The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack) (11 page)

BOOK: The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack)
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Chapter Sixteen

Leaning against his bike
in the car show carpark, Kane felt good.  Everyone had an awesome day and shortly they would be headed home.  Dean, Scott and Troy had already left and Kane was waiting for Griff and Shawn to head back from the restroom.  He spotted them in the distance heading towards him and as he watched he saw Shawn throw his head back and laugh at something Griff had said.  The spontaneous motion had shown Shawn’s neck off in glorious relief and Kane’s cock hardened as he thought about nibbling his way down that same neck to the body below.

So caught up in his fantasy
and his growing arousal, he didn’t hear anyone approaching until all of a sudden he felt arms go around his neck, legs clasp around his waist and a hot, hungry mouth dive onto his, a strange tongue entering it.  What the fuck?  For a split second he allowed himself to think it was Shawn, but just as quickly he discounted that thought.  The feeling was wrong, the size of the body was wrong and the smell was wrong although it smelt slightly familiar. But as the man, because he got that much at least from the hardened cock rutting into his stomach, started running his fingers through Kane’s hair, Kane felt violated.  This was wrong on every level.

He tried to pull his head from the other man’s f
ace but when he finally got his lips disengaged the little man started nuzzling Kane’s neck.  Reaching up behind him, Kane grabbed onto the arms around his neck and grasping the other man’s wrists he pulled the man’s arms apart forcing the man to drop back from his upper body at least.  Unfortunately the little pup’s legs were still firmly clamped around Kane’s waist, so the smaller man thought this was all part of a game.  Looking up he saw that Shawn had come up behind them both and man was he looking pissed.

Shawn and Griff had still been about 25 yards away from Kane and the bikes when Shawn had seen the small young man rush up to Kane and latch himself around him. 
Shawn felt the uncontrollable waves of anger rising through him even as he acknowledged that the smaller man, wrapped around his mate, was a young wolf.  His own wolf was howling and he could feel his magic zinging through his blood.  He wanted to snatch that pup off his mate and stomp on him and he moved forward to do so. But then he thought, well this could be a pack thing so he pulled up about ten feet away to watch the scene play out.  Griff noticed his hesitation and came back to Shawn.

“Why aren’t you ridding your mate of that little pest?”

“Do you know who he is?”

I think it’s Saul, a pup from Kane’s home pack.  He and Kane had a one night fling about a year ago and the little sod thinks he is in love.  So what you gonna do about it?”

“Nothing.  Kane’s the Alpha and if he wants to put a stop to that rutting,” Shawn
bit the word out like it was a curse, “then he will.”  But as Shawn watched he could see the smaller man was clinging on to Kane like he was a treasure he wouldn’t be parted from.

Griff leaned close to him.  “This isn’t an Alpha thing, this is a mate thing - you have every right.”


“Yeah,” Griff grinned.  “Just don’t make it too messy.”

Shawn grinned then and it was pure evil.  In six quick steps he had covered the ground between him and his mate and in a quicker move he had grabbed the little pup by the nape of the neck in one hand and the waistband of his jeans with the other.  One sharp pull and the little man was left dangling in the air, supported only by Shawn’s strong grip, his feet kicking madly as he tried to find the ground.

Shawn looked across the squirming little pest and glared at Kane.  “Is this yours?”

Feeling the anger coming from Shawn, Kane quickly met his eyes and quietly said.  “Nope, sweetheart, not mine.”

“Do you want it?”  Shawn’s voice was riddled with disgust.

Shawn could clearly see the shame flashing across Kane’s face and as the small wolf had stopped struggling he realized that Saul had seen it too.

“One very forgettable night a long time ago - that’s all, I promise.  I am sorry sweetheart.”  Kane’s voice
was tinged with regret.

“One of your ‘many’ conquests, I presume.  I guess I have to do some head breaking after all.”  Kane and Griff caught the slight humor in Shawn’s voice even if Saul didn’t.  Kane relaxed, quite happy to let Shawn deal with the little pup.  He knew that Shawn wouldn’t actually hurt Saul, but it wouldn’t do any harm for Shawn to teach him a few manners.

Shawn tossed the young man in the air, turning him so that Saul ended up facing Shawn.  Shawn’s hands were now holding the pup by his shoulders, his feet still inches from finding traction. Shawn glared at Saul, letting his own Alpha power wash out over the younger man.  He stopped when he heard Saul whimper.  Good, now he had his attention.

Speaking quietly but with deadly menace Shawn said, “What are you doing rutting yourself over my

Saul’s dark eyes flashed and for some reason Shawn was pleased to see that the little pup had some backbone at least.

