The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack) (14 page)

BOOK: The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack)
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“Uh…no…it’s not who you think.”  Shawn could tell that Troy was nervous.

Flinging a hard look over his shoulder at Troy, Kane spat out, “Well, who the hell is it?”

Troy didn’t get an answer out before a strident, female voice came from downstairs.

“Kane Robert Matthews, get your butt down here now and explain yourself.”

Kane’s face went white.  “Who is it?” Shawn whispered.

“My mother.”  Kane nodded to Troy and said quietly, “Go back and tell her that I will be down in a minute.  Get them coffee or something.”  Troy slipped from the room, closing the door behind him.

Kane lay back on the bed, flat on his back, rubbing his hands over his face.  Shawn raised himself up on his elbow and gently but firmly took Kane’s hands in his own.  Staring into Kane’s eyes he nudged carefully.

Tell me, hon, what is going on?

My mother, fuck I haven’t seen her in years.

What happened between you two?

Nothing really, but it is so weird that she is here.  When I got kicked out of the pack for being gay she didn’t even say goodbye.  I have never been in touch with her since and that was almost fifteen years ago.

Was she okay with you being gay?

Duh, no, not even a little bit.

Oh well, this is going to be fun then.  Do you want me to stay here while you deal with this?

“God No.
” Kane had found his voice at least. “I am not ashamed of you or what we have.  Come on, if I have to go down there, then you have to face your mother-in-law.  Now where are our clothes?”

Moments later the two men were dressed.  Shawn was in his typical jeans and he had topped that with a black muscle shirt.  Hardly the ideal ‘meet the mother in law’ type of outfit, but Kane seemed to approve.  Kane had pulled on his own jeans and then found a denim shirt in his wardrobe that he pulled on but didn’t button up. 

Shawn gave an approving smile and Kane caught his look.


“You going for the ‘I have just been royally fucked” look, with your mother?”

“Yep,” Kane grinned, “And you are looking just too tidy.”  Moving forward he ran his hands through Shawn’s long hair, mussing it up.  Then he reached in and kissed Shawn long and hard before reaching down and sucking on Shawn’s neck
, well above the line of Shawn’s shirt.  Moments later he looked at his work and grinned.  “Much better.”

Shawn touched his lips which now felt full and puffy, and then touched the spot on his neck.  He laughed.  “I can’t believe you gave me a hick
ey.  Really?  You are not a teenager any more you know.”

“It’s a perfect ‘meet the mother in law’ accessory and you wear it beautifully.”  Catching up Shawn’s hand in his, Kane led the way out of the bedroom.


Shawn didn’t know what to expect downstairs, but he did feel something that raised the hairs on the back of his head.  Warning Kane he nudged him with their mind link,
there is magic in the living room.

Like yours?

No something different - it’s not strong, but it is there, be careful.

Kane growled and strode into his
living room, keeping Shawn close to his side.  When he got in between the couch and the front door, he stopped and threw his arm over his mate’s shoulder and for a moment both men stood there, a deep scowl on Kane’s face and Shawn standing solid with his arms crossed in a defensive position.  Shawn kept his face deliberately blank while he used his senses to try and work out what they were facing.

On the couch sat two men, one who looked a bit younger than Kane.  In fact he looked a lot like Kane as well and Shawn suspected it was Kane’s younger brother.  The older man was handsome in his own way, with shocking white hair and kindly eyes.  He fixed his pale brown eyes on Shawn and Shawn felt a tingle down his spine again.  But then he
forced himself to relax.  This man had a bit of magic, but he wasn’t born to it.  Shawn suspected he was a Shaman and he wondered why he was here.

The older woman on the couch stood up and crossed her arms
across her chest.  Now Shawn could see her clearly he was surprised at how small she was.  She had Kane’s coloring, but she was tiny.  With a very strident voice which she began to use.

