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Daniel A. Payne,
Recollections of Seventy Years
(Nashville, 1888), 146–48;
African Repository
, 38 (August 1862), 243. This is one of those rare letters by Lincoln that has almost never been quoted or cited. As far as I can ascertain, it is not included in any edition of his writings and the only book to have quoted it is Gregory U. Rigsby,
Alexander Crummell: Pioneer in Nineteenth-Century Pan-African Thought
(New York, 1987), 117–18.

, 5: 370–75;
New York Times
, August 15, 1862. James Oakes calls the meeting “a low point in his presidency.” James Oakes,
The Radical and the Republican: Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and the Triumph of Antislavery Politics
(New York, 2007), 194.

Edward M. Thomas to Lincoln, August 12, 1862, ALP; John Bigelow,
Retrospections of an Active Life
(5 vols.; New York, 1909–13), 1: 546;
, 1: 362;
Douglass’ Monthly
, 5 (October 1862), 722–23;
Christian Recorder
, September 27, 1862;
New York Times
, October 3, 1862; C. Peter Ripley et al., eds.,
The Black Abolitionist Papers
(5 vols.; Chapel Hill, 1985–93), 5: 152.

Douglass’ Monthly
, 5 (September 1862), 705–7; Philip S. Foner, ed.,
The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass
(5 vols.; New York, 1950–73), 4: 313.

London Daily News
Christian Recorder
, November 1, 1862;
National Anti-Slavery Standard
, August 20, 1862; Neely, “Colonization,” 49–51; V. Jacque Voegeli,
Free but Not Equal: The Midwest and the Negro during the Civil War
(Chicago, 1967), 34;
Chicago Tribune
, August 22, 1862.

New York Tribune
, August 26 and September 15, 1862; Caleb B. Smith to Samuel C. Pomeroy, September 12, 1862, Letters Sent, September 8, 1858–February 1, 1872, RG 48, NA;
, 37th Congress, 2nd Session, 945;
Boston Daily Advertiser
, August 26 and 27, 1862;
New York Times
, August 30, September 13, and October 9, 1862;
San Francisco Evening Bulletin
, September 26, 1862; 39th Congress, 1st Session, Senate Executive Document 55, 13–16; Duane Mowry, ed., “Negro Colonization: From Doolittle Correspondence,”
Publications of the Southern Historical Association
, 9 (November 1905), 402;
Baltimore Sun
, November 5, 1862.

, 1: 358;
New York Evening Post
, September 7, 1862;
Chicago Tribune
, August 29, 1862; William Salter,
The Life of James W. Grimes
(New York, 1876), 215; Rachel S. Thorndike, ed.,
The Sherman Letters
(New York, 1894), 156–57; Benjamin Bannan to Lincoln, July 24, 1862; James W. White et al. to Lincoln, July 24, 1862, both in ALP.

Leonard Bacon,
(New Haven, 1862), 18–19; J. K. W. Levane and A. M. Milligan to Lincoln (1862); Petition from Washington County, Pennsylvania, August 28, 1862; Indiana Methodist Convention to Lincoln, September 12, 1862, all in ALP; Richard Carwardine, “Whatever Shall Appear to Be God’s Will I Will Do: The Chicago Initiative and Lincoln’s Proclamation,” in Blair and Younger,
Lincoln’s Proclamation
, 75–101;
, 5: 420–25.

New York Tribune
, August 20, 1862; Douglas L. Wilson,
Lincoln’s Sword: The Presidency and the Power of Words
(New York, 2006), 148;
, 5: 388–89.

Harper’s Weekly
, August 20, 1862; Timothy O. Howe to Lincoln, August 25, 1862, ALP; Wendell Phillips to Sydney Howard Gay, September 2, 1862, GP; Gay to Lincoln (August 1862), ALP; David Herbert Donald,
(New York, 1995), 368;
Springfield Weekly Republican
, September 27, 1862.

James M. McPherson,
Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era
(New York, 1988), 492;
, 5: 356–57, 423; Jonathan Brigham,
James Harlan
(Iowa City, 1913), 172; James G. Smart, ed.,
A Radical View: The “Agate” Dispatches of Whitelaw Reid, 1861–1865
(2 vols.; Memphis, 1976), 2: 74–75.

