Valentine Wishes (Baxter Academy Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Valentine Wishes (Baxter Academy Book 1)
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Chapter Twenty-Four

don’t really want
to go back in the house, but I don’t really have a choice. I used to love that it was a big old plantation house, but not anymore. It’s too big. So many places to hide and only Brett and I will be living there.

His uncle and Russ Harper, along with my Uncle Gary went through the house, room by room, from the attic to the basement, making sure nobody was hiding inside while Brett, Theo and I stood in the foyer. If anyone was going to try and sneak away while they were searching, we’d see them.

I’m not sure if Brett did it more for me, or because they wanted to make certain too. All the windows have been latched and the doors locked. Nobody was getting inside without breaking something.

Grandma is still in the hospital but she’ll get out in a few days and I hope this is over by then or she’ll have to go live with my Aunt Cheryl. As it is, we haven’t even told her what is going on. Not with her heart condition. She doesn’t need the worry.

Theo wanted to come back home too, but Brett finally convinced him that it’s best if he doesn’t.

So, it will be just the two of us. Waiting.

Brett’s on duty, but he’s not. More like paid leave since he’s being watched too, but also acting as an investigator, and guard, and keeping alert.

“Let’s take my stuff to your room.” Brett grins at me as if this is a fun adventure. I get that he’s trying to cheer me up, but its creepy being in this big old house, just the two of us.

“Did they talk to Ashley yet?” I ask as I start to change the bed with clean linens. If Brett is going to sleep with me, I want clean sheets on the bed. I don’t think I’ve changed them in a couple of weeks.

“No, they are waiting until she is off work and going to talk to her at the house.”

“Why?” I thought they were in a hurry to figure this out.

“We still think he’s a member of the fitness club and they don’t want to tip their hand that we may be onto him.”

She is so going to wig out when the FBI shows up on her doorstep.

“There’s something else I need to tell you,” Brett says and my heart skips a beat.

“Greg and Ingrid took an apartment in town.”

“Greg and Ingrid?”

He chuckles. “Agent Greg Smith and Agent Ingrid Bruce.”

Oh, they were two of the agents who interviewed me yesterday. “Why? It’s not like this is a major crime, serial killer or terrorist plot stuff.”

“True.” Brett tosses the pillows on the bed. “They are the only two that the agency can afford to spare, but we rarely get a chance to catch someone escalating before the worst of the worst happens.”

A chill runs down my spine. Brett doesn’t have to say torture and death. I’ve watched enough crime shows to know what follows.

“And me, another agent, could possibly be the first target, to get me out of the way to get to you. The government just spent a lot of money seeing me educated and they don’t want that wasted.” He laughs.

I love that he’s trying to make light of this, but it really isn’t helping.

“They are going to join the club and keep an ear out.”

“Won’t that seem odd if they are there all the time?”

“Not much else they can do. One of the things they still wanted to check out was the owner and maybe get temporary jobs.”

“Something they should have checked out sooner or at least mentioned to me,” I say as I grab my phone and punch in Uncle Bob’s number.


“My uncle owns it the place.”

Brett shakes his head. “We probably should have caught that before now.”

t least Jackie’s
relaxed some. We walked down and joined the campers for s’mores then came back to the house and watched some television. While Jackie soaks in the tub, I check the security on the house one more time and then call the agents assigned to the case and tell them they have jobs and to report when they get a chance. They’d already talked to Ashley, who promised not to let on she knows anything or to change how she does anything either.

They’ve been able to narrow the list down to five guys because they were part of both productions and belong to the fitness club. Ashley assured the agents that they worked out regularly, knew Ashley and Jackie were best friends, and all had asked about her why Jackie hadn’t auditioned. It’s not much, and not enough to haul any of them in for questioning, but enough to keep a closer eye on them.

I’m also going to start working out regularly again, leaving Jackie with her uncle when I do. I’ve seen the pictures and know what these guys look like so I’m ready to go. Jackie will keep her Friday morning meeting at the diner with Ashley, but I won’t be there, which I do not like. But, Greg and Ingrid will and I’ll just have to trust them to keep her safe.