“Kane Matthews, I can’t believe you made me wait around for you.  And what are you doing dragging your
bed mate down with you.  I demand the right to talk to you alone, now.”

Shawn felt Kane tense up, but then Kane leaned in and licked up Shawn’s neck. Shawn closed his eyes briefly, because even in this situation it felt
good, before snapping them open again, still keeping his expression neutral.

Do you want me to fuck you in front of your mother?


Ew not even going there.  Answer the woman and try and be nice

At least until we know what she wants, I know.

Kane looked back at the woman who raised him and kept his tone soft but firm. “Mother, this is Shawn, my mate and because of that, your son-in-law.  I keep no secrets from him so if you have something to say to me, get on with it.

“You are not mated, but you are getting yourself into a heap of trouble.  Do you know who this man is?”

“Yes Mother, do you?”

Kane’s mother looked perplexed at the question for a moment, before she got back into her tirade again.

“Of course I know who he is.  He is a freak that was kicked out of his own pack because of his weirdness, he is not safe to have around self-respecting wolves.”

“I got kicked
out my pack too.  Does that make me weird?” Kane’s voice was really quiet, but oh boy, Shawn could tell Kane was getting really angry. Apparently his mother either didn’t notice or didn’t care.

“Just until you get over your little phase, Kane and you know it.  You can come back as soon as you are ready to mate with the really nice girl we have picked out for you…”

“I have been gone for fifteen years and I have no intention of ever coming back.  Does that seem like a phase to you?”

“Oh Kane, now you are just all fuddled and it’s all that boy’s fault.  Xavier told us that this ‘thing’ you are with is capable of mind washing you so that you don’t even know what you want.  I know he pursued you and well, you didn’t ever have a chance. But I bought Shaman Paulo here to break that boy’s control over you and then you can come back with me where you belong.”

Kane was so angry he didn’t know what to say.  He just wanted to wrap his hands around his mother’s throat to shut her up and then throw her out of the house before he really hurt her.  Closing his eyes for a moment he felt Shawn with him and he knew that Shawn could understand the turmoil he was facing.

Let him do it.


Call your mother’s bluff and let the Shaman try and break our bond.

He might hurt you.

He can’t hurt me, and I won’t let him hurt you.  I trust my magic on this one, okay, so call her bluff and tell her to let her Shaman do his worst.

Kane opened his eyes, replaced his scowl with a blank look and stared his mother right in the eyes.

“Okay, tell this Shaman Paulo to get on with it. Break the mating bond you claim I don’t have with Shawn.  If he can do it, I will come back and mate with whatever female bitch you have ready for me, okay?”

Kane’s mother smiled and she beckoned to the older man on the couch to approach.  But Kane hadn’t finished yet.  “BUT,” he said quite clearly, “If the Shaman fails then you will go back to my father and your pack and tell them that we are mated and that the teachings I had drummed into me from birth are WRONG.  Understood?”

Shawn had to give Kane’s mother her due.  She had the strength of her convictions on her side.  She paled a bit and nodded before saying, “You have my word.”

“As you have mine.” Kane growled.  “Now let’s get this over with.”

As the Shaman approached Kane heard a growl and looked up to see all four of his men standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the
living room.  They were watching the Shaman and they clearly weren’t happy.  Kane called over to Griff, “It’s okay, stand down for the moment, but don’t leave.”

“Who are these men, Kane?  I recognize Griff but who are the others?”  Kane’s Mother looked at the four men in disgust.

“They are my workmates, my dearest friends and my pack, Mother. More importantly to me, they accept Shawn as my Mate and their new pack member.”  Kane’s mother thankfully shut up and Kane returned his attention to the Shaman who was chanting softly as he approached.

What’s he doing?

He is casting a spell to protect himself from my inherent evil.

The Shaman looked up, puzzled for a moment and then went back to his chanting.

Now he is puzzled by the buzz that comes from our mind link. 
Shawn was obviously amused.  But both men kept quiet until the Shaman was standing right in front of them.  Kane’s grip on Shawn’s shoulder tightened and the Shaman could see it.