“Everyone knows that gay men don’t have mates.  He was my man first and I know he loves me.  He just hasn’t been around much that’s all.  But he certainly seemed pleased to see me if the bulge in his pants is anything to go by.” Saul’s voice was shrill but strong and he stuck his chin out at Shawn in defiance.

Shawn lowered his arms until Saul’s feet hit the dirt.  Then he quickly fisted one hand through Saul’s dirty blond hair and then used that hold to turn Saul’s face back to Kane’s.  Speaking over the smaller man’s head, Shawn enquired of Kane, “This pup is talking about love, which is a
solemn promise, and of your reaction to his presence.  Something you want to share with me?”

Damn Shawn looked so good when he was angry.  Kane wasn’t afraid of his mate in any way, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t get highly aroused by the sight of his angry beauty. He grinned at Shawn.  “I was thinking about nibbling your neck and where that would lead when I was attacked, sweetheart.  The…uh…
’reaction’ was already there before he arrived.” 

Kane could have sworn that Shawn let a tiny grin flash across his face for a split second, but he couldn’t be sure.
Looking down at Saul, Kane put a stern look on his own face before speaking.

“You know damned well that I don’t love you.  We had one night.  Sex.  That’s it.  I explained to you that was what the situation was before we did anything and you agreed.  Are you calling me a liar?”  He let his own Alpha power roll out with the last word, defying Saul to answer anything but the truth.

Saul fidgeted, his hair still caught in Shawn’s unyielding grasp.  He dropped his gaze, as best he could, answering softly, “No, sir.”

Kane kept going.  “Did I let you fuck me, bite me, claim me in any way?
  Did I bite you?”

Saul flushed a deep pink.  “No sir, you explained you don’t allow anyone to do anything like that.”

“Look at me.”

Saul looked up at Kane, his brown eyes glistening with unshed tears.  He watched as Kane pulled at the neck of his t-shirt, revealing the mating mark that Shawn had left.  Saul gasped before looking back at Shawn in horror.  “You’re…you’re the freak that Michael told us about
.  You claimed him.”

“It’s what mates do.” 
Ignoring the ‘freak’ comment for now, Shawn reached up to show Saul his matching mark.  Confusion rushed across Saul’s face.

“But we were told…I have always been told…we can’t have mates.”

Kane softened his expression as he looked at Saul.  He knew how soul destroying it was to be told repeatedly from birth that it wasn’t possible to have a mate unless it was one of the opposite sex.  Hell, he had believed it up until a couple of weeks ago but he guessed that somewhere deep in his heart he must have hoped because he had never ever let any other man get close to him before Shawn. 

“You were misinformed.” He told the smaller man quietly.  Saul looked at him with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.  “Imagine if you had hooked up with me and then found your true mate.  Would you want him to see you with me?  Think about it.”

Kane, Shawn and Griff, who had been standing quietly beside Kane, all watched as Saul thought about the world he thought he knew and the realization of the truth Kane and Shawn had shown him.  Saul’s face truly was an open book.

Saul didn’t know what to think.  He had fantasized about Kane because Kane had been honest and he had made Saul feel really good
.  When he had seen Kane standing alone by his bike with a half smile on his face and an obvious erection Saul had just acted without thought, hoping for one brief moment that he could have a second chance at a night of feeling good.  Now he felt a combination of hope for a mate of his own, and a bit of shame.

Saul looked at Shawn and said, “I am really sorry.  I honestly didn’t know.  I would never have touched Kane if I had known he was yours.  I won’t ever touch him again. Please don’t break my head.”

Shawn let go of Saul’s hair and put an arm across the young man’s shoulders.  Leaning into Saul’s ears, he whispered, “Say your goodbyes.”  Saul looked over at Kane and Griff and managed to splutter out a “See ya,” before Shawn was leading him away.  As Kane and Griff watched they could see that Shawn was still talking to Saul although the words were too quiet for either of them to hear.

“What do you think he is saying?”  Griff wondered.  Kane thought for a moment, obviously linking to Shawn and then grinned at Griff.

“Well, he is explaining to Saul that maybe Saul should modify his behavior a bit if he wants his mate to be proud of him when he finds him.”  Kane was quiet for a moment.  Then he said, “And now he is telling him that yes he is that ‘freak’ although he prefers to be called Shawn.  He also said if Saul ever touches me again he will personally tear Saul limb from limb and make him into a foot stool for him to fuck me on.”  Griff looked at Kane in astonishment and then they both burst out laughing.

