The Playmaker (A Big Play Novel Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: The Playmaker (A Big Play Novel Book 1)
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The Colt-Kiss




I’m kissing Colt Burgess.

I’m kissing Colt Burgess!


I think I’m going to have a heart attack. It’s beating so loudly, I can feel every pulse through my entire body. My head is light and I think fairies have taken over control of my senses because all I can taste is joy and all I can smell is euphoria.

Colt’s tongue wraps around mine, his fingers curling into the back of my shirt. I don’t know what my hands are doing. I think one of them’s around his wrist.

Where’s the other one?

Found it. It’s in his hair. His hair. I run my fingers through it, then drag my nails back down until I’ve reached the skin of his neck.

His tongue flicks out, then pushes back between my lips. I meet it with my own, the soft sensation enough to melt my insides. How am I ever going to function again?

This is all I want to do for the rest of my life.

The final bell trills above us and we jerk away from each other. A nervous laugh punches out of my chest while Colt wipes his mouth with his finger and thumb.

I swallow and press my lips together, trying to envelop the last of his flavor. Unlike him, I don’t want to wipe the kiss away; I want to savor it for as long as I can.

“Well…” Colt stands straight and smiles at me. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Mack’s gonna love you.” He pats my shoulder and bolts from the room before I can even thank him.

A heavy silence follows his departure. The only thing to break it is the ticking clock on the wall. My mood could go either way here. I could slump out of school slightly depressed by the fact Colt still thinks I want Mack Mahoney to do that to me. Or I could do a happy dance and skip out of school, because I just kissed Colt Burgess and it was the best feeling ever!

I go for the second.

A squeal comes out of my mouth before I can stop myself. My hips jiggle, my body shakes, and I dance my way to my locker. Not even Mr. McGuire shouting at me to get a move on can dampen my mood. I run down the school steps, grab my bike, and cycle my heart out to Briggs Burger House. Amy is working there this evening, and it’s vital that I see her immediately.

I burst through the back door and give my dad a quick kiss.

“What are you doing here?” he calls after me.

“Have to see Ames!” I shout over my shoulder and rush into the break room. As predicted, Amy is working on an assignment before her shift starts in an hour.

I slap my hands on the table and try to catch my breath. Her perfect eyebrow quirks into an upside-down V as she waits me out.

“I just kissed Colt. I mean, he kissed me. I mean, we kissed,” I puff. “We kissed, and it was amazing. It was so good.” I grip her shoulder and dip my knees, tipping my head back to release a giddy laugh. “Amy, it was like the best experience of my life.”

“O-kay.” Miss Practical’s voice brings me back to earth and forces me to stop swooning.

I can’t help grinning, though. The smile plastered on my buzzing lips is going to be pretty hard to wipe off. I’m in for a giddy night.

Amy grins at me for a second, but the expression quickly fades as her gaze turns soft and motherly. “Why’d he kiss you?”

“Because he was helping me out. He apologized for backing off last night and said he’d agreed to help me so that’s what he’d do.”

“So, he didn’t kiss you because you told him you like him…and not Mack?”

“Well, no, I mean, I didn’t really have a chance.” I look to the floor, my jubilance quickly evaporating. I step away from the table and huff, crossing my arms and staring down at my bestie. “What are you doing? Why are you ruining this for me?”

“Because I want what’s best for you.” She stands and looks me in the eye, her brown gaze begging me to get it. “I know we had big chats last night, and I swear I’m not trying to rain on your little parade here. But think about this. You want Colt, but you’re setting yourself up to fail by lying to him. I thought you said it was time to tell him the truth.”

“Well, it is!” I flick my hands wide, then let them drop to my side. “But he probably wouldn’t have kissed me at all if he didn’t think he was doing me a favor.”

Amy’s head tips with a skeptical frown. “I thought you said he wanted to kiss you last night. Like there was this look in his eyes. Was that not there today?”

“Yes, I mean, maybe. I think. He really seemed to enjoy it, but I…I don’t know!” I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to relive the scene and picture his eyes as his head moved toward me. I was so nervous I could barely see straight and now I can’t remember.

“Stop being so afraid and tell him the truth.”

“But what if he doesn’t want to hear the truth?” I stomp my foot, desperate fear making me act like a two-year-old.

Amy sighs and moves into my space, lightly taking my hands. “Tori, he’ll want to hear it. Yes, it’ll be a game changer, but you can’t keep going like this. He thinks you want Mack.”

I squeeze her hands back and whisper, “But what if he doesn’t want me? He’ll stop helping me, and then my senior year is over.”

“A little dramatic, don’t you think?”


“Okay.” She chuckles and shakes my hands. “But what if he
want you?”

My chest squeezes tight, my heart hiccupping with hope.

“How do you think he’s going to feel when he finds out you’ve been playing him this whole time?”

