Thursday (Timeless Series #4) (24 page)

BOOK: Thursday (Timeless Series #4)
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Axel wiggled his eyebrows. “Apparently, I’m really charming.”

Francesca turned the page of the book she was reading. “Are they deaf and blind?”

“Shut the hell up.” Axel kicked her under the table.

Francesca pulled her feet away before she could get hurt. “Well, I’m glad you had a great time. Now all you have to do is plan the wedding and live happily ever after.” She flipped the page again.

Axel almost choked on the beer he was drinking. He coughed then slammed his hand hard against his chest. He had a cough attack right in the kitchen and struggled to breathe.

“Damn…are you okay?” Francesca watched him with both eyebrows raised.

Axel kept coughing until his throat was cleared up. By that time the beer had been knocked over and made a mess all over the table and the floor. “Sorry…went down the wrong tube.” He grabbed a roll of paper towels and cleaned up the mess.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He tossed everything in the garbage then eyed the time. “I should get going. I have to finish a portfolio I’ve neglected.” He gave me a quick peck before he walked to the door.

He wasn’t going to pester me about spending the night? Or try to sleep over? “Okay…”

“See ya.” He walked out and shut the door.

Francesca shook her head. “That dude gets weirder and weirder…”



Her parents were nice and the evening went well. I was terrified of doing a family dinner because Marie and I weren’t that serious yet. But it seemed important to her and I didn’t want to let her down. Anytime she was upset, I felt like shit. All I wanted was for her to be happy, so I did whatever she asked.

But that marriage comment nearly gave me a heart attack.

Francesca was joking, at least I think she was. But it still freaked me out. Parents, marriage, and kids…I wasn’t ready for it. I was so far away from being ready for it that I didn’t even think about it.

What Marie and I had was perfect. I loved being with her and couldn’t get enough of her. Monogamy was still new to me and I was enjoying it with her. Just the fact I was with only one woman was a huge step for me. It wasn’t difficult because I cared so much about her. When I wasn’t with her I was uneasy. But that’s all—for now.

Marie was in the same place, wasn’t she? It didn’t seem like she even wanted to be at that dinner. Her mother pressured her into it, and I understood why. Her parents swooped down on me and gave me their undivided attention. They were nice about it so I didn’t mind. But Marie seemed bored during the entire conversation.

Now that I thought about it, she was definitely in the same place.

There was no need to freak out or have a serious conversation about it. Everything was exactly the same as it used to be. Neither one of us had a care in the world. Francesca was finally doing better so we were finally able to do what we wanted and when we wanted.

I kept my distance for a few days to recover from that dinner. I had a lot of work to do at the office, and we had a big client that just signed on with us. My internship was coming to an end and I wanted to go out with a bang. I already had a few resumes to submit to investment agencies in the city, thanks to Hawke. He knew who was looking for new talent and who wasn’t. That would definitely give me an edge.

After a few days of space, I got over the dinner and the comment Francesca made. I missed her too much to stay away. My apartment began to feel like a small island far out to sea, and I never felt so lonely.

I texted her.
I miss you.

Her message popped up immediately.
I miss you too.

I didn’t explain why I hadn’t been around much. Maybe she noticed. Maybe she didn’t.
Can I come over?

How about I go over there instead?

That was even better.

I’ll be there soon.


She walked inside with her overnight bag hanging on her shoulder. “Hey.”

“Hey.” I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her. The second my mouth was on hers I realized how much I missed those lips. They were soft like honey, and just as sweet. No other woman made me light up like this, like someone plugged in a string of lights that happened to be wrapped around my body like a Christmas tree.

I pulled her bag off and shouldered it before I pulled her into my bedroom. “What have you been doing?”

“I had a term paper I totally forgot about. I even called in sick to work to finish it.”

“You should have had Francesca help you.”

“She did, actually.” She undressed and kicked her shoes aside. “Even then, I barely got it done in time.”

So, she was too busy to notice my distance. That worked out in my favor. “All that matters is you got it done.”

“I can’t wait until I’m done with school.” She pulled back the covers and got inside. “I just want to work, do what I love.”

