The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions (37 page)

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Authors: Inna Segal

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth

BOOK: The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions
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like an angel was whispering in my ear, “Go into the shop, go into the shop,

go into the shop!” Before I knew it, I felt someone turn my head toward

Esther and I heard myself telling her that I was going into Piotr’s shop.

Surprised, she said, “Don’t talk to him about anything spiritual, as he

doesn’t believe in this stuff.”

I told her that it was not a problem, as I could talk about clothes as

much as I could talk about anything spiritual.

I then got the courage to go into the shop. Piotr and I clicked instantly.

I felt a deep connection to him, an ease that completely surprised me. After

some friendly chatter, Piotr asked me what work I did. Without hesitation I

said, “Healing.”

He looked at me strangely before muttering, “I’m not sick, so I don’t

need healing.”


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The Secret of Life Wellness

I answered, “Healing is not just for pain and sickness, and if you think

you don’t need it, then you are either deluded or do not understand heal-

ing.” He seemed taken aback but interested.

I decided to ask him if he had many clients. I knew that he had leased

the shop and started the business about three months previously. He said,

“Why do you ask?” I told him that I did not know what had occurred in the

shop before he leased it, but the energy was atrocious. I could see and feel

people screaming, getting angry, and feeling upset. I told him that if he did

have clients, it would be because of his amazing ability to inspire them.

Whenever his clients entered the shop, those heavy energies were most

likely pushing them out the door.

Piotr asked me if and when I could help clear his shop and also give him

a healing session. We agreed on the next day. When I next saw Esther, she

was amazed that Piotr wanted a healing session. She was even more aston-

ished when I told her what I had seen in his shop. She shared that, before

Piotr moved in, it was a shop that sold kitchens. The man who owned it was

a crook and a liar. She told me that people often came into the shop and

screamed at the owner for deceiving them and taking their money.

The next day I went to Piotr’s shop and cleared the heavy energy. In a

matter of days, his business increased dramatically. He also realized that healing

is a way of life, rather than a way to relieve pain. Since then, he has participated

in many of my workshops and assisted me at conferences and events.

Process for Clearing Space

This is a shortened yet effective version of an in-depth process that I teach in Visionary

Intuitive Healing® seminars. It is advisable that you do a process for protecting yourself

before you do this clearing (see page [XX]). You must do the space clearing process

separately for every room.

Walk into a room that you would like to clear. Close your eyes. Imagine

surrounding the room with soft blue light. Call on Divine Healing Intelligence.


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Hold your left hand near the upper part of your chest, with your palm facing away

from you, as if you are greeting someone. All your fingers should be extended upward.

Raise your right hand with your elbow facing out. Bend your middle and ring finger and

place your thumb just below the nail of your ring finger. Keep your index finger and little

finger extended. Hold your right hand near your solar plexus.

Say the following statement out loud or to yourself: I ask the Divine Source to

cleanse this room of all density; energetic, emotional, and mental toxicity; negativity;

fear; pain; and dis-ease. Please assist any spirits or beings that have been stuck here be

lovingly returned to their rightful place. Please cleanse and return any fragments of

energy that have been left in this room to their rightful owners. Divine Source,

dissipate all negative energy and transform it into light. Fill this space with love, light-

ness, joy, and clarity, so that anyone who enters this room feels at ease and at peace.

Allow anyone who enters this space to reconnect with their wisdom and assist them to

come into alignment with who they really are. Thank you.

Repeat the word “CLEAR” several times until you feel lighter.

Hold your hand position for another thirty to sixty minutes, or until you feel that

the room has become lighter. Then visualize a rainbow light surrounding the room. .


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How You Can Create More Money

and Success in Your Life

I want to be successful and have an abundance of money.

However, I feel really uncomfortable with having money.

In fact, whenever I have it, I find a way to give it away quickly or lose it.

What can I do?

Apowerful way to move toward success is to examine your beliefs and attitudes

about money and abundance. What kinds of clichés have you internalized? Have

you been taught that money doesn’t grow on trees, is hard to get, and that rich people

are crooks?

I have often asked my workshop participants to write down their beliefs about

money for three minutes without stopping. I then inquire: Did you know you believe

all this? Do you think a person who believes this could attract money easily? This opens

a lively discussion on what kind of consistent thoughts, feelings, and actions create


When I interviewed Suze Orman, two-time Emmy Award–winning television

New York Times
bestselling author, and expert on personal finance, she said, “I

believe with all my heart that your thoughts create your destiny. You have to be very,

very careful about what you think because what you think, you eventually say, words

become your actions, your actions become your habits, and your habits become your


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destiny. So you might think and say, ‘I want to be financially free’ but take absolutely no

actions to make that become a reality. True change happens when your thoughts, your

words, and your actions are one.”20

We do not have to live our lives with the limiting beliefs of our ancestors. If this is

not the time to allow more prosperity in, then when is it? Rather than having money

control your life, allow yourself to learn how to become empowered with it.

