The Playmaker (A Big Play Novel Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: The Playmaker (A Big Play Novel Book 1)
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No Tips Required




Oh, man. This is so embarrassing.

I was totally going to kiss her. If she hadn’t whispered those words, I would have mindlessly pressed my lips against hers and forgot time existed.

Her delicate body beneath mine, the way her hip bone pressed into the edge of my stomach, her soft breath on the side of my face…that look in her eyes. I’ve never wanted a girl more.

But she doesn’t want me to kiss her like that.

She wants training…and it’s lucky she said something, because although this is way awkward, it’s better to have the truth out there. It’s kind of warped that she wants me to kiss her so she won’t be humiliated when Mack does, but man…I don’t think I can do it.

If I ever did kiss her, it’d be for me.

I glance at her rosy cheeks and pained expression and can’t help but feel a little pity. She’s probably more embarrassed than I am right now.

“You know what, you don’t need any tips. You save those lips for the guy you really want.” I smile, trying to wipe that crestfallen look off her face.

She opens her mouth to say something, but I cut her off before she can.

“If we kissed now we’d only regret it. It wouldn’t mean anything.” I lightly slap her leg, giving her knee a quick squeeze. “Don’t worry, Mack’s noticed you. Finn told me you guys hung out at the bonfire together on Friday night. He’ll make his move soon enough. That guy doesn’t mess around when it comes to girls.”

I wink and make a clicking noise with my tongue, turning away from her so I don’t have to look at those eyes anymore. Gripping the remote in my hand, I turn off the offending movie and quickly find ESPN.

The Broncos game has already started, and it gives me the perfect excuse to launch into teaching mode. I keep my eyes on the screen, scooting along the floor so I can rest my back against the sofa. Tori moves to sit next to me. I can feel her arm near mine, and I have to resist the urge to lean against her.

I’m here to train her so she can score her first kiss with Mack. Talking football with the guy will only make her more appealing. After everything she’s done for me with my assignment, this is the least I can do for her.

I try to ignore the burn of acid in my stomach as the game progresses and I fight images of Mack and Tori making out at the next bonfire.




Forrester’s Chocolates




When people talk about Monday Night Football on ESPN, they always make it sound fun.

It’s not.

It’s awkward and painful…or maybe that’s just me, because I opened my stupid mouth and ruined everything!

I’m so annoyed at myself I can barely see straight.

Why did I have to say anything?

Maybe if I’d just held my tongue for a second, I would have gotten a taste of his!

Colt is saying something to me, but I’m not really soaking it in. It’s football related. He hasn’t looked at me once since I asked him to lock lips, and he probably won’t. When he told me to save my lips for the guy I really want, I was going to tell him the truth, but then he went on to say how much we’d
regret it, which means he didn’t really want to kiss me in the first place.

“And that’s halftime…” The sports presenter starts talking.

I take it as an out and slap the carpet I’m sitting on. “Well, I should go.”

“You don’t want to stay for the whole game?” Colt mumbles at the floor.

“No, I should probably get home.” I feel sick right now. He won’t even look at me!

Standing up, I adjust my top, pulling down the fitted fabric and wondering why I even bothered wearing it. Colt rises next to me and watches me grab my bag off the floor. I turn to face him before walking away and he’s staring right at me.

His expression is unreadable. I want to smile, do something to make his eyes shine, but I can’t.

“Thanks for the training,” I murmur and spin for the door before any more can be said.

I trudge home. My day that was supposed to end so brilliantly has brought me full circle. I woke up feeling like crap and I will go to bed feeling exactly the same way.

Thumping up the stairs, I ignore whatever Mom called out from the couch and wish for a moment that my sister still lived at home. She wouldn’t get what I’m trying to achieve here, but at least she’d listen without giving me any advice.

My thoughts flick to Amy and I start praying she’s responded to my text. Rushing the last few steps to my room, I shoulder my door open and drop my bag with a gasp.

My best friend is sitting on my bed, thumbing through one of my old Archie comics. I stole Dad’s collection when I was a kid and then became obsessed with looking for them in secondhand bookstores. I own over a hundred now…and I’m still collecting. Mom buys me a new one for Christmas every year, too.

“Hey.” My voice comes out all wobbly.

Amy drops the comic and rises from the bed, scurrying to my side and wrapping me in a tight hug. “I’m sorry I ignored you today. I didn’t mean to be so annoyed.”

I squeeze her tight and mumble into her shoulder. “It’s okay. I deserved it.”

Pulling away from me, Amy holds me at arm’s length and studies my face. She always does that when she thinks I’m about to cry. My lips quiver, but I press them together and blink really fast.

“What happened?”

I sniff and shake my head, trying my best to keep it all in.

“I can tell it’s about Colt, so you might as well spill. Don’t worry, I got each and every one of your texts. I know you still love me.”