“I know what you mean.” I got into bed beside her and cuddled with her. I missed sex but I missed this more. Just holding her gave me a sense of satisfaction. I loved it when her hair grazed my shoulder, and I loved it when she released beautiful sighs as she fell asleep. All the little details never escaped my notice. Now that I had her in my arms again I never wanted to let go. I shouldn’t have freaked out over the dinner with her parents, and I shouldn’t have cared when Francesca made that comment. None of it mattered anyway.

Only this did.


Marie wore skin-tight jeans and a black tube top. She always looked good in black. Her petite shoulders were rounded and chiseled, and her stomach was flat with a slight amount of definition from her abs. Marie had the perfect body, the perfect face, the perfect everything.

And she was mine.

The four of us sat together at the bar while the loud music played overhead. Our drinks sat in front of us, most of them empty. It was weird going on double dates with my sister. Even when she was with Hawke that never happened.

Francesca and Cameron seemed to get along better now. Francesca wasn’t so tense and awkward. She made jokes from time-to-time, being herself. Cameron was warming up to her. I could tell he liked her more as time passed.

Marie moved her hand to my thigh under the table. “They’re cute, huh?”


She nodded to Cameron and Francesca, who were holding hands on top of the table.

I shrugged. “I guess.” I didn’t pay attention to that sort of thing. I was just glad Francesca was seeing other men and moving on from Hawke. It seemed like Hawke still loved her but he was sleeping around again. Francesca shouldn’t waste anytime hoping he would come back.

“I think they’re cute.” She leaned into me and kissed me on the lips.

Like always, my body grew hot. Any time we were physical together it always led to home plate. She turned me on like no other woman ever had. I’d had sex with her dozens of times, maybe even a hundred, but I still wasn’t tired of it. I didn’t crave something new with a different woman.

I only craved her.

“Be careful.” I pulled away and broke our kiss. “Otherwise, we’re going to barricade ourselves in the bathroom stall.”

“I’m kinky but not that kinky.”

“If you gave it a try you might actually like it.” The possibility of getting caught always made it hotter.

“I’d rather wait until we’re in bed. We can take our time and really feel each other. I can savor every stroke you give me and every kiss you press to my skin. And I can scream as loud as I want.”

My dick hardened in a nanosecond.

Marie smiled before her hand glided up my thigh. She reached the bulge in my jeans and gave me a squeeze.

“Can we go home now?” I blurted.

She chuckled then pulled her hand away.

Now all I could think about was Marie underneath me, enjoying everything I did to her. She was so good in bed. I loved giving it to her good.

Cameron pulled Francesca onto the dance floor. They moved together, laughing and having a good time. The fact Francesca was moving at all, especially in front of people, was a miracle.

Marie turned back to me. “I’m so glad—”

I sealed my mouth over hers and kissed her hard. All I wanted to do was suck her lips until they were raw. I wanted to feel her small tongue dance with mine. My body yearned for her in a desperate way. She was the most beautiful woman in the room tonight. Actually, she was the most beautiful woman in every room.

Marie turned her mouth away. “That’s a little too affectionate for the public.”

“Then let’s go in the hallway by the bathrooms.” This double date was stupid anyway. Cameron was a nice guy but he was boring. And I saw Francesca all the time. The only person I wanted to be with was Marie—and that involved a lot of kissing.


“Come on.” I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me. We moved through the crowd until we entered the deserted corridor that led to the bathrooms and the back of the bar. I pressed her back to the wall then kissed her again, my chest against hers. One hand fisted her hair and I kissed her the way I wanted, not caring if anyone walked by and saw it. She was the best kisser I’ve ever had, and while she satisfied me I always wanted more.

“They’re going to wonder where we went…”

“Who cares.” I kissed her neck and felt her up discreetly. We could just go home and hit the sheets but I loved kissing her. Somehow, it was my favorite thing to do. I loved feeling her pant into my mouth with deep breaths. I loved it when her fingers cut into me.

I loved every moment.


We carpooled together so we ended the night at Marie’s place. To our surprise, Francesca invited Cameron inside. But instead of going into the bedroom they sat on the couch and watched TV.

