Twilight's Eternal Embrace (3 page)

Read Twilight's Eternal Embrace Online

Authors: Karen Michelle Nutt

BOOK: Twilight's Eternal Embrace
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Her eyelids fluttered closed and her head lowered
. Did she not learn her lesson last night
that it was not safe for her to dwell so close to Dungannon
, let alone sleep

Her eyes flew open as if she sensed the danger.
were the color of the storm clouds above, the intent shadowing them just as threatening. His gaze shifted to her hand where the dagger gleamed with purpose.
Ah, did you return to make good your threat of brandishing me a tattoo?

She scrambled to her feet, leaning
the tree trunk for support.
It is not
. Why are you up and about without a care
the sun will scorch you?

He chuckled.
Sweet innocent lass, the sun hides behind storm clouds. The rays cannot harm me.

She frowned
. "I did
know this," she murmured.

He had no doubt she'd
tucked the information away for future reference.
will be among us soon
," he added.

" Her lovely brows drew together.

Aye. You do know of

I do,
she snapped.
Do not be condescending,
Blue-eyed Devil

His lips twitched at the name sh
e'd given
I am called Bram, if you must know, but I will be sure to let my mother know of my new nickname.

I care not of your name.

May not, but I wish to know yours. It is only polite. Your clan does possess manners, do they not?

Her nostrils flared and he knew he hit a chord with her.

she bit out.

He let the name slide off his tongue.
A lovely name for a beautiful lass.
His gaze landed on the dagger clutched in her fist. He would much rather she put it away. He may heal fast, but he had no wish to feel the bite of her blade again. He studied her face. Her eyes
narrowed, hostility evident in her gaze
. He supposed in a sense they were at odds, but truly
he wished her no harm. She intrigued him and he wanted only to know her

Why do you
lurk near
. Do you wait for someone?" He could not imagine whom she would know from his clan since they were forbidden to associate unless granted permission. He had heard of no such consent.

Her face clouded with emotions he could not decipher. She whirled away from him. He followed her gaze toward the castle. What did she look for? Then he knew. Her low guttural cry of grief clawed at his insides. The black flag of death flew off the rampart. The lass Camden blooded didn
t survive. It was no surprise to him. The female had been a slight thing, no substance to her at all.

softened as he watched the grief pour off Adryanna in waves
as if the weight of such sorrow would suffocate her. Something stirred inside of him. He wanted to cradle her close and comfort her. Before he could stop his limbs from moving, he had her in his arms. Her tears dampened his shirt, but he didn
t mind. He held onto her, rubbing her back as her body racked with sobs. He never knew someone could produce so many tears. Where did she store so much fluid?

I am sorry for your loss.
The words flew from his lips with ease and he realized he truly meant
. Her sorrow affected him in a way he had not expected. He knew the Lathe Sith clan was like his clan in many ways, but it never occurred to him they would grieve the females mated to them. He waited until her sobs less
ned and her body stilled from exhaustion.

How did you know her?
" he asked.

She sniffled and
her heavy eyelashes fluttered just before she lifted them
. Her eyes were
the tender skin below was
puffy from crying, but
to him,
she could look no less beautiful.

Fianait is…
her voice choked back a sob. She took a ragged breath as if this would give her courage to face the brutal truth.
my sister.

Now he understood her grief. His fingers tucked her hair behind her ears.
You loved her.

She nodded.

What he wouldn
t do to have someone love him so deeply. He could almost believe all the Lathe Sith were emotional creatures, but he had not found another like Adryanna
weeping in the forest.
Come with me.

Apprehension narrowed her eyes and he had not forgotten about the dagger she still gripped.

He placed his hand over his leather vest, directly where his heart lay beneath.
I promise you, on my honor, you will be safe with me.
He offered her his hand.

ed at the offer for a blink of
moment then she placed her palm on his.

It was such a simple gesture of trust, but it caused his heart to flicker and leap. What was
there about
female that tempted him? Perhaps he
d have a chance to find out.

Chapter Five

I must be crazy to follow an Oiche Sith anywhere
, Adryanna thought to herself, but here she was, keeping pace with him as he held her hand. Bram
s cool grip felt somehow reassuring as if he would keep her safe as promised. She believed him. He moved with ease with his long strides. He was a figure to be reckon
with now. She could only imagine how he
after the blooding ritual. A fierce warrior, she was sure.

