The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress (94 page)

BOOK: The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress
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     Being good then is a thing about which there will now be very much writing. I have been already describing quite a number of ways men and women have it in them to be good ones in their feeling and their thinking and their being, in themselves to themselves, in themselves to other ones, to many other ones, to a few other ones, to every one that knows them, to hardly any one, to almost not any one, to one, to more than one. Being good then is a thing that is very interesting. Being good is a thing that is very often puzzling to very many having it in them, to very many men and women, being good is very often to very many not at all puzzling, there has been some description of some kinds of ways of having goodness in them in some men and women already given. Now there will be a new beginning of understanding this very interesting thing.
     Kinds of being in women and in men is a peculiar thing. Kinds of being in men and women is peculiar, that there are always the same kinds of them existing is a peculiar thing. It is extraordinary the kind of things people are thinking, believing and feeling, always very often each one is thinking feeling believing something, sometimes they can afterwards be changing in that thinking, feeling, believing, knowing, but always very often no one, not anyone, not anything can change that thinking feeling believing knowing in them and the thing they are thinking believing, feeling or knowing is a thing that very many men and women like them are certain no one could possibly be ever thin king feeling believing knowing, and this is the peculiar thing that makes living the thing we are all doing, this understanding this realisation that other ones really have such kinds of thinking believing feeling knowing as completely them this makes very many men and very many women when they cannot change any one makes them then disillusioned in their living some of them, some when they are young ones and that is one kind of thing, some when they are older ones that is another kind of thing. Kinds then in women and in men in men and women is a peculiar thing. Yes certainly it is a peculiar thing, that and some other things that are now beginning being written.
     There are many ways of thinking, feeling, knowing, believing in many men and women in all there ever are or were or will be of men and women. There are very many of them, each one has her or his own being in them, each one is of a kind or of several kinds in men and women each one has their own nature in them, mostly every one, always each one has many things in them are sometime are mostly always believing knowing feeling many things in them that if the others knowing really could really believe that these had in them would make them think those others were really crazy ones. Mostly very many all their living think other ones are not really feeling thinking believing knowing doing the things those are really are feeling believing thinking knowing doing, if they believed it of them that they really are believing thinking feeling doing knowing believing the things they really are believing knowing feeling doing thinking they would think them to be really crazy ones and they would be afraid of them.
     There are many then believing thinking knowing feeling doing things, mostly every one is feeling knowing thinking doing something, doing feeling believing knowing thinking a very great many things that if any one really knew it about them any one knowing them would be thinking that one a crazy one, would be afraid of such a one, and no one knowing that one is thinking such a one really a seriously crazy one and that is because mostly every one does not really believe any other one really believes thinks knows feels does the thing, the many things that one really does do, think, feel, believe, know in living. Sometimes it is a funny thing to know it about some one the things they really can know and feel and believe and do and think in them, sometimes it is a very puzzling sometimes it is a very frightening thing, sometimes it is an impossible thing and mostly every one is contenting themselves with feeling that that other one is not really feeling thinking doing knowing believing the thing the things they are doing knowing believing or thinking that they never did have such things in them that they are just talking that it is really all different in them. One once who was a very intelligent active bright well-read fairly well experienced woman thought that what happens every month to all women, she thought it only happened to Plymouth Brethren, women having that religion. She was a child of Plymouth Brethren and had only known very intimately Plymouth Brethren women. She had known other women but it had not happened to her to have known about this thing. She was a child of Plymouth Brethren and she thought that what happens to all women every month only happened to Plymouth Brethren women, women having that religion, she was twenty eight years old when she learned that it happened to every kind of women. This is not an astonishing thing that she should have believed this thing. Every one mostly always is thinking feeling believing knowing something that is to every one else when they know it about them a thing no one that was not a crazy one would be thinking feeling believing or knowing. Mostly every one can be content with being certain that the other one never did believe that thing.
     There are a very great many men and women and they are very well educated intelligent ones who are very certain that a river can not flow north because water can never be going up hill in a natural way of flowing. They are very certain of this thing and when one understands it about them, some of them, it is astonishing that they can really be thinking such a thing and sometimes it takes almost a quarrelling to make them realise that a river can How north and that north is not going up hill. They are knowing then that north is not going up hill when they think of it as travelling, they think of north as up hill when they think of it as water flowing and this is very common. Such things then are very common, every kind of way there ever can be of thinking feeling believing knowing doing is common and the way mostly every one has it in them the way one has it in them of knowing feeling, believing thinking doing is a thing that every one knowing that one if they really thought that one was really believing feeling thinking knowing doing as that one really is, was and will be thinking feeling doing believing knowing would be thinking that one a crazy one, that one a fool, that one a liar and a bad one, would be afraid or haling or despising or pitying that one or completely puzzled by that one. Mostly then no one really is ever believing any other one really can be believing feeling thinking doing knowing, the things the other one really is feeling believing thinking doing knowing.
