The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack) (13 page)

BOOK: The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack)
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“Thank you.” Shawn didn’t really know what else to say.

“Hey Kane, you have got a real keeper there.  Your man was in demand all over Texas for demonstrations and shit even though he wasn’t there very long.  He taught a few of the men who are now at this club and they raved about him.  You really should bring him down.”

Kane looked at Shawn who was now blushing in the fading light.  He wasn’t sure he wanted a club full of gay shifters all ogling his mate’s skills with a whip.  In private, well that might be a different matter as now he couldn’t get
the image of how Shawn’s tight butt would look in leather pants out of his head.

“We’ll see how it goes Claude,” he said out loud.  “We’ve still got the matter of the contract out on my mate’s head to deal with first.”

“Shit, is it that bad?”

Oh I am sure it isn’t anything we can’t handle.  Shawn’s gonna face his uncle in an Alpha challenge but I don’t know what else might happen, or how many men might come in with this ass hole.  But one way or another in two to three days this shit will be dealt with.”

Tight time frame, but no problem.  I’ll pass the word to a few of my friends around here, explain the situation, then we will take a cruise down and catch up with you all.  Be good to catch up anyway.”

If Kane looked surprised at Claude’s offer he didn’t say anything.

“That would be great, Claude, it will be good to see you.  Just keep your hands off my mate.”

Claude laughed.  “I will my friend, I will.  Not that anyone would mess with
Shawn, no one I know is that stupid.  See you in a day or so.  Hey Scott, you still there?”

ah, Claude.”

“Take me off speaker for a minute so we can have a chat
seeing as we are gonna be meeting up sooner than we thought.”

Grinning, Scott hit a button on his phone and wandered off towards
his bike with his phone held hard to his ear.  Troy, Dean and Griff all made their way to their bikes, which Shawn had set upright with another flick of his fingers.

Kane held Shawn back, turning him in his arms so his mate was facing him.  Bending slightly he claimed the man’s lips with his own, plunging his tongue into his mate’s sweet mouth and literally plundering it.
When he finally came up for air, both men were panting hard.

“So sweetheart. Seems there is still a lot to learn about you.  Master Shawn?”

“Yeah well, can you think of a better place to hide in Texas than a gay shifter BDSM club?
”  Seeing Kane’s expression, Shawn continued, “I will tell you all about it when we get home.  But I didn’t ask before, are you and Griff okay?”

“Hey Griff,” Kane called out at the man who was just getting on his bike.  When Griff looked over he yelled again, “Anything you need Shawn to look at before we head off.”

“Na, thanks Shawn, I am all good.  Going to treasure the few bruises I do have.  That was an awesome fight boss.”  And with a grin he started his bike and headed off after the others.

Shawn cupped Kane’s face.  The sun was almost completely down and even with his shifter senses he couldn’t see if Kane was bruised or not.  “And what about you?” He asked softly.

Taking Shawn’s hand Kane said softly, “Well there might be some bruising here,” and he ran Shawn’s hand over his pectoral muscles. “Then there is a bit of a twinge here,” and he moved Shawn’s hand to run down his left side.  “I think I have a cut or something here,” and this time Shawn’s hand was run down the inside of Kane’s thigh.  “And here,” he said finally bringing Shawn’s hand up to rest on an impressive erection, “is an ache only you can fix.”

Shawn pressed down on Kane’s cock, feeling it pulse through the denim.  Leaning close to Kane’s ear, he said in his quiet thrilling voice, “Well take me home, and I will take care of it…all of it.”
  Just two minutes later Kane’s bike was started and heading down the highway.  


Chapter Eighteen

Kane was all for plowing himself deep into Shawn’s
ass and fucking the crap out of him the moment he got him through the bedroom door, but Shawn had other ideas and with a combination of evasion, gentle persuasion and a spot of magic, he finally got his highly aroused mate naked, into and under the shower.  Once Kane was completely wet, Shawn took a washcloth and soaped it, running it in small circles over every part of Kane’s body, from his shoulders, down to the soles of his feet, and then right back up to his neck.  Once there, Shawn did away with the washcloth and he used his strong soapy hands to clean down Kane’s face before pulling him back so he could shampoo and wash his hair. 

Kane had never felt so completely blissed out in all of his life.  He never realized how much he craved having someone care for him, not just in the bedroom but out of it as well.
Shawn’s touch excited him and soothed him all at once.  As Shawn worked he felt the urgency of his aroused state melt into something more encompassing and more powerful.  Moaning, he moved his head backwards and forwards as he felt Shawn’s fingers in his hair, massaging his scalp and helping him feel more relaxed and more alive than ever before.

When Shawn finally had him clean and his hair rinsed out, he nudged Kane slightly to step out from the water and onto a towel waiting on the floor.  Flicking his fingers he turned off the shower and then used a thick warm towel that had appeared in his hands to sensually catch every drop of water on Kane’s body.  His eyes closed, Kane felt Shawn drop to his knees in front of him, gently rubbing the towel up first one leg and then the other.  Then
a moist tongue and slick lips caressed the water from his cock and balls and Kane leaned in to seek more of his mate’s touch. 