They travelled through the forest and away from Dungannon. Coomkeen lay to the north. She never traveled in this direction, which led to the
rugged cliffs and to the
sea. As they drew closer, the sea breeze washed over her. The air became cooler and now she wished she
d donned her shawl when she left home.

Are you chilled?

she lied for fear he would turn back.

He halted his steps and turned toward her with a half-tilted grin.
You do not speak the truth. Your hand is like ice.
He let go of her and unfastened the amber jeweled fibula at his neck and removed his mantel. He stepped toward her and wrapped the warm cloak around her shoulders. His hands rested on her for a moment longer than deemed necessary before he took her hand again.

His touch did strange things to her. She shivered inside, but felt heat spread through her veins. Everything about him was a contradiction. She hated him and at the same time craved his company. His kisses
ed her, but they also aroused her.

They strode from the trees and over a ridge where the horizon opened up for them.
In the distance, t
he sea met the darkening sky in waves of dark blue and green. The wind whipped her hair in
her face and she brushed the strands away as she drew the mantel closer.

It is beautiful.
Simple words, but she was not a bard who could command magic from lyrics.

The Heavens greet us here,
he murmured.

She glanced at him with curiosity, her gaze shifting over his strong features with appreciation. He wore a faraway expression in his eyes and she followed his line of vision.

The turbulent sea crashed over the rocks below them, both angry and glorious in the attempt to rush toward the shore.
She realized this place
held a
to him
and he shared it with her
in hopes of easing her grief. A tear slid down her cheek. Not because sorrow tore at her heart, but because no one had ever done something so thoughtful.

is beautiful and mysterious with the sky neither completely lit nor completely dark.
He had a beautiful voice meant for song and the deep resonance with a touch of roughness soothed her.
is head tilted to the side as he regarded her quizzically
is the melding of both day and night
as if they could prove amicable for a few precious hours.
His hand touched her cheek and his thumb brushed away a tear.
Like you and I, perhaps?

Amicable for few precious hours.
Meeting his gaze,
she saw
the shadow of longing made his eyes
darker blue. He offered her friendship. Had such an idea ever come to fruit between an Oiche Sith and Lath
Sith? If so, it had been centuries since such a union was forged.

It is forbidden, is it not?

, his features darkening. A slight tick at his jaw made her think
he clenched his teeth.

Forbidden. Aye
," he said.

But she heard the hurt beneath his words. Her rejection
wounded him. The Oiche Sith were more complicated creatures than she
d imagined
or maybe it was Bram who was different.
You tread on dangerous ground
, her nasty little conscious reminded her. She did not listen. Her feet
ed the distance between them and she slipped her hand into his.
I tend to do as I please. Forbidden is nothing more than a suggestion to me.

lifted a brow and gave her a long, sizing up moment
. Then a low rumble escaped him. His laughter was contagious and soon she was chortling along with him.

This was the saddest day of her life. Yet
she found solace with her enemy.

Chapter Six

It was late for a Lath
Sith to be out, but Adryanna made no move to indicate she wanted to go home. In truth, Bram had no wish to return her to Coomkeen.

They strolled along the cliff
. She must be cold. The wind had a bite to it, but she didn
t complain. She had long since sheathed her dagger. Her heart no longer leapt in fear when he reached for her. He craved her touch and more, but the feel of her hand would have to suffice. They already broke the rules. If he took her to bed and lost control, he could harm her. It was the last thing he wanted to do
– l
et alone the repercussions that would follow if he killed her by accident.

Why the frown?

Her question startled him and he smoothed his brow.
Nothing. Everything.
He touched her arm, bringing them to a stop.
I want to see you again. I don
t want tonight to be all we have. Please tell me you feel the same?

She chewed on her lower lip, but then she met his gaze.
We would have to be careful.

He understood her hesitation. She hadn
t paused because she didn
t want to see him again. She wavered over the decision for fear their time together would prove dangerous. Her assumptions were correct. He would not want to harm her, but his attraction to her was a precarious emotion. He wanted her. He wanted to kiss her, to feel her skin beneath his touch and he craved to taste her blood. His fangs lengthened on their own accord and his hand flew to his mouth. He had not lost control like this since his fangs made their appearance on his ten and sixth year. That year they would lengthen at odd moments, cutting his lip.

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