The Griffin's Flight (36 page)

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Authors: K.J. Taylor

BOOK: The Griffin's Flight
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“I can’t believe it that he was a murderer,” said Nolan. “He didn’t—well, he didn’t
like a murderer. He was too nice.”
“Kind.” Annan nodded. “Good sense of humour. I still haven’t told Torc he’s dead. The boy loved him like a brother.”
“I liked him,” said Caedmon. “No matter what they say he did, I thought he was a good man. Good mind, well spoken, respectful. A good friend. Always did his share an’ never complained or made trouble.”
“He was a good boy,” Cardock’s faraway voice mumbled.
“Yes.” Caedmon tugged gently at his arm. “Come on. I should take ye back to yer dorm now before people start askin’ questions. C’mon.”
Cardock heaved a sigh and got up. “Yes, I need to be alone for a while.”
As he started to leave the room with Caedmon, Nolan caught up with him and touched his arm. “Listen,” he said, “I’m sorry if we was unkind to you before. Your son was a good friend to me. So, for his sake, I’ll be a friend t’you to, if yer want.”
Cardock looked at him, taking in his rough, honest face, and smiled sadly. “Thanks, Nolan. I’d like that.”
Caedmon escorted him back to his dormitory and guided him to a hammock, roughly ordering its occupant to find a spot on the floor. Cardock thanked him and lay back in the hammock while the others around him got ready for bed, their voices low and unconcerned. Even content.
Eventually the lights were snuffed out, and darkness closed in. Cardock lay in silence, not really aware of his surroundings, staring fixedly at the ceiling.
Part of him wanted to cry, but his tears had dried up, leaving him feeling dead inside. Part of him wanted to curse or to scream, but he had no energy for either. Besides, what was the point? And part of him wanted to pray, but the words wouldn’t come to him. What could he possibly say? What could he say that would help him now? Nothing, nothing.
Helpless anger filled him. There was no window here, but he could see the moon in his mind’s eye: the great silver orb that he had prayed to and kept faith in all his life.
Curse you,
he thought.
Curse you. You gave me back my son and then took him away again. He was all I had left, and you took him
. Curse
He lay awake like that for a long time, mourning his son and cursing the gods and fate for taking him away along with Annir and everything else. He cursed the Night God, he cursed Gryphus, and most of all he cursed Erian. The sneering brat with the glittering sword and the velvet tunics looted from another man’s wardrobe, whose partner liked to snap and hiss at the slaves and watch them cringe in fear. Erian the Blue, he liked to call himself. Erian Rannagonson.
Erian. Erian the Bastard. Erian the Brat. Erian, who wanted nothing more than to see Arenadd tortured to death.
You’ll never get him now,
Cardock thought.
He’s out of your reach
It was cold comfort. Outside, the rain fell harder than ever. A storm was building, and the slave-house creaked and rattled in the gale. Thunder rumbled somewhere, low and threatening.
Eventually, Cardock slid into an exhausted, uneasy sleep. He dreamt of Arenadd as he had been as a child: six years old, his black hair neatly combed in spite of his rough clothing. He was playing alone, as he always did, with the little leather griffin his mother had made for him, prattling away to it as if it were alive. The other children, though, were never happy to let him keep to himself, and they wandered over in the hopes of finding something to taunt him with.
one yelled at him.
You’re a blackrobe. Da said so
Arenadd turned to face them.
I’m a griffiner,
he told them haughtily.
You’ve got to bow and say “sir” when you talk to me
That’s not a
a little girl shouted.
My griffin’s real,
said Arenadd.
If you don’t leave me alone she’ll bite you
Cardock knew what had happened after that. The other children, provoked, had begun to throw rocks and handfuls of mud at him until he had run back home in tears. But now the stones were sharp and drew blood when they hit him, and when he cried out it was a man’s voice and full of mortal pain.
Someone shook Cardock awake. He stirred and moaned. “What?”
“Quiet,” a voice hissed. “Come on, get up an’ keep quiet.”
Tired and disorientated, Cardock climbed out of the hammock and found his feet.
It was quite dark in the room; the torches on the walls hadn’t been re-lit, and the fire had burned low. The gale was rattling the shingles on the roof. Even though it had to still be night-time, he could hear the others stirring around him: soft thumps and mutterings and the rustle of cloth. As his eyes adjusted he could see their shapes by the dim light of the coals under the stew pot; it looked as if everyone was up now and getting dressed.
Cardock was still wearing the rough robe they’d given him and had forgotten to take off his boots, so he shuffled over to the nearest silhouette. “What’s going on?” he asked, trying to keep his voice low.
“I dunno. We’ve just got to get dressed an’ go out into t’corridor like normal.”
Cardock rubbed his eyes; they were sore. “In the middle of the night?”
Someone shoved him in the back. “Move it, you, I can’t see where I’m goin’.”
Others were making for the doorway, and Cardock resignedly followed them. There was very little point in trying to find out what was going on, and if he was slow he would be in trouble. But he wondered vaguely why they were being made to get up at this time of night. What sort of work could anyone do in the dark, and while it was windy and raining as well?
The corridor was already jam-packed with slaves, all talking in low voices. They were as orderly as always, but there was an undercurrent of fear and bewilderment there as well. Cardock could hear them questioning each other, apparently all as confused as he was.
There was light coming from one end of the corridor, the opposite end to where the gate to the guardroom was. And there seemed to be a draught coming from the same direction as the light, he realised. Odd.
Someone jostled him. Cardock shoved back irritably, but before he could say anything there was a sudden disturbance among the crowd.
“Cardock!” someone called quietly.
The cry was taken up by others. “Cardock? Where’s Cardock? Someone bring him forward, hurry!”
Cardock started to push his way in the direction of the voices. “I’m here,” he said. “I’m Cardock. Hello? What’s going on?”
Someone grabbed him by the arm. “There y’are. Quick, come with me.”
“Caedmon. What’s going on? What do they want me for?”
Caedmon’s face, only semi-visible in the gloom, looked pale. “He asked for ye. C’mon. Out of the way! Let us through, damn ye!”
The two of them made an awkward scramble between the mass of bodies, making for the light at the end of the corridor. As they drew closer to it, Cardock began to hear other things being said around him.
“He’s got a griffin.”
“It’s him, I know it’s him.”
Caedmon got through first and came to a halt. “I’ve got him, sir.”
Cardock shoved his way through a knot of people, and the first thing he saw was the hole. Something had torn away a great chunk of the wall at the end of the corridor, leaving a gaping hole edged with splinters, on the other side of which something huge lurked—and then someone rushed forward and was embracing him, someone tall and bony and soaking wet.
“Dad! It’s me. I’m back. I’m all right!”
Cardock’s heart seemed to slow in its beating. “Arren,” he gasped. “Arren, is that—?”
Arren let go of him and regarded him carefully by the light of the torch he had handed to Caedmon. “Gods. You look terrible. Have they been starving you?”
Cardock choked. “
. Arren! You’re not—but they said you were—”
Arren clasped his shoulder. “It’s okay. Calm down. I’m fine.”
He did not look fine. Cardock saw that straight away. His face was deathly pale, his eyes hollow. His beard was no longer neatly pointed but a tangled mess of dirt-encrusted bristles, and the hair he had taken so much pride in was crusted with mud. But he was alive.
Caedmon was watching them. “So ye really
his father,” he breathed. “And ye …” He regarded Arren with deep wariness.
Arren looked back impassively. “Well done, Caedmon. Trusting you was obviously the right thing to do.”
“What do ye want us to do next, sir?” said Caedmon, as sharply as he dared. “I’ve woken everybody up and ye have yer father back as ye asked. What else d’ye intend t’do, may I ask?”
Arren nodded. “It’s time to act. Bring everyone wearing irons to the front, and we’ll be ready.”
“Ready for
?” said Caedmon. “What are ye doing, sir?”
Arren smiled very slightly. “I’m stealing you.”
“What?” said Caedmon. “Sir?”
“You and your friends are slaves, aren’t you?” said Arren. “Property. Property can be stolen, and that’s what I’m doing. Now move. We don’t want to be kept waiting.”
Caedmon bowed stiffly. “Yes … sir.”
Cardock went to his son’s side and took him by the elbow. Arren gave him a concerned look. “Dad, are you all right?”
“They told me you were dead,” Cardock said softly.
“I thought they would have. I’m sorry, Dad.”
“It’s not your fault,” said Cardock. “I’m just—I’m so happy you’re alive. I thought I’d lost you again.”
Arren winced. “I’m not going anywhere, Dad. And I’m not leaving you again. That’s a promise.”
“But how can this be?” said Cardock. “How did you—?”
“It was an escape. I was only—” Arren stiffened. “Don’t move. He’s coming.”
“What? Who’s—?”
Arren started to back away from him, moving very slowly.
“Don’t move

