UFOs in Reality (38 page)

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Authors: T.R. Dutton

BOOK: UFOs in Reality
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As considered in Phase 3, there are all the indications that ET technology achieves that elusive control of gravity that, doubtless, many seek behind the closed doors of laboratories funded by military establishments. But the ability to convert matter into forms of radiation, as demonstrated in Phase 4, is the stuff of a new kind of physics.

My speculation is that the visiting objects may travel in nearly straight lines, at near light speeds, across our solar system, by the continual conversion of mass energy into kinetic energy

Perhaps, when they decelerate, they merely absorb energy from their surroundings to feed their minimised atomic structures and, in that way, to re-create full size solid craft? Thus, their arrivals and departures in the atmosphere may be the witnessed luminous clouds from which solid objects emerge or the brilliant flashes of light into which they are sometimes reported to disappear. The ability to traverse space at near-light-speeds would be consistent with those alignments with solar system objects I observed. These seemed to link with the arrival and departure paths identified by the AT’s processing. It seems that the ETs’ craft have no dependence on celestial mechanics during trips across our solar system. They just aim, shoot and arrive in the vicinity of their targeted planet! How they travel interstellar distances is another aspect of their technology we are unable to fathom.

Phase 8 demonstrates that SAC phenomena seem to be capable of stimulating psychic phenomena. From this evidence I infer that the ETs know more about the human mind than we know, currently, ourselves. They certainly seem to know how to manipulate human perceptions, how to produce magical effects, how to bring people into altered states of consciousness and how to persuade them to follow their bidding. The Glanville’s experiences are, in my view, obedience tests. They have been persuaded to co-operate in all sorts of ways –- for example, they have allowed their dining room table to be taken over for the ETs purposes and they do not care to interfere with the objects appearing on it. The intruders’ influences in the Glanville home seemed to release ‘spirits’ from the past. The Glanvilles were being persuaded that some of those restless spirits were of people who perished in a fire within an old inn that had once occupied that site. Their task would be to release those entities from their bondage to the site. All this led into Jeff’s ‘inspired’ drawings that mixed technological objects, ‘End Days’ imagery and, perhaps, profound information about the fate of human souls. As I commented in Phase 8, all this took me ‘out of my depth’. I do not know how real these things are, but I do know that they have taken over the lives of a lively and, otherwise, normal family.

On reflection, the doomsday idea might very well be reinforced by the escalation of the number of SAC encounters and other UFO reports during the latter half of the twentieth century. A survey of my database produced Fig. 62. The rapid growth in sightings is clearly shown.


Fig. 62


This feature may be partially caused by the great advances made in communications technology during the past sixty years, but, even so, the numbers of AT-validated events now in evidence are staggeringly large. Perhaps the ETs are developing expertise for their doomsday roles?

The NIDS Essay Competition of 1998, from which Edward Ashpole and I gained a first prize (see Phase 7), posed the question,
“If contact were to be made between humans and extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) on Earth or in the solar system, what is the most probable means by which that would occur and how would we know that the interaction had taken place?
I’m sure that whoever framed that question would not have been able to anticipate the answer now being presented by the Glanvilles. What’s more, Edward Ashpole and I would not have been able to put forward such an answer. But I think that the revelations given in this book and, particularly, by Phase 8, are indicating that the ETs are communicating with us in bizarre and unexpected ways, including by means of genuine crop formations (Phase 3). I think it would be extremely presumptuous for anyone to think that such advanced creatures could possibly meet with us on equal terms. Their intellects and knowledge seem to be literally light-years beyond our own.

My lifelong quest for understanding of the SAC/UFO phenomena began as an innocent investigation of reported aerial technology and has progressed to become a profound life-changing experience. I want to conclude by introducing a very different element, which seems, possibly, to relate to all the other elements of this amazing story.



Throughout history, people have been awed by strange things seen in the sky and by the messages of angels (ethereal messengers). Leading religions have been founded on the information given by such messengers. On consideration of those ancient encounters, which, in the most admirable cases, seem to have been attempts to
emotionally-volatile humankind, I discovered that the most profound and meaningful set of revelations,
forecasting the complete failure of all such experiments
, was to be found in the Bible, presented in the book of
Ezra 4
(Second Book of Esdras in the King James’ Apocrypha).