It was only when Kane felt his legs would give out on him, that Shawn stood up and guided Kane to the bed.  Nudging him to lay flat out on the mattress, on his stomach, Kane felt Shawn move over him until he care
fully sat on Kane’s butt. Kane felt strong fingers start to massage the muscles in his back with some sort of oil and he let out a long moan at the pure pleasure of the sensation.  Kane turned his head to one side and cradled it on his crossed arms, closing his eyes and giving himself into to power of his man’s touch. He thought back over the day and eventually remembered Claude’s revelation about his mate.

“Go on, I know you want to ask,” he heard Shawn’s quiet amused voice.

“A Dom, really?  Doesn’t that take years of training?”

Shawn’s fingers didn’t stop the melody they were playing on Kane’s back, although Kane was pleased to feel they had moved lower.  Things were moving in the right direction. 

“I was in San Antonio and I had to visit the club to make my courtesy call to the Alpha there, Damien.  He owns the club.  I told him I was looking for work so he offered me a spot there as a bouncer which was fine.  I ‘learned’ the trade for the want of a better word by watching the other Masters there. I don’t have to watch something too often to understand how it is done.  Anyway one night, one of Damien’s exhibition Masters didn’t turn up, and he had seen my skills as a bouncer and figured my moody manner was perfect for the job.  Long story short the exhibition was a success and Damien took me on full time as a Master.”

“So you were working as a Dom, rather than actually being one?”



“Spit it out Kane, or it will choke you.” 

Kane could tell from Shawn’s tone that he was still amused.  Kane really wanted to see Shawn’s face, but the man’s fingers were working magic on his lower back.  Now if he could just move them about two inches
lower things could really get interesting.  

. The sex thing.  I realize that there is a hell of a lot more to the whole D/s thing than sex, but how come you avoided it, or even wanted to?  How did you end up here a virgin?”

Kane turned to look over his shoulder at Shawn, who sighed and shifted off Kane’s
ass.  He settled down by Kane’s feet and started massaging up Kane’s feet and calves, apparently thinking about his answer.  Kane put his head back on his arms and closed his eyes patiently waiting for his mate to respond.  He almost purred as Shawn gently massaged round his ankle - who knew that could be an erogenous zone?

Shawn had reached his knees by the time he actually answered.

“You’ve had a glimpse of how ‘Masterful’ I can be at times.”  Kane shivered in memory of the power that Shawn could put into just one word.  He didn’t know what it said about him, that he found the whole thing such a turn on, especially being an Alpha and all, but hey, the Fates only match people who are perfect for each other so he didn’t question it. He loved it too much.

“Well there were a lot of subs that really got off on that.  I never had to touch anybody I ever did a scene with, except maybe on the head or the shoulder.  And yes
Claude was right I could make them climax with just a word.”

“So what is wrong with that?”  Shawn’s fingers were now
rubbing over his outer thigh, kneading and caressing all at the same time.  It was all Kane could do to NOT try and nudge those fingers over a bit.  His voice may have come out as a bit of a squeak.

“There was no connection
, you know?” Shawn’s voice was quiet.  “It was all about the power in my voice and my skills and nothing else.  Nobody wanted to know me as a person.  No one knew about my magic, although they all knew I was a wolf.  But if I had engaged with anyone then I would also have had to deal with Damien’s pack as most of the subs were from his pack and I couldn’t do that either as it was too risky for them and for me. I only ever wanted to be with someone who was into me as a person, not what I could do for them.”

“What about another Master?  Surely that would have worked.”

“Yeah right, like I was going to admit I was a virgin Master.  Could you imagine what that would have done to my reputation at the club?  And beside’s which again all those men wanted was the chance to be seen with me, Master Shawn.  They didn’t even think what was beneath the mask.”

“So when you said virgin, you meant it.  No hand jobs, blow jobs or anything?”

“Not even a kiss.”

Shawn was now massaging Kane’s buttocks and Kane couldn’t help but undulate seeking some form of release for his rock hard cock that was trapped underneath him.
But the sadness in Shawn’s voice caused him to stop thinking with his smaller head for a moment and start thinking with his heart.

Rolling over, that same heart lurched when Kane saw his lover’s face.  Shawn’s face was…blank, and he wouldn’t look Kane in the eye.  Instead Shawn’s hands went to Kane’s ankle as he started up his
wonderful massaging motions again. Sitting up and reaching down, Kane caught Shawn’s arms and dragged him into his lap.  His big hands cupped Shawn’s face he carefully pressed his lips against Shawn’s and then when he felt Shawn respond, he deepened the kiss, pouring all of his love and commitment into that one act.  Finally, pulling back he looked deep into Shawn’s eyes and said, “How did I get so lucky?”

Shawn smiled at him.  “Well, for me the wait was well worth it
. Let’s just say the ‘doing’ with you far exceeded any dreams I might have had.  I am really glad I waited for the connection I was looking for - something I know now I couldn’t have had with anyone else but you. Only you. Now lay back and let me finish tending to you.”

