The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure (18 page)

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Authors: Robert M. Collins,Timothy Cooper,Rick Doty

BOOK: The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure
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     Throughout the month of July 1991, the Gates’ hearings kept being delayed, but Bush’s support was unwavering. But if the hearings were not going to convene by the end of July, they would have to wait until September because Congress would be in recess during the month of August, which is just what happened. The date was finally set for the 16th of September for the Senate Select Intelligence Committee Hearings on Robert Gates for Director of Central Intelligence (DCI).


     As August progressed, feedback from Parrot was that this briefing process was requiring more than anticipated and they would be lucky to finish before Gate’s confirmation. They continued to run into obstacles. The Justice Department was against it. The recommendation to Bush would be to take this strictly covertly. Even with the obstacles, the meeting to present the plan was scheduled for the 22nd of August and Raven felt they were ready to approach him. The meeting would take place at Kennebunkport, ME. Bush was there for a working vacation for the month of August. The meeting was to include 15 high level officials from Washington. The hope was that a consensus would swing Bush to “green light” the operation. The meeting was scheduled for 180 minutes; for a perspective an intelligence briefing usually takes 30 minutes or less.


     Because of foreign visiting dignitaries, the meeting of the 23rd was delayed. It came down to its third reschedule of the final weekend of the August break. How they could manage to get that many high level officials into Kennebunkport without the press suspecting the advent of WW III, we didn’t know. Naturally, the world never sits still while these subjects are being discussed and August was no exception. The Soviet coup attempt and the fall of communism were underway.


My briefing, following the Memorial Day weekend, informed me that the meeting never happened. The news was not good. In essence it was dead, I was told. They shut all the doors and the government locked them. It won’t happen at this time


     Of the 15 needed to support, they only had four (4). At one time they had eight (8) and thought those eight (8) could convince the other seven (7), but it worked in reverse as they pondered too hard and too long. They made a lot of enemies.


     When William Webster, the outgoing CIA director, was briefed on the plan he flew into a rage. He kicked a chair and yelled, “You can’t do this to me! You can’t do this to me! I’ve had Senators and other high level people sit in that chair and I’ve told them there is nothing to this! You can’t do this to me!”


     I guess the greater good of an informed public be damned when we had individual reputations to consider. Heron (Jerry Miller) felt Raven hurt himself and that he should have released something first, then watched government circles react. They could not move forward because they had no protection. Bush I, we are told, was never thoroughly briefed. He was only told that a plan was in effect to see if it was feasible to make a release. We were back to plausible deniability.


     The reality was that the plan to assess a programmed, gradual release and its projected, potential affects were begun in the 1950s. All the dealings with UFO researchers, planting stories, influencing movie themes, disinformation campaigns, the Emeneggers, Moores and Shanderas had all been the feasibility study. It has been a long-term plan. But, what stops the efforts of Raven and company?


     It does not seem likely that it is the ETs. It is apparent to us after hours and hours of conversations over many years that the Ebens have a great deal to impart to us. But to make intelligent decisions, the public must be made aware of what is going on. If, as they say, the Ebens are 20-25,000 years advanced beyond us, it is like saying we can not even fathom how far advanced they are. A hundred years ago, we humans could not even envision today’s computer age.


     We cannot predict where we will be in the next 100 years. To even use a number like 25,000 years means their technological, biological and psychological development is incomprehensible to our scientists. But again, by all accounts, the Ebens seem to be helping us. They have given us craft to study and fly. There have been exchange programs. Instead of destroying or conquering, they seem to keep trying to help us.


     If that is what the evidence points to then why does each effort for hard evidence get stopped? It does not appear to be the Aviary that is stopping things. It does not appear to be the Ebens that are stopping things; indeed, they seem to go to great lengths to not force us to do anything. But, it does appear as if they are trying to motivate us to perhaps save our planet and ourselves. If they are not here to help us then they are not as smart as their advanced technology would indicate they are.


     We will find ourselves as short-term playmate without the help of someone else. We are destroying our planet and ourselves; the hard evidence is everywhere, at an exponential rate and incredible speed and on the cosmic scale of time. So, again, what is stopping the evidence from being released? The most logical deduction and conclusion is [sic] human greed and power. The old adage goes, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”


     Just think of it, the possibility that ETs could provide new technologies that could not just save but revolutionize the planet. With control of these technologies it could mean world domination. Who better to stop an officially-sanctioned release than power brokers who want continued control? Those who have it are not about to relinquish it.


     For our part, we know what exists; we know the reality of the Ebens. Rick Doty has been in intelligence from the inside, he has seen the craft, he has seen the highly classified reports, and he has seen the photos from the Roswell file showing alien bodies. Bill Moore has seen Unidentified Flying Objects maneuver before him. He has heard incontrovertible testimony from numerous first-hand eye witnesses; he has followed an undeniable trail leading to the inner circle.


     Jaime Shandera has now had the existence of ETs proven to him beyond question. He has followed much of the same trail as Moore and heard the testimony. But to say that we know beyond what we can prove to the reader is only the first step in a long, long journey.


