The Lost Trucker (The Trucker Saga) (6 page)

BOOK: The Lost Trucker (The Trucker Saga)
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   While Ryder is gone the only
thing to do was work like normal and live my life as I normally would and act like nothing was different. But why does it feel like everything in my life has changed.

  All I can think about when I have a free second is Ryder, how it would feel to have him walk in the door and for me to run up to him, jump into his arms and wrap my legs around him. He could take me out to his truck and slam me up against the grill and pull my hair softly.

  I shake my head and focus on the truckers in the diner that are waiting for their food. I don’t want to show any emotion around these nasty old men. This is why I don’t understand how Ryder is in this world; he is so gorgeous. He is ripped from head to toe; his thighs could probably crush things. And his face has a perfect chiseled jawbone. He has amazing looking hair that he always has braided and I wonder what it would be like to pull on the braid while he is…
Oh god!! Stop it Faith!

   I finish out my shift and clock out. All I want to do is go back to my cozy little apartment, just relax and not think about anything other than my family. I am starting to miss my daddy and my brothers; I have never been away from home this long.




I hear my phone go off and it means I have a text message from a number I don’t know.


Hey babe! How was work today?

Um, if this is who I think it is. How the hell did you get my number? STALKER! ;-)

I have my ways babe. Been thinking about U lately Faith. U have taken me and I am happy about it. I want to change because of u; I want to be a better person all because of u.


  But now I have his number it is being saved in my phone under Smexy. I know it is a little childish but hey, back off it’s my phone.


Ryder, you need to stop talking like that. I told you before that we can’t be anything to each other. I like you, as a friend. I hope you can accept that.


   I almost burst into tears with sending that message for some reason; it’s probably because I just lied out of my ass. How does this man have a hold over me like this; I walk into my bedroom and start to strip as I walk towards the bathroom. I start the bath and dump some bath salts in and my phone goes off again. I walk out and tap the screen to unlock it.


Faith, baby. UR mine, U just need to admit it to urself. We are meant to be, u ran into me that day for a reason. U have been crossing my path for longer than U realize; now that I have U I’m not stopping. So stop pushin away from me. B home soon X


  Did he really just leave an X at the end of his text, wow? What a player or he’s just trying to make sure that I really understand how he feels. Oh well, I am not going to worry about him tonight. I am going to soak in this warm bath and turn the jets on and relax.

   I grab my towel, set it on the counter, strip off the rest of my clothes, step into the bath then let the water slowly engulf my body. I let out a sigh and start to relax. I let me eyes flutter close and the next thing I know I have drifted off into a deep sleep.

Oh god, his lips feel amazing as they graze across mine with a vicious and dutiful purpose behind him being so rough. “God Faith, you’re so amazing. I haven’t felt like this with anyone ever. You stimulate something inside of me that I can’t ignore. Every time I try to ignore it my body feels like it is hurting inside.”

  I reach up and grab a hold of his hair in both of my hands. His hair is so thick it feels amazing running through my fingers. “Ryder, there is something that I have felt for you since the minute I ran into you. It feels like we belong together. I never want to leave you and I want no one else in my life but you.” I grab the back of his head and force him to kiss me. I bury my tongue deep inside his mouth and all I can taste is Ryder and mint. I throw my legs around his waist and he is instantly grinding h
imself against my throbbing sex. My core is on fire and I want nothing more than to have Ryder take me like I know he can.


My phone goes off and scares the crap out of me. I remove my hand from under the water and stop myself from having an orgasm while thinking of Ryder.


Babe, I’m on my way back to you. ;-) Be with you in about 6 hours.

I’m not your babe. And good to know you’re coming home; Layla will be happy.

Aw, what’s wrong babe?

Nothing, Ryder. Drive safe. Goodnight!

Nite babe. See U in the mornin’.


  I turn off my phone because I don’t want to be bothered anymore. I am tired and I want some sleep and I hope that thoughts of Ryder leave me alone so that I can because I am sure that as soon as he pulls into the yard he is going to be up here knocking on my door.






   Of course I was right, I was jolted awake by a knocking on my front door at 4am waking me up out of a deep sleep.

   I walk to the door and look thru the peephole and see Ryder standing there. He has on a black shirt and that is all I can see at the moment, I wrap my robe around me tighter and open the door a little bit. “Yeah, why are you here so early?” I rub my eyes and yawn a little bit.

  Ryder pushes the door open softly and grabs my waist as I stretch wrapping his arms around me in a hug. He inhales and I realize that he just sniffed me. “Did you just sniff me?” I ask him with a little chuckle and let my arms fall around his neck and hug him back.

  “You bet your sweet ass I did. You smell amazing even after you have been sleeping for a few hours. I love the way you smell.” He says as he buries his face in my neck and I now sniff hi
m because he smells amazing too. I feel his body start to shake a little bit with his laughter.

  “So why are you here and why did you wake me up?” I ask him as I drop my arms from around his neck and step back to face him. I turn and start to walk back towards the kitchen to make some coffee cause I have a feeling it is going to be a very
very long day.

  I don’t even make it half way across the living room when Ryder steps in front of me and puts his hands up to cradle my face. I sigh and lean into his touch, oh man, his hands are so soft yet rough. I look up through my hooded eyelids and stare him right in the eyes.

Why does this connection between us have to be so strong and why does it feel so natural to be here in his hands.