Her permission unleashes a torrent of words, and I spill the whole gruesome evening in every embarrassing detail.

By the time I’m done, Amy has guided me to the bed and we’re sitting opposite each other. I wrap my arms around my knees and give her a pitiful frown.

“Okay, so it was bad.” She nods. “But he’s probably just as ready to pretend it didn’t happen as you are.”

“The weird thing is, for a second, I thought he was about to kiss me, which tells me he wants me, but then he went on to say we’d both regret it!”

“He could have been lying.”

“Doubtful,” I murmur, pressing my mouth against my knee.

Amy gives me a sad, compassionate smile.

I huff and look at the ceiling. “I need to tell him the truth, but I’m scared now. What if I do and he tells me he’s not interested?”

My best friend cringes.

“That’s what he’s going to say, isn’t he?”

“I don’t know.” Amy shrugs, obviously trying to soften the blow.

I let out a heavy sigh and rest my forehead against my knees, resisting the urge to cry again. My eyes are already puffy.

“Why are you so obsessed with this guy, anyway? It’s high school. You probably won’t end up together long-term. Why put yourself through this?”

“Ames, I have liked him for years. And I mean
!” I look up, my eyes round and emphatic. “And that feeling has never gone away. Ever. He’s always been on my mind. That’s got to mean something. I can’t quit without trying.”

My best friend’s head tips to the side, her brown gaze growing with skepticism. “It’s more than that though, isn’t it? You don’t like being the outcast. You’re not happy on the sidelines.”

Typical Amy. She’s always going for the next level of truth. I have to give it to her, or she’ll be here all night digging. I swallow and stop to think about what I want to say. “Okay.” I nod as my thoughts slowly form. “It’s not that I don’t love hanging out with you. You’re my best friend. But you’re not going to be here next year, and I don’t want be all alone. I’m already the daughter of Nelson’s weirdo. I don’t have much going for me.”

Amy grins, reaching forward and squeezing my arm. “You have everything going for you, and you don’t have to stay here.”

“But I love this place.” I let go of my knees and cross my legs. “It’s home, and all these people, they’ll come back eventually. I want to be invited to their barbecues and when I show up at the reunion, I want people to remember who I am.”

Amy looks at me with pity. Her mindset is so different to mine. She wants to break free and see the world, spread her wings and fly away as far as she can.

“I know you don’t get it.” I swallow and try to smile at her.

“I do,” she whispers. “You’re scared. The idea of college and a whole new world is terrifying, but you’re going to be okay, Tori. You don’t need to take your past with you. You’ll find your people.”

I shake my head at her. “That’s what you don’t get.” I tap my hand over my chest and lean toward her. “My heart is convinced that I’ve found my person, and that feeling is only getting stronger the more time I spend with him. I swear I’m not making up the whole
him wanting to kiss me
thing. You didn’t see the look in his eyes.”

Amy’s lips rise with a reluctant smile. She doesn’t believe me, but she wasn’t there.

It’s safe to say that my best friend is smarter than me. She always has been, and she has this way of seeing the truth like no one else can. But I know my own heart and it still belongs to Colt.

Amy opens her mouth, but then spots my pleading smile and decides against talking. Instead, she reaches into her bag and pulls out a bar of Forrester’s chocolate.

“I love you,” I murmur as she pulls open the wrapper.

“Love you, too, little T. And just remember, no matter where I go, I’ll always be your bestie.”

Her sweet words make my eyes well with tears all over again. She holds out a row of chocolate and I take it from her with a watery smile.

“Now, serious discussion time.” Amy clears her throat and shifts on the bed while nibbling off a corner of her chocolate squares. “Who do you think Archie truly belongs with—Betty or Veronica?”



He’ll Come Most Of The Way




I can’t stop thinking about Tori…and the shape of her lips…and the vanilla scent of her skin…and the way her big, sad eyes looked at me when she passed me in the corridor today.

I’ve let her down.

She asked me to help her score the guy of her dreams and I agreed.

“Thanks for the training.” That’s what she said just before she walked out my door…but I haven’t given her any. Not where it counts. Telling her to wear tight clothes and talk football is hardly a clincher. She wants to take things up a notch, and I’m not ready to go there.

Why? Because I hate the idea of her kissing Mack.

I guess it’s kind of selfish. I shouldn’t even care that she’s not into me. Like I would ever go out with a girl like Tori. She’s my childhood friend, that’s it.

All she’s asking for is one little kiss, an indicator that when Mack makes his move she doesn’t have anything to worry about. I should be honored that she trusts me enough to prepare her to kiss the guy she actually wants.

Okay, you know what, it’s weird. Kiss training? Come on.

I grimace as the final bell rings and I realize I haven’t heard a word Mr. Branshaw just said.