Cardock turned to see what was going on, and his stomach lurched. Something—a big, shadowy something, the same thing he had glimpsed before—was coming toward the hole in the wall. Arren moved out into the open again to meet it, and several of the slaves nearest to the hole cried out and threw themselves backward as the monstrous griffin appeared from out of the night. A dark griffin, his silver-feathered head capped with black, his hindquarters the colour of jet, big mottled wings opening slightly as he walked.
Cardock groaned.
The griffin stopped and sat on his haunches close to Arren, his silver eyes glaring at the slaves inside the building. But he made no move, and Arren went closer and touched his shoulder, saying something to him in griffish. The griffin replied, and the two of them conversed briefly.
Arren turned back to look through the hole. “Where’s Caedmon?” he asked. “Tell him to hurry up! Skandar won’t wait forever, and if guards come …”
Cardock looked over his shoulder, but it was too dark to tell what was going on back in the corridor. He stepped through the hole and toward his son instead. Instantly the griffin tensed, his tail lashing.
Arren touched the beast again.
“Kri oo,”
he said urgently.
“Kri oo kra ae ee a.”
He punctuated it with a few sharp clicks of the teeth, mimicking the sound a griffin made with its beak.
The griffin rasped something back. Cardock couldn’t tell if it was hostile or not; all griffish sounded angry to him. “Arren, what are you doing?” he said. “That griffin—”
“This is Skandar,” said Arren, turning to him. “He’s my—well, we’re friends.”
“Skandar?” Cardock repeated.
“I called him that.” Arren looked slightly nervous. “He didn’t have a proper name before then. Don’t worry. I told him you’re my father.” He looked past Cardock. “Oh, thank gods.”
Caedmon was back. The old man came forward, leading a group of four men who were weighed down by leg-irons.
Arren nodded to them. “Right,” he said. “You four, sit down on the edge of the hole. This shouldn’t take too long.”
The four men, however, were gaping at the griffin. “What in the gods’ names?” one said.
Arren stepped forward.
“Do it!”
he snarled, his voice suddenly full of cold command. “I am a griffiner, and I am giving you an order!”
They obeyed hastily. Once they were seated, Arren took a hammer and chisel from his belt and quickly broke the chains. “Good,” he said once this was done. “You’ll be able to walk now. Caedmon, give the order. We’re walking out of here. All of us. Tell them to stay in a column, and no straggling. The weaker ones should stay at the front. Tell everyone to stay as far away from Skandar as possible. If anyone touches him or comes too close to either of us without permission they will be attacked and probably killed. I mean it. I can’t control him, and he’s perfectly capable of killing people if he wants to. Understood?”

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