     If we are successful with the sources and the investigations with new developments currently underway, the promise of more definitive information will be soon forthcoming.’


Jaime Shandera


So what about the forthcoming? Despite the government-Shandera disclosure effort that flopped, what else had taken place since 1991? Starting back in 1987-1988, we were receiving what was called ‘Bird Code,’ see (5) for samples from the 17+ pages that were received. This Bird Code exchange involved Ernie Kellerstrass, Rick Doty, Robert Collins, Jaime Shandera, Bill Moore and perhaps the DIA’s Falcon or the CIA’s Walter Ferguson as our Washington DC sources who Bill Moore and Jaime knew, but not the rest of us.


     This code supposedly gave us directions on how to find the ‘Bird Sanctuary’ or an apartment in Washington, DC near the mall where an ambassador was kept. Was this ambassador an alien named EBE-3 (female) or some other female EBE who departed in 1989 or was it ‘93? Needless to say we ‘blew’ our window of opportunity because some of the information was not interpreted correctly by Jaime Shandera and Bill Moore who actually made the trips to DC.


     Jaime started working again on this ‘Bird Code’ in the early ‘90s and, with the help of ‘postcards’ from New Zealand and other places, he was able to put enough information together to make a special trip to Washington in the summer of 1995.


     It was too late to meet our “ambassador,” but it wasn’t too late to meet “Mr. X” (Walter Ferguson, CIA?), Jaime wasn’t too clear on that. He met our Mr. X in front of a building near the mall. As Mr. X escorted Jamie into this building, Jaime noticed a checkered board in the front entry way (King’s Table) laid in the floor (6) and off to the left was a TS/SCI vault reportedly containing “volumes” on our extraterrestrials.


     However, in June/July 2012 the CIA Falcon was disclosed as none other than Harry August Rositzke who died November 4, 2002 in Warrenton, Virginia. Very few people were in a position to know who the real Falcon was. The two we know about for certain are Bill Moore and Richard Doty. Both had direct interaction with him. Bill Moore provided a name to his friend Greg Bishop in 2005. Brian Parks (see author link, last page) had known Bill closely from the early 1980's until he dropped out of UFO research around 1994. Just a few months ago he gave Brian the very same name as Bishop had (4).





(1a) The Zeta Reticuli Star System:

(b) Colonel
John Grine was part of the initial medical team that examined EBE-1. He also assisted in the autopsy on one of the other Ebens. Colonel Grine retired in 1970 and lived in Austin, TX until 1985, when he moved to Albuquerque. Colonel Grine died in 1995 at the age of 91.


(c) Colonel Bryon Redlinger, who lived with EBE-1, died in Phoenix AZ, in 1989. He lived with EBE-1 from 1949 to 1952 when EBE-1 died. Colonel Redlinger was a Captain at the time. Rick said he spoke with him in 1980 and again in 1984. He was a very nice man who retired around 1970. He was from the very old school. He served before WW II. His daughter Dennette lives in Albuquerque and is married to an Air Force officer who must be retired by now. Bill Moore did interview the Colonel sometime back in the1980-’82 time frame. The agreement was that the interview would be held in confidence and all information would be safeguarded.


(d) Mantis type aliens:


…Angleton circa 1952, “when the bug spoke those in the back of the room fainted.”


(2) As reported in the July 1999 issue of
Physics Today
, two-and-a-half months before his death, the world-renowned Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov gave a speech in Lyons, France. Included in that speech was the following: ".... We are looking into the fantastic possibility that regions of space separated from each other by billions of light years are, at the same time, connected to each other with the help of additional parallel entrances, often called wormholes. In other words, we do not exclude the possibility of a miracle: the instantaneous crossing from one region of space to another. The elapsed time would be so short that we would appear in the new place quite unexpectedly, or, vice versa, someone would suddenly appear next to us. I talk of such things in order to show what kinds of questions are being raised and discussed at the cutting edge of science."


(3) Project Beta: Creation of a Modern Myth, Greg Bishop, Paraview Pocket Books 2005.


(4a) Who is Jamie's Raven? Still an unknown, but Rick Doty's was Mr. R or Richard Helms ex CIA director. And, what about Falcon? According to Bill Moore and known by Rick Doty it's Harry August Rositzke, born in New York, 1910.


     A redacted FBI memorandum dated in 1961 for Rositzke (not shown) was kept as classified until July 2011, then the classified portion was redacted. This memorandum follows the same formatting of the 'leaked' CIA Oswald Memo dated in March 1964 mentioning Oswald being trained by the CIA and Naval Intelligence. 


Brian Parks (who provided the memorandum) stated on 07-20-012:


"What happened was that an FBI informant overheard Harry say some complimentary things about the Soviet Union. He reported same to FBI. As soon as they found out who he was they dropped the matter cold. I gave this to Greg Bishop for his online talk, and he did use it, but not many seemed to have been watching.


The other attachment is a quality photo that is from the cover of "The CIA's Secret Operations" from 1977. An old book that you can get on Amazon. He also wrote "KGB: The Eyes of Russia." I have that also but not read it yet."


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