The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack) (12 page)

BOOK: The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack)
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“Yeah, we had a couple of scenes earlier but nothing planned for the rest of the night.  Why sweet cheeks are you coming in?”

“No, not this time, I gotta few things going on here.  But I can provide a bit of entertainment for you if you are interested.”

“Always my boy.  What have you got for me?”

“How about a couple of human homophobic hunters who have been trying to take out a new pack member of ours?
They know about shifters. We think they might be in need of an attitude adjustment.”

“You’ve got a new pack member.  Would I be interested in him?”  Scott looked over at Shawn.

“Yeah you might be cos he has got the look you like, all tall, slim, dark and broody looking, but you are out of luck.  He’s Kane’s mate.”

Claude laughed.  “Oh that’s
awesome; I am thrilled that man has finally been claimed.  He has been waiting long enough.  Yes, sure send your little hunters over to us.  We’ll make sure their attitude is tweaked no matter how ever long it takes.  How are they getting here?”

“Uh, Kane’s mate has got a couple of special abilities.  Just keep the stage area clear so the package don’t fall on anybody when it arrives.”  Scott looked at Shawn and mouthed
how long? 
Shawn looked out to the fight.  Griff was holding the last man standing, while Kane was getting a fist workout on the man’s gut.  He looked back at Scott and held up ten fingers, twice.

About twenty minutes, Claude, is that all good?”

“Perfect my friend, we will be ready for them. Don’t forget to bring your new pack member in, next time you are in town.”

Scott laughed.  “I will leave that up to Kane to work out.  See you soon my friend.”  He looked up at Shawn, “All set.”  Shawn’s grin was in evil mode again.

“And so are you.”  Another flicker of his fingers and Scott was dressed again.  Standing up, Shawn reached out his ha
nd to pull Scott to his feet.  Gesturing to Dean with his head the three men stepped out into the clearing.  Kane and Griff were high-fiving over four bodies, while Troy sat by in wolf form guarding the scene. 

Looking up as the three men approached, Kane’s searching gaze ran over them.  Obviously satisfied with what he saw, he smiled as Shawn stepped up to him and slipped his arm around Kane’s waist.  Shawn sniffed the air near Kane’s chest and murmured, “At least you don’t smell like puppy anymore.”

Kane laughed.  Fighting agreed with him.  The fact that he was fighting to protect his mate was a definite added bonus. He was on a high. “Yeah, I suppose that’s a plus.  How are the boys, are they okay?”

“Yep.  I don’t want Dean to shift for at least 24 hours so I can be sure his shoulder bone won’t give him any trouble and Scott’s
ass won’t be scarred so he is happy.”

ass is perfect thank you very much, and I am sure Shawn agrees seeing as he spent so much time hovering over it.”  Scott couldn’t resist the tease.  Shawn turned from Kane to give Scott a punch on the shoulder, before noticing Kane was growling.  He huffed a sigh in Kane’s face. “And you shut up.  Need I remind you who had the foreign tongue shoved down his throat earlier?”  Kane gave a sheepish grin and dutifully shut up.

Shawn stepped up into Scott’s personal space and gave him a wolfish grin.  He closed one hand for a moment and when opened it again, he stuck it under Scott’s nose.  In his hand was a dozen shotgun pellets.  “Say another word and I will shove them back
where I got them from.  I won’t have my mate upset.”

Scott gulped and Shawn grinned, but just then they all heard a ruckus and turned to see one of the men trying to get away from an extremely pissed off wolf.  The man had only managed to run a couple of yards before Troy had landed on his back and was in the process of dragging him back by the seat of the man’s jeans. 

“Okay, what are we going to do with this lot?  Do you have any ideas?” Kane was looking at Shawn when he said it, but it was Scott that answered.  “Oh your mate has got a doozy of an idea, aye Shawn?”

Kane looked at Shawn who had an evil grin on his face.  “Yeah?”

“Yeah. So what have we got in terms of deaths and casualties?”

“Two dead, four
mussed up but coherent.”