“… So make sure you’re prepared. All right, guys, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Prepared for what?” I ask Finn.

He stands from his desk and laughs at me. “Where’s your head, man? We’ve got a test tomorrow.”

I snatch my bag off the floor and grip the books under my arm, following my friend out the door. “Yeah, of course. I’ll be studying tonight.”

Finn looks at me like I’m crazy.

“What?” I lightly punch him in the arm. “I study.”

He flashes his white teeth at me and lopes toward his locker. “You coming to practice?”

“Of course.” I nod, about to say more when I notice Tori scurrying past the end of the hallway. Her hair is in a scrunched-up bun thing with a pencil shoved through the middle of it. Loose curls fly around her face as her short legs carry her as fast as they can. Her lips purse to the side and she’s muttering something to herself, oblivious to the world around her. Man, she’s one quirky chick.

I grin.

I don’t know what her hurry is, and I have no idea what she’s saying to herself, but I do know I want to feel those twitching lips on mine. “Hey, Tank, I’m gonna be a couple of minutes late. I’ve just got to do something first.”

Finn’s dark brows bunch together, but he nods and pats me on the shoulder with his large hand. “Okay, see you there.”

I wave my hand and hustle down the corridor, heading for Tori’s locker. It’s not like I’m going to kiss her in the hallway or anything, but maybe she’ll meet me later…after practice. Surely a training kiss is more important than studying for my test tomorrow, right?

Heck, maybe she’d like to study with me. We could help each other out.

My mind leaps forward to a vivid image of scattered books on the floor while I lie on top of Tori, exploring her mouth and
her how to kiss properly.

I squeeze my eyes shut and pull in a sharp breath.

This is a bad idea. What the hell am I doing?

“Colt?” Tori’s soft voice makes me jump. I jerk to a stop, my eyes popping open to stare at her. “Are you okay?”

Her sweet lips part as she moves toward me. Glancing over her shoulder, she scans the crowded corridor and places her hand on my elbow. I let her guide me into an empty classroom. The lights are off and we tuck ourselves around the corner, away from prying eyes.

She rubs my arm and looks up at me. “What’s up? You look kind of pale. Are your ribs hurting?” Her eyes dart to my torso and I give it a gentle rub, wondering how to sell this.

With the truth!

Well, not the whole truth, just a portion of it.

“Uh, no, I’m good.” I smile. “I was actually coming to find you.”

Her face crumples with a frown. “Oh man, the thought of finding me made you that pale?” She closes her eyes and tips her head back with a groan. The skin on her neck makes my mouth water as I imagine kissing it. I lick my lips and swallow, looking away from her as I once again question what I’m doing.

“I’m so sorry I made you feel awkward last night. I’m such an idiot.” She slaps a hand over her face and starts shaking her head.

“Would you stop? You’re not an idiot.” I reach for her hand and gently pry it away from her face. Her skin is soft beneath my grip, and I can’t help rubbing my thumb along the edge of her wrist.

Her eyelids flutter while her teeth nip the edge of her lip.

“What you asked last night was weird.” I grin. “But I’ve been thinking about it all day and, the truth is, Tori, that you
weird…and I don’t mind that about you.”

She dips her head, but not enough to hide the smile touching her lips. I like the rush of color in her cheeks, and I place my finger under her chin and tip her head up so I can get a better look at her.

“I told you I’d help you, and if you want me to teach you a thing or two about kissing then I should…do that.” I swallow, forcing a smile that soon turns genuine. Man, she’s cute when she’s nervous. Her lips are twitching, and I can tell she’s holding back a major string of words.

Before she can unleash them, I cup the side of her face and lean toward her. She sucks in a quick breath.

“Just relax.” I smile. “That’s the first thing you need to do.”

A shaky breath whooshes out between her lips, catching the bottom of my chin. My heart starts beating like crazy, but I’m in this now. I can’t back out. I won’t.

My tongue skirts my bottom lip. “Now, a good guy will take things slow.” I don’t know why I’m whispering, but I am. “He’ll come most of the way.” I lean in, stopping an inch from her lips. The tip of my nose brushes the side of hers. “And then he’ll wait…for you.”

Her warm breath touches my mouth as her petite fingers wrap around my wrist. The clock on the wall ticks once, twice, and then her lips are on mine. They’re soft and uncertain at first, a delicate pressure that makes my racing heart trip over itself. I move my lips against hers and she responds in kind. Her body leans in to me as my hand glides around her lower back. I tip my head and skim my tongue along her lower lip.

She sucks in a quick breath through her nose and I wonder if I’ve gone too far, but then her lips part and my tongue brushes an exquisite sweetness that I’ve never tasted before.

My insides start to tremble as my eyelids snap shut, and I forget that time exists.

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