Tidal Wave: How Women Changed America at Century's End (54 page)

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Authors: Sara M. Evans

Tags: #Feminism, #2nd wave, #Women

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Petchesky, Rosalind, 167
Peters, Ellen, 20
Peterson, Elly, 72
Piercy, Day, 56, 85-86, 90, 110
Piercy, Marge, 105
Planned Parenthood, 196
Pogrebin, Letty Cottin, 93
Political correctness, 9, 190, 219-20
Politico-feminist split, 29, 107, 121, 158
Electoral politics; Personal politics
“Politics of Housework, The” (Mainardi), 54
Popkin, Anne, 55
Pornography, 203-4
Powell, Betty, 119
Power feminism, 231
Powers Department Store, 57
Preisand, Sally, 84
Presbyterian Church, 218
President’s Commission on the Status of Women, 53-54, 64, 89
Princeton University, 94, 200, 222
Project for Equal Education Rights (PEER), 181
Puerto Rican feminists, 74, 78-79, 81
Quayle, Dan, 228
Quayle, Marilyn, 228
Queer Nation, 208, 217
Quest: A Feminist Quarterly, 148, 164
Quindlen, Anna, 229
Quinn, Sally, 220
Race, 13, 32-38, 76-81, 100, 115-19, 138-39, 140-42, 175, 205-7, 233.
See also
specific racial and ethnic groups
cultural feminism and, 152-53, 156-57
NOW and, 110, 116
NWPC and, 72, 74, 76, 116
NWSA and, 222-24
politics and, 135-36
socialist feminism and, 163-64, 166-67
Third Wave feminism and, 230
“whiteness” of movement and, 32, 33, 35-36, 175
Race (continued)
women’s studies programs and, 170-71
Radicalesbians, 51-52, 102-4, 120
Radical feminists, 26-33, 42, 45-46, 72, 74, 93, 98, 102, 105, 106-8, 114, 119-21, 126, 141, 142-71, 178, 260n22, 263n57.
See also
Cultural feminism; Socialist feminism
Radio talk shows, 7, 58, 59, 229, 250-51n121
Rainwater, Lee, 13
Rape, 2, 46, 49, 53, 134, 143, 155, 222, 234
Rape crisis centers, 130, 155, 188
Rape crisis feminism, 222
Rape crisis hot lines, 45, 49
Rawalt, Marguerite, 64, 69
Reagan, Ronald, 7, 175, 176-77, 178, 179, 180, 181, 190, 194, 197, 215, 229
Reagon, Bernice Johnson, 153, 206
Redstockings, 30, 31, 46, 52, 107, 108, 109, 167, 260n27, 261n31
Register, Cheri, 56-57, 58
Re-Imagining, 218-19, 231
Religion, 40, 84-85, 130-32, 140, 154, 191, 195-97, 211, 218-19, 265n7
Reproductive rights, 167, 222
Republican conventions, 72, 228
Republican Party, 7, 74, 172, 176-77, 180, 181, 182, 187, 228, 229
Reuss, Natalie, 152
Reuther, Rosemary Radford, 196, 208
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), 238
Revolutionary Union, 163
Rhode, Deborah, 235
Rich, Adrienne, 146-47, 149-50
Richards, Ann, 200
Ride, Sally K., 193
Riggs, Bobby, 96-97, 98
Right, 112, 140, 171, 204, 212, 213.
See also
New Right
“Rights of Passage” (Morgan), 108
Riot Grrrls, 216-17
Rivera, Iris, 88
Roberts, Barbara, 200
Roberts, Sylvia, 64-65
Roe v. Wade
, 47, 112, 113, 136, 182, 214
Roiphe, Katie, 222, 231
Rosen, Ruth, 109
Rosenfeldt, Deborah, 165, 168-69
Rosenfeld v. Southern Pacific Co., 251n7
Rossi, Alice, 95
Rothchild, Nina, 194
Rothstein, Vivian, 125
Ruckelshaus, Jill, 72
Ruddick, Sara, 20
Russell, Valerie, 37
Rutgers University, 134, 214
Sagaris Institute, 109, 148, 260n27
Sanchez, Eliza, 79
Sanders, Beulah, 72, 75
San Diego State University, 94
San Diego Women’s Union, 162
Sandler, Bernice, 68, 69, 83
San Francisco State University, 168
San Francisco Women’s Union, 162
Sappho Was a Right-on Woman
(Abbott and Love), 122
Sarachild, Kathie, 28, 30, 106
Sarah Lawrence College, 94, 205
, 216
Sauvigne, Karen, 134
Savvy, 186
Schakowsky, Jan, 38-39
Schisms, 98-127.
See also
Schlafley, Phyllis, 6-7, 113, 142, 171, 174, 180, 230
Schwartz, Amy E., 188
Schwartz, Felice M., 184
Schwarz, Karch, 196
Scott, Ann, 86
Scott, Anne Firor, 14, 95
Scott, Barbara, 223
Scott Foresman, 91
Sears, 87
Second Congress to Unite Women, 51
Second Sex, The
(Beauvoir), 94
Second Wave feminism, 1, 5, 8, 21-23, 62, 89, 93, 97, 98, 109, 119, 126, 131, 230, 231, 240n13, 241n15
Secret Storm
(journal), 160
Seminars for Women Executives in the Federal Government, 82
Senate races, 226, 227-28
Separatism, 27, 105.
See also
Schisms black, 27, 144
cultural feminism, 143, 144, 147, 150, 153, 157
lesbian feminism, 99, 102-4, 122-23, 147, 159, 162, 207
