The Coke Machine (57 page)

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Authors: Michael Blanding

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Page 276 told Weinstein that the union was pulling out:
Terry Collingsworth to Judge Daniel Weinstein re: Joint Motion to Terminate Term Sheet, Response to Order to Show Cause, and Cross Motion for Sanctions, January 29, 2008.
Page 277 released a devastating report:
India Resource Center, “Coca-Cola Continues Environmental Abuses in India,” press release, June 4, 2007; India Resource Center, “Community Protests Coca-Cola Plant in India,” press release, October 25, 2007.
Page 277 announced it was shuttering its doors:
Letter from Brindavan Bottlers Limited to Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board, October 27, 2007; India Resource Center, “Coca-Cola Plant Shut Down in India,” press release, August 14, 2008.
Page 277 with the TERI report:
TERI report.
Page 278 “Enough is enough”:
India Resource Center, “Coca-Cola’s Own Report Implicates Company for Abuses in India,” press release, March 13, 2008.
Page 278 “community engagement framework”:
Jeff Seabright, Vice President, Environment and Water Resources, The Coca-Cola Company, to Tim Slottow, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, University of Michigan.
Page 278 “The easiest thing would be to shut down”:
Amelia Gentleman, “Coca-Cola Urged to Shut Down an Indian Plant to Save Water,”
New York Times
, January 16, 2008.
Page 278 “dilapidated condition”:
TERI report.
Page 278 the surprising reason that TERI found no pesticides:
The University of Michigan Dispute Review Board, memorandum to Tim Slottow re “Complaint Investigation and Resolution Recommendation Regarding SOLE’s Allegations Against the Coca-Cola Company,” June 13, 2005; Kelly Fraser, “Coke Cleared in India Investigation,”
Michigan Daily
, January 15, 2008.
Page 279 much-vaunted ILO report:
“Report: Evaluation Mission, Coca-Cola Bottling Plants in Colombia (June 30-July 11, 2008),” International Labour Organization, Geneva, October 3, 2008 (hereafter ILO report).
Page 279 The ILO reserved its highest criticism:
ILO report, 44-48.
Page 279 never what the IUF had asked Coke to do:
Ron Oswald, general secretary, International Union of Food and Allied Workers, interview by the author.
Page 280 “We said right from the beginning”:
Kari Tapiola, interview by the author.
Page 280 “I think there is a little dancing”:
Potter, interview by the author.
Page 280 The university senate held off the vote:
Arielle Milkman, “Coke Ban Vote Pushed to Feb.,”
Washington Square News
, December 1, 2008.
Page 281 “We really do not let go of these conversations”:
Potter, interview by the author.
Page 282 close defeat, twenty-eight to twenty-two:
Sergio Hernandez, “Coke Ban Lifted,”
Washington Square News
, February 5, 2009.
Page 283 Though he began to work . . . work stoppages or slowdowns:
José Armando Palacios, interview by the author; José Armando Palacios asylum petition, June 19, 2006; Summons and Complaint, February 25, 2010,
José Armando Palacios, et al. v. The Coca-Cola Company, et al
., Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York, Case No. 10102514 (hereafter
Palacios v. Coke
Page 283 started receiving threats:
Palacios, interview by the author; asylum petition;
Palacios v. Coke
Page 283 did sign a statement with Palacios:
Ministerio Público, República de Guatemala, undated document.
Page 283 working the graveyard shift . . . waited to be killed:
Palacios, interview by the author; asylum petition;
Palacios v. Coke.
Page 283 “totally damaging” to the company:
Memorandum from Eduardo García to Colonel Efraín Aguirre, undated.
Page 284 the bottler fired him . . . The union protested:
Palacios, interview by the author; asylum petition;
Palacios v. Coke
; “Petition to Remove Guatemala from the List of Beneficiary Developing Countries Under the Generalized System of Preferences,” submitted by the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) and U.S./Labor Education in the Americas Project (US/LEAP), June 15, 2005.
Page 284 been in contact with Ed Potter:
Ron Oswald e-mail, December 3, 2005.
Page 284 Oswald says that he was not involved:
Ron Oswald, interview by the author.
Page 284 Coke Atlanta would fund a hefty “protection package”:
Stephen Coats e-mail to Bob Perillo, January 26, 2006, referring to protection offer by Stan Gacek, Virtus Advisors.
Page 284 killing him right in front of Palacios:
Palacios interview; asylum petition.
Page 285 “approached by a certain D.C.-based lawyer”:
Ron Oswald e-mails to Bob Perillo, January 29 and February 2, 2006.
Page 285 arranged a meeting at a hotel:
Rodrigo Romero e-mail to Bob Perillo, February 1, 2006.
Page 285 to confirm he offered money to Palacios:
Rodrigo Romero e-mails to Bob Perillo, February 6 and 10, 2006.
Page 285 filed in New York Supreme Court in February 2010:
Summons and Complaint,
Palacios v. Coke.
Page 286 “The author describes”:
Potter, interview by the author.
Page 288 “too vague and conclusory”:
Appeal, August 11, 2009.
Page 289 “We’d like to start with”:
The Coca-Cola Company, Annual Meeting of Stockholders, 2009, notes by the author.
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