The Clitoral Truth: The Secret World at Your Fingertips (23 page)

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Adam and Eve,; phone: 800-274-0333. Blowfish: Good Products for Great Sex,

Come As You Are,; 701 Queen St. West, Toronto, ON, Canada M6J 1E6; phone: 416-504-7934;

fax: 416-504-7490.

Eve’s Garden,; 119 West 57 St., 12th Floor, NewYork, NY 10019; phone: 800-848-3837 or 212-757-8651;

fax: 212-977-4306.

Good Vibrations,; 1210 Valencia St., San Francisco, CA 94110; phone: 800-289-8423; fax: 415-974-0980 and 2504 San Pablo Ave. (at Dwight), Berkeley, CA 94702;

phone: 510-841-8987.

Grand Opening!, 318 Harvard St.

#32, Brookline, MA 02446; phone: 617-731-2626; fax: 617-731-


Naiad Press,; P.O. Box 10543, Tallahassee, FL 32302; phone: 850-539-5965.

Nice-N-Naughty,; Passion Flower, 4 Yosemite Avenue, Oakland, CA 94611; phone: 510-601-7750,

Pleasure Chest,; 7733 Santa Monica Boulevard, West Hollywood, Ca 90046; phone: 800-75DILDO or 213-650-1022; fax: 213-650-1176

Renaissance Discovery International,; email: [email protected]; phone; 514-844-3434;

fax: 514-844-3535.


The Sexuality Library,; 938 Howard Street, #101, San Francisco, CA 94103; phone: 800-289-8423;

fax: 415-974-8989.

Toys in Babeland,; email: [email protected]; 711 East Pike Stree, Seattle, WA 98122; phone: 800-658-9119; and 91 Rivington St., New York, NY 10002; phone: 212-375-1701

A Woman’s Touch,;

600 Williamson St., Madison, WI 53703; phone: 888-621-8880 or


Womyn’s Ware,; 896 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC Canada U5L 3Y5; phone: 888-WYM-WARE (in North America) or 604-254-2543 (outside of North America)

Xandria Collection,; 165 Valley Drive, Brisbane, CA 94005, phone: 415-468-3812.

Academic Sites Founded by Erwin Haberle, one of the reigning deans of international sexology and funded by the German government, this site is dedicated to promoting, protecting, and preserving sexual health. It offers articles on the history of sexology, a worldwide directory of institutes, organizations, resource centers, training programs, and scientific journals devoted to sexuality, as well papers and reviews on a wide variety of issues, courses in sexology, as well as a copy of the World Health Organization’s report on sexual health. In German, English, and Spanish. Haberle encourages submissions of useful materials. The Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, a private Institute, offers a variety of academic degree and clinical certification programs. Its Web site contains a complete catalog describing the curricula, staff credentials the
Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality
, and the description of the library facilities and archives. This site provides direct access to the
Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality
, published by the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality.

Advocacy and Professional Sexuality Organizations Web site of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States that features information for parents on children’s questions about sexuality, a discussion of religion and sexuality (“What the Bible Says About Sexuality,” among other topics), a list of publications, a compilation of sexuality laws state by state, guidelines for comprehensive sexuality education, a community action kit, and resources for underserved communities and communities of color. The American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists is a professional association that includes physicians, nurses, social workers, psychologists, allied health professionals, clergy, lawyers, sociologists, marriage and family counselors and therapists, family planning specialists and researchers, as well as students in relevant professional disciplines who share an interest in promoting understanding of human sexuality and healthy sexual behavior. The organization provides certification and education of sexuality educators, counselors, and therapists. The site supports the publication and dissemination of professional materials related to these fields. The national Planned Parenthood site covers many bases including abortion, birth control, pregnancy and parenting, and includes current news and articles on reproductive rights, FAQs, and an extensive database on these issues. The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS or “Quad S”) site posts announcements of meetings, conferences, grants, and awards, as well as contents and other information for the society’s various publications including its newsletter
Sexual Science
, and
The Journal of Sex Research and Annual Review of Sex Research

