The Symbolon (6 page)

Read The Symbolon Online

Authors: Delia Colvin

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: The Symbolon
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“Beautiful, go ahead and take a nap. I’m going to check on
some details. After you wake up, I have plans for us downstairs.”

It was torture, but Valeria laid back and found
herself immediately falling into a deep sleep.


When she awoke, the room was lit by the afternoon sun casting brilliant beams of color against the walls and ceiling. She went into the bathroom and everything had been unpacked. She brushed her teeth and her hair and touched up her mascara and lip gloss before going downstairs. Noticing the height of the room from the ground floor, Valeria thought, yes, this room would provide the privacy that they would want on their wedding night! She felt an intense warmth move through her.

Downstairs, most of the lights in the house were out. A flash of light caught her eye from the window leading to the patio. She saw Alex holding a glass with ice and a golden liquid…scotch on the rocks. When she stepped outside, he didn’t seem to even see her. His mind was a million miles away and he was staring out to sea with an ominous expression; something was troubling him and her heart ached for him.

“Are you okay?” she whispered.

His eyes flicked to hers as he drew a deep breath, coming
back to this world. “Oh! Beautiful! Yes. I’m glad you were able to sleep.” He sounded weary.

She curled onto his lap and his arms went around her.

“Tell me what’s going on,” she said softly.

He tried to smile for a moment and then gulped
. “You cannot imagine how long I have dreamed of this.”

Knowing she needed to lighten his mood
, she changed the subject. “So, it looks like we’ll be married there?” She pointed to the arbor.

Alex smiled and closed his eyes. “Yes, overlooking the Ionian Sea.” He breathed out with relief.

“And tell me about the plans for our…our honeymoon,” she whispered, kissing his temple.

He drew another deep, cleansing breath
. “I thought we would spend our wedding night here and then head off the next day for our honeymoon.”
Oh, she did love that word!

“And can I know where we’re going on our honeymoon?” She kissed his cheek as her hand stroked his chest.

“Well, I have several places that I want to take you.” He smiled nervously, distracted by her touch. “But I thought we would start off with someplace very special to me; someplace very…private.”

She unbuttoned his shirt and kissed the side of his mouth
. “And how long do I get you…privately?” she asked, lowering her voice to a seductive whisper.

Alex’s mouth curled up as his eyes closed, pushing back the nightmares
. “As long as you want!”

“Two weeks?
A month?” He pulled back and shrugged as his arms closed around her.

“If that’s what you want!” He bit his lip tentatively, and swallowed. “I was kind of hoping you would want to be alone a bit longer than that.”

Her eyes softened. “You know I could
live forever
in a world with just you and me!” She kissed him lightly. “I missed you,” she whispered. “Please don’t sleep away from me tonight.”

“I don’t know.” Alex closed his eyes, torn.

She kissed him on the mouth this time and, although she had avoided touching him in a way that might start things that he wished to finish on their wedding night, something in her had waited long enough. She ran her hand down his chiseled chest, circling her fingers around the bit of hair over his heart and his breath caught. She kissed his neck as she brushed her fingers over his stomach and felt his instant shudder. He gently reached for her hand and moved it to his lips, and gulped again.

Pulling back to look into his eyes she pleaded, “Please, stay with me.” She didn’t know why, but she suddenly felt so vulnerable like everything was about to fall apart. Perhaps that was normal for a bride.

He noticed her apprehension and stroked her face. “What is it, beautiful?”

She needed closeness
. “Come with me.”

“I was going to grill some snapper and asparagus for us tonight.”

“I’m not hungry for that…come with me.” Alex reluctantly nodded. She rose and walked up the stairs and he followed. The bedroom was lit with shafts of sunlight, becoming more intense as the sun began its journey to the horizon, creating a mystical mood.

“I…I have something for you,” she said shyly. She went to her bag and pulled out a box. “I know there will be a lot going on for the next few days. I want you to have it now.”

Alex looked surprised and then took the gift. He opened it. It was a Zanetti custom watch with imbedded mother of pearl, a bronze engraving of the triquetra—the symbol of their love—and a tiny engraving with gold inlay.

“What is that…is that writing?” He glanced down and then back up at her in surprise.

“It’s the saying…from the night of our engagement,” she said as she cleared her throat. “It says, ‘There’s this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo.’” She lovingly brushed the side of his face and looked into his eyes. “It’s the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me.”

He looked at her clearly moved that she had remembered the Gretchen Kemp poem that he had shared with her on the night of their engagement.

“Turn it over,” she said.

Flipping it, he read, “Two hearts now whole. I love you, Your Symbolon

Alex’s face was lit with so much emotion that it overwhelmed Valeria.

With his voice almost a whisper, he said, “It’s…beautiful!”

“Do you like it?”

He gave a short, emotion-filled laugh. “Oh, Val! I’ve never…it’s the most precious gift I’ve ever received,” he choked, “next to you.”

She kissed his neck as a tear rolled down her face
. “Do you know what you’ve meant to me?” She stroked his face. “It’s like you put the color into my life. You’ve made everything so bright and beautiful.”

Alex kept a tight grip on his emotions, as he held her close, unable to speak.
Almost as a cry, he whispered into her neck, “I love you.”

They sat there holding each other for some time
; finally, Valeria pulled around to look in his face. “Will you tell me what’s wrong?”

He shook his head
. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m marrying you in a few days. How could anything in the world be wrong?” But his voice bore none of the happiness from earlier that day.

Those old insecurities crept their way insidiously into her head and she began mindlessly tracing the mark on his hand that reminded her that they were meant for each other. Still, she needed to hear it. “You still want to marry me, don’t you?”
her voice cracked. “I mean, if you didn’t, you would tell me, wouldn’t you?”

