The Streets Or Me: A Louisiana Love Story (5 page)

BOOK: The Streets Or Me: A Louisiana Love Story
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We were just leaving the airport after getting the fuck outta Atlanta and I get a call from Miracle.


"Wassup bae? What the fuck! She good? Aight we on our way," I hung up.


"Fuck wrong wit'chu bruh?" Chi asked.


"Man, Khy and Mir got into some shit in the mall, now Khy in the hospital with her face slashed," I replied.


"What! Yo Vinny get us to North Monroe now!" Legz yelled pissed.


"Mir ain't say who they fought?" Chi asked.


"Shara and her clique," I replied.


"Not Shara from Presidential, Trey lil sister huh?" he asked.


"That's the lil hoe. You know she been beefin' with Khy since they high school days and-"


"Trey better hope for Shara's sake that Khy straight 'cause if she ain't I'm bringing hell to the Presidential," Legz cut in.


I just glanced at Chi hoping like hell Khy was aight 'cause God knows we don't need no more drama right now, not after the shit we just did in the Atl.





"Miracle, how she doing?" I asked.


"She's good. Doctor say she resting for now, but...Legacy there's something I need to tell you," she said.


"What is it?" I asked.


"Legacy, Khy was pregnant and-"


"Pregnant! What do you mean was pregnant? The baby ok right, tell me the baby ok!" I semi-yelled.


The look on her face was all it took to break my heart worse than it already was, and the hardest thing to process is knowing that the girl I love was pregnant and I didn't even know it, now to find out that the baby was gone. This is fucked up bruh.


"Mir did they say how far along she was?" Chi asked.


"12 weeks she-"


"What room she in Mir?" I asked.


"Room 230," she replied.


I nodded and walked away. My heart was heavy with grief, but my blood was boiling wit' anger 'cause somebody was gon' have to feel me and I ain't give a damn who it had to be.  I walked in the room and she just sat there staring at the wall, the left side of her face was bandaged; you could tell she been crying 'cause her eyes was puffy and red. I sat in the chair beside the bed and just held her hand tryna think of something to say to her.


"You don't have to say anything Legacy, I'm fine," she said.


Her voice sounded so soft and tired, way different from how she normally talks...she was just calm.


"No you not Khy. We just lost a baby, how you gon' be fine?" I asked.


"I didn't even know. I just...I thought-"


She just brokedown crying as I sat on the bed and pulled her in my arms. I don't even know what to say to her, I wanna tell her everything gon' be aight, but how the hell she 'posed to believe that when shit always seem to go from bad to worse. smh


"Khy stop crying ma, I'ma take care of whoever was involved in this shit. No matter who it was I'ma take of'em," I said.


"What is that gon' solve Legacy? Our baby is still gonna be gone, I'm still gon' have this damn scar on my face. You said that you would protect me from any harm and look what happened baby. Look at my face!" She cried.


"I'm sorry bae. I should've been here and I'm sorry,but-"


"Legacy just leave please just go," she said.


"Leave for what! What the fuck I do besides try to comfort yo' ass, but you want me to leave what kinda shit is that?" I asked pissed.


"I just wanna be alone Legacy, please," she said.


"Whatever bruh. Call me when you stop acting like a stuck up stubborn bitch," I replied before walking out.


I swear that girl know how to get under a nigga skin quick. Like c'mon bruh she just got her fucking face slashed and lost a baby neither one of us had knowledge of, and I'm tryna comfort her ass but she push me away like it's my fuckin' fault. I see if I was one of these bum ass, fuck niggas that ain't give a shit 'bout her ass then it'll be a different story, but I'm a nigga that actually fucking care and this the thanks I get.





Legacy just makes me so damned sick at times. I know it ain't his fault, but damn the only reason that weak hoe fought me was because she mad that he chose me over her like c'mon bruh let that shit go. Seems like everytime I turn around I gotta defend myself against a different hoe that he done fucked with whether it's an old hoe or recent hoe, on me I’m sick of that shit bruh.


Now I got this big ugly ass gash on my face all 'cause of a bum bitch. I had to get fifteen stitches in my face, ya’ll know how ugly that shit gon' be yo like for real. Then the hoes jumped me and made me lose my baby, I ain't even know I was pregnant to be honest. I know Miracle shot that hoe, it probably wasn't no deadly shot though, but I swear this shit is not over. I'm gon' see them hoes again and when I do I promise I'm slicing bitches since everybody wanna play dirty, I'm playing dirty, too.