     Kinds of being in women and in men is a peculiar thing, that there are always the same kinds of them existing is a peculiar thing. That there are so very many always existing of each kind of them is a peculiar thing. That there are so very many always existing of every kind of them is a peculiar thing. When one sees a very great many of any thing, if it is jewels, or exotic fruits or old furniture or any precious thing in any place then always one is thinking they must be cheap there, they have so many of them it must be that they are selling them cheap they have so many of them and one mostly always has this feeling and this is the kind of feeling very many men and women have about men and women, there are so many they must be cheap things and one can use them any way one can be wanting them without any thinking about them and this is a very natural thing and then when it is a store and one wants to buy the rare thing or something where they have so many of them and then one finds out one has to pay them the same as in the stores where there are only a few of these things that they have for selling and that is always astonishing, that is to some always a certain shock to them and this is now beginning to be very true of men and women everywhere where men and women are living, they come just as high where there are a great many of them as where there are a few of them. But this is another thing, always to my feeling there are a very great many men and women always existing, always to my feeling there are a very great many of each kind of them always existing, always to my feeling each one of them is an expensive thing to be learning to be understanding and now I begin again.
     I will now begin a little the writing about goodness and religion and sensitiveness and feeling and loving, and realising and under standing and thinking and doing and knowing in every one, in every kind there is in men and women.
     One builds up other people's convictions, other people's intuitions other people's loving and virtue and religion, this is a very common thing. Some build up other ones convictions, other one's intuitions, other ones loving and virtue and religion, this is a very common thing. Very many men do it for very many women, very many women do it for men, and for other women, and for children, very many men do it for very many children, very many men do it for very many men, very many do it for themselves in their living, very many women, very many men do it for themselves in their living do the creating of their intuitions, their convictions, their loving, their virtue, their religion.
     It is very interesting the way it happens sometimes. Some one one is loving tells one to do something to do it very often and then the one loving that one knows it then will know where the one told to do it does that thing, the other one who is to be doing that thing is not in the beginning certain that the one loving that one knows it when that one does that thing, the thing the other one loving that one tells that one to do very often for the one loving and that one then not with that one doing that thing will know that that one is doing that thing. It happens then very often that in the beginning the one doing the thing the one loving them is asking of them so that the other one not being with her or him then will know that he or she is then doing that thing it happens very often that the other one that is asked to be doing a thing is not then certain that the other one the one that has the believing that the other one doing that thing that one will be knowing then when that one is not with that other one who is doing a thing, it happens very often that in the beginning the one of whom the doing has been asked by the other one the one certain that he or she will be knowing it when he or she is not with that one it happens very often that in the beginning the one not certain that the other will know it does it with a different feeling, does it with a very careful feeling then and later then when that one is certain that the other one is not certain when that one has been doing that thing because of tests such a one has been making it happens sometimes such a one goes on carefully doing that thing religiously doing that thing would be a way of stating it then for it would then be a ritualistic thing and there are others who would not let themselves ever test such a thing but go on always doubting but always more or less doing the thing, not from the loving in them but from the belief in them built up so in them that the other one really has intuition and that is the way it goes very often with having intuition, always then some one gives to some one conviction of intuition, some give it to themselves in living, very often others give it to them, there are then very many men and women and some of them have more some less sensitiveness in them and always it is hard to tell it of them of men and women what is sensitiveness in them what is made inside them by themselves by every one they are knowing in their living.
     Dead is dead. To be dead is to be really dead said one man and there are very many men who really feel this in them, to be dead is to be really dead and that is the end of them. To be dead is to be really dead and yet perhaps that is not really the end of them, some men feel this in them. Dead is dead yes dead is really dead yes to be dead is to be really dead yes, to be dead is to be really dead and that is the real ending of them yes, but still, yes to be dead is to be dead, to be really dead yes, and yet always there is religion always existing and it is better to have everything, to be dead is to be dead some men are feeling knowing thinking believing in them, very many men are feeling thinking knowing believing it in them and some of them some of such of them have it in them that they know that religion is always existing, dead is dead, that they know pretty entirely completely really in them yes dead is dead they really know that in them, religion always is existing, dead is dead yes that is true then, and then they go on in living always doing their religion. Dead is dead yes that is certain and they go on having their religion and they are not believing and their religion is believing that dead is not dead, to be dead is to be not really dead, dead is dead of that they are really certain some of these then and they go on then having their religion doing everything in their religion and to their religion to be dead is not to be really dead of that their religion is almost certain and they are almost certain in them always that to be dead is to be really dead, yes dead is dead they know that in them, they know that in them, they do everything any one can do in their religion and their religion is very certain that to be dead is not to be really dead and these men are very certain that to be dead is to be dead, that dead is dead. This then is very common. There are these then and there are then those that have it in them in living that dead is dead only partly in them and in them is the very constant realisation that every one, they themselves, are believing that religion is a right thing to be having and religion is always saying though you are dead you are living and these then could know it as an active living in them that dead is dead, that is in instinctive living in them but always in their talking, very many of them always in their feeling, some of them always in their doing, some of them in their thinking, some of them always in their believing have it in them that every one has religion in living, they have religion in them, dead is not dead then everybody is of this then very certain and always dead is dead is the simply instinctive living in these men then and very many of these then have it in them that they are those having concrete action that is very often very different from what these are certain all decent men and they themselves are always doing, these then can as I was saying kill the butterfly in the morning because they are so good to their son when in the evening just before they completely persuaded him the son that killing butterflies is a cruel action no good man should be doing, and some of such of them as I was saying can have it in them that they have done something very often and later in their living a daughter can write to them that what that daughter is doing that is a disgrace to the family then came to be a way of doing from the things the father was often showing to her when she was a young one and such a one then can have a paralytic stroke from the shock of realisation, of dead is dead and that by religion to his saying that dead is not dead and of the difference in him of general and concrete conviction.

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