“Of course!”
He let out a small laugh. But she knew something was going on.

Sitting straight up, she asked again, “Please tell me what has upset you?”

He shook his head, “Nothing, beautiful. You’ve misread my mood.” But she noticed that his voice sounded strange.

She was certain that there was something going on and
, for some reason, he wasn’t willing to talk to her about it. First he had decided that he was going to sleep in another room. Then, when they were about to finally make love for the first time, she felt something in him—something sad and serious—like he had changed his mind and didn’t know how to tell her. Why the sudden moodiness? Maybe he really didn’t want this. After all, if he really wanted to be married to her, he would have gone down to the Justice of the Peace as soon as she was released from the hospital and they would be married now. They would be sharing this room tonight! Tears formed at the edges of her eyes.

what is going on in that head of yours?”
He turned the tables on her. It was time for someone to speak up.

“I guess I’m
just wondering,” she gulped, “Alex, are you attracted to me?”

He let out a short, uncomfortable chuckle
. “Why would you ask me something like that?”

Valeria bit her lip. She had started this conversation
, and now was the time to have it—not after they were married! “Well, because…” She drew a deep breath, and said, “Weege told me about a guy whom she dated…and he…well, he wasn’t interested in her, but didn’t want to tell her. Turns out he was in love with someone else but needed someplace to stay.” Valeria reddened and looked down. “She said that she realized that any normal guy would…” She stopped, mortified to be having this conversation.

“I…see.” There was a slight flinch in Alex
’s smile. “I guess the answer is that I’m just not normal.”

She laughed, with a hint of apprehension
. “No. You are most definitely not a normal guy.” She looked down, embarrassed, and began to trace his mark. She stopped and laced her fingers into his. His fingers tightened around hers.

“I guess being immortal kind of sets me aside from the definition of normal
,” he said, trying to hide his hurt feelings.

Seeing the result of her comment, she took his face in her hands. “Alex…there is so much more than your immortality that sets you apart. You are the most extraordinary man I’ve ever met! I just want to make sure you…well…that you really are…how do I say this…attracted to me.”

His eyes narrowed and he pursed his lips and then, with a slight nod, he said, “What else? There’s something else!”

How did he know that
Yes, there was something else. She looked down. “All right…well, Daphne let some things slip…some things about you and…Kristiana…and your…” Alex raised his eyebrows, waiting for the rest of it. Valeria swallowed. “Well, your physical relationship.”

There, she had said at least part of it. She glanced up briefly to catch his eyes narrow and the slow turn of his head in disapproval. He released a deep sigh and she could see his embarrassment. But now that it was out, she might as well finish her concern.

“Well, it’s just that...Daphne said that you made love to Kristiana before you were….” She glanced down, horrified. He didn’t speak. She swallowed, but forced herself to continue, “…before you were married. I guess I’m wondering if that’s true.”

seemed stunned. “You had a discussion with Daphne about….” He shook his head again. Then he saw her expression. Valeria was crushed by his disapproval! She felt as if he was accusing her of snooping into his relationship with Kristiana when, in fact, Daphne had offered it. Valeria had not shared anything about her sexual relationship—or lack of it—with anyone! In fact, she was certain that the family was leaving them alone tonight because they assumed that they had already consummated their relationship.

Val, what happened with Kristiana was due to loneliness. It was because I was so lonely and I believed that you were gone, forever. That's all. But I don’t believe that it’s appropriate to discuss certain things. One of them would be my sex life with Kristiana.” He paused. "Do you understand?”

She did. Alex was always the consummate gentleman; it wasn’t in his nature to kiss and tell. Still
, a part of her just felt like he had told her that it was none of her business. She knew that wasn’t the case, but she wanted to be able to talk about anything with him. And to her, all evidence pointed to the fact that he had physically desired Kristiana and yet was completely capable of abstaining from her.

Seeing her expression
, he pulled her into him. “Let me just tell you that if you
decided didn't want to wait....” He thought for a moment. “I just don’t think you understand how vulnerable I am with you.” He took a deep breath and then swallowed.

“I wanted to make love to you the night before my birthday—the night that you proposed,” she said woodenly.

“Yes. That night was a different situation. I hope you understand. I felt that if I was weak and made love to you that night that it might change the outcome of…that whole situation. I couldn’t risk your life…for one night. No matter how much I wanted you. And, trust me, I most definitely want you!”

“But, why
is it that you affect me so much and it…well, it just doesn’t seem like talking about our honeymoon effects you at all. You just smile that…that incredibly sexy smile of yours.”

“Sexy, huh?”
His eyes lit in mild amusement. She nodded and he lowered his brows for a moment. “And what is it that you imagine is behind that smile?”

“You are just very calm, cool
, and collected.”

He let out a chuckle and his eyes widened
. “Not even close!” He thought for a moment and the corners of his mouth turned up. “You may as well know.” He bit his lip and his eyes narrowed. “I’m wondering...where we could disappear…”

“Disappear?” she asked, incredulously.

His face reddened. “So that I can…have my wicked ways with you!” Despite the fact that she couldn’t believe it, she saw Alex’s embarrassment at his confession and her whole body responded with a mass of electricity.

“No…really?” She wanted to believe him, but her insecurity told her it was easy for him and difficult for her.

Alex gulped. “In the speed boat, and then there was that convenient alley off from the restaurant…in the dress shop, I wondered how much I should tip them to leave for an hour.” He paused, narrowing his eyes. “And then there was the decision, in the hanger or on the plane? Trust me, beautiful, I am no saint!” Her face flushed three shades of purple with this revelation.

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