“Oh, you gotta love that man’s style.”  Griff gasped out.

“I do, my friend, I do.”  They watched as Shawn let Saul go and laughed again as Saul started running away as though the hounds of hell were after him.  When Shawn turned to head back to them his face was expressionless although Kane couldn’t feel the anger in him anymore. Kane moved forward throwing his arms around him and drawing Shawn’s face close for a kiss regardless of who could see them.  Shawn let Kane devour his mouth for a moment before pulling back and making a gagging face.  “God, you smell like puppy, yuck,” but he smiled as he said it.

Kane smiled back.  “I promise you I will shower the moment I get home and you personally can check me out all over to make sure not one hint of that puppy remains anywhere on my body.”  He arched his eyebrows at Shawn who was trying not to laugh.

“What makes you think I want to after that little display?”

“Aw, am I in trouble, sweetheart?  Am I going to be punished?”  Boy, Kane hoped so.  He wanted Shawn so badly his dick was hurting.

Shawn flashed an evil grin as he stared at Kane.  Through their mind link Kane received a picture, of him naked, bound hand and foot to their bed with cuffs and chains and Shawn standing over him, wearing nothing but a pair of low-cut jeans that hugged his body and his evil smile.  His mate was holding a riding crop and focusing on Kane’s bare ass.

Moaning Kane hit his cock that threatened to explode in his jeans from that vision alone.  Grabbing Shawn’s hand he ran them back to the bike, yelling at Griff, “Time to go home.”  As Kane got on his bike, which wasn’t easy with a raging hard-on, he felt Shawn slid on behind him.  Before Kane got the bike started he heard Shawn’s whisper in his ear, “that’s punishment Alpha style.”
  Shuddering with need, Kane got the bike going and gunned it out of the parking lot.  He
needed to get home.

Chapter Seventeen

If Kane had thought he was having a good day before, he felt even better now.  He hoped that Shawn didn’t really care about any of the men Kane had spent time with in the past, although Shawn’s possessiveness over Saul really made him feel good.  He had spent his life wanting someone to care enough to claim him and want him for who he was, not what he was.  He was happily occupied his thoughts with ways that he could make his mate feel special when they both got home when he felt Shawn nudge his mind.

Hey sweetie, I hate to break into your little love fest, which I am totally enjoying by the way, but could we stop the bike for a minute?

Kane could feel worry seeping through Shawn’s mind and he quickly chopped down through the bike gears and pulled over to the side of the road.  He heard Griff’s bike stop behind them.  Sliding forward so Shawn could get off the bike, he watched as Shawn walked along the road a bit apparently lost in thought.  Griff wandered over to Kane.  “What’s going on boss?”

“Not sure, Shawn just asked if we could stop a minute.”  Both men watched as Shawn stopped pacing and held out one hand.  Stunned, they could see that a small blue ball had formed on Shawn’s hand, its light flickering and pulsing.  Shawn watched it intently for a moment a stricken look on his face.  Then he slapped his two hands together and walked back to Griff and Kane with a grim
expression on his face.

“The hunters are at my house. They are looking for my remains.
We gotta go there, now.”

Kane looked at Griff who nodded and took out his phone as he walked back to his own bike.  Smiling at Shawn, Kane said, “Come on lover, let’s go clean up this mess and
we can go home, okay?”

As Shawn slid on the bike behind Kane, Griff pulled up
on his and said, “The boys will meet up with us about a mile from the house.”  With that he took off, Kane following a moment later. He felt Shawn’s hands slide between their thighs and he reached back with one of his to pull Shawn closer, wrapping the caught hand around his own waist.  He felt Shawn press up against his back and smiled.

Let me handle this okay?
I am not going to let anything happen to you sweetheart. 

Kane felt Shawn relax as his words pierced Shawn’s own muffled thoughts.

Hard to shake a habit of a lifetime, but I am trying.  Just…let’s not kill all of them, please?  I think we can use these hunters to send a message.

Kane knew exactly what Shawn meant and while his gut tightened at the thought of his love facing Xavier, he knew, like Shawn, that they would never be free until it was done.  Hanging onto Shawn’s hand he held the throttle open as the black bike sped towards a certain fight.



Troy, Scott and Dean met up and joined Kane, Griff and Shawn at the predetermined spot and all five bikes roared down Shawn’s driveway.  As they pulled out into the clearing, Shawn indicated to Kane that they should pull their bikes up over by the trees.  Turned out to be good thinking as at the roar of the bikes, the hunters, who were all picking their way through the debris of Shawn’s house, raced to their truck, a new one Shawn noticed.  Moments later, shots rang out as the men on the bikes were attacked.  All five riders slid their bikes to the ground, and six men fled into the cover of the trees.