"So what's gon' happen to Miracle, Unc?" Luke asked.


Uncle Kevin came to the hospital to check on Khy and get an official report on what happened. He say Shara got rushed to the hospital and she'll make it, but she'll faces assault with a deadly weapon charges as for me, well who knows.


"She'll have to be booked and bail will be set, but once she's released she can't leave the city or state until a court date and everything is set," he replied.


"So I’m going to jail?" I asked.


"You'll be out in less than 24 hours, you won't be put in a regular cell just be booked, fingerprinted, mugshot taken, and placed in a holding cell until your bond is set which won't take long," he said.


"What she gon' be charged wit'?" Chi asked.


"You want me to be honest or tell a lie?" he asked.


"I prefer honesty. Uncle Kevin am I going in for attempted murder?" I asked.


"You shot her in the upper chest Miracle, even though she survived that's considered second degree attempted murder with a firearm that you never should've had on you in the first place, and that in itself carries a maximum of 15 years with a minimum of 5. In case any of you forgot, her aunt is one of the most powerful judges in this damn city so regardless if it is self-defense, they gon' look for any reason to put you under the damn jail," he replied.


"What about what she did? She slashed my bestfriend's face and made her lose her baby, that bitch deserved to be shot...she just better be lucky I ain't kill her ass!" I yelled pissed.


I wasn't scared to do no jail time, but five to fifteen years away from my one-year-old daughter A’Laya is something I can't bear. I'm already risking it all by being Luke's rider, but at least I know after grinding it out at the traps, I can go home and see her face. Now with this shit I probably won't see my baby again until she's a damn teenager, meaning I'll miss the majority if not all of her life growing up.


"Bae don't worry ‘bout shit aight, I'ma holla at our lawyer and see if we can't get this shit thrown out or something. I promise you ain't gon' spend no time away from LayLay...I got you I promise," Luke said.


"Luke just get me outta this shit and if you can't then make sure you take care of LayLay, don't turn yo fucking back on me," I said.


"Love you too much for that ma, I got you," he kissed me.


"We gon' be down to get you as soon as they call us so don't trip sis," Chi hugged me.


"Don't tell Khy yet, she already got too much on her plate she doesn't need no mo' stress on her," I replied.


He nodded and kissed my head as Officer Roberts cuffed me and read me my rights then lead me out to the car. If this is the price I gotta pay for defending my sister then it is what it is, fuck it.



*One month later*


It's been a month since all that shit occurred with Shara at the mall. I still got this big ass bandage on my face, but I'm shaking back. Legacy and I made up after apologizing to each other, and he's been helping me get over the miscarriage. As for my girl Miracle, she has a long road ahead; after being denied bail by Judge Brown, who happens to be Shara's aunt, now she has to sit in the parish jailhouse awaiting a court date, trial, or whatever. When Luke told me that she could be facing up to fifteen years, I was pissed. How they just gon' try and bam my sister like that for defending us? But she's actually holding it together like the solider that she is, and of course we all gon' make sure she straight and that my lil muffin LayLay is taken care of.


Shara is facing assault charges and is currently in jail as well.  How long she'll be in there? Hell I don't know, but she better stay on her toes and her lil clique better stay on guard in these streets 'cause I promise this shit is far from over. Anyway, we were all at my parents’ house for this lil meeting my dad called, I'm sick and tired as hell but I know it's gotta do with the takeover so I’m here.





I sat next to Khy at her parents’ compound waiting for Killa to come down and discuss this important business with us. It's been a month since all the shit happened in Atlanta and everything with Khyia. Me and her crazy ass made up, but I know she not over that shit with Shara and honestly I ain't either. Like bitch you start shit with my shawty, slash her face, make her lose our seed, and get her best friend locked up; on blood she asking to get her people knocked 'cause if I can't get at yo' dome then ya clique or ya people my next target, that's just how shit go.


Finally, Killa walked downstairs with Queen right behind him resembling an older version of Khyia, absolutely beautiful with her flawless vanilla skin tone, long blonde hair that fell past her shoulders, bright grey eyes, perfect smile, and a figure that matched Khyia's.  Her French Creole exotic features made it hard to believe that she was in her early 50s and had two kids in their 20s.