Gary Zellar, “The First Indian Home Guard and the Civil War on the Border and the Indian Expedition of 1862” (unpub. paper, American Historical Association annual meeting, 2010).

Military Necessity
, 39–47;
Private and Official Correspondence
, 2: 125–27, 131–35, 164, 192, 207, 270; Adams S. Hill to Sydney Howard Gay, July 24, 1862, GP;
, 38th Congress, 1st Session, 672;
, ser. 1, 14: 377; Henry Wilson,
History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America
(3 vols.; Boston, 1872–77), 3: 370.

Chicago Tribune
, August 27, 1862;
, 1: 393–94;
, 1: 142–43.

, 5: 433–36; Bennett,
Forced into Glory
, 504.

Civil War and Reconstruction
, 248–49; T. J. Barnett to Samuel L. M. Barlow, September 15, and October 6, 1862, Samuel L. M. Barlow Papers, HL;
Harper’s Weekly
, October 4, 1862;
Springfield Weekly Republican
, September 27, 1862.

Pacific Appeal
, September 27, 1862;
New York Tribune
, September 24, 1862;
, ser. 1, 16, pt. 2: 909–11; Herbert Mitgang, ed.,
Abraham Lincoln: A Press Portrait
(Chicago, 1971), 313; Norma L. Peterson,
Freedom and Franchise: The Political Career of B. Gratz Brown
(Columbia, Mo., 1965), 109–19; Benjamin Gratz Brown to Lincoln, September 27, 1862, ALP.

William H. Egle,
Life and Times of Andrew Gregg Curtin
(Philadelphia, 1895), 50–51, 138–40; Ira Harris to Lincoln, October 2, 1862; Charles Parker to Lincoln, September 28, 1862, both in ALP;
, September 25, 1862; Milton Meltzer and Patricia G. Holland, eds.,
Lydia Maria Child: Selected Letters, 1817–1880
(Amherst, Mass., 1982), 419; Benjamin F. Wade to George W. Julian, September 29, 1862, Giddings-Julian Papers, LC;
Chicago Tribune
, September 24, 1862;
Douglass’ Monthly
, 5 (October 1862), 721–22;
, 5: 444.

Springfield Weekly Republican
, September 27, 1862;
, 1: 150–52, 158–59; Howard K. Beale, ed.,
The Diary of Edward Bates, 1859–1866
(Washington, D.C., 1933), 262–63;
, 1: 399, 402.

, 1: 123; Beverly W. Palmer and Holly B. Ochoa, eds.,
The Selected Papers of Thaddeus Stevens
(2 vols.; Pittsburgh, 1997), 1: 319–20; Stephen J. Randall,
Colombia and the United States: Hegemony and Interdependence
(Athens, Ga., 1992), 47–49; Joseph Henry to Frederick W. Seward, September 5, 1862; Unknown to Joseph Henry, September 5, 1862, both in ALP;
Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States
, 883–84, 889, 893, 904;
New York Times
, October 9, 1862.

Seward at Washington
, 2: 227;
The Works of Charles Sumner
(15 vols.; Boston, 1870–83), 5: 498;
Christian Recorder
, September 14, 1861; Gaillard Hunt,
Israel, Elihu and Cadwallader Washburn: A Chapter in American Biography
(New York, 1925), 116.

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States
, 202–4, 909–10; Mitchell,
Report on Colonization
, 16–19; J. P. Usher to George Edwards, October 7, 1862; Caleb B. Smith to Samuel G. Howe, October 24, 1862, both in Letters Sent, September 8, 1858-February 1, 1872, RG 48, NA; Roy F. Basler, ed.,
The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln: First Supplement, 1832–1865
(New Brunswick, N.J., 1974), 112.

