Tolstoy (92 page)

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1. Tolstoy as a newly promoted ensign, 1854.

2. Tolstoy with his brother Nikolay, 1851.

3. Sergey, Nikolay, Dmitry and Lev Tolstoy, February 1854.

4. The writers associated with the journal
The Contemporary,
St Petersburg, 1856. From left to right: Goncharov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Grigorovich, Druzhinin and Ostrovsky.

5. Tolstoy in Brussels, 1861.

6. Alexandra Andreyevna Tolstaya (Alexandrine), 1860s.

7. Sofya (Sonya) Tolstaya and her younger sister Tatyana (Tanya) Bers, 1861.

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