I always had mad respect for Queen 'cause she showed a yungin' love when I lost my mom's to domestic violence. I was 12 years old when my bitch ass daddy forced me to watch him beat my mom half to death then slit her throat from ear to ear. I tried to save her, but he threatened to kill me.  After he killed her, he took a gun and blew his brains out.  I ended up living with my aunt for a while until I met Chino and Luke. They introduced me to Killa who took me under his wing and became a father figure for me, since then he and Queen been the only real family I done had. Khy stood up as Queen embraced her in a hug.



"Khyia, how's my beautiful princess?" she hugged her.


"I’m fine mom, kinda tired but I’m fine. You look beautiful as always, hey daddy," she hugged Killa.


"Good to see you baby girl," he kissed her cheek.


I was shocked as hell 'cause never in all the years we been together have I heard her call him dad, it was always Killa. You could tell he and Chino were shocked too, but they didn't speak on it. Queen hugged me and the guys then they sat across from us and Killa got down to business.


"Luke, how’s baby girl doing?" he asked.


"She straight, tryna hold her head up, but ya know it's tough with her missing the lil one so," he replied.


"Keep ya head up nephew, we gon' figure out how to get her back home. Whatever you and baby girl need make sure to let me know," he said.


"Preciate that Unc," he replied.


You could tell Luke was going through it without Miracle, he loved that girl 'bout as much as I love Khy, if not more. She was his rider no doubt, if Metro rolled up unexpected, MirMir gon' get to stashing shit with no way for 'em to find it. She made it clear from the day they met that she was down for Luke whether he was right or wrong and he was the same for her.


"Don't mention's all love. Now, care to tell me what the hell went down in Atlanta. I send you to do some simple shit, that I think you can handle, but I get a call from one of my men up there saying Lux and his crew are dead, and three of my most trusted men were the last to see him. What the fuck happened?" he yelled pissed.


"Pop look, we were trying to negotiate with dude and talk him down on his price 'cause let's keep it g... $450 is too much to be paying, but once he declined we got up and left. As we leavin' nigga made a slick remark so we deaded him and his crew," Chi said.


"Slick remarks like what! What was said?" he asked.


"He disrespected Khy so I disrespected back in the worst way," I replied.


"Disrespected me how?" Khy asked.


I wish we ain't have to discuss this shit 'round Khy 'cause her mentality like mine, and the slightest detection of disrespect and the guns come out. She got a quick temper and hot headed as fuck so yeah talking 'bout this 'round her is unnecessary.


"It really don't matter at this point since we handled the shit so let's just move to the next matter at hand," Luke said.


"Fuck that I wanna know what-"


"A'Khyia Chanel, baby let it go. They said it's done so there's no need for you to worry about it," Queen said.


"Fine, whatever," she sighed.


"Killa we know our move wasn't the right move, but we-"


"You did what you had to do. I get that and I respect you defended the girl you love; any real nigga would've done the same. Besides I never liked Lux anyway so it is what it is, you made the drops, picked up product, and handled business like a team of leaders should, so now we talk takeover," he said.


Ever since I was young and started out in this game, Killa took me under his wing and showed me the ropes. He taught me shit about this lifestyle that not even Chi nor Luke knew; he’s always been impressed with my mentality and my hunger for money as my thirst for power in the streets. Taking over this business as the new leader of the Street Kingz and building something more legit for me and Khy would be big for us no lie.


Chi spoke knocking me from my thoughts,"Me and Pop been discussing this whole takeover, he runs 95% of Northeast Louisiana while I run the other 5%. I'm taking my 5% of the game and going to Houston to be closer to Sincere and Symphony since they both getting older. I already got a team setup ready to make moves and-"


"Where does that leave me and Legz though?" Luke asked.


"You'll take 5% of my 90%, meaning Legacy-"


"Gets the 90% making him the new leader of the Monroe Street Kingz, daddy you can't be serious right now?" Khy asked.


"A'Khyia, baby girl I'm doing this for the both of you, with Luke having so much on his plate with Miracle he'll need to be with A’Laya more than before meaning he won't be able to control such a huge portion of the game so Legacy is the only option...if he wants it," he said.


I look over at Khy and she had a worried look on her face, I hate when she gets that look 'cause it means she don't want me to do it. Queen was 'bout to speak until Khy cut her off.


"We'll be back...I need to speak with Legacy a minute," she said.


I got up and followed her to the kitchen so we could talk.


"Khy look-"


"I'm not gonna talk you out of this because I know this is something you want. I just need you to reassure me that this life won't change you and take control of you," she said.