“Perfect.  Okay, let’s get the dead guys dealt with first.”

Kane, Shawn and Dean wandered over to the two bodies left in the grass on the edge of where the fight had been, while Scott and Griff kept an eye on the survivors with Troy.

“What are you gonna do with them, hon?”  Kane asked.

“I plan to send a message to Xavier, one that he can’t ignore.  But…”  Shawn turned to Kane and pulled him close. His voice was low and urgent as if he was willing his mate to understand. “I am doing this so it will be done. I can’t keep running, not now I have you. I know I have to face him and I have a couple of ideas on how to make that easier on all of us, but do you trust me to do this?”  He looked deep into Kane’s eyes as though searching his soul.

Boy, Kane thought, I am fucked.  Kane was terrified at the thought of Shawn facing Xavier in a wolf fight.  If Shawn won then he would have to leave to lead his own pack.  If he lost, then he would be dead.  Either way Kane was screwed.  Shawn must have guessed what he was thinking
even though Kane was blocking him in his mind, because he said softly, “I am not going to die, and I am not leaving you, ever.  It will take Xavier at least two days to get here from the Canadian border so how about tomorrow you and I head off to the glade.  I want to try some things out and I will explain what I am hoping to do to you, just you, then.  Please trust me. Okay?”

Kane closed his eyes and nodded, not trusting himself to speak.  He felt Shawn’s lips brush across his and then felt him pull away. 
When he opened his eyes again, Shawn was looking at the two men as if trying to work out what was the best way to send the most effective message.

Moments later Shawn’s hands flickered a few times and when Kane saw what he had done, he bent over laughing.  The two corpses were now naked, side-by-side and handcuffed, hand and feet to a double St Andrews Cross.
  Shawn smiled at Kane and then called Dean over to look at the bodies.  Kane couldn’t hear what was being said but Dean had a smile on his face and a moment later a small portable spray gun unit in his hand. 

Shawn indicated to the bare backs of the hunters and was obviously explaining to Dean what he wanted.  Dean smiled happily and
Shawn left Dean to do his work.  Walking back to Kane, Shawn said, “Dean reckons he have my message done in about ten minutes.  Do you want me to show you what Scott and I cooked up for the other four?”

“I am sure I will love it.”  They wandered over to the other four men, who were all conscious and sitting up scowling at the men, and wolf, that surrounded them.  The man who had done the runner looked up with a scowl on his face.

“That bloody wolf bit me, I don’t want to turn into the kinda freaks you guys are.  What you going to do about it?”

Trying not to laugh, because boy
, these hunters watched too many movies, Kane bent down and looked at the hunter with a worried look on his face. 

“Hmm,” he said sniffing at the man.  “I am not sure.  Are you feeling weird, or like, getting any hairier?  Maybe Troy should have a look at you. His senses are more attuned to wolf than mine
at the moment.”  He turned to Troy and beckoned him over.

The big brown wolf trotted over and pushed into the man as he was sitting on the ground. He sniffed him all over, padding around him with his huge paws
. His mouth was open and he deliberately drooled all over the man.  The man in question was petrified and didn’t move.  Finally, when Troy appeared done with his inspection he sat right up next to the man and leaned on him.  He put his big head on the man’s skull and thumped his huge paw down on the man’s crotch, whining up at Kane as if to say, “Can I keep him?”

“Aw, would you look at that.  Looks like Troy’s found a new boyfriend.  Now isn’t that cute, don’t you think boys?”  He looked over at Shawn and Griff who were both struggling to keep a straight face.

“Yep.”  Griff looked the hunter right in the eyes.  “Better get used to being a wolf’s sex toy boy, cos Troy here has got it bad for you.  Won’t that be fun?”

“Hey maybe we can all watch
Troy popping this man’s cherry - of course he has to do it as a wolf first, but you don’t mind if we watch do you?  It’s a wolf thing and all that.”

The look on the hunter’s face was priceless.  He opened and closed his mouth a few times and then shouting, “No…no, you bunch of fuckers.  I am not going to be some wolf’s sex toy” and he struggled to get out from Troy, who leant on him for just a moment more, before moving away and coming to stand with the others, probably putting unnecessary pressure on the man’s groin as he left.