I just turned off the lights downstairs and return to her bedroom. She’s just stepping out of the bathroom and has a big, fluffy towel wrapped around her body. The dick goes on alert.
Now is not the time, boy

Jackie’s been through too much. Last night was so not the time to have sex with her, and I doubt tonight is any better.

She gives me a shy smile and I shut the door.

I take a step toward her and pull my shirt over my head, then reach for snap on my jeans. She just stands there, watching. Her breaths are just a little shallower, not that most people would notice, but one of the things I’ve been trained in is to watch for changes in the eyes and changes to breathing patterns.

Jackie skims me from head to foot and back again, eyes dilating and it’s impossible not to get hard under her perusal. And, since I’m wearing boxers I can’t exactly hide my reaction to her.

“Ready for bed?” she asks.

“If you are.”

The side of her mouth tips up as she reaches for the top of her towel, untucks the end and lets it fall to the floor.

My mouth goes dry as my cock jumps to attention. She is so fucking perfect from her rounded boobs with hard, coral nipples, flat belly, long, gorgeous legs and neatly trimmed dark nether curls.

I cross the room and pull her against me, devouring her mouth like I’ve been starved as I grab the globes of her ass and lift her against me. Jackie moans and rubs her pussy against me and it’s all I can do not to shove down my boxers and thrust into her.

I pull back and take a breath. I am not going to take her against a wall again. This time we have a bed. A very comfortable one and I’m going to use it. In two strides I cross to it, and gently toss her in to the center though her legs are hanging over the side. Perfect!


Jackie blinks up at me. “What?”

“I don’t have condoms.”
Not that I’m going to let it stop me from doing anything for her.

“Next to you.” She grins. “Top drawer of the nightstand.”


“Just part of the toiletries I picked up at the store.” She grins up at me, very pleased with herself.

I grab one out of the box, tear it open then slide the condom over my cock. Jackie is watching me the entire time and her breath fluctuates again. She isn’t the only one with breathing and pulse issues.

Once it’s secure I look down at her. Where to begin? A feast is laid out before me and I’m going to delight in every morsel. Leaning forward I brace my hands on the side of the bed and kiss her. Long and deep. Short and breathless, before nibbling on her jaw, ear and neck, making my way to that perfect coral tip.

Jackie bends her legs, putting her heels at the corner of the mattress and lifts herself before snaking a leg around my hip. I’m glad that she’s eager for me to get in her, but I’m not even there yet. I didn’t get a chance to enjoy her body before and I’m not going to rush through it this time.

I nibble on one nipple and then the other as Jackie presses her pussy against me. It’s nearly torture not to just have done with it and thrust inside her warm, tight heat, but I’m going to do this right and savor everything.

Gently I push her hips back against the bed and continue my tasting south. Her stomach muscles tighten and she giggles.

“Sensitive much?”

“I’m ticklish,” she grounds out.

“Well let me see if I can fix that.” And lift her hips so her legs are over my shoulders and drop to my knees. Parting her folds I slide my fingers into the wet heat and draw it back before I lean in and taste, then lick.

The hidden pearl of womanhood swells beneath my tongue and I lap at it while mimicking the rhythm with my fingers. Her moans matching each thrust. Her thighs tightening, her stomach muscles contracting until she lifts her hips off the bed and cries out.

That was quicker than I anticipated and I bring her back down until her hips are resting again on the bed and stand. She’s panting and looking up at me.

I lift her hips again, step forward and thrust. Jackie moans and arches and I end up taking a nipple in my mouth as I plummet over and over. Her walls tighten around me and I find her nub again. I can’t hold off much longer but I want to make her come again. Just as she squeezes me and screams again, I thrust as deep as I can and fill the damn condom hoping to hell it doesn’t break.

Chapter Twenty-Five

rett is lying
next to me, his hand on my stomach and we are both panting. Holy crap that was something. I was never really into oral sex. I didn’t mind giving it to a guy, I just didn’t get into it being on the receiving end. Well, until now.