“Okay, so much for walking up and saying ‘hi there’,” Kane gasped as he crouched, panting by a tree.  “Has anyone been hit?” He quickly scanned over Shawn’s body, which was crouched beside him before looking at the others.

“Uh, I got hit in the shoulder.  I think the bullet has passed through, though it is bleeding a fair bit,” Dean grunted out.

Griff and Troy indicated they were both okay.  Scott was huddled further away.  As Kane and Shawn scooted over to him, they saw he was feeling around his butt, and when his hand came away it was covered in blood.

“The bastards shot me in the ass.” He whined.  Kane nodded for the others to come closer.

“We got six guys out there shooting at us. Damn I wish they didn’t have their guns…”

Shawn twitched his fingers under his mate’s nose.  “If I can take care of the guns and start healing these two, can you three take care of the rest?” As much as Shawn wanted to join the fight, he knew his mate needed it more.

Kane beamed at
Shawn and then looked at Griff and Troy.  “Troy I want you to shift and then make sure none of these ass holes leave.  Griff, how about you and me go break some heads?  Feel like working off some tension?” 

Griff flexed his muscles with a “hell yeah.”

As soon as Shawn gave them the all clear, Troy shifted and headed off through the trees - his beautiful, big brown wolf form blending perfectly with the tree trunks and the brown forest floor.  As soon as he disappeared, Kane threw a look at Shawn who was already looking at Dean’s shoulder.

Go have some fun lover, and don’t get too worn out. 

Shawn’s words echoed in Kane’s head as he and Griff raced out to take on the six men standing by the trucks, guns at the ready.  Moments later, it was clear from the confused shouts, and then the thump of flesh on flesh that the hunter’s had realized their guns were useless and Kane and Griff were on them. 

Shawn smiled to himself and went back to healing the two men he was left with.
He looked across at Scott, who was lying on his front with his head propped up on clenched fists.  There was a lot of blood on the seat of Scott’s jeans but he seemed happy enough engrossed in the fight.

He looked back at Dean, who was still bleeding although it wasn’t as heavy as it was before.  The young man looked even paler than normal under his
rich brown hair.  But as he met Shawn’s eyes, Dean just smiled at him.  Smiling back Shawn said, “Okay, Dean, let’s get this jacket and shirt off and see what we got.” 

He went to help Dean move his good arm out of the side of his jacket, then he carefully slid the rest of the jacket off of
the man’s slight frame.  Dean shuddered a bit, but his smile didn’t lessen.  Reaching over, Shawn grabbed the neck of Dean’s shirt with both hands, and being careful not to tug the shirt anywhere near the wound area, he tore Dean’s shirt away from his body.  Dean looked down at the remains.  “Damn, I really loved that shirt.”

“You’ll get it back in a minute, okay?” 

Dean fluttered his fingers in Shawn’s face, and Shawn smiled and winked before looking back at the wound.  Dean had been right.  The bullet had gone right through Dean’s chest and out the back, just nicking the shoulder blade. Shawn looked into Dean’s deep brown eyes and said, “This might feel a bit weird, but it shouldn’t hurt.”  Dean nodded.

Then Shawn placed one hand on Dean’s back and another on his chest, covering the wound completely.  Closing his eyes and concentrating on his hands Shawn pushed his magic into the bullet wound and felt the hole slowly start knitting together from the inside out.
  After about five minutes, with the peace punctuated by the fight still going on in the clearing, Shawn stopped and removed his hands.  Checking Dean’s chest and back, he asked, “How does that feel?”

Dean tentatively felt up to where the hole had been.  Tracing lightly at first and then prodding his skin, he flexed his shoulder and said, “Man, that is so awesome.  If I hadn’t seen it I wouldn’t have known I had been shot.  There is no pain at all.”

Shawn grinned.  “Didn’t feel too weird?”

Dean thought about it and then shook his head.  “No, it just felt warm, you know, and comforting, like a hot cup of cocoa or a soft pillow.”  He broke off, embarrassed.

“That’s how it feels for me too, but I always wondered what someone else would think.”  Standing up and flicking his fingers, Shawn dressed Dean in a fully repaired and clean replica t-shirt and his jacket, also clean and hole free.  Dean looked down at his clothes and smiled up at Shawn, “awesome man, thanks so much.  So can I?” He indicated towards the fight.

Shaking his head, Shawn said, “No I don’t think so.  Kane would want you in wolf form and I don’t want you to shift for at least 24 hours to let that shoulder bone of yours fully heal.  I know you want to fight, but not this time, okay?”