Shawn grinned at them all and stepped forward.  “Well, actually boys, that’s exactly what all of you are going to be - sex toys.  But don’t worry I am sure the place where you’re going doesn’t only have wolf members.  Perhaps you could ask for your own personal big cat, or better yet a bear.  I hear there are all types of shifters where you are going isn’t that right Scott?”

“Hell yeah, Shawn
, a pair of bears, but hey they only like to work on the one man together.  They like to share their toys.”

The men on the ground all looked really nervous, especially when Scott pointed to his watch as he caught Shawn’s eye.  Nodding Shawn faced the hunters on the ground and after a moments concentration he flicked his fingers at the men.  In an instant all four men were naked, bound on their backs on their own individual St Andrews crosses.  Flicking his fingers again, he arranged the crosses so that the men were arranged in a square, all facing out from each other.

“Hey Scott can you bring up the place on Google Maps for me?” 

Moments later Shawn was concentrating on the address bought up on Scott’s phone.  One more zap from his fingers and the men, and the crosses, were gone.
  Kane let Troy know he could shift back and Shawn provided clothes for him.

“So where did you send them?”  Kane asked laughing as he tucked Shawn under his arm.

“Claude’s, center stage,” said Scott. “He’s expecting them.”

Griff and Kane shared a look and burst out laughing again.  “I wish I was a fly on that wall about now,” Griff wheezed out.  “Those boys are going to have so much fun.  So what about the other two?” Pointing over to where Dean was finishing up.

“They’re going to Xaviers’,” said Shawn as he pulled Kane with him over to see Dean’s finished work.  The ‘paint’ for the want of a better word had burned into the men’s skin, creating the look of a brand.  Dean’s lettering was perfect and Kane could clearly see written across the men’s backs








you think this will do it?”  Kane asked Shawn.

“It will if it is delivered in the right way - straight into the middle of a full pack meeting, which if things
are still run according to tradition, should be right about now.”  Shawn raised his hands and peered into the blue sphere he had raised on them.  Kane could see inside the flickering blue, the sight of a full pack, well over a hundred members, all sitting around a circle listening to an overweight, older man who was standing in the centre.

“Yep, they are all where I thought they would be.”  Shawn flicked his fingers and a second later the message was sent. Looking up at Kane and then at the rest of the men standing with him, he shrugged and said, “Now we wait.  Let’s go home.”

The men where just heading back to their bikes when Scott’s phone rang.  He answered it and then yelled out, “hey guys, you should hear this,” before saying into the phone, “I’ll just put you on speaker.”
It’s Claude,
he mouthed to Kane.  Grinning, the men all gathered around Scott.

“Hi Kane, just rang to thank you and your boys for your little present.  One minute the stage is empty and the next we got four faggot hating killers all displayed out for us on those awesome crosses.  I presume your new mate is responsible for this?”

“Yeah, Claude, Shawn has some pretty impressive talents.”  Kane slung his arm over Shawn’s shoulder as he spoke.

“I noticed some interesting markings on the cuffs
of those crosses.  Your mate wouldn’t be Shawn Bailey by any chance?”

Kane growled.  “Yes that’s him.  What’s it got to do with you?”

“Hey back off Kane, I don’t mean your mate any harm.  I am just impressed.  That would be Shawn Bailey,
Master Shawn
from the San Antonio club in Texas?”

Kane almost lost his eyebrows as he looked at Shawn in surprise and Scott tripped over his feet.  Griff, Troy and Dean all grinned.  Shawn just shrugged and answered with a growl, “Yes that’s me.  Nice to talk to you Master Claude, I have heard good things about you.”

Claude laughed, “And I about you Shawn.  They were right about your voice; you probably could get a guy to cream his pants from ten foot away.  I hear you are really handy with a whip and ropes.”

BOOK: The Reluctant Wolf (Book 1 Cloverleah Pack)
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