The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (66 page)

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Agriculture Department, U.S., 221

Agudat Israel, 74

AK, 126

, 130–31, 138–39, 154–55, 177

Albrycht, Jerzy, 148–49

Aleppo, 25

alexia, 155–56

Alizon, Simone, 222

Allied armies:

bombing raids of, 251, 299

in World War I, 27

in World War II, 162–63, 218, 233

after World War II, 265–66, 284, 300

All Quiet on the Western Front
(Remarque), 26

Alpines, in Nazi view, 93

aluminum hydroxide, 168

American Medical Association, 266

anarchists, 32

anatomical art, 63

anesthesia, 215, 224

angel of death, 219

Angoras, 239

Anigstein, Ludwik, 302

animal cadavers as food, 221, 227–28, 247–48, 251, 259

animalcules, 91

animal experimentation, research with, 11, 18–20, 25, 31, 56, 61–62, 64, 67, 89, 94–95, 133, 201, 242, 267

Ansky, S., 25–26

anthrax, 31

antibiotics, 201, 209–10

antibodies, 31, 185

antigens, of typhus, 53, 157, 168, 302

anti-Nazi conspiracy, 234, 236

anti-Semitism, 4, 35, 112, 302

in academia, 50, 51, 53

of camp inmates, 257–58

of Nazis, 79–80, 90, 93, 119–20, 127–28, 141–42

in Poland, 16, 38, 53, 56, 72–77, 83, 127–31, 283

of Polish political parties, 74, 126

of postwar Poland, 283, 293–94

of press, 74

of student clubs, 75

see also

antiseptics, 215

antityphus services, 38–39

apomorphine, 103–4

, 232

apraxia, 156

Armenians, 25

Aryan race, 82, 91, 118, 121, 131, 167, 175, 182, 185

Aryan science, 10, 84, 192

asocials, 100

Atlas Mountains, 301

atropine, 103

Auschwitz, 74, 99, 100, 101, 107, 178, 207,
, 252

bacteriology labs at, 192, 224

bad science conducted at, 228–29

Block 10 at, 215–16, 220

Block 20 at, 215

“Canada” at, 213

chemical lab at, 224

children at, 213–14, 225–26

crematorium at, 217–18, 228–29, 258

death march from, 256–58, 279

Fleck at, 211–20, 223–25, 227–30, 257–58

gas chambers of, 90, 137, 192–93, 218, 219, 227, 229

Gypsy camp at, 224

hospital at, 219–20, 224

Hygiene Institute at, 209, 212, 224–25

judge’s report on, 207

logbook at, 213

mortality rate at, 220, 258

murder at, 214–15, 217–18, 224

prisoner experiments in, 188, 214–16, 225

Rajsko subcamp at, 220–29, 256–58

satellite camps at, 252

Austria, 20, 28–30, 94, 144–45

Austro-Hungarian Empire, 14–16, 20, 46

medical corps of,

multiethnicity of, 16, 75

, 136

autism, 103

avant-garde spirit, 59–60

backache, 21

Bacot, Arthur, 25

bacteria, 5, 16, 20, 31, 86, 245

complexities of, 56, 87

harmless forms of, 87–88

mutation of, 56, 87

typhoid fever causing, 20–21

typhus causing, 11, 18–19, 21, 31, 36, 69, 160, 239

bacteriology, 20, 31, 41–42, 55–56, 192, 250

critiques of, 192

labs for, 192

old school of, 89

bacteriophages, 292

Baermann, Hans, 248

Bahner, Willy, 206

Baker, Josephine, 43

Balaban, Mejer, 48

Balachowsky, Alfred, 248–50, 253, 257–58, 284, 294

postwar life of, 288

Bałak, 46

Balkans, 20, 28

Banach, Stefan, 50–52, 53, 74, 113, 147–60, 283

Banach-Tarski paradox, 51

Bandera, Stepan, 302

Baranowski, Tadeusz, 149

Baranski, Feliks, 148–49

Bartel, Kazimierz, 147–48

Bass, Leon, 259–60

baths, bathing, 26, 32, 35, 39, 67, 121, 139, 206

of chemical disinfectants, 100, 182

creosote, 26, 29

ritual, 39

Bavaria, 93

BBC, 149

beards, shaving of, 35, 100, 182

beatings, 128–32, 205, 235, 256

Behring, Emil von, 270

Behringwerke, 174–77,
, 188–90, 203, 208, 233, 272

vaccines from, 191, 202–3

Beijing, 65

Beiträge zur Klinik der Infektionskrankheiten und zur Immunitätsforschung
(Weigl), 37