Sites for Teens

A number of informative sex-positive Web sites dedicated to the needs and interests of teens serve about any topic of concern. Parents: Want to know what children think about sexuality and how to answer uncomfortable questions? Check out these sites. Among many issues, this comprehensive site for teenage girls and those on the cusp of adolescence is an excellent antidote to parental reluctance or inability to discuss sex, as well as to fear-based government-sponsored “sexuality education” programs. Teens can turn to sites such as this one to find reliable,

nonjudgmental information on sexuality by experts and teens themselves and a secure place to chat and ask questions. Jointly sponsored by MTV and the Kaiser Family Foundation, this teen-oriented site features current news about sexuality, information on pregnancy and contraception, STDs, and sexual communication. The New Mexico Teen Pregnancy Coalition provides information on pregnancy prevention, parenting, male involvement, and the rights of teen parents in school. This lively site devoted to sexual health includes news, articles, quizzes, answers to “real questions from teens,” a teen zinc and profiles of teens who are standing up, speaking out, and taking action on a variety of issues.

For more extensive listings on Web sites on every topic, see
The Woman’s Guide to Sex on the Web
’’, by Anne Semans and Cathy Winks (HarperSanFrancisco, 1999) and
The Joy of Cybersex: A Guide for Creative Lovers
by Deb Levine, two useful and reliable guides to sexuality sites on the World Wide Web.


  1. Kinsey, Alfred, et al.,
    Sexual Behavior of the Human Female
    . Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1953.626-627.

  2. Thvris, Carol,
    The Mismeasure of Woman: Why Women Are Not the Better Sex, the Inferior Sex, or the Opposite Sex
    . New York: Simon & Schuster/Touchstone, 1992, 244.

  3. Frank, Anne,
    The Diary of Anne Frank: The Definitive Edition
    . NewYork: Bantam Books, 1997, 235-236.

  4. Mayer, Ruth, “MISH,” from “New Framework for Fear-Based, Abstinence-only Education.”
    The SIECUS Report
    , 25:4, 14-17.

  5. Downer, Carol, personal communication.

  6. Sherfey, Mary Jane,
    The Nature and Evolution of Female Sexuality
    . New York: Random 1-louse, 1972.

  7. Federation of Feminist Women’s Health Centers,
    A New View of a Woman’s Body: An Illustrated Guide
    . Tenth anniversary ed., Los Angeles: Feminist Health Press, 1991.

  8. Dodson, Betty, “Viva la Vulva: Women’s Sex Organs Revealed.” Betty Dodson, 1998.

  9. Downer, Carol, personal communication.

  10. Komisaruk, Barry R. and Beverly Whipple, “Physiological and perceptual correlates of orgasm produced by genital and non-genital stimulation.”
    Proceedings of the First International Conference on Orgasm
    . Bombay: VRP Publishers, 1991, 69-72.

  11. Fell, Alison, in
    Straight Sex: Rethinking the Politics of Pleasure
    , Lynne Segal, ed.

    Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994, 39-40.

  12. Schwartz, Kit,
    The Female Member
    . New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1988.

  13. Laqueur, Thomas,
    Making Sex: The Body and Gender From the Greeks to Freud

    Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990, vii.

  14. Galen, Claudius,
    On the Usefuless of the Parts of the Body
    XIV.6. Margaret T. May, trans. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1968. Quoted in Laqueur, 26.

  15. Laqueur, 70.

  16. Estienne, Charles,
    La Dissection des parti du corpus humain
    1546. Quoted in Laqucur, 133.

  17. Laqueur, 64-65.

  18. Sharp, Jane,
    The Midwives Book, or the Whole Art of Midwifery Discovered Directing Childbearing Women How to Behave Themselves in their Corruption, Breeding, Bearing and Nursing Children
    . London, 1671. Quoted in Laqueur, 65.

  19. Laqueur, 149.

  20. Laqueur, 157.

  21. Voltaire, “Women,” in Philosophical Dictionary, quoted in “A Sampling of Eighteenth Century Philosophy,” from
    A History of Women: Renaissance and Enlightenment Paradoxes
    . Natalie Zemon Davis and Arlene Farge, eds. Cambridge: Belknap/Harvard, 1993, 326.