The hiccup turns into a burp and then my heart deflates. I swallow, imagining Colt’s possible reactions—Anger? Hurt? Disgust?

I let out a little whimper that turns into a groan. “Fine. It’s time to ‘fess up.”

“Good girl.” Amy kisses my cheek and lets go of my hands. “Now, tell me about this kiss. And I need every emotion, sensation, and heart-pounding feeling you went through.”

I slip into the chair opposite her and try to relive the kiss. It’s still awesome and brings a smile to my face, but it’s been tainted by the reality that it may have been my one and only Colt-kiss, and that very soon my utopian start to senior year might be coming to a quick and painful end.



Social Order




I watch the practice with jiggling legs, too pumped from the kiss to relax.

Her lips felt too good. And her tongue… Oh, man.

Her body… I shake my head and jump off the bench, vaulting the wall and joining the guys for their final cool-down run. I’m still in my jeans and Vans, but I run anyway.

Mack grins at me, raising his eyebrows in greeting. My fingers curl without me even thinking, my arm muscles tense as I picture punching him in the mouth. The idea has me reeling and I trip, landing on the ground with a thud.

I cry out as pain rockets through my ribs.

“Burgess, what the hell are you doing? Get up!” Coach Watson yells across the field at me, and Finn stops to lend me a hand.

He hauls me up and we gently jog the rest of the way, lagging behind the pack.

“What is up with you today, man? You’re acting weird.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” I mutter.

“Wanna talk about it?”

“No.” I give him a sharp frown.

“Cool.” He pats my back and we finish the run in silence.

Coach points his finger at me when I puff my way to a stop. “Don’t go injuring yourself during your week off. I need you back on the squad as soon as possible.” With that, he gathers in the team and gives us a quick debrief. I don’t really have to listen since I’m not playing on Friday night and it’s the perfect excuse for my brain to wander…right back to Tori’s lips.

Rubbing my eyes, I hear Coach clap. Everyone yells, “Yes, Coach!” and the guys break for the showers. All except Mack and Tyler, who are called over by the cheerleaders who are finishing up their afternoon practice. Mack’s face lights with a charming smiles as he saunters over. I feel the hairs on the back on my neck rise when Mack runs his hand down Roxy’s back. She giggles and plays with her ponytail. He leans down to whisper in her ear and a quick anger fires through me.

What the hell is he doing?

I’m teaching Tori how to kiss this guy and he’s busy flirting up a storm with Roxanne Carmichael, one of the loosest girls in the school.

Before thought can stop me, I storm over to him and grip the edge of his shirt, yanking him away.

“We need to talk.”

“What are you doing, man?” Mack, being stronger and taller, easily flicks me off. He’s got a dark scowl that can turn most guys to putty, but not me. I’m not backing down over this one.

“You with Roxy now?”

“How is that any of your business?”

“Just answer the damn question.”

He gives me an assessing look, obviously trying to figure out if I’m wasted or something. I match his scrutiny with a swift glare and his eyebrows slowly rise.

“I don’t know.” He crosses his arms. “Maybe I will be on Friday at the bonfire. I’m just doing a little prep work.”

“Don’t be an asshole.”


Everyone knows Mack’s got a short fuse and you never light it, but I’m fired up right now and I’m not letting this jerk screw Tori around.

“Listen, man. It’s not cool for you to just use girls, okay?”

“Where is this coming from? You use girls all the time.”

“I do not!” The second the words leave my lips, I can hear my mother’s voice…the same tone, the same rise on the last word. Ugh. What is wrong with me?

I stumble back from Mack. His anger is quickly being replaced with confusion. “Dude, are you feeling okay?” He reaches forward to help me, but I flick his hand away, shoving his chest until he tumbles over on his ass.

I rub my temples, then notice everyone’s eyes on us…well, on me. Hot whispers buzz through the crowd.

Mack stands up, brushing off his butt and giving me a sharp look that tells me he’s game for a fight if I am.

“Hey, Trig, let’s go!” Finn’s voice cuts between us and I force my eyes off Mack.

Part of me wants to take him on. Unleashing my confusion in a fistfight would feel damn good right now, but Coach will kick my ass and missing one game is already torture enough.

I turn back to Mack, one final warning on my lips, but I can’t get it out. I can’t embarrass Tori by confessing her secret. It’s not fair to her, and being angry with Mack is entirely my problem. Before I can do any more damage, I shuffle away from the puzzled onlookers and catch up with Finn.

“Okay, I don’t know what that just was, but it’s not cool.”

I curl my lip at his long thumb pointing behind us. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I hunch my shoulders and head for the parking lot.

Finn steps in time with me. “Not to sound all Oprah Winfrey, but you need to start talking, man.”

I let out a sigh and squeeze the bridge of my nose. “Tori likes Mack and she’s asked me to try and help win him over. I’ve been secretly meeting her after practices and teaching her about football and coaching her on what to say to get Mack’s attention…and if you tell anyone this I’m gonna slit your throat.”

