Authors: Arthur Allen
Tarasyuk, Oleksandra, 1–2
Taraxacum kok-saghyz
, 221–22
Tarnów, 15
Tarski, Alfred, 51
tattoos, 213, 220
Taylor, Telford, 267–68
Teller, Edward, 50
tents, for delousing, 26, 67
testes, of guinea pigs, 239
tetanus, 31
Texas, University of, at Galveston, 301–2
Theory and Practice of Hell, The
(Kogon), 207, 236, 281
Third Army, U.S., 259–61
Third Part of the Night, The
(A.uławski), 230–31, 278
Thomas à Becket, 14
thought collectives, 10–11, 58, 79, 84–91, 141, 241, 296, 302
esoteric circles of, 85–86, 288
exoteric circles of, 85–86, 288
religious organizations as, 85
of vaccine making, 238, 242–46
ticks, 17, 20–21
Tikhvin, 183
TNT, 116–17
toad dance, 226
Tonko (Henryk Vogelfänger), 49
torture, 103–4, 132, 200
trans-Siberian railway, 33
Treblinka, 74, 99, 218
Trefouel, Jacques, 195
trench fever, 27, 160
treponeme, 88–89
triangles, on Nazi prison uniforms, 100
Trojnar, Józef, 15
troop doctors, 94
British, 26, 181, 233, 280
German troops
troops, U.S., 95
vaccination of, 181
Trotsky, Leon, 33
tuberculosis, 17, 53, 187, 225, 279
Tunis, 24, 62, 94
Twardowski, Kazimierz, 54
twin experiments, 224
, 20
typhoid fever, 20, 31, 57, 104, 208, 224
Nazi view of, 90
testing of, at Buchenwald, 208–9
Typhoid Mary, 87
, 20
backache, symptom of, 21
campaigns, fieldwork in, 67, 95
deafness, symptom of, 22
diagnosis of, 53
endemic, 95–96, 108
in Ethiopia, 96, 98
fear of, 5, 96, 100–101, 119, 136, 187, 202, 254–55
hallucinatory symptoms of, 20–24, 37, 107, 155
human survivors of, 18
immunity to, 35, 62
inoculation against, 65–67, 69, 94–96, 98
as “Jewish disease,” 5, 100–101, 108, 118–19,
, 187
latent infections of, 18
lice carriers of, 2, 18, 20–21, 24, 28–30, 36–38, 62–63, 90–91, 163, 300
memory loss, symptom of, 22
mental distress, symptom of, 22
Nazi view of, 90–91, 100–101, 136, 140–42, 187
in nonepidemic periods, 67, 91–92, 95, 187, 271, 277
other names for, 24
outbreaks in labs, 64
psychotic reactions to, 155, 185, 205–6
rash of, 21, 36
reduction in, 66
in Russia, 25–26, 31–35
similarity of syphilis to, 89
strains of, 98
“Typhus” (Chekhov), 24
Typhus Cabaret, 165
Typhus Commission, U.S., 299
typhus epidemics, 13–14, 18–19, 28, 41–42, 65, 94, 96, 190
civilian infection in, 183–84, 186
demographic effects of, 35
as last in Europe, 300
in remote locations, 301
reporting restrictions on, 185–86
statistics on, 14, 24, 26, 28, 34–35, 38–39, 98, 181–83, 186–87, 194
trains’ spread of, 33–34
in war, 24–35, 100, 118–21, 167, 181–90, 194, 201, 299
typhus publications, of World War I, 28
typhus regions, 34, 66, 95
typhus research:
in Africa, 95
control group in, 201
difficulties with, 2–3, 11, 17–19, 31, 55–56, 238
of Fleck, 156–58, 217, 302
in Germany, 94–95, 188–89
germ cultivation in, 11, 18–19, 55–56
postwar period of, 277
in World War II, 5, 7, 11, 14–15, 156–59, 193, 201–10, 217, 224
typhus wards, 22–24,
Ufa, 23
Ukraine, Ukranians, 1–3, 5, 15–16, 32, 46, 66, 72, 73, 112, 128–32
language of, 111
militias of, 138, 159
typhus of Jews in, 34–35
World War I typhus in, 20
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 113
Ukrainian Communist Party, 114
Ukrainian nationalists, 125–28, 302
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 110
national assembly of, 111–12
postwar period in, 279, 282–84
Ulam, Stanisław, 50, 51, 152
Umschweif, Bernard, 158, 177, 212–13, 225–26, 256–57, 280
Umschweif, Karol, 177–78, 212–13, 226, 280
Umschweif, Natalia “Nusia,” 177–78, 212–13, 257, 280
underdeveloped countries, 90
underground activities, 161–64, 171, 268
underground weapons factory, 257
United Nations, 256
War Crimes Commission of, 236
United States:
occupation forces of, 281
scientists of, 94–95, 266
in World War II, 181, 259
United States v. Carl Krauch
, 271
United States v. Karl Brandt et al.
