Twilight's Eternal Embrace (2 page)

Read Twilight's Eternal Embrace Online

Authors: Karen Michelle Nutt

BOOK: Twilight's Eternal Embrace
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He spoke the truth. Worry shadowed his eyes. Then she understood. It was not magic, but her body responding to him in a way she had not thought possible. She found him desirable.
She stumbled back to get away from him and almost fell, but he was quick, lightning quick as he came to her rescue. She thought meeting his gaze was unsettling, but his touch proved more wicked than casual glances. His hands came to rest on her waist, his touch burning through her shirt with raw heat.
t look at him. Don
t meet his eyes.

Damn her curiosity. Her eyes opened and she met his gaze. His eyes smoldered with desire, mirroring her own. He pulled her closer. There was no mistaking the hungry sensual growl in the back of his throat as he pressed his lips to hers. He didn
t ravage, but took his time, savoring, tasting…seducing. She groaned beneath his tender assault before her brain registered what she was doing. Fear mixed with passion made her heart thump wildly.

pushed at his chest, but he held her tight. She had to stop this before it was too late, before she
no longer
her enemy kissed her. Her dagger hand sliced through his shirtsleeve, hitting flesh. He let her go with a startled curse, but it was all she needed. She fled, her feet moving with sure strides as she made her way into the forest. She knew he could follow her, make her pay for drawing his blood, but he didn
t pursue her.

Her feet didn
t stop until she reached the safety of her village. Coomkeen lay calm and peaceful as the people slept.
you should be doing also instead of kissing a bloodsucker.
Her fingers lightly touched her lips, still tender from the
Blue-eyed Devil
caress. She hated him for what he was, but her body didn
t seem to care. With a touch of his lips, he awakened the woman in her. She didn
t scare easily, but this frightened her. He had not used glamour
and yet
he still held a power to make her knees weak.

She turned, glancing toward the dark forest. The hairs on her arms stood up and she felt a tingle down her back. Had the
Blue-eyed Devil
followed her after all? The leaves rustled in the wind, but no one emerged from the shadows.

Chapter Two

stared at
his forearm
in disbelief
. It wasn
t a deep wound, but it had drawn blood.
The offense should have
ed him
but instead
her re
to his kiss intrigued him.

He looked toward the path t
he female Lathe Sith
had taken in flight.
ventured into his village armed with a dagger. He wanted to know why. He would have asked her, but he lost himself in her arms before the words could leave his lips.

His acute hearing picked up her footfalls, frantic in their attempt to escape. He took off after her
a safe distance between them so not to frighten her further. He knew she enjoyed his touch. Her heart had sped up and her fresh scent of wild flowers and sunshine had changed, becoming more potent as she became aroused, but then something spooked her. He could leave it as an untried youth, but his own reaction plagued him. Never had he felt such an attraction. Then again, his clan had very few women available and he could not ga
ge his reaction as odd or not. The elders warned them they were not to mingle with the females of the Lathe Sith clan. It was forbidden until the blooding ritual. The elders from both clans would choose the female for the next warrior in line for the ritual. His time would be next year.

The Lathe Sith
s bodies were fragile compared to them, but their blood was compelling, a life source they needed to complete the change to manhood. His kind could live centuries, but the clan itself was a dying breed. The Oiche Sith women were barren. The Lathe Sith females they took to their bed
, weakened before the seed could be planted.

The female he followed into the woods slowed her pace as she broke through the trees. Her village lay before her. He had no doubt she felt safe. Little did she know, if he so chose, her safety could be plucked away from her in a matter of seconds. He could move like the wind. It was tempting to teach her a lesson, that she could not outrun an Oiche Sith, but the thought of frightening her did not sit well with him.

He stood within the shadows of the trees
content to watch her. She was lovely even in the clothes she donned for her adventure—trousers and a shirt too big for her frame. Her boots were made of fur and her vest matched. She was a hunter.

The Lathe Sith turned toward him, her soft features catching the light from the moon. He knew she couldn
t see him. Her kind could not see in the dark as well as his clan could, but he was sure she sensed his presence. Her gaze sought his as her hand touched her lips. She was remembering their kiss. He was sure of it. Her pupils dilated and her breath caught in her throat.

His lips curved at the thought of that shared kiss. He hadn
t meant to ravish her in any way, but when he touched her, he felt her essence call to him. He acted before he could rein in the attraction. Now that he had a taste of her, he wanted more. He had many months before he would go through the change, but already his body ached to fulfill his needs. The
involved blood purifying, a ritual
entailed draining some of his blood to allow the Lathe Sith
s blood to flow freely through the veins.

The process was painful
or so he heard. His bones would stretch and elongate. His muscles would expand
making him a warrior worthy of his race. The change was also a sexual experience. His appetite to mate would increase.