Belzec, 99, 137, 153, 171, 218

bombing of, 162–63

Ben-Nathan, David, 295

bereavement disease, 18

Bergen-Belsen, 299

Bergson, Henri, 55

Berlin, 63, 118, 190, 194, 204, 233

Charité Hospital of, 270

Interior Ministry in, 190–91

Bielefeld, 80

Bieling, Richard, 272

biological pest control, 248–49

bioterrorism lab, 4

Birkenau, 213–14

crematoria at, 226

women’s camp at, 215, 222

black market, 152, 163

Black Sea, 33

Blanc, Georges, 96

Blankenheim, Stefan, 257

Blankenheim, Wanda, 229

blitzkrieg, 180

, 102, 197, 206, 254

blood, human, 2, 4–5, 21, 31, 150–51

experiments with, 216, 224–25, 227, 271–72

feeding lice with, 2, 67–70, 150–51

as metaphor, 4–5, 88

purity of, 88, 91, 93

of typhus patients, 203–5

blood, sheep, in disease research, 225–26, 240

blood alcohol tests, 225

blood group sera, 225

blood vessels, 21

body hair, shaving of, 100, 202

body lice, 1–2, 13, 91

acceptance of, 35, 92

African strains of, 98

ants and, 187

anuses and rectums of, 19–21, 68, 146

bites of, 21

cages of, 145–46, 149–51, 159–60, 163, 176, 203, 303

diet of, 1–2

eggs of, 145, 161, 176

feces of, 18, 21, 67, 161, 165

feeding of, 69–70, 107–8, 136, 143–45, 148–53, 159–64, 166, 176

in ghettos, 121

in human history, 13–16, 17–18

humor and, 27

infestations of, 65

injection of, 144–46,

intestines of, 64, 68–69, 146–47,
, 164–65, 188, 230

killing of, 100, 146, 187, 193

lab raising of, 1–3, 19–20, 36–37, 61–62, 67–69, 108, 143–44

myths about, 39, 187

Nazi view of, 90, 100–101, 108, 119–21, 136, 141–42

nocturnal habits of, 26

protection against, 32–33, 108

typhus carrying of, 14, 18, 20, 24–25, 28–30, 34, 36–38, 108, 202–3

in World War II, 8, 11, 108

see also

Bohemia, 14–15

Boitel, Michel, 256

Bolsheviks, 31–33, 73, 128, 130

bomb making, 117

bone marrow transplant, 55

Borecka, Danuta, 292–93

Borkowiec, Karol, 162

bacteria, 17

ski, Tadeusz, 132–33

Brandenburg, 194

Brandt, Karl, 268

Braun, Else, 81

Breslau, 283

Bridge on the River Kwai, The
, 231

Brill, Nathan, 18

Brill-Zinsser disease, 18

bronchitis, 22

Browning, Christopher, 119

brucellosis, 295

Bryant, Louise, 23–24

Buchenwald concentration camp, 6, 7–9, 99–105, 196–210,

Auschwitz Jews arriving at, 257–58, 260

bacteriology labs at, 192, 237

Block 17 at, 253

Block 46 at, 201, 204–10, 235, 253–56, 258, 268, 282

Block 50 at, 7, 11, 232–34, 236–41, 245–51, 256, 259,
, 268, 281

conspiracies at, 234, 236

death at, 197, 205, 207

death march out of, 259

death toll at, 99

Department of Virus and Typhus Research at, 232–33, 237, 264

fake vaccine of, 240, 246–47, 256, 270–71

identities switched at, 253–56

infirmary at, 254

inmate hierarchy at, 102, 197–200

inmate reunion, 282

liberation of, 248–51, 259–61

Little Camp at, 8, 197, 233, 248, 257, 260

lower camp at, 196–97

medical murder in, 103–4, 199, 207, 209–10, 266

medicine at, 102–3, 199–210

pathology labs at, 198

postwar in, 279

postwar testimony regarding, 268–71

prisoners of, 100–104, 176

scientific collective at, 242–46

stench of, 260

subcamps of, 204

transport out of, 259

tubercular ward at, 234

typhoid fever research at, 208–9

typhus lab at, 7, 11, 195, 200–210, 229–30, 232–33, 246, 255, 266, 271–72, 282

upper camp at, 196–97, 260

vaccine production wing at, 233, 236, 246, 250, 269

value of research at, 207, 245

Buchenwald trial,

Bujwid, Odo, 166

Bujwid, Sofia, 166, 276–77

Bulgaria, 28

Burundi, 301

Büttner, Dr., 182

Caesar, Joachim, 220–22, 224–25

Café Roma, 45, 50, 51,
, 53

Café Załewski, 50

caffeine, 205

Camarillo State Asylum, 55

Canadian intelligence agents, 266

cannibalism, 34, 182

capos, 100, 102, 197, 203, 210, 214, 220

carbolic acid, 217

cardiolipin, 89

Carpathian Mountains, 44, 66, 289

carphology, 22

castration, 103

Catholics, 92, 165, 235

Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 195

cells, typhus infection of, 21

centrifuge, 69

Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva, 285

Chajes, Wiktor, 77

ski, Józef, 136

Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 24

Chelmno, 218

chemical deactivation, 31

Chemnitz, 279

chiggers, 21


at Auschwitz, 225–26

as patients, 35, 62, 155

China, 65–66, 98

chinchillas, 239

chloroform, 29

cholera, 19

Chouquet, Maurice, 255

Christian Democratic Union, 281

Christians, Nazi opponents among, 197, 235

Churchill, Winston, 35, 163, 265

, 84, 130

Chwistek, Leon, 51, 54, 60, 83, 113

Ciepielowski, Marian, 234–35, 241–42, 244, 250, 270

postwar life of, 281

ski, Antoni, 136

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