, 265
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 256
urine, 128, 168, 224
donors of, 167
typhoid vaccine from, 156–58, 167–68, 212, 302
V-1 rockets, 197, 249
V-2 rockets, 197, 248
vaccination campaigns, 65–67, 69, 94, 95, 98, 180–81, 271
wartime difficulties of, 183
of Wehrmacht, 191
animal lungs for, 194, 204, 233, 237–39, 240, 244–47, 270, 281
clinical trials of, 61, 164, 168, 201
of Cox, 181, 190, 299, 300
demand growing for, 67–69, 115, 167, 189–91
eggs as basis of, 122, 189–91, 202, 204
empirical phase of development, 190
in Ethiopia, 98
French version of, 95
harmless vs. efficacious types of, 246–47
innovations in, 108
killed-typhus, 193
manufacturing of, 67, 72, 106–8
mass production of, 144–47, 246
preparation of, 67–70, 143–47, 190
production misunderstandings and, 242–45, 250
shortage of, for troops, 167, 189–91, 193
against typhus, 3, 7, 11–12, 25, 36–38, 40, 61–66, 94–95, 106–8, 166, 174, 188–89, 201–8
urine basis of, 156–58, 167–70
U.S. version of, 95
Vetter, Helmuth, 209
Vichy France, 194
Vienna, 14, 16, 50, 55, 56, 76, 94
Vienna Circle, 76
Vilnius, 283
viruses, research in, 20, 31, 94
, 80
, 15, 120, 134, 149, 153, 165, 220
von Braun, Wernher, 249, 266
von Neumann, John, 152
Waffen-SS, 105, 192
Hygiene Institute of, 191, 200, 212, 233, 268
Walbaum, Jost, 119–20, 140–41, 272
Waldman, Ernestyna, 54
Walker, David, 301
Wansee Conference, 193, 218
war crimes trials, 265, 267
War Department, U.S., 266
war fever, 24
Warsaw, 42, 62, 120, 140, 142, 173–74, 188, 271
Grace Hospital in,
Mother and Child Hospital of, 292
Warsaw ghetto, 119, 121–23, 138, 140, 161, 164–65, 173–74
health care in, 122, 156, 174, 271
typhus in, 119–23, 140, 142,
, 170
Warsaw Uprising, 252
Wassermann, August Paul von, 88
Wassermann test, 88–89
problems with, 89
water filters, 192
water issues, 89, 91–92, 299
research into, 224
Wawel Castle, 105
weaponry, at concentration camps, 197, 259
Weber, Bruno, 212–13, 215–16, 220–21, 223–27
animal sympathies of, 227
postwar escape by, 264–65
Wehrmacht, 80, 95, 109, 126–27, 131, 133, 136, 139, 162, 180, 194, 273
Army Group Center of, 190
Army Group North of, 183
barracks of, 106–7, 138
doctors of, 181–83, 187, 233
health inspectorate of, 95, 108, 166, 182, 184, 193
hygienists of, 184–85
Institute for Virus and Typhus Research of, 107, 165
scorched-earth policy of, 186
Sixth Army of, 179–80
supply office of, 193–95
tank troops of, 190
typhus in, 181, 183–90, 201
vaccine for, 164, 172, 181, 191, 247, 252
see also
German troops
Weigl, Friedrich, 107–8, 252
Weigl, Fryderyk, 278–79, 289–90
Weigl, Olga, 252
Weigl, Rudolf Stefan, 2–6, 14–17,
, 92,
absent-mindedness of, 71–72, 77
accidents in lab of, 64
archery interest of, 77–78,
, 98, 162, 231
circle of, 133–34