His gaze landed on the Lathe Sith he had kissed. Her long hair of gold and deep orange stood out bright as day in the moonlit night. She was tall and sturdy with a full figure. She was of mating age and his body craved her touch. Only he was not allowed to choose. The council would make the decision and he would accept the Lathe Sith who volunteered her services.

He whirled away in frustration, his mantle flapping behind him as he strode toward home. The thought of another of his clan having the woman he kissed, angered him. It also disturbed him. The chosen female didn
t live long. The thought of the woman with the sun-colored hair wasting away as her blood was siphoned, saddened him.

He glanced at his arm. The wound she inflicted already healed. With a spirit as strong as hers, perhaps she would survive the mating. He sighed heavily, knowing it was a fantasy on his part to believe one of the Lathe Sith would survive.
But she is strong and alive now.

It was forbidden to wander into Coomkeen and befriend one of the clan. The Lathe Sith and the Oiche Sith were not friends. They did not converse unless it was at the council meetings or on the battlefield. They were clans of convenience. They both needed something and their arrangement worked for them.

The Oiche Sith took the front lines. It was part of the alliance they kept in exchange for the blood—one maiden a year. After the initial blooding into manhood, they could survive off animal blood for nourishment, but he heard the other warriors talk. They claimed the Lathe Sith
s blood was better for them, purer and
made them stronger. He knew only the alliance between the elder
s of each clan kept the peace.

Chapter Three

Adryanna worked beside her mother gathering berries for the pie she was going to bake for
a treat after
evening meal. She did not mention Fianait. It was already
as if
her sister no longer existed.

glanced at the sun, wishing it would set sooner, allowing the moon to make its appearance. She wanted to know of her sister
s fate. Her mother might prefer denial, but she wanted the truth. Did her sister live
or had the brute who took her to his bed drain
her life away?

Where does your mind drift to?
her mother asked. Nola, as her mother was named, once had hair as dark as Fianait
s, but now silver threaded through the strands like weeds in the garden.

Do you truly wish to know, Mother?
She knew the answer before her mother
turned away.

I suppose I do not. Our life is what it is, Adryanna. I wish you would not dwell on what cannot be changed.

She wanted to hate her mother, but how could she when her mother was right on her assessment. Their clan was nothing but chattel
waiting to be chosen for the slaughter. She rose to her feet and wiped her hands on her gown.

Her mother
ed at her.
Where are you going?

She lifted one brow and her mother closed her eyes. They had an unspoken agreement. Nola did not ask her daughter what she did away from the dwelling. In exchange, Adryanna would not disappoint her with the truth.

Do as you must.
Her mother
s voice sounded tired.
You always have. I wish it were you—

s blood ran cold at her mother
s confession, knowing full well what her mother had wanted to s
ay. "I wish it were I they took
too. Fianait did
deserve her fate.

Nola called to her, but Adryanna didn
t turn around.

Instead, she took to running. Her feet flew over the bramble with ease. She loved to run, loved the feel of the air on her face and the way her hair flew behind her. It was the closest she could imagine
what flying would feel like. She ran until she reached the other end of the forest and she could make out the castle of Dungannon.

No flag flew to indicate if Fianait lived or died. A red flag would mean she lived. A black flag would mean she perished.
Oh gods above, please let my sister still draw breath.

No one stirred in the village. Day was like night to them. They slept while the sun warmed the earth. Only between the two lights called
would both the Lathe Sith and the Oiche Sith walk the earth at the same time.

She plopped down on the ground and leaned against the tree trunk. The sky had darkened, the clouds hiding the sun from view. The wind blew cool, but she wasn
t cold after her run. She welcomed the cool breeze as she waited until the Oiche Sith clan awoke. Only then would she know if she should mourn her sister
s passing or rejoice she survived another day.

Her body relaxed and her eyelids closed. She wondered where the
Blue-eyed Devil
slept. Did he reside in the castle or in one of the surrounding dwellings?

The scent of the oaks and elm tickled her nostrils along with…another scent, earthy and rich with spices. A scent she had not encountered until...

Her eyes flew open and she stared into the
Blue-eyed Devil

Chapter Four

Bram had not thought to see the L
the Sith he kissed last night again, but here she sat beneath the trees as if she were a sprite relishing the feel of the earth. She was more beautiful than he remembered. Her hair hung in loose curls over her shoulder, the color rich and warm. He was sure if he touched the silken strands his finger
would burn, they resembled the sun
s rays so closely. She wore a tunic and shirt of light violet with a spiral motif at her waistband with gold thread and decorated with amethyst stones. He much preferred this attire to the braccae she donned last night, though the woolen trouser showed more of her female shape.

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