Finn smiles at me. We step off the curb and walk across the asphalt to my pickup truck. Pulling out my keys, I unlock it with the remote and wait until Finn is sitting next to me before firing up the engine.

“So, that’s why she’s changing up her style and wearing all them tight clothes? Nice.” He makes a fist, expecting me to pound it, but all I can do is make a face and reverse out of my spot. “Okay, so you’re pissed off because he was getting his flirt on with the cheer bunnies today…and you want him focused on your little project?”

I spin the car around to face the road, the tires squealing at my quick pace.

Finn’s broad lips tip with a smile.

“Roxy’s one of Layla’s best friends! Don’t you think it’s kind of sick that he’s trying to get it on with his little sister’s buddies?”

“Roxy and Layla seem to have an understanding. I’m pretty sure Layla wouldn’t mind…and I’m gonna stop talking.”

My thunder glare must be stronger than I thought. Finn looks out his window, fighting a smile by rubbing his fingers over his lips.

“Shut up,” I mutter, accelerating onto the road. The sooner I drop him off, the better.

We drive in silence until we reach the end of his street. I don’t know what makes him start talking now. Maybe he knew I’d dump his ass on the side of the road if he launched into something too quickly.

“You like her, don’t you?”

I give him a sharp look.

“Come on, man. She’s cute.”

“She’s weird.” My lips rise in spite of my efforts.

Finn snickers. “You got it bad.”

“I don’t! I can’t. I’m not falling for her.” I say each word emphatically, like somehow my life depends on it. “Do you know how screwed up that would be? Tori Lomax does not fit into our world.”

“Yet you’re trying to help set her up with Mack.”

“That’s different. The guy was born classy. He’s like the kingpin of our school. He can do whatever the hell he wants and no one’s going to question it.”

“We can
do whatever the hell we want.”

“No, see, we can’t. There’s a social order.”

“Dude, don’t make me hit you.” Finn’s voice goes low and gruff. He’s got a real thing about class structure, racism…all that kind of stuff. I think about Tori’s assignment on slavery and am reminded of the impact it had on Finn’s ancestors. They were dragged into this country against their will and forced to work. Treated like second-rate citizens…even after they were emancipated.

“It’s true, though.” I can’t give up my argument, so I soften my tone instead. “Whether you like it or not, there is a social structure in this school and Tori doesn’t fit into ours. She’s too quirky…and…and cute. They’ll have her for breakfast.”

“Which is why you’re helping her change. So she can fit.”

I pull the car against the curb outside Finn’s house. “You can’t change who someone is at the core. That’s the problem. It doesn’t matter what she wears or how she does her hair. She’s still going to be Tori, and Mack’s never going to fall for that.”

“But you have.”

I thump my head back against the headrest and stare out the window. Finn’s neighbors are playing soccer on their front lawn, yelling and laughing as they tussle for the ball.

“I haven’t. Besides, she doesn’t want me…”

“You sure about that?”

His question makes me jerk. I look at him, hope rising in my chest until the afterthought catches up with it. I shake my head with a wince. “Even if she did, I don’t know if I’d disrupt my senior year for her.” I don’t want to go back to being the outcast again. I can’t tell Finn that, though. I trust him and everything, but I don’t have it in me to confess my days of running home from school and hiding in the bushes until my wounds stopped bleeding. “I just wish I’d never started this thing, but I feel like I can’t bail on her now, either.”

“Maybe you should tell her the truth.”

“Forget it.” I shake my head. “Nah, I just need to back off, nice and easy. Maybe I can direct her away from Mack. I know he’s our friend and everything, but I want her with someone good. Someone who’s not going to blow her off. Hey, you think she’s kind of hot, right?”

Finn rolls his eyes and looks at me like I’m pathetic. “Dude, grow a pair and ‘fess up. I’m not going after a girl you like.”

“I don’t like her.”

He shakes his head and opens the door.

“I just want to protect her from getting hurt.”

“Whatever, man.” Finn shuts the door and lopes around my car. Stopping on the path up to his house, he points his finger at me and calls out, “Remember, the truth shall set you free.”

I give him a dry glare and flip him the bird. He starts laughing and raises his middle finger right back at me. I gun the engine and squeal away from his house, a slow smile growing on my lips.

Finn’s a good guy. I can’t fault him. Seriously, Tori should really be falling for a guy like him. She doesn’t need someone who’s going to make out with her at a Friday night bonfire and flirt with the cheerleaders after practice…and she doesn’t need someone who’s too worried about his own rep to claim her.

A sick feeling stirs in the pit of my stomach as I relive our kiss and know it’s never going to happen again. For the first time in my life, I’m actually looking forward to burying myself in a pile of homework. I need the distraction.


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