The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (64 page)

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In 1945, he was
Fryderyk Weigl, interview with Wójcik, 1982; Maciej Bilek, “Krakowskim szlakiem Rudolfa Weigla” (Rudolf Weigl in Kraków),
Alma Mater
(2007): 66–70.

Weigl found himself
Peter Eyer, interview; Stanisław Kosiedowski et al., “Spór wokół prof. Weigla” (Dispute over Prof. Weigl), accessed at

Colleagues over the years
IPN files, Przybyłkiewicz, 9828/II IPN KR 010/9659.

But a louse
IPN file, Przybyłkiewicz curriculum vitae.

Przybyłkiewicz was the only
H. Eyer, Z. Przybyłkiewicz, and H. Dillenberg, “Das Fleckfieber bei Schutzgeimpften,”
Zeitschrift für Hygiene und Infectionskrankheiten
122 (1940): 702.

He also claimed
Correspondence Przybyłkiewicz-Eyer, 1989, courtesy of Peter Eyer.

Weigl’s name started
Fryderyk Weigl, interview with Wójcik.

Perhaps the most loyal
Oleksandra Tarasyuk and Iryna Kurhanova, “To the 100th Anniversary of Doctor Henrich Mosing Birthday,”
4 (2011): 19–20.

In March 1948
bieta Lonc and Gra
yna Go
ciniak, “Professors Rudolf Weigl and Ludwik Hirszfeld—In the Meanders of History,”
Annals of Parasitology
58, no. 4 (2012): 194–95.

The Germans had offered
Fryderyk Weigl, interview with Wójcik.

Eyer felt disappointment
Peter Eyer interview.

Despite all he had done
Ryszard Fleck testimony.

The fate of Fleck’s
Bruno Seeman testimony.

The Seemans ended up
Personal communication from Alan Sallwasser, Dec. 2011.

Ciepielowski, the chief
Klemens Barbarski, “Sabota
w ampulce,”
99 (1947).

He would marry
Personal communication, George Otlowski, Oct. 2012.

Another Block 50
Howard Cohn, personal communications.

Unlikely friendships sprang
“Action of the Modification Board,” NA, RG153, box 259, v. 1. Dietzsch was fingered by Alfred Balachowsky, though the latter knew little of the goings-on in Block 46; see statement concerning the typhus vaccine experiments at Buchenwald, HNOC, HLSL 1797.

The old spy
Correspondence with Buchenwald inmates, Kew, FFEYT-3/7.

Yeo-Thomas and his wife
Letter to Yeo-Thomas from AD, April 18, 1957, IWM, FFEYT3/7.

Many of the Buchenwald
Ibid.; Ernst von Salomon
The Captive: The Story of an Unknown Political Prisoner
(London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1961), 1–2.

Of all my
Stéphane Hessel,
Danse avec le siècle
(Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1997).

On April 17, 1945
YVA, concentration camp inmates questionnaire, “Ludwik Fleck, #4934.”

Some acquaintances
Jellinek interview with Schnelle; Eleanor Tarkowska, Lublin Medical Academy, letter to the Polish Academy of Science, Feb. 2, 1954, IPN, Ludwik Fleck file.

The new Soviet
Christoph Mick,
Kriegserfahrungen in einer multiethnischen Stadt: Lemberg 1914–1947
(Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2011), 545–53.

Where the Lwowites
Gregor Thum,
Uprooted: How Breslau Became Wrocław during the Century of Expulsions
, trans. Tom Lampert et al. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011).

The Germans who
Dieter Schenk,
Der Lemberger Professorenmord und der Holocaust in Ostgalizien
(Bonn: Dietz, 2007), 17.

The poet Adam Zagajewski
Adam Zagajewski, “To Go to Lvov,” in
Without End: New and Selected Poems
(New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004).

Lublin was a postwar desert
, 587–91. Audio recordings of recollections of postwar Lublin, and particularly of Fleck, are cached at

Lublin is a true
, 587.

To save money
Tadeusz Kielanowski, “My Meetings with Ludwick Fleck in Lublin during the Years 1945–1950,”
Kwartalnik historii nauki i technologi
(1983), 584–85; Klingberg, interview with author, May 2012.

In his first lecture
Ewa Pleszczy
ska at

Although there are
Lucie Adelsberger,
Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Story
, trans. Susan Ray (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1995), 131–35.

Fleck traveled
Irene Rubaszko, Aug. 2, 1978, LFZ, 4.4 Unterlagen und Notizen v. Thomas Schnelle, “Fragebogen,” Signatur 100.

A 1954 letter
Eleanor Tarkowska, Lublin Medical Academy, letter to the Polish Academy of Science, Feb. 2, 1954, IPN, Ludwik Fleck file.

On the streets
Gusta Dickmann, interview with Schnelle, in LFZ, 4.4 Unterlagen und Notizen v. Thomas Schnelle, “Fragebogen,” Signatur 100.

Most of Fleck’s assistants
Ewa Pleszczy
ska, interview at

He emphasized the
Kazimerz Gerkowicz, LFZ, 4.4 Unterlagen und Notizen von Thomas Schnelle, “Fragebogen,” Signatur 100.

Said another
Interviews with Pleszczy
ska, Borecka, Stein, and Perlinska-Schnejder at

After returning
Fleck, “In der Frage ärztlicher Experimente an Menschen,” in
, 538–45.

Ah, to be a Frenchman
See correspondence from Balachowsky’s trip, PIA, BAL1.

Rudolf Weigl, meanwhile
Henryk Gaertner, “Wspomnienie o Rudolfie Weiglu” (Recollections of Rudolf Weigl),
Alma Mater
(Jagiellonian University) 93 (2007); Gaertner in the documentary film
To Overcome Death: Professor Rudolf Weigl
, dir. Halina Szymura (TV Katowice, 2009).

At Weigl’s memorial
Henryk Mosing, “Rudolf Weigl uczony i człowiek na 50-lecie Jego bada
nad tyfusem plamistym” (Rudolf Weigl, scholar and man in his 50 years of research), in
, ed. Zbigniew Stuchly (Wrocław: Sudety, 2001); Fryderyk Weigl, interview with Wójcik, 1983.

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