  Ryder leans forward and places his soft lips onto mine, he is slow and gentle at first but when I let out a small moan t
hat I thought only I could hear he forces open my lips and glides his tongue into my mouth. He slowly starts to caress mine with his. We are mixing together into this cotton-mouthy sweet mint mixture of saliva; sounds gross but it is amazing.

reach up and sink my hands around the back of his neck, I grab a little bit of his hair in my fingers and pull a little bit. Ryder instantly growls, drops his hands down to my hips then thrusts me right into his body where I instantly melt into it like it was made to mold around mine.

   Ryder moves his hands to my ass and lifts me up and I instinctively wrap my legs around his hips and let out a little moan.

Am I dreaming again or is this really happening? Oh no, Faith this is really happening and you need to slow it down, way the hell down!

  “Ryder, stop. What are we doing?” I say as a whisper as my breath is caught up in the moment. “We can’t do this, we’re just friends. Remember?” I ask him as he is carrying me over to the couch, he sits so that I am straddling him and I can feel that he really wants me. And from what I can feel I am scared to even think about that with him.

   “Faith, babe. We don’t need to do anything. We don’t have to be together tonight like that if you don’t want to. I can wait. I am a gentleman, even though most people don’t believe it. I’m changing and it is because of you and the fact that I want more than just sex with you means that. I will wait.”

   I stare at him for a few long moments waiting to see if I see anything cha
nge on his face that would lead me to believe he is lying. I don’t see anything change about him, he is telling the truth. What have I done to be worthy of this man?

   I sigh and keep staring at this amazingly beautiful man in front of me, “Okay, but if you break my heart I am going to have to cut your dick off and feed it to you for dinner. You feel me?” I say with a little bit of a laugh because he has his hands on my hip-bones and is running them back and forth; the roughness of his hands tickles. So I giggle a little bit more.

“Oh Faith, baby doll, I feel you.” I giggle out loud.

  I reach down and grab his face in my hands and look him straight dead center in the eye and lean down and brush my lips across his. I feel him let out a little groan as he grabs my hips while he grinds his crotch up against mine. I instantly feel that I am so wet that my panties are probably soaked.

  Ryder starts to run his fingers inside the elastic of my underwear, I reach down and untie my robe and let it fall open. I have a lilac colored camisole on with matching underwear. It’s my normal pj’s not too hot but enough to cover me in case someone breaks into the house.

  I feel a rumble coming from Ryder’s chest as he reaches up and takes a breast in each hand and caresses each nipple thru the sheer fabric of my camisole. My nipples instantly turn hard and I throw my head back with a little moan.

“Ryder, if you don’t stop we are going to take this too far. I’m not comfortable with that.” I say as I run my fingers thru his thick hair. His warm mouth collapses over my left breast and I can feel his hot mouth and tongue move over my nipple, I feel a gush between my legs and I know that I am so turned on right now that I could orgasm with only him playing with my breasts.

  “It’s okay baby. Let yourself go, I will catch you when you fall. I’m not going anywhere I promise.” He says with such hooded eyes that it is an instant turn on.

He guides his right hand up my thigh towards my aching and sopping wet sex that wants nothing more than to feel him assault it with his beautiful body. I feel his fingers reach my clit, my swollen bundle of nerves quivers with the very soft touch of his fingers.

  “Ryder…” I whisper into his ear as I rest my head on his broad shoulder. I kiss his shoulder and then lick my way up towards his ear. I feel his chest heaving and dropping as his breath turns from normal to very forced and fast pace

  Ryder grips my hips and lifts me up slightly as he lifts and turns me to where he has me pinned on the couch. He now has my hands up above my head and is holding my wrists together with one of his huge hands. “Faith, I am going to make you cum. This is about me showing you that I can make you happy, that I am not going to hurt you and most of all that you can trust yourself with me, your whole self. Faith let
yourself go. I will be here.”

  He doesn’t even give me time to answer him before he is dropping down my body and slowly kissing his way over each one of my tits paying special attention to each one of them, he continues to kiss his way down my stomach and dips his tongue into my belly button. I let out a little giggle/moan and I try and move my hands so that I can either hold onto his head or the bed. But no dice, “Ryder, please…Let me touch you…” I pant out to him and he chuckles.

  “Naw baby, this is about you. Keep your hands right here and don’t move them.” He looks up at me thru his long beautiful eye-lashes. “Do you understand me, Faith?”

   I nod yes and then lay my head back on the cushion and wait for what’s going to happen next.




  My legs are both over Ryder’s shoulders a
nd his tongue is deep in my sex, I can’t help but squirm all over and I probably sound like someone who is having this done for the first time.

“Oh, Ryder…
Mmmm..That feels amazing! Oh god…right there…” I say through my teeth, he really knows what he is doing.

  He rocks back and forth, moving his tongue in circles around my bundle of nerves.
“Yes, Faith. Let me hear you. I want to hear you cum. Let me hear what I do to you. You can come anytime now if you want to baby.”

  His words are like little darts right to my clit because I can feel goose bumps on the small of my back and the hair on my neck starts to stand up straight. At the same moment
it’s like Ryder knows I am about to explode and he sinks 2 fingers deep inside my wet pussy.

ummm…” I don’t know if anything I said you can actually make out but the only thing I can feel and hear is static. It is like I am in a box and I can’t hear anything. I start to feel soft kisses trailing back up my body; I feel my robe being stretched back around me and then Ryder picks me up and walks into the bedroom with me.

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