William Dusinberre,
Civil War Issues in Philadelphia, 1856–1865
(Philadelphia, 1965), 137–47; Mary K. George,
Zachariah Chandler: A Political Biography
(East Lansing, 1969), 94–95;
New York Times
, October 7, 1862; Voegeli,
Free but Not Equal
, 58; John Cochrane to Lincoln, November 5, 1862; David D. Field to Lincoln, November 8, 1862, both in ALP; Cornelius Cole,
Memoirs of Cornelius Cole
(New York, 1908), 158; Henry G. Pearson,
James Wadsworth of Genesco
(New York, 1913), 156; Joel H. Silbey,
A Respectable Minority: The Democratic Party in the Civil War Era, 1860–1868
(New York, 1977), 85–86; Bruce Tap, “Race, Rhetoric, and Emancipation: The Election of 1862 in Illinois,”
, 39 (June 1993), 101–25; Patience Essah,
A House Divided: Slavery and Emancipation in Delaware, 1638–1865
(Charlottesville, 1996), 176.

Washington Daily Morning Chronicle
, November 17, 1862; Allen C. Guelzo,
Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation: The End of Slavery in America
(New York, 2004), 80–81; John Eaton,
Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen
(New York, 1907), 1–15;
Private and Official Correspondence
, 2: 447–50, 475;
, in
Easton Gazette
(Maryland), August 23, 1862.

Edward Bates to Francis Lieber, October 21 and November 22, 1862; Lieber to Bates, November 25, 1862, all in Francis Lieber Papers, HL;
Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States
(12 vols.; Washington, D.C., 1852–70), 10: 382–413; James P. McClure et al., eds., “Circumventing the Dred Scott Decision: Edward Bates, Salmon P. Chase, and the Citizenship of African Americans,”
, 43 (December 1997), 279–309;
, 1: 387; Rebecca J. Scott, “Public Rights, Social Equality, and the Conceptual Roots of the
Michigan Law Review
, 106 (March 2008), 791;
New York Times
, December 12, 1862;
New York Tribune
, December 26, 1862.

David Davis to Leonard Swett, November 26, 1862, David Davis Papers, ALPLM;
, 37th Congress, 3rd Session, appendix, 39.

, 5: 518–37; “Editor’s Table,”
Continental Monthly
, 3 (January 1863), 126.

Henry F. Brownson, ed.,
The Works of Orestes A. Brownson
(20 vols.; Detroit, 1882–87), 17: 404–5; Smart,
Radical View
, 2: 187; Smith,
Life and Letters of James A. Garfield
, 1: 262–63;
, 3: 320; Adams S. Hill to Sydney Howard Gay, December 2, 1862, GP.

Robert F. Horowitz,
The Great Impeacher: A Political Biography of James M. Ashley
(New York, 1979), 84;
, 5: 434, 462–63, 470–71, 500, 505.

, 37th Congress, 3rd Session, 1016; Herman Belz,
Reconstructing the Union: Theory and Policy during the Civil War
(Ithaca, 1969), 100–15; John Cimprich,
Slavery’s End in Tennessee, 1861–1865
(Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1985), 100–101; Brooks D. Simpson,
Let Us Have Peace: Ulysses S. Grant and the Politics of War and Reconstruction, 1861–1868
(Chapel Hill, 1991), 30; Graf and Haskins,
Papers of Andrew Johnson
, 6: 85–86;
, 6: 26, 186–87; Benjamin P. Thomas and Harold M. Hyman,
Stanton: The Life and Times of Lincoln’s Secretary of War
(New York, 1962), 243.

Charles H. Ambler,
Francis H. Pierpont
(Chapel Hill, 1937), 162–202; Forrest Talbot, “Some Legislative and Legal Aspects of the Negro Question in West Virginia during the Civil War, Part I,”
West Virginia History
, 23 (April 1963), 8;
, 37th Congress, 2nd Session, 3308; 3rd Session, 59.

, 37th Congress, 3rd Session, 50; William H. Seward to Lincoln, December 26, 1862; Edwin M. Stanton to Lincoln, December 26, 1862; Edward Bates to Lincoln, December 27, 1862, all in ALP;
, 1: 208–9;
, 6: 27–28; Ambler,
Francis H. Pierpont
, 202.

, 6: 41; Benjamin Quarles,
Lincoln and the Negro
(New York, 1962), 112; Mitchell,
Report on Colonization
, 21–22;
To His Excellency, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States
, broadside, October 1, 1862, ALP; Beale,
Diary of Edward Bates
, 268; Laas,
Wartime Washington
, 223.

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