Looking disappointed, Dean sat himself back down against a tree trunk and started watching the fight.  Shawn could see that Dean was really struggling with being left out of things.  Squatting down by Dean he said, “You know you don’t have to be a fighter to make the difference in this pack, don’t you?”

“I don’t know what you mean?”  Dean wouldn’t look at Shawn.

“Look at me, Dean.” Dean looked up and Shawn could see the younger man was almost in tears. “What I mean is that you have caring and compassion in spades. When I was shot you were the one who got into my face and compelled me to shift.  Do you remember that?”

“Yeah, but that wasn’t a big deal.”

“It was a huge deal for me.  I had been shot twice, I was losing blood fast.  The magic in the bullets were affecting my own magic which stopped me from healing and if I hadn’t have shifted I would have been dead before Kane got there.  You were the one who did that Dean.  Not any of the others.  You were the only one who cared enough to get in my face and remind me of what I had to do.  You went on instinct and you saved my life my friend and I for one will never forget it and neither will the others. Don’t underestimate the power of caring, okay?”

Dean looked down, his cheeks flushed.  “Yeah, I get it.  Thanks.”  He gave Shawn a little smile and then looked over to the fight.  “Your mate is really kicking
ass out there.”

“I know and probably having a good time doing it.  It’s his thing, while caring is yours.  Both strong qualities to have.  I am proud to have you at my back, Dean.”

“Thanks, Shawn.  I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t.”

Shawn took a moment to watch his mate in action.  Kane was busy punching one guy, while kicking at another that had come round beside him.  Kane stopped for a moment and glanced back at the trees where Shawn and the others were.

Having fun, hon?

Awesome - needed the work out.

Behind you. 

Kane twirled at Shawn’s warning and punched straight into a guy coming up behind him.  The injured man fell back with a scream, blood pouring from his nose.

Thanks sweetheart.

Shawn grinned and looked over to Scott.  “How you doing?”

ass is still bleeding, but it’s not painful.  Just stings a bit in places.”

Shawn walked over and knelt by Scott’s side.  “You know I am going to have to take your
pants off, don’t you.”

“Oh honey, I thought you would never ask.”  Scott looked over his shoulder at Shawn, fluttering his eyelashes at him.
Shawn smiled and smacked him on the shoulder and then fluttered his fingers.  Seconds later Scott’s pants were gone and Scott’s bare ass was gleaming in the pale evening light.  Scott wriggled and found a pillow underneath him.

“I’m impressed, man.  Imagine how quick you can have a man naked and panting with your magic fingers.”

“I don’t need to imagine,” Shawn smirked. “Now hold still.”

Working his fingers quickly over Scott’s tight butt, Shawn found over a dozen pieces of buckshot lodged under the skin.  “I am going to have to take each one of these pieces out individually, are you comfy?”

“Yep, I am good to go.  Hey, this isn’t going to scar is it?  I mean, my ass is one of my best features, don’t you think?”

“Stop fishing
for compliments, Scott or I will slap your ass instead of fixing it.” 

Scott thankfully shut up and Shawn worked in silence for a while.  With each piece of lead he found
, he used his magic like a magnet to draw it out of Scott’s skin and then pressed a finger on each spot, closing the hole created.  He could hear the sounds of the fight finishing up.  Sounded like Kane and Griff were working on the last two hunters.

“Hey Scott, do you happen to know of any gay BDSM clubs that are owned and run by shifters
handy to here?”

“”I might do. 
Have you got some deep kink we don’t know about yet?” 

“No dickhead.  I was just thinking.  I need a couple of the bodies Kane and Griff have left to send Xavier a message, but I was thinking with any of the other ones
that might be still alive, well, I think a spot of re-education about gays and shifters might be in order.  What do you think?”

“Oh, I like how you think,” Scott grinned.  “Hang on a minute while I make a call.  Have you got my phone?  It was in the pocket of my jeans?”

Shawn picked it up from by his side and passed it to Scott, who immediately started scrolling through what looked like a long list of contacts.  As Shawn smiled to himself and kept working on Scott’s butt he listened as Scott made the call.

“Hi, is that Claude?  It’s Scott.”

“Scott my sweetheart.  Haven’t seen you in ages.  How you keeping?”  A strong cheerful voice booming through the phone.

“I am good man, thanks for asking.  Yeah, sorry I have been a bit tied up at the shop.”

“Only in a naughty way I hope.”

“No such luck, Claude, too busy working.  Hey is the stage free this evening?”

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