Undeniable (7 page)

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Authors: Abby Reynolds

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Undeniable
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I wore an olive green dress because I thought highlighted my skin tone. I tried to wear brighter colors because of my dark skin. It really brought out my eyes even though they were brown. My hair was curled and I pulled it over one shoulder. The bracelet my grandfather got me was on one wrist. After I deemed myself worthy enough to be seen in front of other people, I left my apartment and drove to the gallery.

I was nervous and I wasn’t sure why. I didn’t need to make a speech or even acknowledge I was an artist at all. I could pretend to be a spectator just hanging in the back. But I guess I feared no one would like my work. Just because no one knew the photographs belonged to me didn’t mean I wouldn’t be insulted if they criticized them.

When I arrived at the building, I stayed in the truck for a moment, trying to gather my bearings. I wished Jace were there. He didn’t care about my photography and would probably be bored the whole time, but it was better than being alone.

I finally got out and walked inside with as much grace as I could muster. It was crowded with people. Waiters carried trays of champagne and wine. People mingled near the walls, examining a sculpture or painting. Classical music played overhead.

I wasn’t sure what to do with myself, so I moved through the gallery and examined other pieces. It was probably a good thing that I didn’t have money otherwise I would buy a lot of artwork. I didn’t even have enough space on my walls to include everything.

I spotted Livia standing in front of a painting. It wasn’t hers, but she looked inspired while she stared at it.

“I like your dress.” I came beside her.

She smiled when she looked at me. “Oh my god, you look beautiful.”

I felt my cheeks redden. “Thanks.”

She wrapped her arms around me and embraced me. “Don’t be nervous. I can tell you are.”

“It’s my first time.”

Scotty appeared and handed her a glass. “Champagne, babe?”

“Thanks.” She sipped it while she grinned at him.

Scotty smiled at me. “You look nice.”

“Thanks.” Her boyfriend was so polite.

“Can I get you something to drink?” he asked.

His question just made me depressed. I was here—alone. My boyfriend never pampered me the way Scotty pampered her. I never received a look like he gave her in my life. “No, thank you.”

“Are you sure? I don’t mind.”

“It’s really okay.”

An older couple approached them.

“There are some beautiful pieces in here.” She held herself like a Stepford wife.

“There are,” Livia said. “Mom, this is my friend Alaska. She’s a photographer.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” She shook my hand.


Then she introduced her father.

I shook his hand. “Your daughter is very talented.”

“So I hear,” he said.

“Let’s keep looking.” Her mother linked her arm with her husband’s and trailed away.

Now I was really jealous. Her boyfriend and her parents were here. “You have a lovely family.”

“Except my brother.” She rolled her eyes. “He’s a classic jerk.”

“Then he must not be here.”

“No, he always comes,” she said immediately. “I just call him a jerk because I hate him. But I love him. It’s complicated…”


“There he is.” She waved him over. “I want you to meet my friend.”

My heart plummeted into my stomach when I saw the face of the man I saw every day. He lived just across the way from me. We’d butted heads as often as we got along. I just saw him a few hours ago and now I saw him again.

Ash stared me down, not reacting. His eyes lingered on my hair and face, taking me in. I couldn’t read his reaction. His eyes guarded his thoughts.

Livia didn’t notice. “Ash, this is my friend Alaska.”

In a trance, I stuck out my hand to shake his.

He took it but his grip was weak.

It was the first time we’d ever touched each other. I was surprised by how smooth his skin was. It was warm, inviting. His eyes never left my face, taking me in. Neither one of us spoke. We didn’t even shake hands. Instead, he held my hand, feeling my fingers.

Livia glanced back and forth between us. “Do you know each other…?”

Ash didn’t look at her. “Yeah…she’s a friend.”

Since I always considered him a nuisance, I never thought of him as anything more than a mere pain. “I’m his neighbor.” I thought that was a better explanation.

Livia’s eyes widened and her mouth was slightly open. “You’re neighbors…?”

Why was that surprising?

“Like, you live next door to him?” she asked.

Ash shot her a glare.

Why was this so hard for her to understand?

“And you drive an old beat up truck?” Her voice grew more excited. She was about to hop on her toes and squeal.

“How did you know that?” I asked.

“Ignore my sister,” Ash snapped. “She’s just being annoying.”

“I was the one who took Ash to get the oil.” She clapped her hands excitedly.

Ash turned red in the face.

“It’s a small world after all…” I didn’t know what else to say.

Livia grabbed Scotty’s hand. “There’s a painting I want to show you.” She yanked him away, practically spilling her champagne.

When they were gone, Ash dropped his hand and put it in his pocket. “How do you know my sister?”

“We’re doing a showcase together.”

He nodded. “I guess that isn’t surprising.” He scratched the back of his neck then returned his hand to his pocket. His eyes took me in for a long moment. “You look lovely tonight.”

Lovely? I didn’t think he was capable of saying that word. Hot or sexy sounded more suitable to his vocabulary. “Thank you.”

“The green color really compliments your skin.”

Another sweet compliment
. “Thank you.”

He kept staring at me. Finally, he tore his gaze away. He stared at the painting next to us.