But Kane would not let him go.  He kept on kissing Shawn, running his large hands up, down and over every part of his mate’s body
that he could reach, caressing, pinching and stroking until Shawn begged, “Please Kane.” 

With his mate quivering with need
Kane lay Shawn back against the mattress and kneeling between his legs he started working his mouth down the planes of Shawn’s chest, over his rock hard abs and down to his weeping cock, stopping only long enough to take the man’s impressive length into his mouth.  Shawn’s groan ran down his spine.

Tonguing and sucking, Kane reached down to fondle Shawn’s balls causing
Shawn to gasp all the more.  Feeling Shawn’s balls start to tighten up and Shawn’s moans increase, he moved his fingers down to Shawn’s pucker, breaching the tight hole with one finger as Shawn shot his load down his throat.

Kane swallowed all that Shawn had to give and then as he felt Shawn come down from his high he went back to sucking him and teasing him with his tongue until Shawn was hard again. Only then did he reach over for the lube on the bedside table.  Covering his cock with the silky stuff with one hand, he used his other well coated fingers to quickly prepare his mate.  When
Kane felt Shawn’s tight muscle give way under his fingers he moved up and in one powerful thrust he seated his cock fully into Shawn’s warm, tight hole. 

Kane stopped then
, holding his weight above Shawn’s body and looking down at his mate, flushed and laid out beneath him.  The man’s face was a work of art with his lean hard face, beautiful eyes, his pink lips parted in pleasure and his long black hair was spread out on the mattress underneath him.  Shawn’s body was a riot of long limbs, and lean muscles, all perfectly sculptured to create Kane’s idea of the perfect man.  He was

Looking deep into Shawn’s eyes, Kane said softly, “I love you

Shawn’s answering smile was as brilliant as sunshine on a stormy day.  “As I love you.”

And with that, Kane started to move his ass, dragging his cock out and then thrusting back into Shawn, slowly and rhythmically, time after time after time again until he felt Shawn reach his peak for the second time, calling Kane’s name.  Then he leaned down and with fangs extended he bit into the mating mark on Shawn’s neck feeling his own seed pulsing into the man he would spend the rest of his life with. Blood, semen and love - the perfect recipe for a successful mating.

Minutes later, after Kane had finally moved and gotten a washcloth to clean them both up, the two men lay clasped in each other’s arms
, finally falling asleep.  All in all it had been a long day.  






Chapter Nineteen

Shawn loved waking up in Kane’s arms, his mate’s thick
, long body curled around him protecting him better than any security system ever could.  Shifting slightly he lay on his back so he could see his lover’s face.  Kane always looked tough and hard and even in sleep his face didn’t soften much.  As Shawn watched Kane sleep he thought about what he would have to do when Xavier came and how he could deal with that, stay alive and still not have to be the Alpha of a pack that didn’t want him. 

Oh hell, he thought, it wasn’t any of those reasons that bothered him.  He needed to fix this situation permanently so that he could stay with Kane and his pack.  Reaching over to softly trace the line of Kane’s chin he knew how deep
ly he loved his man.  Shawn believed his magic held the solution to the problem; he just needed to figure it out.

So engrossed in his thoughts it took Shawn a moment to register that his loving mate was now awake and watching him. “Deep thoughts after a night of loving, mate?”  Kane’s voice was gruff with sleep, but caring all the same.

Shawn smiled.  “Yes, my sweet but nothing I can’t handle.  I am just trying to work out how to best use my magic so that I can let Xavier win, without actually killing me.”

“He won’t be satisfied with a submit?”

Snorting Shawn said, “No, definitely not.  He has been trying to kill me for so long.  I should have guessed my father had died actually because the attacks increased rather than lessened.  Xavier knows he doesn’t have a true hold on the pack while I am still alive, so I need to find a way of weakening Xavier enough so that someone else in his pack can challenge and kill him.”

“I’d kill him in a heart beat, you know that.”  Kane’s voice was edged with the urge he felt to protect his mate.

“I know and I don’t doubt that you could do it, but then you would be the Alpha of that pack and I know you don’t want that any more than I do.”

“Is there anyone else in that pack that might be better suited?  Does Xavier have any adult sons that you know of?”

Shawn thought about it.  “He had two sons that I can think of, when I was still in that pack.  They should be of age now, I think.  I might have to make a few calls later and see what I can find out.”  Smiling at Kane he asked, “Will we have time to go to the glade today?  I have another couple of ideas, but I need to try them out before I have to use them and I could use your help.”

“Well you ar
e not going anywhere without me, so yeah, we will do that…later.”  And Kane got down to the serious business of kissing his lover good morning.

So engrossed in saying ‘good morning’ Kane didn’t realize someone else was in the room until Shawn nudged him and indicated over his shoulder.  Lifting his head for a quick sniff, he managed to snarl out, “What do you want Troy,” before going back to kissing his mate.

“Kane you have to get up, you have got company.”  Troy’s voice was quiet but insistent.

Thinking it was probably Claude and his friends, he snarled, “Tell them I am busy and I will get to them later
.”  He went back to kissing Shawn.

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