The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life's Big Questions (36 page)

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Authors: Inna Segal

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Self-Help, #Alternative Therapies, #Personal Growth

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making her feel safe and supported. I know that people often have

problems sleeping when they feel insecure and lack trust. Thus they feel

they cannot fall asleep, as they must always be on their guard.

Once I felt that Lilly had relaxed, I found out that she loved angels. She

had angel cards and played with them often. I asked Lilly to close her eyes

and imagine the most beautiful angel she had ever seen help her feel safe

to sleep in her own bed. Lilly visualized the angel and asked her for help.

Lilly also told me that her favorite color was purple. As purple is very

helpful with sleep disorders, I advised Lilly to visualize surrounding her

room and her bed with beautiful purple and lavender rays of light.


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Two months later Phoebe called to let me know that Lilly was happily

sleeping in her own bed. She has also lost weight, was more confident, was

able to stand up for herself and had made more friends.

Processes for Raising Confident Children

Below are two processes that you can practice with your child. I also suggest that you

make up specific process for your child based on what I have written. Depending on the

age of the child, think of characters that they like and ask your child to visualize them in

all different situations helping them to feel better about themselves. Be creative. If your

child is open to it, also encourage them to ask Angels and Fairies for help.

Heal with Color

First find out what issue your child is dealing with. Is it physical, emotional, or mental?

Are they being bullied, have a lack of belief in themselves, putting on excess weight, or

not eating enough? Then, either pick a color you think will be the most helpful for this

problem or ask what their favorite color is. Do not use black and be very careful not to

use too much red, gold, grey, and brown as they can be overpowering. They need to be

balanced out with other colors such as white or orange.

Ask the child you are helping to rub their hands together for about thirty seconds,

making sure he or she rubs every finger. Then ask the child to visualize a particular

color. Encourage him or her to make the color as big, shiny, and bright as possible. It is

easy to imagine it as a ball or a balloon. Then tell the child to place his or her intention

in it. The focus may be the wish to be happier, more confident, do better at school, heal

faster, have more friends, and so forth. Ask the child to say the intention out loud and

imagine that all those wishes are now going inside the colorful ball of energy.

Tell him or her to breathe in this ball of energy imagining that the color and the

healing intention moves inside the body and either release the stress or make him or

her feel stronger and healthier. Ask the child to place his or her hands on the part of

the body that feels weak, hurts, or is uncomfortable. Instruct him or her to keep the

hands on their body for a minute or two, breathing in this light.


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The Secret of Life Wellness

Form a Positive Intention

Ask the child to repeat: Divine Healing Intelligence, please help me release any feel-

ings of _______________________________ (ask them to put in what they need to

let go of, like feelings of anger, sadness, fear, stress, and so forth). I am a beautiful, lov-

able child, and I deserve to feel happy, supported, and cared about. I am capable of

great things, and I believe that I can heal quickly and feel better about myself and this

situation. Divine Light, please help me feel more confident, happier, and healthier.

Thank you.

Repeat the word “PEACE” several times until they tell you they feel lighter.

Please feel free to adjust this process in a way that suits the child.

Meditate for Better Sleep

Below is a meditation from an audio program,
Color Meditation for Children
, my chil-

dren have recorded to help other kids use color healing. The process below is to help a

child relax and fall asleep. You can guide your child through this process or make up

your own.

Process: The Dolphin with the Blue Crystal

Blue helps you to feel more relaxed and peaceful.

Close your eyes, take some slow deep breaths.

Can you think of parts of nature which have the color blue? There is the ocean, the sky,


Can you think of any other things or animals which are blue? Imagine floating in cool,

clear blue water.

A dolphin swims close to you and gives you a chance to pat it. You feel happy and


The dolphin opens its mouth and you notice a big blue crystal on its tongue.

The dolphin nods its head to let you know that you can take the crystal.

The dolphin tells you that if you squeeze the crystal once, you will feel very relaxed.


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If you squeeze it twice, you will take deep slow breaths and forget about anything that

is upsetting you.

If you squeeze it three times you will feel so peaceful and calm that you will be able to

fall asleep quickly and easily.

Take a moment to think about how many times you would like to squeeze the crystal.

Now, imagine doing it.

(If you have a crystal than you can give it to your child to hold and ask them to physi-

cally squeeze it and then put it under their pillow.)

Feel your body relax.

Imagine breathing in the color blue.

As you breathe out say to yourself “I feel peaceful and quiet.”

Allow your thoughts to gently slow down.

Repeat to yourself “I feel peaceful and calm.”

Feel yourself relaxing more and more or falling asleep.

Anytime you feel a bit worried or upset imagine squeezing the blue crystal and relaxing



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How You Can Clear

Your Space and House

People often talk about space clearing or house clearing.

What is the benefit of this, and how can I do that for my house?