He was wearing a black suit with a gray tie. It fit his chest perfectly, and the pants made his legs look slim. His shirt was cuffed at the wrists and he wore a Rolex. He looked like a million bucks. His blue eyes glowed in the dim lighting of the gallery, and his chin was free of hair. He must have just shaved. His hair was short and styled, making him look like an executive or stockbroker. “You look handsome.” I said it without thinking twice about it.

He turned back to me, his eyes a little softer than before. “Thank you.”

Silence stretched for a minute. He stared at me and I stared back at him.

What the hell was going on?

The tension was killing me. “Did your patient like your gift?”

It took him a moment to process what I said. “She didn’t know what it was at first, but once I explained it to her, she was very excited. And she’s also excited about all the games.”

I smiled. “Sounds like you made her day.”

“I think I made it a little better. It’s the least I can do.”

“What did she do for you?” I asked.

He rubbed his chin then returned his hand to his pocket. “She made me a better doctor. She taught me to be more compassionate. And she taught me not to be scared of getting close to other people. Loss is a part of life. And it’s better to get close enough to the fire to burned than to never feel the warmth at all.”

This was the side of him that I loved. When he was real and open, he was interesting and true. His soul was beautiful and he was a joy to be around. His words echoed in my mind long after he said them. “You’re a beautiful person.” I wasn’t thinking before I spoke. He was being vulnerable with me so I decided to do it back. “I like this side of you. I want to see him more often.”

Ash continued to stare at me, but his reaction was hidden. I felt my heartbeat in my chest, and it quickened the longer he looked at me. His eyes were no longer guarded and I could see whom he was underneath, but just a sliver. There was more to his depths than shallow water.

I waited for him to respond but he never did. He stared at me and I stared back at him, getting lost in his eyes. Everyone moved around us, but I felt isolated from the room. Classes clanked together and people spoke in quiet conversation, but I felt like Ash and I were having a conversation of our own. I just couldn’t understand it.

“There you are.” Payton touched my arm. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

It took me a moment to break the trance. “Hey.” I looked at her purple dress. “You look nice.”

She looked me up and down. “And you look hot.”

I chuckled. My sister was always so blunt. “Thanks.”

She turned to Ash. “Ooh…who’s this?”

Should I say neighbor? Friend?

“Friend,” Ash finished for me. He shook my sister’s hand. “Ash. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Payton.” She batted her eyelashes at him. Then she turned back to me. “Let’s head to the stage. They are about to have the bidding.”

“I’ll be there in a second.”

She drifted away.

Ash was staring at me again.

I fidgeted in place. “I think you and I got off on the wrong foot…”

“No, we didn’t.” His voice was quiet. “I was a jerk to you. Your initial impression of me was dead on. All I wanted was to sleep with you.”

His honesty caught me off guard. “Is that what you still want?”

“No…I’d like a friendship as well.”

As well?

“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think you were the most beautiful, most desirable woman I’d ever seen. The moment I saw you, I wanted you. I’d like to say I’m a perfect gentleman with only pure thoughts, but I’m not. However, I do respect you and I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable. If all I’ll ever get from you is friendship, I’ll settle for that.”

I was the most desirable woman he’d ever seen? No one had ever said anything like that to me before. I was lucky if I could get Jace to look at me the way he gawked at our waitress. He sat on the other side of the couch from me, acting like I wasn’t even there. He never held my hand anymore. He never stared at me the way Ash did. I didn’t feel beautiful with him, and I certainly didn’t feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

“I’m sorry if my words made you uncomfortable. But you asked me a question and I answered it. I may be a jerk, but I’m an honest one. I’ll tell you exactly what I’m thinking and I won’t shy away from the truth. Some people find it refreshing. Others despise me for it. I’m not sure which one you are…”

“I’m not sure either…”

He stared at me for a few seconds. “Either way, I’d like it if we could be friends. While arguing with you is fun, I’d prefer a normal conversation once in a while.” The humor was in his eyes.

“I’d like that too.”

He extended his hand to shake mine. “Friends?”

I smiled then shook it. “Friends.”

He dropped his hand then walked with me to the stage where the auction was being held. He stood beside his sister while I joined mine.

“He’s cute,” she whispered in my ear.

“He’s my neighbor,” I whispered back.

“Seriously? I’m officially your new roommate.”

I rolled my eyes.

Rydell quieted the crowd. “We did something a little different this time. Two of my most accomplished artists teamed up together and created a different form of art. One represents reality, while another represents wishful thinking. Each photograph and painting will be auctioned off separately.” He cleared his throat then began with the first painting. “
The Purple Meadow
. The auction is now open.”

Hands shot in the air, and people immediately made their bids.


“A thousand.”

“Two thousand.”

Holy shit.

I eyed Livia, seeing the shock on her face. Scotty was staring at her, a smirk on his lips. Her mother gripped her shoulder, clenching her hands in excitement. Pride was on her father’s face. Ash grabbed her hand and held it within his own.

“Going once…going twice…sold to the lady in red.”

Applause broke out.

Livia’s mother kissed her on the cheek. “You’re blessed with such talent, dear.”

My heart hurt just from watching them. They were such a close family. They surrounded her, showering her with love and adoration. They were a unit, a team. She was loved by everyone, showered with affection.

I didn’t have parents because neither one of them wanted me.

“Our next piece is
The Never Ending Sky
. The auction is officially open.”

Just like last time, people bid like crazy.


“Twenty-five hundred.”


“Going once….going twice…sold.”

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