It is important to recognize that we have the ability to manifest great things in our

lives as well as challenging and unpleasant experiences. It is interesting to note that it

actually takes more energy to manifest what we don’t want than what we do. When you

create what you don’t want, you lose energy and weaken your attractor field; on the other

hand, when you manifest what you desire, you feel pleasure and increase your energy.

A great affirmation to repeat is: “I manifest abundance with ease, grace, and joy.”

Becoming Friendly with Money

The first step you need to take in creating wealth is becoming friendly with money. Ask

yourself how much money you would be comfortable having in your wallet. How much

money would you love to have in your wallet? If you can, carry the amount you would

love to have for at least thirty days. Do not spend it. However, become aware if you feel

differently having a large amount of money on you. The more you feel good, powerful,

and abundant having a lot of money, the more likely you are to attract it.

I once met a successful businessman who shared with me that he carries at least

$10,000 in his wallet because he feels good having a lot of money at his disposal even if

he doesn’t spend it. I asked how he would feel if he lost it, to which he replied that he

believes that he would get it back within twenty-four hours.

Letting Go of Your Fears of Poverty

As a child, I spent my first nine years in Russia, where poverty consciousness was rife,

and people considered money to be something only crooks had. I realized how affected

I had been when I examined my beliefs about lack and not having enough, especially

when I worried incessantly how I would pay my bills.


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The Secret of Life Wellness

The threat of survival stops a lot of people, not only from living their dreams, but

also from asking themselves what they really want. It’s like they are afraid to find out, in

case it’s something interesting and creative, which may require them to take risks or

start from scratch. Many people also put a lot of their attention on limitations and not

having enough, rather than on cocreation and the idea that there is more than enough.

What the majority of people don’t realize is that success takes time, persistence,

passion, trust, belief, and support. Your desire to create has to emanate from you and

inspire others to come on board.

When I spent time with Robert Kiyosaki, a famous financial educator and best-

selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, he shared, “I’ve been broke three times. I was

born into a poor family and lost two companies. I understand what it feels like to be

poor. Some people say, ‘I don’t have money; that’s why I can’t become rich,’ and I like to

say, ‘I became rich because I didn’t have any money, because I had to become rich.

I used adversity to become rich.’”21

In order to increase my prosperity, I began affirming and noticing everything I

already had. I would walk into a park and think:
Wow, how fortunate am I to be able

to sit in this beautiful park and smell the flowers
. Each day I would take time to recog-

nize how I was abundant, focus on gratitude, and tell myself:
There is more where this

came from

I also decided to become friends with money, so every day I would look at a

twenty-, fifty-, or hundred-dollar bill and tell it that I loved it. Whenever I paid for

anything, I blessed the money and asked that it return to me ten times. The more I

practiced, the more comfortable I became with money, and it began to multiply. Rather

than seeing money as something physical that created stress, I began to view it as

energy that allowed freedom of choice.

Believing in a Hundredfold Return

Emily was a workshop participant, who wanted to expand her manifestation abilities.

In a particular exercise, Emily gave a twenty-dollar bill to another participant, blessed

it, closed her eyes, relaxed, and asked the money to return to her a hundredfold within


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one week. Emily had no idea where the money would come from, but she felt confident

that it would. She could imagine and feel it coming, and welcomed it.

The following week, Emily received $2,000 from a family member who had never

previously given her money.

This is a little experiment that I have done in several workshops, and the results are

always astounding.

I once did it in Mexico, where a woman gave over a $1,000 to another participant.

I saw her six months later, and she shared that within a few months of that experiment,

her business increased by 70 percent and she multiplied her money many fold.

This experiment has demonstrated time and time again how our focus, energy, feel-

ings, and thoughts about money influence where and how it manifests in our lives.

Amanda’s Story: Clarity and Consistency

Amanda attended my workshop because she wanted to learn how to be

more grounded and to manifest greater things. A single mother of two

small children, she needed a job. I asked Amanda to tell me about the kind

of job she desired. She told me she wanted to work for a company that

cared about the environment and children. She had her heart set on a

sales position with all the perks of having a company car, good salary,

computer, flexible hours, occasional travel, and fun. She needed this job

within a month.

We looked at Amanda’s beliefs about finding a job and worked on let-

ting go of limiting ideas, fears, and self-sabotage. Amanda was on the right

track, she had a clear intention of what she wanted and was willing to go

after it. Amanda also focused on creating a feeling that she had already

achieved her goal. Now she just needed to have trust and be open to Divine


During the month, Amanda attended a few interviews and received

some offers. However, none of the jobs fit her requirements. She was des-

perate, as time and money were running out. Fortunately, Amanda had

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