The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure (21 page)

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Authors: Robert M. Collins,Timothy Cooper,Rick Doty

BOOK: The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure
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, sedimentary rock wholly or in large part composed of calcium carbonate. It is ordinarily white but may be colored by impurities such as iron oxide making it brown, yellow, or red and carbon making it blue, black, or gray. The texture varies from coarse to fine. Most limestone is formed by the deposition of sedimentary rock, wholly or in large part composed of calcium carbonate


At this point it’s important for the readers to understand that even when one has access to certain facilities and drawings it doesn’t automatically mean one can just walk in and start “busting down” walls to prove one’s point. Wright-Patterson AFB is still U.S. government property.


Those Nitrate Film Vaults


Besides the two above ground Nitrate Film storage vaults at WP located in Area “B" (now used for keeping exposed nitrate film until the conversion to a 'safe film' or medium) there were a number of other nitrate film storage vaults below ground that were reportedly built in the mid-’30s designed for massive storage of nitrate film. For nitrate film please see,


It was in 1947, and later, that the film storage vaults (later converted and upgraded) were reportedly used to store the recovered “alien bodies” from Roswell and other crash sites. The underground storage vaults were only known for the most part by a few people in the photographic detachment at the time (reference conversations with one of the “vault curators” who is now long retired and probably deceased).


     Moving to Figure 3, this modified WP drawing is based on source data and overhead imagery collected over many years so we will use this drawing for our guided tour of the Area "B" underground vaults. Patience is needed since there are many technical details, details that would be required in any news worthy legal case.


Figure 3
Wright-Patterson AFB Drawing Modified.

Building 620

By starting first with Bldg 620 (Avionics Bldg), on the south end of Area "B" we will work our way approximately north, then west, and then north again along this tunnel system connecting this reported underground vault system.


     One entrance to this underground vault system, according to sources who have worked or been in building 620, was down a set of stairs under the avionics tower. These stairs were blocked as of 1982. There were two freight-sized elevators under the avionics tower.


     One went to a second basement area. This “other” freight elevator was reportedly

removed in the mid to late ‘70s. Ernie Kellerstrass (Ret USAF Lt Col) said he was down in this area during the 1972-74 time frames. There were key inserts in this elevator with one used solely for second basement access. Ernie mentioned that he used the stairs and not the elevator at that particular time.


In Figure 4 next or the vault near building 620: we now have a detailed drawing of what is the north first floor entry of Bldg 620 to this underground vault system then through a second basement area. The depiction shows entry from a classified first basement which in reality is actually a second basement. Also, the rectangle marked, “Very Large Vaulted Room” should read “40 ft” not, “20 ft beneath parking lot” with a “g” missing from “parking.”


Figure 5 shows a picture of this north entry on the west side of the building under the avionics tower with the West Auditorium off to the right. The reader will note the new construction taking place in 1998.


     Those walls go down about 30 feet, but this new basement area avoids the area where the tunnel and vault would be approximately 40 feet down. There is a parking lot over this vault. See Figure 6 for location of parking lot and vault.


     The construction team at the time complained about the walls rolling which affected the new construction, the reason given was the poor foundation filler. But privately, these same contractors were saying they
suspected underground structures


     Perhaps one more reason for the walls rolling surfaced when an unknown drawing or site plan was found for the years 1972/73 as an addition to Bldg 620. This plan was not a proposal according to the Wright-Patterson AFB Civil Engineers (CE) because it was common practice not to keep proposals on file.


Figure 5: Building 620 expansion; northwest corner 1998














Figure 6: Parking lot paved over vault near building 620.


Double Vaulted Doors and a Tunnel?


Lt Colonel Kellerstrass reported that a set of double vaulted doors led to a long hallway with a second set of double vaulted doors to an anteroom elevator and stairs, and then a long tunnel that led to one of the main vaults under the north parking lot of Bldg 620 (Figures 4, 7 and 8).


     In the Figure 7 and 8 drawings (comments added) there is an unidentified extension in silhouette going away from the building on the north side just under the avionics tower.


     WPAFB CE sources stated that they had no idea what this extension meant, but this “silhouette” is in the shape of a hallway going in the direction of the reported tunnels/vaults.


     This extension away from the building also showed up on NASA imagery that was taken at the request of Wright Labs to test a new Synthetic Aperture Ground Penetrating Radar System (see section on Ground Penetrating Radar).














     Figure 7



Figure 8




Backup Entry for Closed-Up Vault near Building 620

A WPAFB Civil Engineering (CE) source attempted to gain access to this blocked area in December 1992 by going through the first basement
to an East Basement Vaulted Lab area
. By going through this East Basement Lab, they reached the area they were looking for, but it was blocked by 2-inch steel bars placed there for security reasons according to the security manager in Bldg 620.


     The steel bars blocked a tunnel leading approximately west-northwest back to where the double vaulted doors would have been in the reported second basement area (Figure 9, comments added). However, on a second trip, that blocked area with the steel bars had since been walled up (see Figure 10).



Figure 9

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