

Thomas slid her away from him
to set her on the floor and finally noticed the wetness of her gown that had seeped onto his trousers. He gaped at it before cursing and jumping to his feet. He dashed from the room without another word.

Maggie groaned as she leaned up against the base of the chair. How could this happen so quickly? She hadn’t felt the pains as Lilly had. She’d just had light cramping throughout the day that had grown worse with the arrival of the letter. Even those had been nothing terrible, and she’d assumed they were brought on by her nerves. They must not have been because her fluid had burst, and now the cramping was worse
, quite painfully so.

Hurry Thomas,
she thought as she forced herself to breathe through the pain. A good ten to fifteen minutes passed as she waited. The pains kept coming and time was getting shorter between each one. What was taking so long? Another pain came, stronger this time. She breathed and moaned and breathed some more. She was sweating and cringing, unable to move, and she was alone! “Thomas,” she whimpered. “Come back.” Time slowly etched away as she waited and fought through each contraction.

This was horrible! Tears seeped from her eyes
. The pains were agonizing, and they continued getting worse with the breaks between too short. Another one came, causing her to actually cry out from it. It subsided long enough for her to catch her breath before coming again.

This time she
yelled and groaned through the pain.
she cried in her mind. Where was he? “Thomas,” she sobbed aloud as the pain subsided for the moment. “I need you.”

t hurt. Oh, how it hurt! She released a scream as she felt intense pressure in her lower region. It was happening too fast! Could anyone hear her? Where was Mrs. Murphy or one of the other maids who frequented the halls? Where was Thomas? Why was no one with her?

“Help me!” she cried. Then she screamed again as
the pains came again. She panicked as the desire to push settled over her. She couldn’t do this alone! She needed someone—anyone! She wept bitterly, fighting that urge to push. She needed to push, but she couldn’t! “No, no, no,” she groaned as she fought. She clenched her legs together.

The moment passed, but too soon was it upon her again. She screamed again through the pain, fighting for all it was worth to keep her baby within for just a few more minutes.

“Maggie!” his voice cried. “Maggie, I’m here,” Thomas said as he ran into the room and slid to his knees next to her. “I’m sorry. Kara was out gathering herbs.”

“He’s coming,” she
groaned. “I have to push!”

His eyes widened in alarm.
“No wait! Kara’s coming. She was right behind me.”

The pains came again, and she couldn’t fight it any longer. “I can’t!” she cried. She yelled in agony as she allowed her legs to slide apart. Then she grunted heavily as she pushed. She felt the head slide out. Then she had to stop pushing! What a horrible thing this child
- birthing was! She just wanted him out, but she had to breathe before she could push again. Wait! Nobody was there to catch her baby!

“Thomas, you have to catch him,” she said through her tears. “Please,” she groaned as she began pushing again. “He’s coming!”

Thomas blanched, but he didn’t hesitate to slide down to her knees and lift her skirt
s above them. His hands reached down as Maggie shoved her baby from her body with a final yell.


Kara could hear Maggie’s yells as she ran to her room. Thomas
said her fluids had burst, and that meant Maggie could have this baby anytime. It simply depended on her body on whether or not she delivered quickly or took more time like Lilly had. From the screams, Maggie was getting close. Kara picked up her skirts and ran faster. Their whole reason for coming to Scotland was so she could deliver this baby and make certain Maggie was well.

Kara burst through the door just as Maggie shouted for Thomas to catch her baby. Kara stared in astonishment as
he did just that.


gaped at the tiny thing in his hands. What the hell was he supposed to do now? He pulled it close—no,
close—turning him on his side to help clear his airway. The baby sputtered before releasing a wail. Thomas had helped with the birth of sheep, horses, and cattle, but he’d never witnessed the birth of a woman’s baby. He looked at Maggie and saw her eyes swarming with tears.

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