  22. Rousseau, Jean Jacques,
    . New York: Everyman’s Library, 1993

  23. Crampe-Casnabet, Michele,
    A History of Women: Renaissance and Enlightenment Paradoxes.
    ed. by Natalie Zemon Davis and Arlene Farge, Cambridge: Belknap/Harvard, 1993.

  24. Acton, William,
    The Function and Disorders of the Reproductive Organs in Childhood, Youth, Adult Age, and Advanced Life, Considered in their Physiological, Social and Moral Relations
    . 1857. Quoted in Laqueur, 196.

  25. Kobelt, George Ludwig, “The Female Sex Organs in Humans and Some Mammals.”
    In The Classic Clitoris
    . Thomas P. Lowry, ed. Chicago: Nelson Hall, 1978,

19-55.26 Freud, Sigmund,
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality in Freud on Women: A Reader
. Elisabeth Bruehl, ed. NewYork: Norton, 1990, 137.

  1. Laqueur, 157.

  2. Moore, Lisa Jean and Adele E. Clarke, “Clitoral Conventions and Transgressions: Graphic Representations in Anatomy Texts, c1900-1991.”
    Feminist Studies
    21:2, Summer 1995, 255-301.

  3. Dickinson, Robert Latou,
    Human Sex Anatomy: A Topographical Hand Atlas

    Baltimore: Williams and Wilkinson, 1949.

  4. Thomas, C. L., ed.,
    Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary
    . New York: Eliot Books, 1981, 581.

  5. Masters, William H. and Virginia E. Johnson,
    Human Sexual Response
    . New York: Little, Brown, 1966, 45.

  6. Sherfey, Mary Jane,
    The Nature and Evolution of Female Sexuality
    . New York: Random House, 1972, 112.

  7. Whipple, Beverly, personal communication.

  8. Walsh, Patrick C., et al., eds.,
    Campbell’s Urology
    , Sixth ed., Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company, 1986, 233-274.

  9. Ladas, Alice Kahn, Beverly Whipple, and John Perry,
    The G Spot and Other Discoveries about Human Sexuality
    . Halt, Rinehart and Winston, 1982.

  10. Sevely, Josephine Lowndes and J. W. Bennett, “Concerning Female Ejaculation and the Female Prostate.”
    Journal of Sex Research
    14, 1-20.

  11. Sevely, Josephine Lowndes,
    Eve’s Secrets: A New Theory of Female Sexuality

    New York: Random House, 1987, 47-48.

  12. Perry, J. D. and Whipple, B., “Pelvic Muscle Strength of Female Ejaculators: Evidence to Support a New Theory of Orgasm.”
    Journal of Sex Research
    , 1981, 17(1).

  13. Ladas, Whipple, and Perry, 76.

  14. Ibid.

  15. Belzer, Edwin G., “Orgasmic Expulsions of Women: A Review and Heuristic Inquiry.”
    Journal of Sex Research
    17, 1-12.

  16. Cabello Santamaria, F and R. Nesters, “Female Ejaculation: Myths and Reality.” Paper given at the
    13th Congress of Sexology
    , Barcelona, Spain, August 29, 1997.

  17. Sevely, 92.

  18. Ladas, Whipple, and Perry, 69.

  19. Heath, Desmond, “An Investigation into the Origins of a Copious Vaginal Discharge During Intercourse: Enough to Wet the Bed—That Is Not Urine.”
    Journal of Sex Research
    20:2, May 1984, 197.

  20. Sevely, 93.

  21. Ladas,Whipple, and Perry, 68.

  22. Sellavy, E. Rose, “Shooting Ain’t Just for the Boys!”
    The Urban Herbalist
    , No. 9, July 1993.

  23. Whipple, Beverly, personal communication.

  24. Kinsey, Alfred, et al.,
    Sexual Behavior in the Human Female
    . Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1953, 612.

  25. Masters, William M.,Virginia E. Johnson, with Robert C. Kolodny,
    Masters and Johnson on Sex and Human Loving
    . Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1986, 79-80.

  26. Heath, 196.

  27. Fatale, Fanny,
    On Our Backs
    . Sept. 1992, 8. 54 Tiefer, Leonore, personal communication.

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