Marie and I could head back to my place but that would take too long. We’d have to drive and waste precious time. Besides, I wasn’t sure if I should leave Francesca alone with this guy. She might rush into something she wasn’t ready for. I decided to stick around and headed into the bedroom with Marie.

“Maybe we should just go to your place.”

I grabbed her shirt and yanked it off. “It’ll be fine.”

“But it’s—”

“We’ll be fine.” I gave her a kiss before I undid her jeans and pulled them off. When she was just in her panties I picked her up and carried her to the bed. Spending the evening making out and feeling her up got me harder than a nail. I wanted to make love to her slowly, to taste every inch of her and to fall deep into a different reality.

She slowly undressed me while she lay underneath me, kissing me and keeping her legs tight around my waist. She pulled my shirt off then felt the muscles of my chest and stomach. Then she moved for my jeans and boxers, pulling them off until my dick popped out.

My dick was so hard it actually hurt.

I kept my eyes glued to hers as I inserted myself. I loved watching her reaction to me. It was always sexy as hell. Her nipples always hardened and she released the sexiest noises. Her lips formed an O before she bit her bottom lip, loving every inch of me as it stretched her open.

The slickness of her pussy was too good to be described. I loved feeling her like this, noting the warmth and the sensation. And I loved the fact I was the only man who’d been inside her like this. Everyone else had to wear a condom—but not me.

I was special.

I inserted myself completely inside her then paused, letting the sensations wash over me. Her legs were over my shoulders and she was pinned underneath me, entirely mine to enjoy. Her tits were voluptuous and round, and every time I moved they shook.

“You’re beautiful.” The words flew out of my mouth without any further thought. The second I thought it, I said it. She really was the most beautiful woman I’d ever been with. She made everyone else look like a troll. And she was beautiful on the inside as well as the outside.


Despite my built up sexual need I took it slow. My hips rocked gently into her, giving it to her slow. We hadn’t fucked in a long time but I didn’t miss it. I loved it when we made love like this, taking it slow so we both could experience every touch.

I paid attention to the way she breathed. It was deep and raspy, full of pants of desire. I noticed the way her green eyes darkened based on her arousal. Instead of looking at my chest or stomach she looked into my eyes.

I loved that.

I always looked into her eyes, wanting to be connected in the most intimate way possible. Eye contact was always awkward during sex and I avoided it as much as possible. My eyes were usually glued to the ass or the rack. But with Marie I always looked into her eyes. She was too beautiful not to.

My hand dug into her hair like it usually did. My fingers always fisted the strands like an anchor. Long hair was sexy on a girl but I didn’t touch it as much as I touched Marie’s. My fingers were always getting tangled in it, clamping onto it like l owned it as well as her. My hold was so strong she couldn’t leave even if she wanted to.

She was mine.

I pulled one leg down and pivoted my body further over her, deepening the angle and getting an extra moan to come from her lips. Instead of coming like I wanted to I held on because I wanted her to finish first. Whenever we were together that was my main focus. With other women I didn’t really care. If she came, great. If she didn’t, I didn’t lose any sleep over it. But with Marie it was different. I gave her the best customer service because I wanted her to keep coming back—and not go anywhere else.

Her hands glided up my chest, her nails scratching the skin. She grinded against me from underneath, taking me in over and over. Then her hands moved to my ass where they gripped me tightly, tugging me further into her. She panted louder, loving everything I was giving her.

I got lost in the moment and didn’t think about anything else. All I paid attention to were the sounds we made together and the sensation of my dick sliding in and out of her. Her body was wrapped around mine so I could get as much access as possible. We desperately clung to each other, needing to give pleasure as much as receive it.

Her hands glided up my chest until they moved passed my neck and face. They dug into my hair and fingered the strands, her pants becoming louder and sexier. She held my gaze then brought my forehead to hers.

I felt more than just pleasure in that moment. I felt a connection that was surreal and unbelievable. I’d never felt my mind sync with someone else’s so well. I gave everything I had to this woman, and I wished I’d done it sooner. What if we got together long before? We would have had so much more time together. We would have made love a thousand times by now and we still wouldn’t be tired of it.

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