The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (68 page)

BOOK: The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis
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murder by, 154, 166

prisons of, 106, 107, 152

spies for, 169

tortures of, 138

ghettos, 5, 90, 96, 108, 137–42, 161, 164–66

German doctors in, 272

hospitals in, 138–39, 156–58, 166, 174

typhus and, 108, 117–19, 121–23, 139–42, 165, 166, 174, 187, 275

Gilchrist, Harry, 38–39

Gildemeister, Eugen, 175–76, 188–90, 194, 202, 271–72

Giroud, Paul, 193–94

Giroud vaccine, 194–95, 233, 238, 300

production process of, 239–40, 242

species used in, 239

Gleich, Perec, 130

, 93

Gleiwitz, 283

glucose, 205

Goebbels, Joseph, 174, 185–86

Goeth, Amon, 252

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 4, 9

Goethe oak, at Buchenwald, 8–10,
, 12, 251

Gold, Ernest, 280

Gönczi, Imre, 227–28

Gönnert, Rudolf, 175, 203

Goodall, E. W., 40

Göring, Hermann, 119, 174

GPU, 130

Grabska, Stefania Skwarczy
ska, 162, 171

Grand Army, Napoleon’s, 24

Graves, Robert, 27

Grawitz, Ernst-Robert, 192, 220, 233

suicide of, 264, 268

Great Britain:

bombing of, 249

intelligence networks of, 248–49, 264, 266

scientists of, 266

great man theory of science, 58

Greens (criminals), in concentration camps, 197, 199, 205–6, 254

Gregg, Alan, 272

Groër, Franciszek, 55, 113, 132, 157, 170, 279–80

groupthink, 243–44

guinea pigs:

as food, 221

brains of, 239

typhus research with, 157–59, 172, 188, 239, 302

Guinness, Alec, 231

Gustloff-II factory, 8, 259

Gypsies, 224, 225

Haagen, Eugen, 94, 188–89

Haas, Richard, 175–77,
, 202–3, 272

, 58

Habsburg Empire, 4, 20

attitude towards Jews in, 46, 53–54

culture of, 49

Habsburg realm, 15–16

Haifa, 280

Hamburg, 11, 63

Hamburg Institute for Naval and Tropical Diseases, 28, 63–64, 94

Handloser, Siegfried, 184, 188–90, 268, 270–71

Hanover, 80

Harvard University, 25, 63

Hautval, Adelaide, 216–17

headache, 21, 185

head lice, 1–2, 13

diet of, 1

heartbeat, 21–22

Heidelberg University, 93

Herbert, Zbigniew, 136

Herschdörfer, Sabina, 16

Herzig, Anna, 97, 117, 161, 170,
, 289

antagonism towards, 277

Hescheles, Henryk, 130

Hessel, Stéphane, 254, 256, 282

Hewlett-Packard, 50

Heydrich, Reinhard, 106

(Lem), 47

Himmler, Heinrich, 79–80, 82, 101, 106, 118, 134, 141, 173, 196–98, 204, 207, 212, 218, 220, 233

Hippocratic oath, 269

Hirszfeld, Ludwik, 28, 41–42, 62, 64–65, 92, 121–22, 140–42, 156–57, 170, 173–74, 215, 272, 276

postwar life of, 284–85

Hitler, Adolf, 23, 77, 80, 109, 175, 180, 185, 186

personal physician of, 268

vaccine views of, 175, 191

Hitler Youth, 172

HIV, 17

Hoechst, 209–10

Holocaust, 4, 118, 141, 192

survivors of, 100, 110, 280

Home Army, 122, 126, 162–63, 165, 173

homosexuals, 100, 203

Hoover, Herbert, 38

Hornstein, Luisa, 108–9

horse chestnuts, 168

horse flesh, experiments with, 227–28

Höss, Rudolf, 215, 219–20

Hoven, Waldemar, 198–99, 202–3, 205, 232–34, 263–64, 268,
, 271

human body parts, 228, 266

human experimentation, 62, 266–67, 269–70, 288

suffering in, 267

humanism, 60

human pathogens, 17

Hummelsheim, Walter, 237, 248–49

humor, 27, 163, 165, 217, 271

Hungarian Jews, 229

Hungary, 109

hunger edema, 182

Hutsuls, 45, 67

hydrogen cyanide, 67

Hygiene Institute, at Auschwitz, 209

identification papers, 126, 136, 154, 167–68, 169

IG Farben, 175, 186–90, 193–94, 208–9, 221, 271–72

postwar meeting at, 266

vaccine of, 188–90

Ilemnia, 44–45, 65–66

Weigl’s lab in, 45, 66

illegitimacy, in Nazi Germany, 80, 105

Illustrated Daily Courier
(Kraków), 39

immune systems, 21, 69, 157, 168

of rabbits, 239

immunity, 20, 62, 69, 107, 192, 204

immunoglobulin, 216

immunological defense, of Nazi soldiers, 11

immunology, 4, 171

incontinence, 21

(Hessel), 256

informants, 125–26

(Witkiewicz), 60

insecticide powders, 186


as disease carriers, 90

as experimental animals, 20

instincts, 134

Institute for Experimental Therapy, 94

Institute for Maritime and Tropical Diseases, 25, 89, 94, 269

intelligence agencies:

of British and French, 248, 264

of U.S., 264, 266

International Military Tribunal, 248, 265

intuition, in diagnosis, 57–58

Ipek, 29

Iron Curtain, 35, 288

Israel, 4, 283, 294–97

Italy, Italians, 95–96, 106

Ivy, Andrew C., 266–67

Jagiellonian University, 36, 106

arrest of professors at, 106, 131

Weigl at, 275–77

Jahn, Alfred, 160

jail fever, 24

Janowska camp, 137, 139, 153, 169

vaccine testing at, 168–69

Jaworow, 66

Jellinek, Willy, 234, 240–42

Jewish Medical Society of Lwów, 76, 84

Jewish militia, 130


as academics, 41, 50, 51, 53, 56, 84

of assimilated culture, 41, 73, 75–77, 111, 116, 130, 171

college quotas against, 75

cultural expression of, 74–75

of Eastern Europe, 90, 138

of Galicia, 15–16

hygiene of, 40, 90–91, 100–101, 108, 118–20,

interwar period for, 74–77

of Lwów, 46, 47, 48, 72–76, 108–14, 116, 122, 126–31, 283

Nazi view of, 5, 90–91, 93, 118–20, 192

as plague, 90–91

pogroms against, 34–35, 38, 46, 72–73, 128–31

Polish relations with, 72–77, 83

religious groups of, 48, 67, 73, 116, 128

in Russian Revolution, 34–35, 38–39

self-defense groups of, 75–76

Soviet deportation of, 110–11

in World War I, 15, 38

see also

John Paul II, Pope, 131, 289

Joint Distribution Committee, 34–35

Journal of Irreproducible Results
, 295

JR Geigy AG, 186

Kafka, Franz, 91

Kampf den Seuchen: Deutsche Ärzte-Einsatz im Osten
, 120

Kant, Immanuel, 82

Karski, Jan, 163

Kassel area, 281

Katyn forest, 116

Katzmann, Fritz, 134–35, 176, 252, 265

Kazakhstan, 111, 112

Kazan area, 34

kerosene, 29

Kharkov, 114

Khrushchev, Nikita, 3, 114, 283

kibbutz, 280

Kiev, 32, 34–35, 114, 149, 192

killed-typhus vaccine, 193

Kirrmann, Albert, 197, 247

Klein, Marc, 225, 228

Klimov (char.), 24

Klingberg, Markus, 296–97

Knaster, Bronisław, 50, 148–50, 230

Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Gregory, 98

Koch, Ilse (the Bitch of Buchenwald), 198–99

Koch, Karl-Otto, 198–200

Koch, Robert, 31, 89, 94

Kochian logic, 87

Kogon, Eugen, 207, 233,
, 235–37, 240–42, 250, 253, 258–59, 263–64, 268, 270

Ding described by, 240, 258, 262–63

postwar life of, 281

Kohl, Helmut, 274

Kohn, Aleksander, 295–96

project, 221–22

women in, 222

Kolchak, Alexander, 33

Kosiba, Aleksander, 150

Kraków, 15, 36, 105–8, 131, 138, 149, 166

ghetto of, 166

postwar life in, 280, 284

typhus facility at, 106–8, 165–66, 187–90, 246, 252, 273

underground university of, 131

Weigl in, 275–79

Krämer, Walter, 200

Kreutz, Mieczysław, 150

Kreuzfuchs, Siegmund, 104–5, 263

Kroll, Werner, 120

cienko, 275

ski, Stefan, 117, 128–29, 231, 288

Krzemieniewski, Helena, 149–50

Krzemieniewski, Seweryn, 149–50

Kudicke, Robert, 106–7, 122, 140–42, 167, 173–75, 271–72

Kuhn, Thomas, 4, 59, 296

Kurzrock, Maksymilian, 138, 167, 168, 169

, 197

Landau, Léon, 227

Landesberg, Markus, 75

Langbein, Hermann, 218–20

Wirths and, 219–20, 235

Laokoon chemical factory, 158, 168, 177, 241, 286

Laroche-Beaulieu, 194

latent infections, 18

latex, 221–22

Lauseto, 186

League of Nations Health Organization, 41, 114

leftists, 197

Leipzig, 79, 81

ska, Jadwiga, 230

Lem, Stanisław, 47

Lemberg, 14, 139, 174

Lenartowicz, Jan, 54

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 13, 31–35

Leningrad, 114

leptospirosis, 295

Lettich, André, 227

leukergy, 124, 285–96

leukocytes, 286

Leverkusen, 210

Levi, Primo, 221

Levin, Meyer, 260

Lewin, Ezekiel, 129–30

Lewin, Jakub, 225

body lice; delousing; head lice

lice farm, 202

lice feeders, 69–70,
, 107–8, 136, 143–45,
, 148–53,
, 159–64, 166, 171, 176, 202, 230–31, 252, 274–75

of typhus-infected lice, 143–44

Liebehenschel, Arthur, 220

Linnaeus, Carl, 39

Lister Institute, 25

Löffler bacilli, 86

logic, in medicine, 58

Łomnicki, Antoni, 147–48

London War Office, 265

looting, 132, 213, 220

“Louse Theater,” 70

lousiness, 13, 18, 26, 32, 180–82, 187

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