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) District 925, 89, 167
Sewell, Sandy Serrano, 141
Sex Roles Committee, 35
Sexual harassment, 1, 87, 134, 189, 195, 225-26, 234
Sexual Politics
(Millett), 96, 107
Sex wars, 204
Shakur, Assata, 166
Shreve, Anita, 54
Single mothers, 176, 228, 234
(journal), 31
Sisterhood Is Powerful (Morgan, ed.), 107, 108, 240n12
Sloan, Margaret, 78, 80, 119
Smeal, Eleanor, 38, 110, 172, 196
Smith, Barbara, 117-18, 119, 166, 206
Socialist feminism, 8, 29, 45, 114, 121, 142-13, 158-68, 206, 233, 272-73n99
Socialist Workers’ Party, 101, 114, 163, 262n43
Sommers, Christina Hoff, 220-21, 286-87n45
Sorrentino, Mary Ann, 196
Southern Bell Telephone Company, 64-65
Southwest Feminist Festival/Retreat, 151
Soviet Union, 213
Specter, Arien, 226
Stacey, Judy, 165
Stallone, Sylvester, 186
Stanford Law School, 84, 132
Starhawk, 209
State Employees Pay Equity Act (Minnesota), 194
Stegall, Lael, 75-76, 132, 197
Steinem, Gloria, 39, 47, 53, 61, 71, 72, 73, 80, 92, 93, 109, 141, 174, 196, 260n27, 261n31
Sterilization, forced, 167
Stewardesses, 41
Stille, Darlene, 87-88
STOP ERA, 113, 140
Streisand, Barbra, 185
Strikes, 40-41, 79, 137
Structurelessness, 38-39, 45-46, 123-25, 224
Student movements, 22, 23-24, 98, 114, 123
Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 16, 23, 36, 116, 123
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 16, 23, 29, 105, 113, 123
Suffrage movement, 2, 5, 6, 38, 41, 65, 70, 232.
See also
Summer Camp Bra-Burn, 43
Supreme Court, U.S., 20, 190, 214, 225, 234.
See also
specific cases
Susan B. Anthony Coven, 154
Sweet Honey in the Rock, 153, 207
Swerdlow, Amy, 164, 165, 205
Syfer, Judy, 93
Take Back the Night demonstrations, 207
Task Force on Women’s Rights and Responsibilities, 66, 72
Taub, Nadine, 134
Tax, Meredith, 48-19
Therapeutic orientation, 125-26, 150, 154
Third Wave Agenda
(anthology), 215
Third Wave feminism, 215, 230-32
Third World feminism, 77, 152-53, 167, 169, 170, 207
This Bridge Called My Back
(anthology), 206
Thomas, Clarence, 9, 217, 225-26
Tide VII of the Civil Rights Act, 25, 63, 64, 87, 133, 134, 138
Title IX of the Higher Education Act, 43, 67, 113, 134-35, 138-39, 179, 188, 192-93, 267n29
To Be Real
(anthology), 215
Tobias, Sheila, 94-95
Tomlin, Lily, 88
Tooth and Nail
(journal), 31
Totenberg, Nina, 225
“Toward a Female Liberation Movement” (Jones and Brown), 105
Treiman, Donald, 138
Tribe Called Quest, A (rap group), 217
Trimburger, Kay, 165
Tse, Mariko, 141
Turbin, Carol, 164
Twin Cities Female Liberation, 56, 57, 123
Union of Radical Political Economists (URPE), 164
Unions, 1, 64, 89-90, 137, 161, 194.
See also
specific unions
United Auto Workers (UAW), 25, 64, 65, 68, 72, 89, 90, 111
United Nations, 139, 213, 214, 237
United Way, 197
University Christian Movement, 23
University of Alabama, 191
University of California, Berkeley, 34, 37
University of Florida, 129
University of Illinois, 187
University of Maryland, 83
University of Michigan, 220
University of Minnesota, 214
University of New Mexico, 34
University of North Carolina, 12, 14-15, 85
University of Richmond, 188
University of San Francisco, 168
Unsoeld, Jolene, 200
Up from Under
(journal), 31
Vagina Monologues, The
(Ensler), 222
Vassar College, 190
Vaughan, Sharon, 156-57
Victimization, 125, 221-22, 223, 231
Vietnam War, 23, 65, 98, 111, 112, 113-14, 132, 188
Violence against women, 48-19, 130, 192, 197, 222, 237
Virago, 157
Virginia Military Institute (VMI), 230
Vivo, Paquita, 135-36
Voice of the Women’s Liberation Front, The
(journal), 31
Voice of the Women’s Liberation Movement
(journal), 31
Voting, 1, 40, 62, 70-71, 230, 235.
See also
Electoral politics; Suffrage movement
Wage discrimination, 19, 136-38.
See also
Comparable worth
Walker, Alice, 77-78, 119, 170, 231
Walker, Rebecca, 231
Ware, Cellestine, 93
Watergate scandal, 112, 188, 227
Waters, Maxine, 141, 200
Weathermen, 113, 120, 123
Webb, Marilyn, 99
Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
, 214
Weddington, Sarah, 47, 112, 136

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