“I need you two to stand apart, if you please.”  The older man’s voice was soft but strong.  Shawn could feel Kane struggle inside of himself,
before he felt Kane remove his arm and move to stand two steps away.

It’s okay lover, remember what the fates have joined no simple Shaman can interfere with.
Shawn’s voice was soothing in Kane’s mind.

Now the Shaman really did look puzzled.  Reaching over to Kane, he tossed aside Kane’s shirt to see the mating mark underneath.  When the Shaman looked at Shawn
he pulled his own shirt aside to show his matching mark.  The Shaman stepped close, searching the marks for the white scar that would never heal and would always be a warning to others that the person was truly mated to another.  Kane’s scar was clearly visible, but the Shaman had to look really closely at Shawn’s. Kane growled, not liking the older man in his mate’s personal space.

It’s okay. Remember you bit me again last night
. He is looking for any underlying scar. 

Kane smiled at his lover who was standing watching the Shaman with an amused smile on his face.

I think the penny is starting to drop
he thought to Shawn. 

The Shaman was clearly confused. 
He reached up a hand to touch Shawn’s mark and stopped when he felt Kane’s growl again.

“I just want to make sure these marks are real.” The older man’s voice was soft but determined.  Kane was pleased to see his mate nodded but did not tip his head which was often considered a sign of submission.

Shawn’s magic started to tingle at the unfamiliar touch but Shawn reined it in and allowed the man to touch his mark.  He felt a foreign tingle through the mark and when he looked at it, the blood evidence of Kane’s recent bite was healed showing the clear scar of the bite beneath.

The Shaman stepped back, clearly shocked.  He turned back to the couch and when he got there, he sat down heavily.
Kane’s arm shot out, and he grabbed Shawn around the waist pulling his mate towards him.  Shawn slipped his own arm around Kane’s waist in reply and they just stood and waited for the Shaman, or anyone to speak.

Kane’s mother frowned at Kane’s actions and she turned her glare to the Shaman.  “What’s going on?  Why haven’t you fixed my son?”  At least she was angry at someone else now.

“There’s nothing to fix, Cheryl.  The boy’s are truly mated, as chosen by the Fates and there is nothing there to fix.  They are perfect for each other.  It is a very strong bond.”  Turning to Kane and Shawn the older man offered, “Congratulations, I am pleased you have found each other.”  Kane nodded but didn’t say anything.  He was watching his mother’s face.

“No, that is not possible.  A man loving a man, is just wrong.  The Fate’s would never…”  The woman was clearly struggling but Kane didn’t
feel inclined to help her.  Shaman Paulo obviously felt he had to though.  He had turned on the couch and was now holding the woman’s hands in his own.  Forcing the woman to look into his face, the Shaman said quietly. 

“It is true Cheryl, accept it.  These two men are bound together
by the Fates.  There is no trickery in the mate marks they share.  There is no doubt of Kane’s protectiveness of his mate.  They share a strong mind link.  They are mates in every sense of the word and no-one would be stupid enough to try and come between them.” 

Cheryl put her head in her hands and started to cry.  The fight had obviously left her for now at least.  Kane stood and watched her for a moment before stepping forward, bringing Shawn with him. “Mom,” he called softly.  “Mom, look at me please.”  Cheryl looked up, tears running down her face.  Shawn noticed that the younger man on the couch was now sitting by his mother’s side and had put his arm over her shoulder.

“Mom, don’t you want me, your son to be happy.  Shawn is the best thing to ever happen to me.  He is strong and funny, he is quiet and a really good person.  He loves me as much as I love him.  Isn’t that what you always wanted for me?”

Cheryl nodded and then
started crying again.  Struggling through her tears she managed to gasp out, “Yes of course, it is just I always thought you would mate with someone wearing a dress.”  She kept crying.

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