“That was nice,” he finally says

“Yeah, it was. You’ve got talent.”

“Research.” He laughs.

“Really?” Did I really want to know what kind of research? How many girls had he done that too?

I shut down the question immediately. None of my business. He is here with me right now.

“I heard a very important conversation between my two older sisters,” Brett explains. “I think their exact words were, “he didn’t even know what a clit was, let alone where to find it.”

I burst out laughing because I’ve thought the same thing a few times.

“I was thirteen and this seemed to be very important to my older sister, so I decided this was the one thing I had better figure out.”

I have to laugh again because he’s so serious and I can imagine a thirteen-year-old Boy Scout researching the clitoris. “Exactly how did you do that?”

“Mom had a copy of the
Joy of Sex
at the back of her closet.”

“You didn’t!” He went through his mom’s closet?

“She had a lot of stuff back there, all covered in dust so I figured those weren’t being used anymore.”

Kind of sucks for his mom. “So, you took it?”

“Yep, read every page.” He grins. “I wasn’t going to be that guy a girl complained about not knowing what a clit was or where to find it. Then, I had to make sure I knew what to do with it when found.” He gets all serious on me. “I was very proud of myself.”

“Well, Boy Scout, if they had a merit badge for that activity, you earned it in spades.”

He leans over me. “Just so you know, feasting is one of my favorite activities.”

“And you do it so very well.”

Last night was amazing. The sex and then sleeping with Jackie. Today, I might as well be impotent. She left to meet Ashley for breakfast, like she does every Friday morning in the summer, but I can’t go. I’ve never gone and it would be suspicious if I do now. I called Greg and Ingrid when she left and I know they will be at the diner too. Probably following her since they were at the entrance to the park, waiting, when I called. Still, I should be the one watching and protecting her. Instead, I’m left to wander around this house and make my own breakfast.

Not that I mind doing that. I’ve cooked for myself for years, but it isn’t enough to keep me busy and my mind off of Jackie not being with me.

“Hey!” Theo says as he comes in the back door.

“Hey!” I answer.

He’s got his camera around his neck. It isn’t much different than the one I use at crime scenes. “Want to do me a favor?”

He eyes me suspiciously. “What?”

“Show me how to use that thing better.” Then I tell him how I want to get better pics of crime scenes and wonder if he has any tips.

“Sure thing, FBI man.” Theo grins at me and then steals the bacon off of my plate.

“You know, I can make you some.”

“That’d be great.”

I throw more bacon into the skillet.

“And while you are cooking, you can tell me about your intentions toward my sister.”

I turned around a looked at him. “Is this the dark ages? Intentions?” It sounds like something I’d read in one of those damn historical romance novels.

“Hey, dude. She’s my only sister and I don’t want you fucking her over and breaking her heart.”

I get that. “Don’t worry, I’m not fucking with her.”

“Seriously.” Theo comes to his feet. “I need to know that you aren’t going to hurt her. I need to know that she is going to be okay.”

There’s an edge to his voice that I can’t quite figure out. I set the fork aside and turn to him, looking Theo in the eye out of respect. “I like your sister a lot. Probably more than like,” I admit. “It’s a new relationship and we’re just getting to know one another. But, I promise, I have no intention of hurting her or messing with her. We will either be or both decide we are not meant to be.”

“No games.”

My jaw tightens and then I relax it. He’s only watching out for Jackie. I get that. I have four sisters. “I don’t believe in games and the moment someone tries them with me, I’m out the door, so I can promise I am not playing any with your sister.”

He stares me down, studying me, and then nods his head and takes a seat.

“We good?”

“We’re good.” He nods to the stove. “Now finish my breakfast.”

I shake my head and go back to cooking. I get that Theo is worried, but something doesn’t sit right and it’s bugging me. My gut churns but I can’t quite figure out why or what I’m missing. “Scrambled or over easy.”

“Scrambled, and more bacon.”

Maybe after breakfast and while we are taking pictures I’ll figure it out.

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