"Khyia, I told you that I got us and I mean that. This game won't change me or control me, I promise. I just need you to trust me baby," I said.


"Legacy, I trust you but-"


"If you trust me then ain't no buts Khy. Trustin' me is knowin' deep down in yo heart that as yo man I got you, this life is to build a better future for us and the children we plan on havin' aight," I said.


"Ok, I trust you," she said.

"That's all a nigga need to hear. I love you Khy," I kissed her.


"I love you too babe, c'mon," she replied.


We walked back in livingroom and sat down with all eyes on me waiting for my answer.


"So what's it gon' be young blood?" Killa asked.


"I'm all in, so where do we go from here?” I asked.


"Your compound now becomes the central meeting place for business, once word is out dope boys will come to you for their street distributions. Gun peddlers and pimps will come your way asking about their authority on the streets and over their girls. I know you a good businessman so I expect you to have everything in order within the next month or less, depending on how you move. Business may halt or slow down as everyone becomes adjusted to this change, but I expect everything to get back on track and running smoothly as soon as possible," he said.


"Luke your position is pretty much as mine was, you'll have your own territory to control and put your team on, but you'll work directly under Legz. He'll have more leverage to call the shots, you both get the same product from the same connects, meet with the same plugs. Khy will still organize meetings for the teams, I'm bringing in Lexi and Pooh to help her with that. By the end of the week niggas gon' be at the door ready to do business," Chi said.


"We need to stay on a game in these streets having new power can bring on new enemies to go along with the old ones already may have had. Khyia, you and the girls need to be sharp as well, with you being involved with Legacy it makes you a target, which means his enemies will have it out for you as well. Although I wish you didn't choose to be apart of this life, I can't stop you from being by his side, but I’ll do what it takes to protect you whether I’m near you or far away," Killa added.


She just nods in understanding, but I could tell she was worried about this entire situation which is natural for any woman. I just want her to understand that I got this thing under control, all she gotta do is be cool and be my backbone.


After an hour or two of discussing our new positions, he ended the meeting and we all left. Khy and I made it back to our compound, and the first thing she did was run to the restroom. I heard the sounds of her throwing up as I walked in the kitchen. She's been doing this for a week now, whenever I ask what's wrong she just says that she's fine.


I heard the toilet flush so I walked up to our bedroom with a glass of warm ginger ale for her to drink. She walked out of the bathroom looking pale as she held her stomach.


"Here drink this," I handed her the glass. "You sure you ok Khy? You been throwing up like this for a week now," I said.


"Legacy I’m fine ok. It's probably just a stomach bug," she replied climbing in the bed.


I sighed heavily as I slid off my clothes and climbed in beside her. I pulled her close to me as she nestled in the crook of my neck and pulled the covers around us.


"You saying that Khy, but this might be something else," I said.


"Baby I'm fine ok. If it gets worse, I'll go see my doctor," she sighed.


"Aight, I just don't want nothing serious to be wrong and you wait til you on ya death bed to get checked," I replied making her laugh. 


"Lol, shut up stupid. Seriously baby, I'm fine, it's probably just a virus that'll be gone by morning," she said as traced the tattoos on my chest.


"What you thinkin' 'bout?" I asked.


I knew Khy almost better than I knew myself, so I knew when she had something on her mind and needed to talk.


"The day I met with my dad, he suggested that I go back to finish school, and I wanna know what you think about it," she said.


"Is that something you wanna do?" I asked.


"Honestly yea it is. I mean I was in my final year at LaTech for business management and by pursuing my degree, you can focus on the streets for now and I'll focus more on school. Killa also said it could be a way of helping us go legit and building something stable for our future children that'll be less dangerous than this street life," she replied.


Going into business for herself is something Khy has always talked about and I know she can do it. Hell she was on her way to being a district manager at Forever 21 before she quit for the street life. If her going back to school keeps her outta harms way in these streets, then a nigga all for that.


"Whatever you wanna do baby girl just know you got my support. I'ma make sure ya tuition paid up, books paid for, whatever you need I got you. As long as you focus on ya education and let me worry bout the streets and the money, we gon' be straight," I said.


"I can do that and you just remember to never put these streets before me then we good daddy," she smirked.


"You ain't gotta worry bout that ma 'cause if it ever comes down to it I'll leave these streets before I lose you, that's a promise to God," I replied kissing her.


Letting these streets come before my love for A'Khyia is something I can't do, I don't give a fuck how much power’s up for grabs, this girl mean more to me than all'at.


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