The same way people cannot see electricity but know when it stops flowing in

their houses once a fuse blows, they may not be able to observe energy but feel

when something is out of balance. For instance, on my first visit to Berlin, I visited

some sights with a friend. As I prefer to let other people navigate in countries I have

not been to, I did not know what part of the city we were visiting. Suddenly, I began

to feel heavy, anxious, traumatic energy. In fact, I saw images of people screaming,

running, and being shot at. When I asked my friend where we were, he told me we

were nearing the Berlin Wall. I was not surprised what I was seeing and feeling, as

there had been incredible trauma in that part of Berlin. Since everything on this

planet is energetic, it is no wonder that our environment, the earth and other inani-

mate objects we build, can store energetic information concerning what has occurred


Many ancient cultures knew about the benefits of clearing internal and external

space and creating a safe, positive environment from which to blossom and grow.


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Cleaning Up an Energetic Mess

If your house is messy and dirty, you will have difficulty concentrating, feeling inspired,

and having clarity. The mess will most likely create chaos in your outer and inner life,

and until you clean it up, it will make you feel uncomfortable in your environment.

Just as there can be physical mess in your environment, there can be energetic mess.

Energetic clutter or density occurs when people have negative thoughts, feelings, and

experiences that they emit into their own and other people’s environments.

You may notice feeling low and heavy, and even experience difficulty breathing after

a person who is depressed, drugged, suicidal, sick, or has a negative attitude has been to

your house. You might also notice that you feel uncomfortable every time you visit a

particular house, restaurant, building, or outdoor place.

Clearing Entities

There have been many popular television shows and movies that have talked about

entities and ghosts. Spirit attachments and exorcisms have been discussed in almost

every major religion and spiritual teaching around the world.

Over the years, I have had several encounters with beings who have passed over.

Often, those beings are lost, have unfinished business, or are looking to go to the light

and may just need some help.

On many occasions I have also seen family members who have passed over and

need to get a message to a loved one, so they hang around that person.

Although for some people this idea might be inconceivable or uncomfortable, I

have witnessed many incredible, almost miraculous changes, both in people and their

environments, after I have helped clear entities from their space.

Regularly Clearing Your Space

Clearing your house or business is not a once-a-year process but something that needs

to be done regularly. We need to recognize and take care of energetic pollution as much

as we take care of the physical pollution in our home. Having a clear, positive, loving


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environment can help you relax, attract success, enhance your relationships, and

improve your health and sense of well-being.

Sam’s Story: Clearing a Spiritual Energy

Sam had a house in a popular suburb that he had not been able to sell for

years. When he came to see me, Sam was frustrated and confused about

why he could not sell the house. In fact, he desperately needed money to

pay off debts and was anxious to sell the house, even at a lower price.

Though I rarely do house visits and prefer to teach people the house

clearing process, I knew this was special. The moment I walked into Sam’s

house, I had a sickening feeling. I asked Sam if someone had been sick or

died in the house.

He told me that it had been his father’s house. His father had been

extremely ill before he died; his lungs had collapsed as he was dying.

I instantly understood why I had difficulty breathing.

When I went upstairs, I felt that there was a wall in front of me and it

took all my energy to go through it. By the time I had walked around

the house I felt drained. Sam told me that people who came to look at the

house often complained of feeling exhausted and unwell as they left.

I spent two hours clearing the dense, heavy energy that had been left in

the house, making sure that each room was fresh, clear, and re-energized.

I also saw his father, who was still in the house and unhappy about Sam’s

intention to sell. I helped Sam communicate with his father and then guided

his father to the light.

When I had completed the clearing, I asked Sam to walk through the

house and tell me if he felt any difference. He told me he felt lighter, joyous,

and at ease. I also encouraged him to bring some flowers, colorful objects,

or potted plants to restore some life to the house.

A week later, I received a phone call from an excited Sam. He said that

not only had he sold his house and got a fantastic price, but also that the


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new owners could not stop saying how fresh and clear the house felt. He

said that when they came downstairs, they told him the house was exactly

what they were looking for, as they felt energized and at peace in it. Sam

was amazed that they did not even try to bargain.

Piotr’s Story: Clearing His Shop

Another powerful experience of space clearing occurred with Piotr, who is

my twin soul and one of my closest friends. I had just begun teaching in

Paris, and every day, as I walked toward the center, I passed his couture

boutique . Since I have a deep love of beautiful clothes, I looked at Piotr’s

designs with awe. The dresses in his windows were stunning; I was in love

with his creations. I promised myself that one day I would own a beautiful

dress made by him.

However, I felt very uncomfortable about going into his shop. It was cou-

ture, and to go in, you needed an appointment. One day, while sitting with

Esther, the owner of the spiritual center, I had a strong compulsion to go into

Piotr’s shop. I tried to resist the feeling, but it seemed impossible. In fact, I felt

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