colleagues protected by, 116, 136, 139, 148–49, 152, 170–72, 275
creativity of, 19–20, 36–37, 68, 70
designs of, 44, 68, 71, 78
Ethiopia trip of, 95–98, 117
family routines of, 42–45,
, 97
human vaccine testing of, 61–64
Jews in lab of, 53–54, 170–72
louse inoculation technique of, 19–20, 36, 42, 55–56, 62, 67–68, 144
in Lwów, 41–45, 61–65, 67, 97, 98
Nazi cooperation of, 133–35, 176, 194, 230–31, 274–78
Nazi mistrust of, 174
Polish identity of, 38, 135
political naivete of, 96–97
postwar life of, 274–79
Przybylkiewicz and, 276–77, 279
publications of, 37–38, 55–56, 70–71, 115
renown of, 42, 45, 63, 65, 95–97
reputation of, 290
research labs of, 2–3, 5–6, 14, 16, 19, 36–38, 40–43, 45, 53, 55–66, 161
in Soviet occupation, 113–15
stigmatizing of, 277–79, 289, 290
typhus infection of, 36–37
vaccine of,
Weigl vaccine
Warsaw ghetto link of, 121–23, 142, 161, 164–65, 170, 275
Weigl, Wiktor, 42–45,
, 47, 64, 65, 77, 97, 115, 117, 127, 277
Weigl, Zofia Kulikowska, 36–37, 42–43,
, 97, 117
Weigl clamp, 68,
Weigl lab,
, 256
breeding unit at, 148–49
expansion of, 67, 114, 136
film about, 230–31, 278, 303
as force for good, 275
intellectual life of, 149–52
lice raised in, 67, 143–44
Nazi deception of, 143, 161–65
Nazi years of, 79, 92, 107, 135–39, 143–54, 158–66, 170–77, 230–31
occupational illnesses of, 160
as portrayed in film, 278, 303
postwar memories of, 277–78, 303
Soviet period in, 115–17, 121–24
technical innovations in, 67–68
, 160
“Weigl’s glory,” 44–45
Weigl strain, 145, 300
Weigl vaccine, 61–62, 94–96, 107, 114, 188–89, 231
black market in, 121–23
effectiveness of, 188, 190–91, 233, 275, 300
mass production of, 144–47, 176, 300
in postwar Poland, 277–78, 288
as standard-of-care prophylactic, 201
steps in creation of, 143–47
Weil, Edmund, 30–31, 64, 185
Weil-Felix test, 36, 64, 157, 185
false positives in, 185
Weimar, 99, 100, 248, 259
Weindling, Paul, 193, 267
Western Allies, 265–66, 284
scientists of, 266
western Ukraine, 111–12
White Army, 32–33, 34, 38
white blood cells, 286
“White Rabbit, The,” 253, 282
, 297
Wiener, Norbert, 152
Wiesenthal, Simon, 126
Wilhaus, Gustav, 137
Wilson, Woodrow, 38, 72–73
Wirths, Eduard, 216, 219–20, 235
suicide of, 264
Witkiewicz, Ignacy, 59–60
Wittlin, Józef, 53
Wohlrab, Rudolf, 122, 173–75, 189
Wójcik, Ryszard, 230, 274
Wojtyla, Karol, 131
Wolff, Władisław, 64
women, 287, 292
at Auschwitz, 219
in Birkenau, 213, 215–16
World War I, 14, 38, 94, 113
eastern front in,
, 187
typhus epidemics of, 2–3, 20, 23, 24–32, 62, 144–45
western front in, 26–27
World War II, 3
eastern front in, 7, 23, 167, 179, 181–86, 189, 201, 211–12, 218
populations after, 283
Woyciechowska, Stanisława, 136
Wrazidlo, Irene, 99
Wrocław, 283, 285, 294
Wyszyski, Cardinal Stefan, 289