During the 6th century BC, the Hebrew high priest Ezra (Esdras) asks in earnest prayer for information about his captive people’s future. He receives a visit from an angel called Uriel
(Light of God), who opens the dialogue by saying Ezra’s pleas had been heard by ‘the Most High’ (
not ‘God’) and that he (Uriel) had been sent to address them. He begins by presenting Ezra with a series of tests obviously intended to explore Ezra’s knowledge base. Most of those things we would be able to demonstrate today; for example,
“Measure me a blast of wind”, “Show me the image of a voice”
. Of course, Ezra has no such knowledge. Uriel comments that if he lacks such basic earthly knowledge, how could he expect to understand things not of the Earth? But Ezra persists and then is shown more than he’d been able to anticipate or to understand. At one point in the narrative, he is asked to stand beside Uriel and not to be afraid of the noise he was going to hear, because it was in the nature of the thing he was standing on. [A piece of technology, perhaps?] He was then shown coloured imagery that could have represented either the beginning or the end of the cosmos. After this profound experience, Ezra continued to pray for further enlightenment. This resulted in several further visits from Uriel. During these, Ezra is informed that the troubles he sees around him, in Babylonian captivity, will be greatly exceeded in times to come; for example, bodies will be piled as high as the camel’s hough [hump?]. Then there will be a time when people will be visited [by the ‘Most High’?] and subjected to inquisition. Ezra is shown moving scenes depicting things yet to come in the ‘last days’.
He is told that (premature) babies of three months will be born and will survive; that there will be widespread killing and looting involving ordinary people; that there will be a general state of violent anarchy existing within the nations of the world and that no nation will be exempt from this; that there will be wars waged against Babylon [Iraq?] by a coalition of military forces and that while victuals will be plentiful and cheap for many, there will be widespread famine prevailing for others.
As he receives this information, Ezra is presented with animated images of ‘flying swords’ [finned missiles, like the Skud used by Iraq?] and ‘horrible stars’ [nuclear weapons?] being flung that can flatten cities and mountains. There is a very telling piece of information that Asia will not be exempt from all this violence and a chilling poetic forecast is made:
“And the glory of your power shall be dried up as a flower, when the heat shall arise that is sent over you”. [The atomic bombs dropped over Japan were exploded in the air, high above Hiroshima and Nagasaki.]

In my view, this 2500 years’ old revelation is a forecast that can only be for our time in history of the world. The book of Ezra 4 was relegated to the Apocrypha as
Esdras 2
by King James’ scholars, because it was regarded as being a corrupted book, written in Greek. Corrupted it seems to have been, perhaps by over-enthusiastic early Gnostic Christians, but I am convinced the main contents of the book are truly authentic. These questions then arise:
“How was Uriel able to present to Ezra such detailed information and images of our times? Is everything in the history of the world predetermined or, like the fictional Dr. Who, was Uriel a time traveller?”

It seems to me that the entities interacting with the Glanvilles of Reading, England, and with that lady in Wilmslow could be of a similar kind, but the information being given today is for the humans of today. The CE4 evidence suggests that human bodies are being investigated, human minds interrogated and, sometimes, extended to take onboard concepts never before able to be communicated. Several beautifully-executed crop formations of the early 1990s seemed to be warnings of impending doomsday. One very memorable one appeared to represent the planets and orbits of the inner solar system, with the orbit currently occupied by Earth shown to be unoccupied. Another finely executed pictogram seemed to represent an analogue clock with its final indicator close to midnight. Could it be that the programmed scrutiny of the Earth and humankind, described previously, has been established to facilitate doomsday operations? In such an emergency, all 1010 (perhaps more?) paths over the Earth could be utilised, virtually simultaneously, to maximise the number of our species able to be rescued. That’s quite a thought.

With these ‘signs of our times’, readers must now be left to ponder these things for themselves. Having arrived at conclusions beyond anything dreamt of at outset, I feel it is now time for me to sign off.


Although the main contributors and promoters of the work described by this book have already been named, there have been many others who have, over the years, played their parts – by providing information or by testing the Astronautical Theory by observation during amateur skywatches. Their invaluable interest and support is now acknowledged with my thanks. Deserving of special thanks are the important contributions made, during 1980, (Phase 2, Chapter 7) by Messrs. George Pickford, Denzil Hallam, Frank Page, and Henry Williams (graduate trainee), then members of the Computer Services Department of Hawker Siddeley Aviation, Ltd. at Woodford Airfield, Cheshire.




The Astronautical Theory for UFO Encounters

Astro-navigational links with correlated tracks – A Pilot Study

by T.R.Dutton,
Oct. 1999 & Nov. 2000 (Appendix)




The Astronautical Theory for UFO Encounters has been derived from a prolonged and objective scientific study of
the most inexplicable UFO encounters
reported worldwide. The theory demonstrates that a highly-programmed astronautical activity can be regarded as underlying virtually all such events – but
especially those involving unidentifiable aerial craft
, which, by implication, appear to be fully automated. The postulated astro-navigational nature of the programming involves reference to the stars, the Sun and, possibly, other solar system bodies. The pilot study described in this paper investigates navigational links with the latter group of objects which, hitherto, could only be suspected.


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